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Re: Chemo drug is a killer, cancer specialists warn

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Adramyacin killed my best friend Rhonda back in 1995. She has stage II breast

cancer and a really excellent prognosis. This drug is still routinely given to

women all over the U.S. for breast cancer. How many women's hearts have been

damaged or even died because of it? Rhonda got CHF, congestive heart failure at

age 38 and died within a month of being diagnosed. I was devastated.

This is the side to oncology that is really bad. And the profits the

pharmeuctical industry makes is hideous.

Chemo can help sometimes. I have recently read of some Stage IV women with mets

to the lungs and liver who had chemo and are still kicking around for 4-5 years.

I wouldn't 100% rule out all chemo if my cancer progresses. But there is a lot

of bad stuff out there and it is criminal what the FDA allows.

Chemo drug is a killer, cancer specialists warn

Published on Sunday, July 12, 2009

by Healthy News Service

A common chemotherapy drug may be a killer and is even killing

patients who were free of cancer, and who may have had many years of

life ahead of them, oncologists fear.

Many cancer patients are hypersensitive to the chemotherapy drug

Cremophor-based paclitaxel, and some fatally so. Around 287 cases of

hypersensitivity, and 109 deaths, have been reported, but as just 1 per cent of

reactions are ever recorded, the true picture is far worse.

Cremophor is a chemical solvent, and experts suspect that people are

reacting to it.

Two of the fatalities were women who had been successfully treated for

early-stage breast cancer, and had been given the chemotherapy to stop

the cancer returning.

(Source: 45th annual meeting, American Society of Clinical Oncology).

Provided by What Doctors Don't Tell You


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Yesterday, I was on the phone with a woman I know who was given adramyacin. Is

this the drug the women knick-named the Red Devil? If women were more educated

about this crap, I think they wouldn't choose to take it. Many young women in

our group are knowledgable now - due to the sharing of information - and will

refuse this drug.

The woman I was on the phone with went into heart failure. The doctors poking

around in her heart, dislodged a clot which caused a serious stroke. This woman

has been through the ringer with heart surgeries, etc. She said if she knew

then what she knows now, she would have never done chemo. She said she would

have taken her chances with cancer. She has very little quality of life now.

She just had a new pacemaker installed and the doctors diagnosed her with

adrenal fatigue.

These stories make me so sad.


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Adramycin is the reason why I have boycotted the G. Komen Foundation since

1995 when my friend Rhonda died of it. Imagine my horror that MY oncologist is

the one who I got her to come to. Rhonda's last words to me were, " I asked the

doctor, 'Are you trying to kill me? " She tried to call me from the hospital

before she died, but I was on a hike or something. I never got to talk to her



's sister started the Race for the Cure, because she said that doctors

hadn't been aggressive enough with her sister and recommended adramycin as a

choice for breast cancer survivors---something her sister never got. In other

words, she WISHED her sister had gone on Adramycin. You would have to read the

sister's autobiography to get the whole story. The Race for the Cure implies

that there is no cure for cancer yet. Anyway, the day of Rhonda's funeral I had

rented a hotel room with a hot tub to take care of myself and heal. I called the

Komen Foundation headquarters and said (not very nicely), " Why don't you

consider alternatives with your organization? I just buried my best friend today

who died of the very drug you recommend for breast cancer survivors. I am going

to boycott your organization until you consider alternatives. "   The NEXT year

they had alternative medicine grants being given out in Oregon!!! But I still

boycott them because I think

the " alternative " part of the organization is merely perfunctory. I have a good

friend, an African-American preacher, who talked me into going to the annual

G. Komen foundation last year. I did not want to go. I showed up in a bad

mood and wanted to leave. I finally found my friend's table (she always dresses

up in elaborate African attire so it wasn't too hard to find her--ha!ha!). I

went to her table and motioned for her to come to me, " , I don't want to be

here. I boycott this event every year. " As we sat down, she had invited another

outspoken friend, and commented, " Boy did I commit suicide by inviting the two

of you!! " The other gal was complaining there were no African-American models in

the fashion show. Anyway, I just found out that wasn't funded this year

for her non-profit for breast cancer prevention in African-American women. The

Komen Foundation chose some other organization that doesn't do that much, but is


in a hospital. is the one who has done most of the work. Anyway, now I am

convincing too boycott the Komen Foundation as well. We are having lunch

this week!!



From: Arlyn <arlynsg@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Chemo drug is a killer, cancer specialists warn

Date: Monday, July 20, 2009, 4:04 AM


Yesterday, I was on the phone with a woman I know who was given adramyacin. Is

this the drug the women knick-named the Red Devil? If women were more educated

about this crap, I think they wouldn't choose to take it. Many young women in

our group are knowledgable now - due to the sharing of information - and will

refuse this drug.

The woman I was on the phone with went into heart failure. The doctors poking

around in her heart, dislodged a clot which caused a serious stroke. This woman

has been through the ringer with heart surgeries, etc. She said if she knew then

what she knows now, she would have never done chemo. She said she would have

taken her chances with cancer. She has very little quality of life now. She just

had a new pacemaker installed and the doctors diagnosed her with adrenal


These stories make me so sad.


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