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Re: Re[4]: Re: Urine Ph

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hi brett

i would appreciate his email address,thank you



From: Bret Peirce

One thing is for certain,....the email I just got from Stage IV lung cancer

patient loves cesium chloride and her husband is willing to talk to anybody who

has something to say about cesium.

He has asked me to post his email address for anyone wanting to ask about his

protocol and his wife. She was only coughing up blood three months ago,...today

she is off pain meds, back to work, instead of lying in a coffin with plastic

flowers over her corpse.

Miracle? Not really! I just listen to Nobel Prize Winners and so did they!

She did cesium, dmso, chlorophyll, juicing, and omega III. I still don't believe

it either,...but man what a success story.

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Thank you Mike:


This will be the last posting I make in this thread,...don't want to belabor

technicalities,...if a therapy works,  that is what is important.


Although I disagree with a couple of technicalities, I will say this,...


I have watched people die on budwig, vitamin c infusions, Gersons, cesium

chloride, dmso, and such,...I have also seen people respond to similar therapies

as well, right now cesium and dmso together are providing me with immediate

results in most case, especially pain.


A little bit of cesium chloride will not affect cancers and may even help cancer

grow faster,...too low of dose of cesium has been proven to keep cancer in it's

preferred ph range. So, by taking sub therapeutic doses of cesium you do not

change the internal environment enough to cause cancer atopsis. This would not

indicate that cesium helps cancer grow faster,   sub therapeutic doses are

ineffective. This was addressed years ago.


Brewer's paper scientifically tested all Warburg's theories with

spectronomy, flouresncent assays so these theories were infact substantiated

scientifically, and once something is substantiated, timing is of little

consequence, and I know you know this, Warburg was also substantiated  with

clinical outcomes and back up testing.

Pretty firm results and the data is hard to refute,...and nobody does refute

them scientifically. Instead they sound just like you!


So, when an article is written, it is not very good reason to invalidate it's

contents using time or when it was written.  This would mean the Oppenheimers

theories were no good.


  Einstein's theories are old now as well, so are Isaac Newton's...nobody argues

this point with their research as the argument of age is devoid of factual

back-up. Nobody goes here.


The argument that Brewer's paper went nowhere is not a testiment to anything.

Much of his findings are echoed today in many different research articles. Even

AMA and Pharma sponsored ones.


 Many papers published today carry forward and apply those very facts that

Warburg and Brewer have validated for us already. The relationship between ph

and oxygen have been repeatedly echoed in subsequent research. Even the latest

PPI study borrows these facts.


Many, studies today, even one's published by pharma sponsored studies all

indicate that cancers are grown in ischemic environments and acidic environments

in vitro.  Why?


  There really should not be any controversy.


  Koch's papers went nowhere too, many other alternative research studies don't

even get published here in the united states and every single alternative

practitioner has been censured, harrassed, injunctioned, and attacked with no

scientific findings, just inuendo and banter. Does this invalidate their work?

Not hardly!


Their papers have gone nowhere too.  This means nothing.


German medicine is based upon Koch's research, they didn't care he wrote his

articles back before WWII even started! Validity and facts remain such, as

facts, and transcend time.



You are incorrect about several pump mechanisms as well


Sodium is pumped out of cell not into cell. If it were pumped into cells they

would lyse.


Proton pump is usually applied to orgnanelles, moving H+ from cytomplams to

inner membranes.  It is ATP active process.


True, H+ pump has also been found to exist at the extermal cell membrane and

this pumps H+ externally. 


 Lactic acid inside cancer cells usually break down into lactate, (which is

burned,) and H+.  This H+ is then theorized pumped out through the exchange with

potassium via the Na+/K+ ATPase mechanism.


It is also established as the primary mechanism for exchanging K+ for H+ and

does have regulatory effect upon cancer homeostasis, and is why PPI have shown

to cause atopsis in cancer cells by inhibbitting the influx of K+ (a carrier of

glucose,) and retention of H+.


Cancer cells have narrow ph parameters in both directions,  you can try to lower

the ph past their tolerances or you can try to raise their ph past their


I prefer the high ph method,  others may want to try low ph method. It depends

upon their cancers.


Any mechanism that interferes with these pumps will actually have anti cancer


Glycosides, PPI's, and the rest all demostrate activity in cell lines.


Also the Na+/K+  ATPase mediated pump does not dump lactate. Lactate isn't even

an acid. It isn't pumped,... H+ is however. 


So, it is fact....Cancers have narrow ph parameters and targetting this narrow

range can be therapeutic in either direction. This does not invalidate one

another's position it supports both positions. Either seek to go lower or higher

than it can tolerate.


One thing is for certain,....the email I just got from Stage IV lung cancer

patient loves cesium chloride and her husband is willing to talk to anybody who

has something to say about cesium.


He has asked me to post his email address for anyone wanting to ask about his

protocol and his wife.  She was only coughing up blood three months ago,...today

she is off pain meds, back to work, instead of lying in a coffin with plastic

flowers over her corpse.


Miracle?  Not really!  I just listen to Nobel Prize Winners and so did they! She

did cesium, dmso, chlorophyll, juicing, and omega III. I still don't believe it

either,...but man what a success story.






ps. Chase also has emailed me a clincal testing on his wife, waived

hisk/her rights to privacy and want me to shove these clinical studies in

people's face who think they have done nothing special with terminal lung

cancer. I wish more people would take this stance.


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I am new to this site, but am intreguied by what you write.  I was diagnosed

with stage 3 non-hodgkins follicular lymphoma about a month ago and am totally

confused about which way to go.  All I know for sure is that I do not want



Can you tell me if you are under a doctor's care for your DMSO/Cesium

treatment?  I have not been able to find a doctor who wants to do anything

except chemo and would like to know how you handled this.  Right now, all I am

doing is Budwig and Essaic tea.


Any insights you can offer would be appreciated.



....right now cesium and dmso together are providing me with immediate results in

most case, especially pain.


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Love ESSIAC and Budwig.  Hope that the ESSIAC comes from original distributer in

Canada. Loaded with various polysacharides, (immune system,) oxygen donors and

anti oxidants, ie, mineral oxides, chlorophyll, flavenoids, polyphenols,

quinones, and dozens of alkaline minerals.   


The disputes over mechanism can be a distraction and I have already committed

not to go on with debate -like discussions for this reason. You don't need to

come here a get confused.


 The important fact is, " Does the therapy work or doesn't it. "   period.


When researching clinical trials we see high efficacy in certain treatments.


Ozone, cesium, IV ascorbates, dmso have case history or actual trials.


The very first cesium trial had 100% response rate,...so whether or not you buy

into an invitro study here, or animal study there,....the bottom line is that

out of 30 patients in the first cesium trial, all 30 patients revearsed their

cancers. NOw we can find a cell line study done in petri dish that states sub

therapeutic doses of cesium actually spead up cancer,...nonetheless, how does

that minimize 100% of anything?


Also, NHL,...has a very strong viral association. Just type " non hodgkins

lymphoma and viruses, " into your browser. Clear a convincing studies linking

this disease to viruses.


This disease is known to go into remission by itself sometimes,...sounds just

like chronic viral infection just by description. So, protocols that are anti

viral, may be benefit to you.


I will send you protocol used by orthomolecular doctor out of Santa Fe.


Good luck





....right now cesium and dmso together are providing me with immediate results in

most case, especially pain.


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Who is the original Canada distributor of Essaic?


Love ESSIAC and Budwig.  Hope that the ESSIAC comes from original distributer in

Canada. Loaded with various polysacharides, (immune system,) oxygen donors and

anti oxidants, ie, mineral oxides, chlorophyll, flavenoids, polyphenols,

quinones, and dozens of alkaline minerals.   


The disputes over mechanism can be a distraction and I have already committed

not to go on with debate -like discussions for this reason. You don't need to

come here a get confused.


 The important fact is, " Does the therapy work or doesn't it. "   period.


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Ill get you that contact out of Toronto! Easy to google but I want to make sure

it's not an imposter.  stay tuned,

Love ESSIAC and Budwig.  Hope that the ESSIAC comes from original distributer in

Canada. Loaded with various polysacharides, (immune system,) oxygen donors and

anti oxidants, ie, mineral oxides, chlorophyll, flavenoids, polyphenols,

quinones, and dozens of alkaline minerals.   


The disputes over mechanism can be a distraction and I have already committed

not to go on with debate -like discussions for this reason. You don't need to

come here a get confused.


 The important fact is, " Does the therapy work or doesn't it. "   period.


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