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Pau D'arco Tea

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I will suggest that you try a little honey with your tea. I will not drink

Pom Wonderful due to high content of sugar.


In a message dated 5/30/2010 7:14:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

missnoname37@... writes:

Has anyone been able to make this tea more palatable? I was mixing it with

Pom Wonderful but that has a lot of sugar in it. Pau d'arco tea by itself,

even diluted with water with stevia added makes me gag. I've noticed that

since I've gotten cancer, I have less tolerance for horrible tasting

food/drink. Before I simply did not care but now I just can't choke it down.


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Tried that. Don't like it.


Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

Re: [ ] Pau d'arco Tea

I will suggest that you try a little honey with your tea. I will not drink

Pom Wonderful due to high content of sugar.


In a message dated 5/30/2010 7:14:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

missnoname37@... writes:

Has anyone been able to make this tea more palatable? I was mixing it with

Pom Wonderful but that has a lot of sugar in it. Pau d'arco tea by itself,

even diluted with water with stevia added makes me gag. I've noticed that

since I've gotten cancer, I have less tolerance for horrible tasting

food/drink. Before I simply did not care but now I just can't choke it down.


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Thanks though Jim. POM Wonderful makes it drinkable for me. I even tried lemon

and lemon peel...still not good. Wish I liked it as it is very good for BC.


Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

Re: [ ] Pau d'arco Tea

I will suggest that you try a little honey with your tea. I will not drink

Pom Wonderful due to high content of sugar.


In a message dated 5/30/2010 7:14:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

missnoname37@... writes:

Has anyone been able to make this tea more palatable? I was mixing it with

Pom Wonderful but that has a lot of sugar in it. Pau d'arco tea by itself,

even diluted with water with stevia added makes me gag. I've noticed that

since I've gotten cancer, I have less tolerance for horrible tasting

food/drink. Before I simply did not care but now I just can't choke it down.


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I don't like the taste, however, sometimes I add a bit of lemon juice to just

alter the taste a bit. Perhaps you could put it in your mind it is 'medicine'

and the doctor ordered it. Hold you nose and drink. As most have come to

learn, Pau d' Arco has a lot of 'good' recommendations and from the advice given

to me, " drink copious amounts of it " .

Joe C.

Has anyone been able to make this tea more palatable? I was mixing it with

Pom Wonderful but that has a lot of sugar in it. Pau d'arco tea by itself,

even diluted with water with stevia added makes me gag. I've noticed that

since I've gotten cancer, I have less tolerance for horrible tasting

food/drink. Before I simply did not care but now I just can't choke it down.


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make tincture


> Has anyone been able to make this tea more palatable? I was mixing it with

Pom Wonderful but that has a lot of sugar in it. Pau d'arco tea by itself, even

diluted with water with stevia added makes me gag. I've noticed that since I've

gotten cancer, I have less tolerance for horrible tasting food/drink. Before I

simply did not care but now I just can't choke it down.


> Louise


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Joe, Where do you get your Pau d arco?

Thanks, Robyn

From: JoeCastron

Sent: Sun, May 30, 2010

Subject: Re:Pau d'arco Tea

I don't like the taste, however, sometimes I add a bit of lemon juice to just

alter the taste a bit. Perhaps you could put it in your mind it is 'medicine'

and the doctor ordered it. Hold you nose and drink. As most have come to

learn, Pau d' Arco has a lot of 'good' recommendations and from the advice given

to me, " drink copious amounts of it " .

Joe C.

You wrote:

Has anyone been able to make this tea more palatable?............


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I have been happy with Pacific Botanicals, their prices, and they offer two

grinds. Powder that recommends and the Shredded. Filtering out the

rough-stuff from the powder is an effort but at the end, if you use Cheese

Cloth, you can decanter the residue. I'm glad to see you interested in getting

Pau d' Arco.

Joe C.

Thanks, Robyn

From: JoeCastron

Sent: Sun, May 30, 2010

Subject: Re:Pau d'arco Tea

I don't like the taste, however, sometimes I add a bit of lemon juice to just

alter the taste a bit. Perhaps you could put it in your mind it is 'medicine'

and the doctor ordered it. Hold you nose and drink. As most have come to learn,

Pau d' Arco has a lot of 'good' recommendations and from the advice given to me,

" drink copious amounts of it " .

Joe C.

You wrote:

Has anyone been able to make this tea more palatable?............


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It seems people think it works.


Thanks,  Robyn

From: JoeCastron


I have been happy with Pacific Botanicals, their prices, and they offer two

grinds. Powder that recommends and the Shredded. Filtering out the

rough-stuff from the powder is an effort but at the end, if you use Cheese

Cloth, you can decanter the residue. I'm glad to see you interested in getting

Pau d' Arco.

Joe C.

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It does. I spoke with a woman who gave it to her husband, 4 c/day. He had

stage 4 stomach cancer, nothing Dr.'S could do. In addition she put him on a

strict diet. His tests now show him as 'cancer free'.


Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

Re: [ ] Pau d'arco Tea

It seems people think it works.


Thanks,  Robyn

From: JoeCastron


I have been happy with Pacific Botanicals, their prices, and they offer two

grinds. Powder that recommends and the Shredded. Filtering out the

rough-stuff from the powder is an effort but at the end, if you use Cheese

Cloth, you can decanter the residue. I'm glad to see you interested in getting

Pau d' Arco.

Joe C.

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Below is an article i have saved long time ago. The last time i checked on this

article, i found portion on doc and brother missing. Then when i checked again,

entire article was gone. I am posting for everyone to read. Maybe they put it

back, i don't know, but all i know is that i saved this one.




This article is one of the first printed, years ago, in a U.S. publication about

the curing powers of Pau d'Arco. It is reprinted here from " The Spotlight " which

is a " populist " weekly newspaper published in Washinton, D.C. Could an ancient

South American Indian folk medicine cure many types of cancer? Physicians and

former cancer patients say yes. This has been widely reported on in newspapers

in Latin America, but not in the U.S.

South American physicians are using Indian folk medicine to successfully treat

various forms of cancer - including leukemia - and other debilitating disease,

but news of the cures has not made it into the American media.

According to reports published in various South American periodicals prior to

the establishment-imposed blackout, the inner bark of two South American trees

of the Bignoniaceae family are used successfully in the treatment of various

diseases, including cancer.

A brew made with the inner bark of Lapacho Colorado (Tabebuia Avellanedae) or

Lapacho Morado (Tabebuia Altissima) seems to attack the cause of the disease,

according to medical reports.

Lapacho Colorado, or red lapacho - so called because of its scarlet flowers -

grows in the warmer part of South America: Brazil, northern Argentina, Paraguay,

Bolivia etc. It was commonly used by the medicine men of the Guarani and

Tupi-Nambo Indians long before the advent of the Spanish in the New World.

Another name for the lapachos is ipes, a name used in southern Brazil. Red

lapacho is called ipe roxo. Still another name for the trees is pau d'arco; red

lapacho is called pau d'arco roxo. " Pau d'arco " means " bow stick " ; the natives

use the wood to make their bows for archery.

The red lapacho is very common in its range, the tropical lowlands.The lapacho

morado, or purple lapacho, grows in cooler climes - in the Andes, for example.

In its range, it is not rare.

Red lapacho was discovered by the white man's medicine some 20 years ago at

Americana - a suburb of Sao o, Brazil. That was where several hundred

Confederate families homesteaded at the invitation of Emperor Dom Pedro II after

the South was lost.


The story of cancer-curing properties of the tropical bark begins about 20 years

ago, when a Sao o family had a homecoming party after a trip to Rio de

Janeiro. During dinner they told the story of a young relative of theirs - a

girl who was stricken with cancer.

The medical establishment had given up on the girl and had told the parents that

she did not have long to live. But a great aunt had contacted an Indian tribal

doctor who said that cancer could be cured with the brew made from the bark of a

certain tree.The medicine man gave the woman a little bag of that bark.

The young girl and her parents at first disdained the medicine man's concoction.

But then the sick girl had a strange dream. She saw a friar who told her: " Drink

tea brewed with the bark the Indian gave you, and you will get well. " At first

she paid no attention to the dream, but as her pain increased, the dream

repeated itself.

Finally she decided to try the tea. [Could this friar be the Catholic St. Padre

Pio, a known Capuchin priest who bilocated and still appears in people's

dreamshealingthem to this day? - ]

Her pain vanished. Encouraged by the results, she continued to take the medicine

every morning. Within a month, she was well, and her regular doctor told her

parents that no trace of her cancer could be found.The hosts had brought back a

bag of the bark as a souvenir.


One of the guests at the party was a medical doctor from the nearby town of

Santo Andre, who showed great interest in the bark and begged a sample.

Dr. Orlando dei Santi - the guest left the party early and went directly to the

Municipal Hospital of Santo Andre, another suburb of Sao o, where he was a

resident physician. There, his cancer-stricken brother lay, near death. The

cancer victim had just undergone a second operation, and his condition had been

declared " inoperable and terminal. " He was beyond Establishment treatment.

In the course of his medical studies, dei Santi had been taught the need to

study methodically any empirical remedy, such as those used by Indian tribes,

before even thinking of using it. He had learned that the medical researcher

" must " first try to extract the active part or parts of the plant claimed to

have the therapeutic value.

Then the researcher must test the extracts in the laboratory on animals, and

finally on human volunteers. One must patent the drug and get a respected

pharmaceutical manufacturer to produce the resulting pills, extracts, etc.

Only then - once the medicine is on the market - could one consider using it on

a patient. Otherwise, a doctor would be defenseless against charges of

malpractice and face the danger of losing his medical license. That, of course,

is the proper procedure approved by the medical authorities in Brazil and

throughout the rest of the civilized world.

Fortunately for the dying cancer victim in the Santo Andre Municipal Hospital,

his brother was one doctor who decided not to adhere to the orthodox procedures

in this case.

Instead, he took the bark, boiled it in white wine, mixed the still-hot brew

with orange juice and let his brother drink the concoction on an empty stomach.

As if by a miracle, the patient's pain disappeared, and he was able to sleep

soundly. After a month of uninterupted treatment with the brew, he was

discharged from the hospital. A thorough examination had found no trace of

cancer remaining.


After this startling development, the physicians at the Municipal Hospital of

Santo Andre decided to break the rules for the benefit of other cancer patients,

beginning with those of the " terminal " list. This happened near the end of 1960.

Since then, the physicians at the small provincial town hospital have noticed

that the pain suffered by patients with leukemia or other cancers disappeared

within hours after they received the brew made from the inner bark of pau d'arco

roxo. They also found that, within 30 days of treatment with this medicine, most

patients no longer showed any symptoms of the dread disease.

They noticed that many other afflictions from which some of the cancer patients

suffered - such as diabetes - would disappear even more quickly than the cancer.

The physicians were amazed.

Since the early 1960s, this bark has been used regularly at the Municipal

Hospital of Santo Andre to treat leukemia as well as numerous diseases where

viruses were suspected as the cause. Both the herb stores and the " legitimate "

pharmacies in Brazil now carry this bark.

" O Cruzeiro " (March 18 and 25, 1967), the respected Rio de Janeiro weekly,

published two long, illustrated articles about this remedy and the Municipal

Hospital of Santo Andre, where it is used to cure a host of diseases. One of the

pictures shows a patient's chart at the head of his bed. Below the patient's

name, age, etc is the diagnosis: " cancer of the lung. " And, further below, in

large handwritten letters, the prescription:

Pau d'Arco


All content and design, Copyright © 2001 PAU-D-ARCO.COM - .

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I've to correct here some points. It is not lapachol having all the properties

you mentioned, it is another nathtoquinone called beta lapachone. This one is

present only in trace in classical tabebuia avellanedae extract. Beta lapachone

is so powerfull that it is in phase II clinical trial. Lapachol was drawn back

at NCI due to toxic reaction like anemia.


From: Leonard

Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 6:06 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Pau d'arco Tea

my notes:

Pau d'Arco/Tahebo/Lapacho (active ingredient lapachol/beta-lapachone)—

“Major US cancer centers are also looking seriously at pao d'arco:

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12188909 "


Indications and Synergism:

“I use it with most cancer patients…does not…adversely affect any other

cancer treatment that I use [Gammill, 2/10/10]…I always use it with those

patients who are using taxol/[taxo derivatives/]yew…synergism†(Gammill,

9/21/04); “[10 yrs ago] we started using pau d'arco...we found ourselves

reaching for it more and more. It often seemed to work as a stand alone, it

seemed to help most other therapies and hindered none†Gammill, 8/8/08; " pau

d'arco...I am always recommending it...The main active component is very soluble

in DMSO " Gammill, 11/4/09; may enhance effects of cartilage; very effective

w/most cancers and particularly w/leukemia (including child leukemia) and BC;

also effective w/myeloma enhances immunity

Dosage and administration:

“the dosages need to be much higher than those commonly usedâ€; ideally use

decoction or tincture (rather than tablets or capsules) ; take w/food; may cause

nausea the 1st few days. If you don’t like the taste, try adding lemon juice.

“cytotoxic to gliomas: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9398050

....apoptosis in glioma cells: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15837761â€


Mechanisms of Action:

“alterative, antibiotic, anti-fungal…anti-viral…anodyne, analgesic,

astringent, parasiticide….contains Lapachol, a quinone…antitumorâ€;

“stops mitosis†(Gammill); " I just looked at the chemical components of pau

d'arco and I think that it probably does inhibit ATP production. There are a lot

of quinones in there...Coenzyme Q10 [CoQ10] would nullify this effect and is

likely the target of these exogenous quinones " Mike Golden, D.C. 9/18/08;

" lapachol…shown to be effective at killing cancer cells in the presence of a

detoxication enzyme called NQO1, which is over-expressed in GBM...Lapachol has

been shown to radiosensitize and chemosensitize cancer cells that over-express

NQO1 "


To order,

Use good brand, such as

Pacific Botanicals (I think Gammill recommends their powdered pau d'arco as of


www.southernherb.com “reliable, good prices, all from Hanna Kroegerâ€

www.pau-d-arco.com ( DeLongs)

www.Princetea.com (good brand; $25/lb; affiliated w/ DeLongs)


www.aomega.com/lforce/price.htm (good, economical brand)

909-678-1700 ($10/lb; " well-crafted " , excellent brand)

For more info,



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you are right. But from inner bark tabebuia, the right part to extract from you

don't have lapachol. This one is in the bark. We are very specialized in this

extract, with all the expertise to get certified 3% level naphtoquinones but not

lapachol, only alpha and beta lapachone, these were encapsulated in cylco

dextrins to get solubility and improved assimilation.

From: JoeCastron

Re: Pau D'Arcy Tea

It is my understanding the problems with Lapachol is that they used it in an

isolated form thereby changing how our body reacts to it. I have used Pau d'

Arco in large amounts, on and off for more than 4 years and some times in

amounts equaling 3 eight ounce glasses a day. Interestingly enough it has been

explained to me that it is 'more' than just the Lapachol that is important in

cancer treatment.

Joe C.

From: Gevaert

Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 2:45 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Pau d'arco Tea


I've to correct here some points. It is not lapachol having all the properties

you mentioned, it is another nathtoquinone called beta lapachone. This one is

present only in trace in classical tabebuia avellanedae extract. Beta lapachone

is so powerfull that it is in phase II clinical trial. Lapachol was drawn back

at NCI due to toxic reaction like anemia.


From: Leonard

Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 6:06 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Pau d'arco Tea

my notes:

Pau d'Arco/Tahebo/Lapacho (active ingredient lapachol/beta-lapachone)—

“Major US cancer centers are also looking seriously at pao d'arco:

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12188909 "


Indications and Synergism:

“I use it with most cancer patients…does not…adversely affect any other

cancer treatment that I use [Gammill, 2/10/10]…I always use it with those

patients who are using taxol/[taxo derivatives/]yew…synergism†(Gammill,

9/21/04); “[10 yrs ago] we started using pau d'arco...we found ourselves

reaching for it more and more. It often seemed to work as a stand alone, it

seemed to help most other therapies and hindered none†Gammill, 8/8/08; " pau

d'arco...I am always recommending it...The main active component is very soluble

in DMSO " Gammill, 11/4/09; may enhance effects of cartilage; very effective

w/most cancers and particularly w/leukemia (including child leukemia) and BC;

also effective w/myeloma enhances immunity

Dosage and administration:

“the dosages need to be much higher than those commonly usedâ€; ideally use

decoction or tincture (rather than tablets or capsules) ; take w/food; may cause

nausea the 1st few days. If you don’t like the taste, try adding lemon juice.

“cytotoxic to gliomas: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9398050

....apoptosis in glioma cells: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15837761â€


Mechanisms of Action:

“alterative, antibiotic, anti-fungal…anti-viral…anodyne, analgesic,

astringent, parasiticide….contains Lapachol, a quinone…antitumorâ€;

“stops mitosis†(Gammill); " I just looked at the chemical components of pau

d'arco and I think that it probably does inhibit ATP production. There are a lot

of quinones in there...Coenzyme Q10 [CoQ10] would nullify this effect and is

likely the target of these exogenous quinones " Mike Golden, D.C. 9/18/08;

" lapachol…shown to be effective at killing cancer cells in the presence of a

detoxication enzyme called NQO1, which is over-expressed in GBM...Lapachol has

been shown to radiosensitize and chemosensitize cancer cells that over-express

NQO1 "


To order,

Use good brand, such as

Pacific Botanicals (I think Gammill recommends their powdered pau d'arco as of


www.southernherb.com “reliable, good prices, all from Hanna Kroegerâ€

www.pau-d-arco.com ( DeLongs)

www.Princetea.com (good brand; $25/lb; affiliated w/ DeLongs)


www.aomega.com/lforce/price.htm (good, economical brand)

909-678-1700 ($10/lb; " well-crafted " , excellent brand)

For more info,



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