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Re: Pattie/was Re: Politics in Healing/.

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Lay it on us Pat. What herbs? What healing? What do we do?  The desperate are

WILLING. My doc has now suggested chemo when Faslodex fails, which it is

starting to do.


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My healing story is very long; but I will try to summarize.

I believe cancer involves the mind, body and soul.

MIND: Being happy, grateful and loving yourself everyday. I spent two years in

therapy for childhood sexual abuse and getting rid of all the garbage. Before

cancer, I was always depressed, angry, controlling--you can get the picture.

BODY: Eat good wholesome food--no frying. I used to live on fast food, candy

and sodas/lots of coffee. I also used to take tons of prescription drugs. I

believe Premarin was the start of my breast cancer; because no one in my family

has ever had cancer. My grandmother lived to be 101. I never exercised in my

life--big mistake. I now exercise--I do three days a week of water aerobics and

walk my dog daily. I lost 30 pounds, which I didn't expect, just changing my

diet--probably the candy and soda elimination. I have stayed at the same weight

now since 2002--my year of cancer. Although, many on this group do not speak

much of bloodroot--it cured my cancers. The herbalist that helped me was (Greg

Caton at altcancer.com) and Ryn--watched my progress, etc. Sorry I cannot give

any further info on Ryn--the FDA is still looking for her. They even went so

far as to email me with a fake cancer story wanting her contact info--I deleted

it of course. I

also did and still do colon, liver and kidney cleanses (Dr. Schulze at

herbdoc.com). Since Gregs herbs are not available yet, I am looking into LDN

and R-lipoic acid as a preventative. Daily I take Dr. Schulze's superfood,

cayenne in capsule (herbsfirst.com), Kyolic, odorless garlic and probotics from

(wolfe clinic in Canada).

To : If it was me, I would contact Gammill before even considering

chemo. He is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to cancer.

SOUL: Before cancer, I never thought about spirituality--really didn't fully

understand it either. My enlightenment began on about the fourth day my tumors

were expelling and I was in a painful state. I walked out to the patio for some

sun and this swarm of hundreds of monarch butterflies encircled my body for just

a minute--then they disappeared into nowhere. I was really confused; I didn't

know what just happened, if anything. That same weekend I told a friend, who

has studied such occurences, she explained to me it meant rebirth or new

begining--and that it was. I was led to spirituality books and began reading. I

also now meditate and can tell you stories of things happening in my life that

you will find hard to believe--but it is the truth. It was the begining of my

new life and it is wonderful. In 2002, within six months time, I quit my

stressful job, divorced my alcoholic hubby, sold my too big city house with all

the furnishings,

distanced myself from a few negative friends/family and now live in a little

house with little maintenace in a quiet, small town with many positive, loving

friends nearby and loads of backyard butterflies, etc. and a veggie garden. I

also work part time in a small office with a happy atmosphere. I feel connected

to the universe and all its wonders. My only question is why I am alive and my

three dear loving friends, who did chemo, couldn't be shown the same road that I

was led to. I console myself in thinking perhaps it is not for me to question,

but to just accept. I still miss them everyday.

If you want to email me outside the group --I will give you further info.

With love,


> From: Dorr <dorrnancy@...>

> Subject: Re: Pattie/was Re: [ ] " Politics in Healing " /.


> Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 7:26 AM

> Lay it on us Pat. What herbs? What

> healing? What do we do?  The desperate are WILLING. My doc

> has now suggested chemo when Faslodex fails, which it is

> starting to do.






> ------------------------------------



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You mentioned you would give me further info outside the group. When you have

time, would you be willing to follow thru on this? I am putting together a new

protocol and want to get on top of this ASAP.




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I did bloodroot in 2002. I am now considering LDA and R-Lipoic Acid for



> From: Dorr <dorrnancy@...>

> Subject: Re: Pattie/was Re: [ ] " Politics in Healing " /.


> Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009, 5:08 PM

> Pat,


> You mentioned you would give me further info outside the

> group. When you have time, would you be willing to follow

> thru on this? I am putting together a new protocol and want

> to get on top of this ASAP.


> Thanks,






> ------------------------------------



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