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Pam wrote>

> Sorry - I:m full of questions today...


> Re Bee;s article stating how to take HCL.


> I have been taking the HCL. The tabs are 324mg and I have reached

> taking 18 during a meal and I never get a sign of burning. Surely I

> shouldn:t keep increasing my dose?? Maybe I just won:t ever get

that > feeling of burning? How much do I need to take to ensure

sufficient > stomach acid?

Dear Pam,

Maybe you won't get that feeling of burning until your stomach is

making more acid on its own. I wouldn't increase it any more for

sure, in fact I wouldn't think you'd need that much. I've never

heard of anyone taking that much.

> Bee, my condolences to you and your family. That must be a shock.

==>Thanks so much Pam. It has been awful for us. I guess I didn't

say anything on this group. I lost 4 cousins a week ago Thursday; 3

little angels only 6, 7, and 9 years old, and an older cousin.



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A naturopath told me not take more than 6 HCL at a time even if you

don't feel the burning.


On 20-Feb-05, at 11:43 PM, Bee Wilder wrote:


> Pam wrote>

> > Sorry - I:m full of questions today...

> >

> > Re Bee;s article stating how to take HCL.

> >

> > I have been taking the HCL.  The tabs are 324mg and I have reached

> > taking 18 during a meal and I never get a sign of burning. Surely I

> > shouldn:t keep increasing my dose?? Maybe I just won:t ever get

> that > feeling of burning?  How much do I need to take to ensure

> sufficient > stomach acid?


> Dear Pam,

> Maybe you won't get that feeling of burning until your stomach is

> making more acid on its own.  I wouldn't increase it any more for

> sure, in fact I wouldn't think you'd need that much.  I've never

> heard of anyone taking that much.


> > Bee, my condolences to you and your family.  That must be a shock.


> ==>Thanks so much Pam.  It has been awful for us.  I guess I didn't

> say anything on this group.  I lost 4 cousins a week ago Thursday; 3

> little angels only 6, 7, and 9 years old, and an older cousin.


> Luv,

> Bee









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Bee wrote>

> Dear Pam,

> Maybe you won't get that feeling of burning until your stomach is

> making more acid on its own. I wouldn't increase it any more for

> sure, in fact I wouldn't think you'd need that much. I've never

> heard of anyone taking that much.

Ooops - I got a bit carried away!

So how long do you think I might need to take them for before my

stomach starts making it's own acid roughly? I mean are we talking

days, weeks, months?



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Thanks. Do you know what mg she/he was talking about - some are

200mg some are 300mg which I guess makes quite a difference in

multiples of 6!


> A naturopath told me not take more than 6 HCL at a time even if


> don't feel the burning.


> Elyse


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I can't find a container right now but I'm pretty sure they were 500mg

per cap. If that's the case, then what you were taking would be like

half the amount making not as extreme as we first thought :-) (The

ones I was taking were called Betaine by Thorne).


On 21-Feb-05, at 3:53 AM, pamelaegg wrote:


> Thanks.  Do you know what mg she/he was talking about - some are

> 200mg some are 300mg which I guess makes quite a difference in

> multiples of 6!


> Thanks



> > A naturopath told me not take more than 6  HCL at a time even if

> you

> > don't feel the burning.

> >

> > Elyse

> >








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Hi, This is the one I take...

healthrecovery.com and am very happy with it. 648mg of betaine hcl with 130

mg pepsin. 100caps for $12.00 The only other ingrediants are gelatin, magnesium

silicate, and silicon dioxide.

For quite awhile needed to take 7-8 capsules with a protein meal, but now

only need to take one cap per meal. ( i was taking the 7-8 per meal for about

2yrs, BUT probably could of gotten by on less at that time, if I would of been

better at finetuning my diet.)


" The Little Mad Nutritional Scientist "

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Pam wrote:> So how long do you think I might need to take them for

before my > stomach starts making it's own acid roughly? I mean are

we talking > days, weeks, months?

Pam, it may take months for your stomach to normalize. It will be

different timing for each person. Are you also taking lemon juice

and sea salt in water, and plenty of good fats with your meals which

also increase digestion?


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Something I thought may be of interest...

Joan Larson (whom I have mentioned before......founder of the " Health

Recovery Program " I went through, states in one of her books,.... " hydrochloric


with betaine, will completely inhibit the growth of candida albicans at a PH

of 4.5. "


" The Little Mad Nutritional Scientist "

Click here to see who's talking to you ; )

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Carol, can you explain the ph of 4.5? How do we get to this level?

If we take HCL caps with betaine, does it create a 4.5 ph? Also,

you said that it inhibits the growth of candida but it doesn't kill

it, correct? Sorry for all the questions but in the past I had an

interesting experience with HCL so getting as much info about would

be helpful to me. Thank you.

Something I thought may be of interest...Joan Larson (whom I have

mentioned before......founder of the " Health Recovery Program " I

went through, states in one of her books,.... " hydrochloric acid

> with betaine, will completely inhibit the growth of candida

albicans at a PH of 4.5. "


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  • 1 year later...

Greg, have you been checked for a hiatal hernia? Just a thought.



> >

> > The point to taking enough betaine HCl is to make the lower valve

> > open out of the stomach; not enough acid fails to do that but


> > feels like it's too acidic to your throat, which lacks protective

> > mucous.

> >

> > Vinegar is only about a tenth as acid as stomach acidity; not


> > enough to do much toward making the bottom stomach valve open, as

> > you've experienced.

> >

> > Many people require four or more capsules of Betaine Hcl with a


> > on this list uses 10 and prefers more.

> >

> > Duncan


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  • 8 months later...


> Hello everyone.


> I've been really re-thinking HCL and perhaps giving it a go again,


> then I recall that both times I tried it before, I ended up having

> acid reflux (heartburn) from using it.


> Could this be from an ulcer, and the HCL coming in contact with the

> inflamed portions of my stomach, or is this more a sign that I


> am creating adequate HCL on my own?


> I do not have acid reflux when I do only meat and eggs and a low-


> diet, but when I add something like sauerkraut, even a small dose


> 1/4 of a cup or something, I end up getting heartburn, so I


> wonder if low stomach acid is a problem for me.


> I'm wondering whether I should have this checked out with a

doctor, to

> eliminate the possibility of having an ulcer.


> When eating a full meat and fat meal, I don't get acid reflux at


> and no burning of any kind, and this means that there much be


> of acid in my stomach to digest the meat and fat. So, if that is


> case, I'm thinking if I had an ulcer, then it would be aggravated


> my meat and fat meals.


> I would value everyone's opinion.

> Thanks,




Hi ....my opinion : 1)older people are more likely to need

HCL. 2) Fat & eggs are very easy to digest & don't require much HCL.

3)sauerkraut regulates sotmach acid so it shouldn't cause reflux. 4)

I've had ulcers twice & EVERYthing I ate made my tummy hurt. 5) I

suggest you decrease or halt all antifungals for a while. Susie

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Hi ,

Have you taken the Baking Soda stomach acid test in order to determine

whether or not you need digestive enzymes? There's certainly no reason

to take them if you don't need them.

also, have you done the 9-day program?



> I've been really re-thinking HCL and perhaps giving it a go again, but

> then I recall that both times I tried it before, I ended up having

> acid reflux (heartburn) from using it.


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  • 3 weeks later...


> Hi Cara,


> When I first started taking HCL, long before I joined this group, I was told

> by a doctor or pharmacist exactly that. Digestion would improve as the body

> heals and you would know because of the burning sensation when taking HCL on

> a dose that previously did not cause a burning sensation. I am interested to

> see what Bee and the moderators have to say about it.


> a

Hi a,

Thanks for your reply. If that's the case then I'm really pleased. I have awful




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I'm curious, does that mean my digestion has improved?

If yes, does that mean that as your digestion improved you

progressively would need less HCL, until you eventually need none or

perhaps only 1 or 2 a meal? Has anyone else had a similar experience?



Hi Cara,

When I first started taking HCL, long before I joined this group, I was told

by a doctor or pharmacist exactly that. Digestion would improve as the body

heals and you would know because of the burning sensation when taking HCL on

a dose that previously did not cause a burning sensation. I am interested to

see what Bee and the moderators have to say about it.


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> Hi everyone,

> I've been taking about 6 HCL for 2 weeks now. I increased it by one

> each meal until I got up to 6 but despite not getting symptoms didn't

> want to increase it further. I have now started getting the burning

> sensations on 6. I'm curious, does that mean my digestion has


> If yes, does that mean that as your digestion improved you

> progressively would need less HCL, until you eventually need none or

> perhaps only 1 or 2 a meal? Has anyone else had a similar experience?

==>Yes Cara your digestion could be improving. Cut back one at a

time. When you get the burning sensation take 1/4 tsp. baking soda in

about 4 ounces of water. Also different meals may require be more or

less HCl. Your digestion should continue to improve so that eventually

you won't need any HCl supplements. However you might find that when

you are stressed, or you cheat you'll need them.


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I don't know that I agree, entirely. I myself am still looking for

answers on this.

Those with the most sensitive stomachs (due to thin stomach lining and

gastritis) usually are the least tolerant of HCl supplementation. This

is because the stomach is not used to large amounts of HCl and it

takes some time to build up its tolerance. Too much stomach acid is

RARELY a problem.

Even a normal healthy stomach is capable of producing and handling

much more than 5-7 tablets worth of HCl, so theoretically you could

probably continue with that level of supplementation indefinitely.

Most of the time it isn't too much acid that causes the

reflux/burning, although it can happen.

It is that the acid-esophageal sphincter reflex is not working

properly and it isn't closing properly to inhibit the acid from

refluxing back into the esophagus. The reason it doesn't work properly

is because it has gotten lazy from going too long without adequate

levels of acid and needs to be re-trained.

Also, taking the acid to closely to the end of a meal can cause


Just wanted to put in what I've learned to date. Hope this shines a

little light on.

" a K. Carlton " <kristina.carlton@...> wrote:


> I'm curious, does that mean my digestion has improved?

> If yes, does that mean that as your digestion improved you

> progressively would need less HCL, until you eventually need none or

> perhaps only 1 or 2 a meal? Has anyone else had a similar experience?


> Regards,

> Cara


> Hi Cara,


> When I first started taking HCL, long before I joined this group, I

was told

> by a doctor or pharmacist exactly that. Digestion would improve as

the body

> heals and you would know because of the burning sensation when

taking HCL on

> a dose that previously did not cause a burning sensation. I am

interested to

> see what Bee and the moderators have to say about it.


> a





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> Well,in order to take this,don`t you have to be able to swallow a

pill? My 13 year old son,has the mentality of a 2 year old.Not to

mention,he fights when you try to get to to take medicine.I know of no

other way to get HCL into him without burning his esophagus.This has

been a big problem all along.Why he has bad malabsorbtion problems.I

know that peppermint and wormwood increase stomach acid, but can i keep

giving it to him.The best way for me to get suppliments in him,is to

sprinkle it in his drink or on food. Tina

==>Hi Tina. It is important that your son understand how serious poor

health can affect his life. It is well-known that cancer can occur

very easily even in children if he doesn't take responsibility for his

own health. You can't do it for him.

HCl capsules are extremely easy to swallow, and IF your son wants to

get well he should willingly take them.

There are many other things that increase HCl, that you might try

instead of continuing long-term with peppermint and wormwood, including

ocean sea salt (he should be having my Electrolyte Drink which is in my

article), good saturated fats, 1-2 tbl. of sauerkraut or kimchi with

every meal, etc. - see my article " How to Successfully Overcome

Candida " for the section on How to Improve Digestion - the article is

found in the 2nd Folder in our Files.

The best, Bee

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> >

> > Well,in order to take this,don`t you have to be able to swallow a

> pill? My 13 year old son,has the mentality of a 2 year old.Not to

> mention,he fights when you try to get to to take medicine.I know of no

> other way to get HCL into him without burning his esophagus.This has

> been a big problem all along.Why he has bad malabsorbtion problems.I

> know that peppermint and wormwood increase stomach acid, but can i keep

> giving it to him.The best way for me to get suppliments in him,is to

> sprinkle it in his drink or on food. Tina


> =Hi Tina,

I sympathise with you. It's bad enough that we have to deal with our

health crisis but taking caring of a child is doubly hard. Children

do not understand the correlation between their behaviour and health

in normal circumstances let alone when compromised like yours. I

speak from having brought up three boys. I found that it was really

at much older ages when spoonfeeding info on health (excuse pun)

really kicked in. You probably know that you can get a crusher for

supplements which crushes and also cuts in half hard supplements. I

bought one at GNC when I was visiting the States. This will make your

job easier. Good luck! P.S. (in case you cannot find one, I will send

you mine. Perihan

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  • 3 months later...


> Hi, a quick question:


> I purchased Hydrochloric Acid tablets from the healthstore today. It

> says that it contains lactose, have I purchased the wrong ones?


Hi Leah. Yes you have purchased the wrong one. NOW or Natural Factos

brands are good.


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> Hi Leah. Yes you have purchased the wrong one. NOW or Natural


> brands are good.



I'm having trouble finding the right brands here in Australia. But

thanks for telling me. I will go back and see if there's one without

lactose in it.



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Hello Leah,

Here are some brands reportedly available in Australia you could check


that Bee has okay'd in the past.

Now Foods - Pancreatin

Pancreatin is a preparation of porcine pancreatic enzymes. Pancreatin

naturally contains protease (protein digesting), amylase (carbohydrate

digesting), and lipase (fat digesting) enzymes.

Gelatin (capsule), Rice Flour, Magnesium Stearate and Silica.

Contains no sugar, yeast, salt, starch, wheat, gluten, corn, soy or


Now Foods - Betaine HCL

NOW Betaine Hydrochloride with Pepsin is formulated for maximum

potency . It combines Betaine Hydrochloride (naturally occurring in

beets) with pepsin that is standardized to National Formulary


Gelatin (capsule), Silica and Magnesium Stearate.

Contains no yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk, sugar, salt or


Natural Factors, Betaine Hydrochloride

Betaine Hydrochloride creates a favorable digestive environment in the

stomach by providing a supplemental source of hydrochloric acid.

Fenugreek also aids digestion.

Gelatin capsule (gelatin, purified water), magnesium stearate

(vegetable grade), silica.

Contains no artificial preservatives, color or sweeteners; no corn,

dairy, starch, wheat or yeast.

Natures Sunshine - Protein digestive aids

(betaine hydrochloride - 325mg (a purified & isolated ingredient from

red beet)(pepsin - 65 mg; derived from pig).

Free of yeast/gluten/starch/colours/flavours/preservatives

Hope this helps. :-)

Debra NW

" leahaha_01 " <sewnfun@...> wrote:

Hi Leah. Yes you have purchased the wrong one. NOW or Natural

Factos brands are good.


I'm having trouble finding the right brands here in Australia. But

thanks for telling me. I will go back and see if there's one without

lactose in it.



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I live in Australia and buy all my supplements, (NOW and Natural Factors

brands) as per Bee's protocol online from i - herb. You can email me offline

for more info if you need further guidance.




From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of leahaha_01

Sent: Tuesday, 29 January 2008 7:22 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: HCl

> Hi Leah. Yes you have purchased the wrong one. NOW or Natural


> brands are good.



I'm having trouble finding the right brands here in Australia. But

thanks for telling me. I will go back and see if there's one without

lactose in it.



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Hi!! I live in Nigeria.

How can i get the food supplement?

Maree Bach <aicoaching@...> wrote:


I live in Australia and buy all my supplements, (NOW and Natural Factors

brands) as per Bee's protocol online from i - herb. You can email me offline

for more info if you need further guidance.



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Welcome. What is your name please?

If you are asking where you can order supplements from the US

Maree orders from www.iherb.com. There are other places you

can check to compare prices both on supplements and shipping

to your country like www.vitaglo.com and www.vitacost.com.

Be sure to read the articles Bee sent you when you joined the forum

as it will get you off to a great start and you will gain a wealth of

knowledge about her wonderful natural healing plan.

For information on the supplements Bee recommends, what kind

and how much to take please check out this information Bee has

on her website:


Hope this helps. :-)

Debra NW

bussychristy@...> wrote:

Hi!! I live in Nigeria.

How can i get the food supplement?

Maree Bach aicoaching@... wrote:


I live in Australia and buy all my supplements, (NOW and Natural


brands) as per Bee's protocol online from i - herb. You can email me


for more info if you need further guidance.



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Well you have Natures Sunshine.. " Protien Digestive Aid " on your list....but I

can tell you that this does contain lactose ...because I have a bottle in fron

of me atm & I can read it on the label (I didnt notice when I first bought it)

Re: HCl

Posted by: " Debra NW " wee_steps@... wee_steps

Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:52 pm (PST)

Natures Sunshine - Protein digestive aids

(betaine hydrochloride - 325mg (a purified & isolated ingredient from

red beet)(pepsin - 65 mg; derived from pig).

Free of yeast/gluten/starch/colours/flavours/preservatives

Hope this helps. :-)

Debra NW

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