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My Updated Cancer-Fighting Protocol

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I would like to thank the group for all the wonderful

suggestions for herbs and supplements that can help me continue my

fight. Since posting my Cancer-fighting protocol last week-end, I am

considering some changes to this protocol, not only because of

suggestions on this website, but because of some lingering questions

I had about some of my treatments.

1.) The first issue I have is about medicinal mushrooms. For 5,000

years the Japanese and Chinese people have had a science of treating

people that worked. Yet along comes O. Young and Dr.

Cousens tailing along who say that mushrooms CAUSE cancer.

Is there any truth in this? " Dr. " Young has an online degree I think

from the Clayton School of Healing. Not to say that mainstream " docs "

have this thing figured out either. But we as cancer survivors are

the guinea pigs in both mainstream and alternative therapies as well.

There are huge dollars flowing out of out pockets to BOTH sides of

this cure community. We as cancer survivors are the experts. We are

the ones who put all this stuff in our bodies and discover that it

works or not. But will we ever know what worked? Probably not. Back

in 2005 when I was fighting terminal cancer, someone asked me, " But

don't you want to know what cured you? " I was on like a

Gazillion different herbs and supplements. I replied, " No, not

really. " But the fact of it is. I DO care. I look back on that time

in my life and the fight I am having now and I have put a tremendous

amount of time, energy and financial resources into " curing " this

thing called cancer.

So, my question here, what is the thought out there about Young and

Cousens theories about the internal environment and fungus, molds and

yeasts? And that mushrooms cause cancer and are forever forbidden for

cancer patients? They take their work from the late 1800's bitter

debate between Beauchamp, who believed that the internal environment

was the cause of disease, while Pasteur says the cause of all disease

was the germ theory. Supposedly on his death bed, Pasteur claimed

that Beauchamp was right. Anyway, Young and Cousens have come up with

this idea based on Beauchamp's work that all these funguses, molds,

yeasts are the internal environment that cause cancer to develop. It

sounds logical to me. But then what about the Chinese and Japanese

cure claims of cancer from medicinal mushrooms?

2.)On my last visit to my naturopath on Monday, who has been giving

me I.V. ozone and hydrogen peroxide treatments, he belittled the work

of Dr. Hulda . He called her " crazy. " On re-reading 's

book, The Cure For All Advanced Cancers, " I realized that 's

techinques are indeed complicated and hard as hell to follow, but I

think she is on to something. She is more into the parasites and

toxins, but does mention molds and yeasts. She also states at the

beginning of her book, that many practitioners of alternative

medicine are in it for the money and have created a science to make

you dependent on their knowledge, by hoarding the information they

have just as mainstream medicine has done. She included the list of

these " experts " as witch doctors, naturopaths, herbalists and others.

She stated that she wanted to not hoard any information from any

cancer patient and wanted to unlock these secrets and let every

patient cancer know the truth about cancer.

Please let me state here that I am not judging any healer of any

kind. I am simply repeating her words.

3.) I have decided that I am being overcharged by my naturopath. He

charges $160 per one hour Ozone treatment (you drip for another 1 1/2

hours in the patient room) and I am flying down to Mexico to have a

port put in a vein so that I can give myself my own ozone I.V.

treatments. Ed McCabe in his book, Flood Your Body With Oxygen, has

told of other people learning to do this. I will be properly trained

by an M.D. I have my own medical grade O3 machine which I bought for

$950. They go for $3,000 normally. I can get 10x the amount of ozone

in my now versus the 3x a week protocol I was on.

4.) I am considering taking medicinal mushrooms

5. I am going on Dr. Hulda 's 21 day Cancer Cure Program

starting December 25 and ending January 14th, the day I am scheduled

for a CT scan. The reason I am waiting is I want to finish up the

protocol I started and have that under my belt.

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