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Urine Ph

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Question: I've been studying the PH issue for sometime and this is the first

time I've heard that for some cancers you lower the PH and some you up it. I

have lung cancer with 4 brain mets. Should I be upping or downing?


Bret Peirce wrote:

.....Cancer cells have narrow ph parameters in both directions,  you can try to

lower the ph past their tolerances or you can try to raise their ph past their


> I prefer the high ph method,  others may want to try low ph method. It depends

upon their cancers.


> Any mechanism that interferes with these pumps will actually have anti cancer


> So, it is fact....Cancers have narrow ph parameters and targetting this narrow

range can be therapeutic in either direction. This does not invalidate one

another's position it supports both positions. Either seek to go lower or higher

than it can tolerate.

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Hi Vicki,

V S <sanmarcosgal2@...> wrote:

>diagnosed with stage 3 non-hodgkins follicular lymphoma...

>all I am doing is Budwig and Essaic tea.

The most effective things I know of for NHL (lymphoma) in general are the

following (I think the capitalized things are most effective):

Over the counter: HOXSEY, BEETS, olive leaf/antivirals, frankincense & myrrh,

Modifilan.com, Immupower (YoungLivingOils.com) on spine; high-dose PANCREATIN

(Kelley- regimen).

Prescription & IV items: NALTREXONE (LDN), IV VIT. C, Butyrex.

AVOID gluten.

My 1st choices of clinics and doctors for NHL: BioImmune.com,



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Hello cherylcampbell55,

I don't know of any way to determine that. There was a Dr. Ravici

who maintained that you had to go one way with half the cancers and

the other way with half. He determined this a number of ways. Much

of his treatment consisted of proprietary formulas combining fats

with metals. I'm guessing has some knowledge of this realm.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 2:33:18 AM, you wrote:

c> Question: I've been studying the PH issue for sometime and this is

c> the first time I've heard that for some cancers you lower the PH

c> and some you up it. I have lung cancer with 4 brain mets. Should I be upping

or downing?

c> Cheryl

c> Bret Peirce wrote:

c> ....Cancer cells have narrow ph parameters in both directions, 

c> you can try to lower the ph past their tolerances or you can try to

c> raise their ph past their tolerances.

>> I prefer the high ph method,  others may want to try low ph method. It

depends upon their cancers.


>> Any mechanism that interferes with these pumps will actually have anti cancer


>> So, it is fact....Cancers have narrow ph parameters and targetting this

narrow range can be therapeutic in either direction. This does not invalidate

one another's position it supports both positions. Either seek to go lower or

higher than it can tolerate.


Best regards,

Mike mailto:goldenmike@...

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Mike " blood pH between 6.45 and 7.45 " ? Is thought 7.30 was the lowest

blood can get!

May be is a typo?

Mike Golden wrote:

> In summary....a lot of foods that are good for you have an alkaline

> ash. Eat them if you like them. Some foods that are good for you have

> an acid ash. Eat them if you like them. If you find that you feel

> better with more of the alkaline foods, or if you simply prefer them for

> some reason, then eat predominantly those foods. None of this will

> cause any major changes in alkalinity in the body. The one exception is

> the kidney tubules. Maintaining a diet consisting predominantly foods

> that have an alkaline ash can benefit kidney tubule detoxification, a

> good thing. Measuring pH of the urine is merely an indicator of the

> food eaten in the last two hours or so. It is not an indicator for the

> entire body, merely recent events in the kidney tubules.

> When it comes to more heroic efforts to alkalize the body you are

> getting into more questionable territory. I'm talking here about using

> baking soda and cesium chloride and other chemicals in an effort to

> alkalize yourself. With cancer, the thing you would want to alkalize

> would be the environment around the tumor. This is difficult to do in a

> human without imbibing toxic amounts of alkaline chemicals. Your body

> will do whatever it can do to keep your blood pH between 6.45 and 7.45.

> You don't want to overwhelm its efforts in any way. The major player in

> blood pH is actually respiration. You can easily force yourself, nearly

> immediately, into the alkaline end of the range by panting like a dog.

> Try it. If you do it for awhile you will actually feel dizzy. Keep

> doing it and you will pass out. This is a safety mechanism to get you

> to stop the behaviour. Your body is saying " Knock it off, Buddy! I

> don't want to be alkaline! "


> When it comes to the inside of a tumor, that environment is under a

> feedback mechanism also. The respiration of the tumor is anaerobic (not

> entirely) so it produces a lot of lactic acid. Too much lactic acid

> hanging around and the cell can't divide (mitosis), so the tumor

> " learns " to pump out the acid and to collect it into little globs which

> it walls off inside the cells. The cancer cells have to work hard to do

> this. Things like cesium chloride can help them when they alkalize the

> goop inside the cell a bit. If you force even more alkalinity on them

> you might start to hurt the cancer. The problem is, by that time you

> could easily be in the danger zone for the rest of the body. Also,

> there is no evidence that you can get to that point in the cancer cells,

> just ideas that are bandied about.


> So, eat healthy foods. Don't bother with urine pH, unless you have

> kidney problems or are currently on a detox regimen. Don't use baking

> soda (unless you have kidney problems or unless you have low carbon

> dioxide on a blood chemistry panel). Don't use cesium.


> Mike


> shar2z wrote:




>> Ok am having difficulty following this thread. In layman's terms are

>> you saying that a more alkaline ph helps the cancer cells spread???


>> thanks


>> sharon







> ------------------------------------



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Mike It only shows how attentively we read your emails

Mike Golden wrote:

> Hello Cuns-Rial,


> Yes, I meant to type 7.35 to 7.45 (645 is part of my phone

> number!....I typed it on autopilot, and I did it more than once.)

> Thanks for noticing. 7.35 is typical of venous blod and 7.45 is

> typical of arterial blood. 6.45 is typical of not paying attention

> and being 60, I guess.


> Mike


> Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 7:30:03 PM, you wrote:


> FRcn> Mike " blood pH between 6.45 and 7.45 " ? Is thought 7.30 was the lowest

> FRcn> blood can get!

> FRcn> May be is a typo?

> FRcn>

> FRcn> Mike Golden wrote:


>>> In summary....a lot of foods that are good for you have an alkaline

>>> ash. Eat them if you like them. Some foods that are good for you have

>>> an acid ash. Eat them if you like them. If you find that you feel

>>> better with more of the alkaline foods, or if you simply prefer them for

>>> some reason, then eat predominantly those foods. None of this will

>>> cause any major changes in alkalinity in the body. The one exception is

>>> the kidney tubules. Maintaining a diet consisting predominantly foods

>>> that have an alkaline ash can benefit kidney tubule detoxification, a

>>> good thing. Measuring pH of the urine is merely an indicator of the

>>> food eaten in the last two hours or so. It is not an indicator for the

>>> entire body, merely recent events in the kidney tubules.

>>> When it comes to more heroic efforts to alkalize the body you are

>>> getting into more questionable territory. I'm talking here about using

>>> baking soda and cesium chloride and other chemicals in an effort to

>>> alkalize yourself. With cancer, the thing you would want to alkalize

>>> would be the environment around the tumor. This is difficult to do in a

>>> human without imbibing toxic amounts of alkaline chemicals. Your body

>>> will do whatever it can do to keep your blood pH between 6.45 and 7.45.

>>> You don't want to overwhelm its efforts in any way. The major player in

>>> blood pH is actually respiration. You can easily force yourself, nearly

>>> immediately, into the alkaline end of the range by panting like a dog.

>>> Try it. If you do it for awhile you will actually feel dizzy. Keep

>>> doing it and you will pass out. This is a safety mechanism to get you

>>> to stop the behaviour. Your body is saying " Knock it off, Buddy! I

>>> don't want to be alkaline! "


>>> When it comes to the inside of a tumor, that environment is under a

>>> feedback mechanism also. The respiration of the tumor is anaerobic (not

>>> entirely) so it produces a lot of lactic acid. Too much lactic acid

>>> hanging around and the cell can't divide (mitosis), so the tumor

>>> " learns " to pump out the acid and to collect it into little globs which

>>> it walls off inside the cells. The cancer cells have to work hard to do

>>> this. Things like cesium chloride can help them when they alkalize the

>>> goop inside the cell a bit. If you force even more alkalinity on them

>>> you might start to hurt the cancer. The problem is, by that time you

>>> could easily be in the danger zone for the rest of the body. Also,

>>> there is no evidence that you can get to that point in the cancer cells,

>>> just ideas that are bandied about.


>>> So, eat healthy foods. Don't bother with urine pH, unless you have

>>> kidney problems or are currently on a detox regimen. Don't use baking

>>> soda (unless you have kidney problems or unless you have low carbon

>>> dioxide on a blood chemistry panel). Don't use cesium.


>>> Mike


>>> shar2z wrote:





>>>> Ok am having difficulty following this thread. In layman's terms are

>>>> you saying that a more alkaline ph helps the cancer cells spread???


>>>> thanks


>>>> sharon






>>> ------------------------------------



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Lung cancers are particularly aggressive,...I can swear to you I have seen two

revearsals already this year, stafe IV nonetheless.


 I posted an email to Chase who actually wanted his phone number (cell )

posted so people can seek the truth. HIs wife shouldn't even be alive, and she

is thriving 90 days post alternative. A miracle by anybody's standards,  i would

advise that you at least talk to some actual patients who have performed these



Aggressive cancers have lower ph than slower growing cancers, (in general,) if

you have lung cancer I would seek to raise the ph.  Most poeple start with this,

as the + cations in the salts actaully encourage, help oxygen enter the cell,

which in cancer, doesn't happen because of thickened cell membrane, lower ph,

negative polarity. The relationship between ph and oxygen can be found in

encyclopedias, research, pub med, everywhere.


There is a relationship to oxygen and ph,....so I will always advocate that

people try higher ph 30 days retest markers, and procede from there. The main

thing is to read the research and don't rely on us so-called experts.  The

information is out there but in the mean time taking buffered salts, heavy

minerals, oxygen donors usually doesn't hurt. May actually yield results before

you have completed your research, and can be augmented with other therapies.

Google " overnight cure for cancer " for starters, (just a recommendation)


The key is to test your markers and track your therapy's effectiveness. If you

are scheduled for blood test three months,  start alternatives and ask your

doctor to test you after 30 days.

Cesium, rhubidium, heavy salts, dmso should not be started without first letting

your doctor know. Sometimes dmso and cesium can enhance or hinder absorbtion,

especially blood thinners.


The key is to read,...listen a little, read a lot, but trying somethings is

always a better bet than trying nothing.



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Hello shipshape45,

Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 8:15:12 PM, you wrote:

s> Mike, Have you heard of EOSIOTAB for treatment of high eosinophils ?

s> AKP.

Yes. I know it's an herbal formula. I don't have any experience

with it, though. It might be worth a try. You should notice withn

a few weeks if there is a change.



Best regards,

Mike mailto:goldenmike@...

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Do you know about EOSIOTAB from somebody who has used it? I am scared to use it,

in case it contains some steroid.......AKP

Mike Golden wrote:


> Hello shipshape45,


> you wrote: Mike, Have you heard of EOSIOTAB for treatment of high eosinophils?




> Yes. I know it's an herbal formula. I don't have any experience

> with it, though. It might be worth a try. You should notice withn

> a few weeks if there is a change.


> Mike

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