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Re: using thyroid hormone to supress Papillary cancer

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Hi Kindred,

Those are symptoms of being hypERthyroid. Or, over medicated. Is your endo

checking your TSH and T4 every three weeks? How does he plan on monitoring you?

Just how hyperthyroid is he willing to make you?

Also, some people are allergic to the fillers in the pills. If this is your

situation, you can switch to another brand.

The difference between most synthetic thyroid hormones and natural hormones is

the type of thyroid hormone used. You are probably on Synthroid which is pure

T4. Your body is supposed to convert T4 to T3. Natural hormones contain all

the Ts - T4, T3, T2, and T1.



> Hi.

> I started using thyroid hormone on Monday to suppress a Papillary Thyroid

tumor. This was suggested by my Endocrinologist since I plan to wait at least 6

months before having surgery.


> My concern is that I think it's giving me shortness of breath and nervous

tension and I'm having to work extra hard to keep calm and relaxed. I'm hoping

this is temporary while my body adjusts to the hormone. Every alternative

cancer protocol I've read emphasizes reducing stress so I'm worried about the

increased stress I'm feeling-- it's not unlike having had too much caffene. I

wonder whether this is really doing more good than harm.


> Has anybody else done this? When can I expect my body to adjust to the new

levels, and does artificial thyroid always feel a little different from natural



> -Kindred


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Synthetic Hormones Always feel different than Natural Hormones. However, the

one most people " have been on " , Armour Thyroid, has been reformulated in a

way that is causing all sorts of side effects. You might want to consider

Nature-Throid or Westhroid.... as per Shomon... See artical below!

Also, Standard Process has other glandulars (from Chiropractor) that might

support the thyroid (not in a live thyroxin manner, but the gland on the

whole) as well as Iodine supplimentation.

Hope this is helpful,

Armour Thyroid's Spring 2009 Reformulation Causing Problems



Some Patients Switching to Nature-Throid and Westhroid

By Shomon,

During the Spring of 2009, the natural desiccated thyroid drug, Armour

Thyroid, apparently underwent a reformulation of fillers, including a

decrease in the amount of dextrose, increase in cellulose, and the addition

of cornstarch to the tablets. Since that time, some patients have been

reporting a variety of problems with this new Armour formula.

Some patients who had been using the medication sublingually (allowing it to

dissolve under the tongue) have said that it no longer dissolves easily, and

the lack of sweetness has made the taste intolerable. Some of those who

continue to use the medication sublingually have said that it does not

appear to be working as well as before.

Other patients are reporting that, despite no change in their Armour dosage,

after getting a prescription refill with the new formulation of Armour,

they've had unusual signs and symptoms including:

* dramatic changes in TSH and other thyroid levels

* hair loss

* weight gain

* heart palpitations

* fatigue

* a return of other hypothyroidism symptoms Here are just a few of the

reports I've received.

**My TSH went from under 1.0 at my last test [on the old Armour] to 11.8

just a week ago [taking the reformulated Armour].**

**I received my 90 day supply of 2 grain Armour last week and felt certain

that I'd either gotten expired meds or counterfeit meds. It tasted chalky

and unsweet - not like the Armour that I was used to. This week, I've been

very tired every day and my mind is foggy, plus I got a cold sore, which I

usually only get when I need more Armour. I am very disgusted with Forest

for doing this to us.**

**I KNEW something had to have changed with my Armour, but the pharmacy told

me they (Forest) had only changed the packaging. I've spent quite sometime

trying to get my dosage back to the correct level. They convinced me I was

imagining things and since my doctor had changed my dosage, it must not have

been the correct dosage for me. I am still not feeling well. Once again, I

find I'm not " losing it " ! I was beginning to wonder.**

**I have been on Armour for over 10 years.I am now having to change to

Nature-Throid. I took the " new Armour " for 2 days and felt like I was

being force fed Synthroid again.I can tolerate the chalky tablet, but not

what it does to me physically.**


Health, Hope, Joy & Healing :

May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3 2


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Interesting. I hadn't noticed any difference at all.



> Synthetic Hormones Always feel different than Natural Hormones. However, the

> one most people " have been on " , Armour Thyroid, has been reformulated in a

> way that is causing all sorts of side effects. You might want to consider

> Nature-Throid or Westhroid.... as per Shomon... See artical below!

> Also, Standard Process has other glandulars (from Chiropractor) that might

> support the thyroid (not in a live thyroxin manner, but the gland on the

> whole) as well as Iodine supplimentation.

> Hope this is helpful,


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Hi Kindred,

Have you considered joining the Iodine group?


Extremely informative. The owner of the group had thyroid cancer (Thyca) as

well as many of the members.

Excellent information.

-- [ ] using thyroid hormone to supress Papillary cancer


I started using thyroid hormone on Monday to suppress a Papillary Thyroid

tumor. This was suggested by my Endocrinologist since I plan to wait at

least 6 months before having surgery.

My concern is that I think it's giving me shortness of breath and nervous

tension and I'm having to work extra hard to keep calm and relaxed. I'm

hoping this is temporary while my body adjusts to the hormone. Every

alternative cancer protocol I've read emphasizes reducing stress so I'm

worried about the increased stress I'm feeling-- it's not unlike having had

too much caffene. I wonder whether this is really doing more good than harm

Has anybody else done this? When can I expect my body to adjust to the new

levels, and does artificial thyroid always feel a little different from

natural thyroid?


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You wrote: " Have you considered joining the Iodine group?

Extremely informative. "

I agree. Very good forum. However, remember if you do decide to follow the

conventional treatment that includes radioactive iodine ablation - high doses of

iodine in your system will not allow for that.

It was said on the forum that iodine can cure from thyca, but no real examples.

The owner said she has a friend or two who did it, but the exact protocol is not

available. Some people shrank their nodules, but they did not know if it was

thyca or benign.

As far as thyroid meds - there is also great natural thyroid forum. I got good

advice from them - take your med in doses throughout the day. I split a pill in

two. Others split in more parts. That got rid of my HYPERsymptoms.


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