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Re: black salve question - for

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Hi ,

I used a product called PDQ Herbal.


It was gentle enough to pull out the " infection " without an immense amount of

pain. I know they were shut down by our esteemed FDA because they were making

claims that they cured cancer. They are not allowed to make that claim. You can

call them to order if you so choose. I know there are many out there that work

as well. This just happens to be the one I used for my moles.

Read up on people using black salve before you use it. Look at the pictures. Be

familiar with what will happen so that you aren't shocked. It's a little gross

but it drives me crazy when I read the complaints people have concerning the

process. It does what it does.

It will bring a lot of garbage to the surface. I applied it daily until no more

came out - then watched it scab over. Do not pick at it. After the scabs fell

off, I was left with holes. They didn't bleed - they just looked like strange

reddish craters. The hole(s) actually healed up very quickly. I now have white

looking scars under my breasts. (No craters) I wear them proudly!

Once I got the " infection " out of my breasts - it allowed me to then focus on

killing anything left over with the internal blood root (tincture). Also, I've

used vitamins, minerals and supplements for many years, and I love Pau D " Arco


Some people go straight for the internal blood root. I wasn't so brave. Now I

am. If I had it to do all over again - I might just go for the internal blood


I don't believe any one " thing " is the cure-all. And I certainly don't think my

cure-all is for everyone. I think there needs to be a change in diet,

consumption of certain teas (Pau D'arco is wonderful) ...anything that you think

will help YOU. We are all different. It took me a couple of years of

experimentation to find what was right for me.

For example - I did not want to go with Essiac tea for some reason. I don't

know why... but our bodies know. Trust your body. Somewhere in there, if you

just listen, is a wonderful inner guidance system. :)

Good luck!

Warm Regards,


> I've been paying attention

> to comments on the black salve, and that some are good, and

> others, not so much.


> Can people please say which black salve they used that was

> good - like Margie (below)?  If that's not allowed on the

> list, please email me privately.  I have some suspicious

> skin discolorations I'd like to try it on.




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Thanks, Margie. I have actually looked at the photos, and have a good idea what

to expect if these skin lesions are cancer.  My husband has had one Basal

Cell Carcinoma removed surgically, and his parents each had several lesions

removed over the years.  DH definitely has some " precancerous " spots that I'm

watching carefully, but I'll apply the salve to one, in particular, and we'll

watch it.  I don't even know if this stuff works on " precancer " but we'll

see.  I'm always open to experimenting.  I have one spot on my face, but

before I try that one, I'll test on a mole on my shoulder.....


" Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try

to be better than yourself. " Faulkner

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, Black Salve worked very well on my BCC. !! I would not hesitate

to use it again.


Ellis wrote:

> Thanks, Margie. I have actually looked at the photos, and have a good idea

what to expect if these skin lesions are cancer. My husband has had one Basal

Cell Carcinoma removed surgically, and his parents each had several lesions

removed over the years. DH definitely has some " precancerous " spots that I'm

watching carefully, but I'll apply the salve to one, in particular, and we'll

watch it. I don't even know if this stuff works on " precancer " but we'll see.

I'm always open to experimenting. I have one spot on my face, but before I try

that one, I'll test on a mole on my shoulder.....


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Hi Batman,

I think you can order it here.  http://behealed.biz/2701.html  It's been about a

year and half since I first used it and since then he's been hounded by the FDA

so I'm not sure how to order it. I still have an extra bottle and it does not

have an email address or phone number printed on it.  You could also try


Please also note that I don't think there is just one thing used by itself that

can cure cancer, including any kind of black salve.  I do believe there are a

combination of things, most importantly our outlook on life, that heals us.

Black salve may draw out the infection, but you need to really listen to and

take care of your mind/body/spirit in order to totally heal.

BTW, I didn't use a health care professional.  After many months, I was totally

turned off by doctors and I realized I didn't want anything to do with being

burned, cut or poisoned.  I know it's worked for some, but I knew deep down it

would not work for me.  I left them behind and read years of blogs, and messages

boards before I found my way through this.

There are some people in this world (many on this board) who genuinely want to

share their healing experiences, and I am truly grateful to those who continue

to do so.  We can only just express our deepest gratitude and pay it forward.

Also note that right now we have a choice on how we go about finding cures for

ourselves.  I'm so afraid that if CODEX is passed and our freedoms are taken

away - we'll really be in trouble.  We need everyone to fight it! I still can't

believe our country might be headed in that direction!

Be well.

Warm Regards,


> From: batman <0823749937@...>

> Subject: Re: [ ] black salve question - for


> Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009, 5:34 PM

> hi margie


> thanks for the info.i looked at that site,but you need to

> order from a health care proffesional who refered you.




> ------------------------------------



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now I came across this post of yours. Why does it take bravery to take black

root internally? What can go wrong?

thanks again


> > I've been paying attention

> > to comments on the black salve, and that some are good, and

> > others, not so much.

> >

> > Can people please say which black salve they used that was

> > good - like Margie (below)?  If that's not allowed on the

> > list, please email me privately.  I have some suspicious

> > skin discolorations I'd like to try it on.

> >

> >

> >


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