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Re: Questions for IPT practitioners, cancer researchers, etc. (& MDR)

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I heard that Dr. Linchitz uses herbs (e.g., chromium, vanadium) to increase

(cancer) cells' sensitivity to insulin and instructs patients to fast prior to

IPT treatments.

also whole body hyperthermia with sensitizers

My notes on

Multi-Drug/Multiple Drug Resistance (MDR)--How to prevent & reverse it:

DIM, Vits. C & K3, selenium, melatonin, paw paw, graviola, resveratrol,

curcumin, quercetin, genistein (in fermented soy), green tea, Korean ginseng,

panax ginseng, artemisinin/artesunate, yew, blood root, and hyperthermia may

prevent or even reverse multidrug resistance (MDR)

(www.denvernaturopathic.com/news/multidrugresistance.html; Yance, 2009). Of the

products I'm familiar with, the one containing the largest number of these

(selenium, graviola, resveratrol, and green tea) is Ellagic Insurance Formula


" Resveratrol also impaired certain [pancreatic] cancer-cell proteins that thwart

chemotherapy by pumping drugs out of the cell " (Advances in Experimental

Medicine and Biology, March 2008)

" Ginsenosides [in panax ginseng]...inhibiting MDR [shin HJ et al. " Enhancement

of antitumor effects of paclitaxel (taxol) in combination with red ginseng

acidic polysaccharide (RGAP). " Planta Med. 2004 Nov;70(11):1033-8.] " Yance, 2009

" DIM...is an inhibitior of MDR [Rahman KW et al., " Inactivation of Akt and

NF-kappaB Play Important Roles During Indole-3-Carbinol-Induced Apoptosis in

Breast Cancer Cells. " Nutr Cancer. 2004 Jan;48(1):84-94.]….DIM synergizes with

chemotherapeutic agents by inhibiting multi-drug resistance through

down-regulation of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) " Yance, 2009

" Some drug resistance can be thwarted with…selenium dipyridamole (Persantine),

and sanguinarine (bloodroot) " (Gammill).

" The risk of MDR should never be far from the practitioner's mind…Prevention can

include R-verapamil or dipyridamole. Natural methods include the use of

bloodroot " Gammill, ScD, 12/21/05

" tools that can be used to prevent or reverse MDR…to prevent or reverse MDR -

and…off-label uses of lonidamine, dipyridamole, BSO [buthionine sulfoximine],

R-verapamil " (Gammill, 8/5/03)

www./group/ /message/9872

" Ketoconazole is sometimes used…along with verapamil, to discourage multiple

drug resistance " Gammill, ScD, ND, 9/13/05

www./group/ /message/17490

" Buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), an inhibitor of GSH [glutathione] synthesis, has

been demonstrated to lower GSH levels in human ovarian cancer cell lines,

resulting in an increase in melphalan and carboplatin cytotoxicity....GSH is

involved in the development of drug resistance, and its depletion may restore or

enhance the cytotoxic activity of several drugs. Ifosfamide (IFEX) is an analog

of cyclophosphamide...[it] lower intracellular GSH levels, thereby increasing

the sensitivity of the cells to cytotoxic drugs. " Gammill, 3/29/05

www./group/ /message/15686

" To make chemos or many natural strategies work better one should consider ways

to hammer down glutathione. In research BSO is used [but] it can damage vision.

Alpha lipoic acid can ameliorate some of this " Gammill, 9/21/02

www./group/ /message/6978

See also

www./group/ /message/15691

Up to 300mg dipyridamole may be used, but probably don't use if patient has high

blood pressure (Gammill, 9/05).


Reungpatthanaphong P, Mankhetkorn S. " Modulation of multidrug resistance by

artemisinin, artesunate and dihydroartemisinin in K562/adr and GLC4/adr

resistant cell lines. " Biol Pharm Bull 2002 Dec;25(12):1555-61.

Sadava D, et al: " Transferrin overcomes drug resistance to artemisinin in human

small-cell lung carcinoma cells. " Cancer Lett 179:151-156,

Sadava D et al. " Effects of four Chinese herbal extracts on drug-sensitive and

multidrug-resistant small-cell lung carcinoma cells. " Cancer Chemother

Pharmacol. 2002 Apr;49(4):261-6. Epub 2002 Feb 05.

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sorry leonard,does mdr mean that one should take paw,paw,resveratrol etc

with chemo ot should stay away from it?


From: Leonard

Sent: 04 August 2009 05:26 PM

I heard that Dr. Linchitz uses herbs (e.g., chromium, vanadium) to

increase (cancer) cells' sensitivity to insulin and instructs patients

to fast prior to IPT treatments.

also whole body hyperthermia with sensitizers

My notes on

Multi-Drug/Multiple Drug Resistance (MDR)--How to prevent & reverse it:

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" Bobby Christodoulou " <bobc@...> wrote:

>does mdr [multiple drug resistance] mean that one should take

> paw,paw,resveratrol etc with chemo

Yes (assuming there are no contraindications), because the prevent MDR and thus

greatly enhance the long-term effectiveness of chemo (and many other


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