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Re: Leonard and list

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Leonard and List, obviously this was meant to be private. Sometimes

too much attention is paid to content but not enough on the

address. But since it is out there, I will comment further. I am

very determined to keep the non-profit retreat center open as it is

unique for the planet. Leonard has been a friend for many years. We

have known each other long before we opened the retreat center in Del

Mar, CA. He is a person with whom I can comfortably share our

travails. The dinner refers to a semi-private dinner we have on

Labor Day weekend at the Cancer Control Society. A number of the top

people in alternative cancer therapy, lecturers, and favorite

patients get together at a Universal City restaurant. We have been

doing this for too many years to count.

In the past I have always been able to rely on home equity to build

up the retreat and get us through slow periods. I think everyone

knows what has happened to home equity loans. If things don't pick

up then we will have to shift the nature of the program and run it

like a business rather than a labor of love.

I do think that Filiberto Munoz is as good an integrative physician

as one can find. His emphasis is on the use of the injectables

whereas my interest is with non-injectable treatments that a person

can do at home. Other than that we are in agreement about 80-90% of

the time. I am rarely in favor of those therapies that bypass a

person's normal defenses, although we do like certain therapeutic

cancer vaccines. Both Filiberto and I both use adjuvant

hyperthermia. I use various sensitizers with the

strategy. Filiberto could be described as a very open-minded

physician. He is great for patients who don't care how things work,

they just want somebody competent doing it to them. I am more

technically obsessive. I try to cast and extremely wide net of

effective cancer therapies, teach the mechanisms of action and I help

teach decision-making skills, and then help the patient narrow down

their choices of therapies and then hopefully provide help in

obtaining any hard-to-obtain meds. Since the early eighties I have

custom synthesized hundreds of these compounds in my laboratories. I

like a medical model where the clinician forms a partnership with the

patient rather than one of just issuing orders.

At 06:13 PM 8/4/2009, you wrote:





>I usually try to get participants to come to my one-week live-in

>program first. The cost is $5,000 but the cost is usually recovered

>with the medicines that they can take with them and the long term

>consulting after that.


>The prices of the San Diego Clinic have rapidly gone up. Filiberto

>Munoz stresses his whole program -- usually about two months as an

>outpatient at minimum $5,000 per week and more if vaccines, etc., are used.


>All too often patients go to Filiberto first, do the IPT chemo, do

>well at the clinic, go home and coast for a couple of months, and

>then sink. Too often they are depleted of funds to continue on with

>Filiberto. It isn't just Filiberto; other integrative clinics

>experience the same problem too.


>About 1/3 of the time I refer patients on to Filiberto. This is

>because they have done much chemo in the past or there is an acute

>medical problem for which we don't have resources. The rest of the

>time it seems to be an unnecessary expense. Burton Goldberg put out

>a DVD featuring Filiberto and that has helped him bring in

>clients. We have had no one here for a month (economy?) so I very

>much appreciate any direct referrals. Anyone can call my office at

>858-523-9144. We have to have an average of two patients per week to

>keep the doors open for our non-profit. If patients do our program

>first then they have access to everything that I do and everything

>that Filiberto does. If they do Filiberto's program to start off

>then I never see them -- before, during, or after.


>I am bringing Cross from Ireland

><<mailto:lolomcm%40.co.uk>lolomcm@...> with me

>to the dinner. We reversed his stage 4 melanoma in only a

>month. is currently staying at the house and he would be

>pleased to answer questions about his therapy. I will also exted a

>dinner invitation to Carolyn (the daughter of Pogo cartoonist

>Walt ) as we resolved her very serious breast cancer.


>I appreciate any help as I am currently at a crossroads.




>At 08:17 AM 8/4/2009, you wrote:

> >

> >[snip]

> >My 1st choices of clinics and doctors for NHL: BioImmune.com,

> >www.sdiegoclinic.com

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