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Re: brain tumour

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Dear ,

We have had good success with brain tumors with ozone ear insufflation.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

Brain Tumour

> Dear list


> I have a friend who's father has an " Accoustic Neuronoma " (most likely


> incorrectly!).


> Can anyone offer any suggestions? I think he could probably afford

> autohemotherapy which is available here and possibly import alternative

> therapies.


> Thanks

> Love and light


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  • 9 months later...

Dear Greg,

The ozone therapy should be by ear insufflation.

Bentonite clay and kelp will pull radiation out of the body.

And tell him to stay away from people with rayguns.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH

From: " Crook " <gwc@...>


<oxyplus >

Subject: Brain tumour

Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 22:25:34 -0400

A friend has had radiation for a brain tumour. I would like to put together

a " to do " list of suggestions for him to implement. I know cancer has been

discussed, but it would be very helpful if anyone could send info.

I would put:

- bowel, kidney, liver cleanses, in that order;

- several glasses a day of fresh vegetable juices, especially carrot/apple

(Gerson diet);

- rectal insufflation of ozone, or MAHT if available (first choice)'

What about supplements?

Thanks in advance,


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Dear Greg,

There is a naturopath doctor in Rice, Washington, Rob McClintock whose phone

number is 509 738 2177 and his e mail is hleaves@.... Rob is one of the

most sensible persons I have found who openly challenges cancer and is not

afraid to give you his best thinking. Lately he has told me that Alivi and

Olicact (cactus juices) are giving him his best results, perhaps better than

Polymva which he has recommended and Polymva does work effectively in

certain breast cancers and perhaps other types. You can download Polymva on

the website polymvasurvivors. Also you mention rectal insufflation of Ozone

and there is also the ozone sauna which I have see discussed. Saul Pressman

is the best authority on ozone and has done a book on it. Sauls E-mail is

spressman@.... You should contact him and Rob McClintock. All the

best to your friend and yourself, Manson

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  • 7 years later...
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" becca071175 " <becca071175@...> wrote:

>anaplastic epedymona

It's a glioma. THe most effective things I know of for gliomas (particularly the


HOXSEY, Alzium; MISTLETOE, GLA (black currant oil), LYCOPENE, BERBERINE,

betulinic acid, selenium, green tea, genistein?; lemon ( & lemongrass &

grapefruit) essential oils, " Biogermax (natiris.pt) have some great cases of

recovery from glioma…300mg " ; NEWCASTLE vaccine; Ruta6/Calc Phos (Dr. Banerji's

protocol) " 9 patients with glioma…8 achieved complete remission [Pathak et al.,

2003, Intl. J. of Oncology] " (see below for details)

My full notes: on Banerji protocol:

Ruta6/Calc Phos (Dr. Banerji's protocol)—for brain tumors & brain metastases,

but less effective w/astrocytoma. " reported…70% success rate….9 patients with

glioma…8 achieved complete remission…2 of 3 meningioma patients had prolonged

remission and the third achieved a complete tumor regression….Ruta graveolens

(6c potency) [and] Calcarea phosphorica (3x potency) [3 of each 2-3

times/day]….If there is a tumor recurrence while on the remedies, [add] Thuja

(30c potency, 2 pellets twice daily) [Pathak et al., 2003, Intl. J. of Oncology,

pp. 975-82]….

www./group/Ruta6. Among 26 responders to an informal poll…of

brain tumor patients who had been taking Ruta-6 for at least 6 weeks, 21 have

had regression or stable scans…eight of the responders have had tumor

regression " Jeanne Wallace, PhD, CNC, www.nutritional-solutions.net, 2006

" some of our [brain tumor] clients (especially those not in mainstream

treatment) have [achieved] tumor stability….work best for people who have

either had no [chemo or radiation]…or who have been out of treatment for some

time and then experience growth. Dr. Banerji emails with people to tweak the

protocol…(i.e. adding Thuja Occ. for recurrence or something else for seizures

or cysts " from www.nutritional-solutions.net, 2006; " Banerji says it works for

all brain tumors " 2006

" Banerji...is busy framing separate protocol for treatment for various forms of

cancer….[effective, at least in vitro, with] four cases of lung cancer….`Most

cases get cured within of six months, but some may take as long as two to three

years,' says Dr. Banerji "

" Typically, [banerji] prescribes…all new patients…

Ruta Graveolens 6C…No. 40 pill size…2 pills = 1 dose; 2 doses daily, morning

(breakfast) and evening (dinner time).

Calcarea Phosphorica 3X…1 grain tablet size…2 tablets = 1 dose; 2 doses daily,

noon (lunch) and night (bedtime).

For `ACUTE' cases…3 Ruta 6C pills a dose and 3 doses daily at 7am-1pm-7pm. Then

in between, 3 of the CalcPhos 3X tablets a dose and 3 doses daily at


Instructions: Dissolve pills in mouth. Do not chew or swallow. Do not touch the

pills (use a pill cup). Do not eat, drink or take other meds at least 15 minutes

before and after use. If you are taking steroids (Decadron), avoid taking them

as well as any citrus fruits or juices for at least 30 minutes before or after

taking Ruta/CalcPhos. To avoid minor upset stomach, do not take on an empty


…can be purchased from Washington Homeopathics [800-336-1695]…call…and tell them

this is for Dr. Banerji's brain tumor treatment "


Also can be ordered from www.1-800homeopathy.com. $32 for 2-month supply.

For further information:

www./group/ruta6 (for testimonials, click on " Files " ; " you will

find MRI results " )

or " contact Dr. Prasanta Banerji at: PBH Research Foundation, 10/3/1 Elgin Road,

Calcutta--700 020, India, Tel: +91 33 22472845, Fax: +91 33 22477275

pbhrf@... " ; www.pbhrfindia.org

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