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Re: My protocol from Young,Cousens,Pitchford,Schultz

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Dear , its marvellous to know your cure and the courage is unmatched. This

is the way every human being must live.I have to tell you something harsh, you

remember the doctor who gave you six months only in 1994?..check and see if he

is still alive...doctors must know one thing - no one can predict the life of

another - same as no doctor can tell you the exact cause for cancer. If doctor

does not know the cause for cancer, how can he say the only medicine is


Carry on , now you have come together with us 18 years after your first

diagnosis and you are now 56 so...WTH...we move forward another 30 (if 86 is

enough for you)...that is human life (I dont think your 1994 doctor will survive

this long..so what's the worry...smile...be very positive...you will cure....you

will be with us..as long as you need....may god bless you and may the triple

gems bless upon you. Vishwajith / Sri Lanka


From: dorrnancy

....it has now been 30 days since my new diagnosis.

....I now have my own protocol put together...

I have included my cancer history and the protocol...

1990 - Stage I - II: Initial breast cancer diagnosis of estrogen

dependent cancer at age 38 (premenopausal) . Mascetomy. NO chemo.

Nothing else but surgery

1994 Stage IV: Cancer recurred in the sternum bone. The tumor was

also partly wrapped around a heart valve. The cancer had eaten away

the sternum and the scar tissue was holding the chest wall together.

I was given six months to live. Told the doctor to go to hell. Got a

second and third opinion.....

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Hi ,

I like your attitude and your plan. I'm a huge lover of raw food,

myself. Just remember, I was a raw foodist before being diagnosed with

cancer. So, I'm glad you're adding other things. However, I don't

actually see anything in your plan that addresses breast cancer itself.

I don't know how old you are, but the excess estrogen in your body needs

to be addressed. Your onc was wrong to tell you no flax seeds. You

see, oncs don't understand the difference between soy and flax. They

are not the same. Flax seed is definitely a good thing for estrogen

driven cancers. To deal with excess estrogen, I've been using calcium

D-Glucarate. It's worked, as far as I can tell. The hormonal imbalance

I was experiencing seems to be getting better.

Also, you will want to have your iodine levels checked. Go to

http://www.breastcancerchoices.org. You can order the iodine loading

test. As you are a breast cancer patient, they can give you one for

free if it is available. It really doesn't cost much, anyway. If you

are low in iodine, you can supplement with iodoral.

You should be looking into modified citrus pectin.


Vitamin D?


Best of luck.


On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 07:32:16 -0000, " dorrnancy " <dorrnancy@...>


> Hello everyone. Well it has now been 30 days since my new diagnosis.

> I have finally come up for air after conducting my research on cancer

> cures once again and I now have my own protocol put together. Of

> course, I find new ones all the time, but I am sticking pretty much

> with what I have found. I wasn't sure I was up for the fight again as

> it is very expensive, takes a lot of time and effort. This is my

> fourth time around with cancer. But considering the alternative,

> what's my choice, right? So I thought I'd lay it all out for all to

> see even though I don't know any of you. I've been hiding in the

> shadows scared to death to say anything. So this is my intial coming

> out party here in this very special Cancer Club. Wish me well all as

> I do the same for you. I have included my cancer history and the

> protocol combining my oncologist, naturopath and my own research:


> 1990 - Stage I - II: Initial breast cancer diagnosis of estrogen

> dependent cancer at age 38 (premenopausal). Mascetomy. NO chemo.

> Nothing else but surgery

> 1994 Stage IV: Cancer recurred in the sternum bone. The tumor was

> also partly wrapped around a heart valve. The cancer had eaten away

> the sternum and the scar tissue was holding the chest wall together.

> I was given six months to live. Told the doctor to go to hell. Got a

> second and third opinion. Put on clinical trial for experimental use

> of Bone marrow transplant for advanced breast cancer. The tumor grew

> 30% on the initial chemo regimen to shrink the tumor in preparation

> for the transplant. I had been careful to not use any herbs or

> supplements that might " interfere " with the chemo. After the bad

> knews that the tumor had grown 30%, I decided to go for broke. What

> did I have to lose? I miraculously found a guy who knew of this

> cowboy in Wyoming who used a substance called Compound X which cured

> cancer in horses. He gave it to me for free. I was also switched to

> Taxol. A CT scan six weeks later revealed the tumor has COMPLETELY

> disappeared. Went ahead and had the bone marrow transplant as a back-

> up followed by radiation. Ate 95% raw foods diet with tons of juices.


> January 2006: Recurrence in the lungs. Little spots and tumors

> everywhere. Put on Femera. Started juice fasting, cleansing from Dr.

> Schulze's Incurables Program. Also did Cesium. 95% raw food diet.

> Back in remission for the most part with continual check-ups and CT

> scans. Cancer stable July 2007.


> October 20 2008: CT scan reveals four tumors ranging from 5 mm, 6mm,

> 8mm to 3.5 cm x 1.9 cm (about 1.5 x .75 inches). Put on Faslodex, an

> estrogen blocker. The largest tumor grew from nothing to over an inch

> in nine months, which means it is fast growing. They will monitor the

> effectiveness of the drug by a CT scan on January 14, 2009.


> My current research tells me that CANCER THRIVES BY:


> Sugar (eat only lemon, limes, tomatoes and avocados. No carrots or

> beets allowed)

> Salt (eat no salt and do not eat out as restaurant food is loaded)

> Iron (IP6 - I just learned of this tonight)

> High protein (eat no more then 20-30 grams protein a day)

> Low-oxygen environment (eat high-oxygen raw foods, hike and

> excercise, deep breathing, O2 supplements or hydrogen peroxide drops

> purchased 35% food grade at health food store)


> My protocol for STAGE IV BREAST CANCER:


> 1. DIET and FASTING: O. Young's " Miracle PH Diet " and Phase I

> raw diet from Dr. Cousens " Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine. "

> I do not eat all the nuts and seeds he allows, but follow everything

> else. I do have a hard time not overdoing the seeds though as I love

> sunflower seeds. Pitchford in " Healing With Whole Foods " that

> cancer patients should not eat more then 6 almonds a day. Dr. Others

> allow maybe 8-10 almonds 2x a day. Protein builds tissue and we don't

> want to build cancer tissue. Dr. Cousens allows for microalgae, but

> Young doesn't. I go with Cousens on the microalgae. Young doesn't

> allow fermented products. Cousens allows on Phase 1.5 and Phase 2.

> I EAT 100% raw foods. I juice 34 - 74 ounces of juice 4- 5 days a

> week. I take the week-ends off and eat raw salads. Pitchford

> says to take only 1 tsp. of oil a day for cancer patients. Cousens's

> diet overdoes salt and oil. I go with Pitchford on the 1 tsp of oil a

> day. I started out planning to fast for 90 days. Then I fell off the

> wagon with some red bell peppers (raw). Then decided to go for 40

> days and broke the fast this week with another raw red bell pepper

> and too many sunflower seeds. I am now going to try Dr. Schulze's

> five day program, with raw foods on Monday and Friday, fast Tuesday -

> Thursday, and then relax on the week-ends. My cancer is not sitting

> back and relaxing, but I can't seem to go without solid food for more

> then five days. He wants us Stage IV's to go 30 days or longer with

> just juice fasting. I can't do it. I lost 20 pounds in 4 weeks and I

> look pale and I felt weak. But I am still going to juice fast as much

> as I can stick to it.


> Green drinks: My favorite juice is 2 tomatoes, 4 stalks celery, 1

> cucumber unpeeled, 2-3 leaves Kale, 1 stalk broccoli. All organic

> vegies. Makes 16 - 20 ounces. I drink 8 ounces wheatgrass a day,

> following www.cancertutor.com and the recommendation to drink 1/2 of

> it four hours after juicing to raise the absidic (sp?) acid level. No

> high-sugar vegetables. Carrots and beets are out.


> My mainstream oncologist says NO red clover (so much for Dr.

> and the Hoxey formula), no black cohosh, no ginseng and

> no flax seeds (WHAT??) because my tumors are estrogen-dependent.

> Finally got the Omega 3's and 6's figured out since I'm not supposed

> to eat flax seeds (even though I have snuck them in a little in Dr.

> Schulze's Intestinal Formula #2). But the clerk at the health food

> store tonight told me about Salba seed which has mega 3's and 6's.

> YEAH!!!! I have been tormented about this for a month.


> 2. SUPPLEMENTS: Both Young and Cousens say no mushrooms in any form.

> My naturopath kept pushing me to take Cell Serum Maitake Gold 404

> until I finally relented this past week even though he knows I am

> following Cousens/Young. Took for one day and put it back on the

> shelf. I take anti-fungal, anti-yeast and anti-microbial products

> Young recommends in his books (caprylic acid, lipoic acid,

> pycnogenol, n-acetyl cysteine) and I take powdered Coral Calcium and

> powdered Vitamin C, liquid collodial sea minerals and beta-carotene

> from D. salina.


> 3. OXYGEN therapies: I am undergoing I.V. Ozone and hydrogen peroxide

> treatments 3 x week. I have just purchased my own medical grade O3

> machine and will start inhaling it into my lungs. My nautropath is

> going to show me how to do this with olive oil. I also take Dr.

> Donsbach's Oxylife products with aloe vera and hydrogen peroxide. I

> add drops of hydrogen peroxide to all my filtered water (Aquasan

> filter) per Dr. O. Young.


> 4. Infrared saunas:

> I take infrared saunas 3x a week in my naturopath's office. He has

> turned me on to a kit you can build one yourself.


> 5.) Lympathic Massage

> Per Dr. O. Young


> 6. Physical:

> Work out 2 x a week with personal trainer lifting weights. Walk in

> Forest Park 4-5 times a week. Swimming and treadmill.


> 7. Spiritual/Mental/Emotional

> Amazing Life Institute in Vancouver Washington. Gets your head

> wrapped around fighting and beating this thing. Good self-healing

> tapes. Yoga.



> ------------------------------------



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Thanks Arlyn. Wow. Yeah, my naturopath doesn't agree on the flax seed issue with

the oncologist either. But I wanted to be the perfect little patient. I snuck

and read my chart in her office last week when she stepped out of the room and

she had written " patient reluctantly is giving up red clover and flax seed. "



What is LDN? I will order all the other stuff on www.iherb.com. Wow! What a cost



Also, curious about how long you had been a raw fooder before getting cancer.

And what stage were/are you at? And how are doing now?


Hi ,

I like your attitude and your plan. I'm a huge lover of raw food,

myself. Just remember, I was a raw foodist before being diagnosed with

cancer. So, I'm glad you're adding other things. However, I don't

actually see anything in your plan that addresses breast cancer itself.

I don't know how old you are, but the excess estrogen in your body needs to be

addressed. Your onc was wrong to tell you no flax seeds. You see, oncs don't

understand the difference between soy and flax. They are not the same. Flax seed

is definitely a good thing for estrogen driven cancers. To deal with excess

estrogen, I've been using calcium D-Glucarate. It's worked, as far as I can

tell. The hormonal imbalance I was experiencing seems to be getting better.

Also, you will want to have your iodine levels checked. Go to

http://www.breastca ncerchoices. org. You can order the iodine loading

test. As you are a breast cancer patient, they can give you one for

free if it is available. It really doesn't cost much, anyway. If you

are low in iodine, you can supplement with iodoral. You should be looking into

modified citrus pectin. LDN? Vitamin D? Melatonin?

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Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you. I put IP6 next to the iron in " things that

make cancer thrive " as a GOOD thing to help bind iron out of the body.


IP6 IS A GOOD THING. Sorry for the confusion. I am ordering the powder form form

off www.iherb.com today as well as the other things Arlyn recommended for breast



natalie wrote:

Ok now I am confused last night we talked about IP 6 as something that could

help heal cancer. Now its on a list of something that isnt good? Can anyone


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Dear Vishwajith :


Thank you so much for your kind words. Two weeks ago I went to a funeral parlor

to check out burial arrangements and pick out my urn. I thought it was over for

a few days and decided to buy some new furniture---went out and paid $3,000

worth of new furniture, including a beautiful yellow leather chair and ottoman

and a J.C. Penny rocking/vibrating recliner and some other household items.


I just met with a top PBS producer/writer to finish the film I started in 2004

and I filmed last Monday my new film called " Swami and the Mystic

Traveller. " AND I am starting my own healing center. I just registered the



So, THERE. I am on for the fight one more time. I have 90 days to cure this

thing. Because they are already talking chemo depending on the results of the

Fasoldex. There are low results/stats I hear from this drug. Only 18% shrinkage

in most women. The cancer is not in the bones and old bity scar tissue in the

liver they have been monitoring for years never change in size, so I am o.k. I

know lung prognosis are not good. I figure alternatives are my only best hope



I NEED A MIRACLE AGAIN. But here I go................


JIT HOLDS wrote:

Dear , its marvellous to know your cure and the courage is unmatched. This

is the way every human being must live.I have to tell you something harsh, you

remember the doctor who gave you six months only in 1994?..check and see if he

is still alive...doctors must know one thing - no one can predict the life of

another - same as no doctor can tell you the exact cause for cancer. If doctor

does not know the cause for cancer, how can he say the only medicine is


Carry on , now you have come together with us 18 years after your first

diagnosis and you are now 56 so...WTH...we move forward another 30 (if 86 is

enough for you)...that is human life (I dont think your 1994 doctor will survive

this long..so what's the worry...smile. ..be very positive...you will

cure....you will be with us..as long as you need....may god bless you and may

the triple gems bless upon you. Vishwajith / Sri Lanka

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My naturopath has also been giving me I.V. germanium and injections in my

buttocks 3x a week. We had planned to use this in a nebulizer for the lungs, but

the price of the vials jumped 10x in the past week.


He is now starting me on I.V. cesium, which I will back-up with the oral 1.5

grams 2 x a day. My oncologist has agreed to monitor my potassium levels, even

though she says (of course) that she can't endorse the regimen, since I told her

people have gone into cardiac arrest with too much potassium in the body.


I am off for a hike in Forest Park. If anyone ever comes out to Portland, please

e-mail me and I would love to go hiking with you!




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Hi ,

First I want to tell you what an inspiration you are to me. I wish we

lived closer to each other! I'm in Florida!!

I went veg raw food in 2001. Lost a bunch of weight, cured myself of

many ailment including most of my allergies. And I looked incredible!!

Then I moved from Florida to Vermont. After three years of wonderful

raw foodiness, I started to slip. It was just too cold in Vermont to

stick to the diet. I added wheat back in my diet as well as dairy

because of osteopenia and lack of sunlight for vitamin D. And then I

slipped more and started eating foods with sugar in them. I am still

mostly raw, but I've gained much of the weight I lost back, and my skin

looks terrible and I don't feel as well as I did those first three

years. So, after moving back to Florida, I have been working on getting

back to where I was a few years ago. I was diagnosed with DCIS a year


My family believes that my healthy diet helped to keep the DCIS

non-invasive. It was grade 2 with comedo necrosis, 1 cm, multifocal.

ER positive. I believe that it would have become invasive if I hadn't

caught it.

But, I believe that deficiencies in my diet contributed to the formation

of the DCIS. I don't think the raw food diet caused it, but my lazy

practice of the raw food diet might have contributed. For instance, I

turned out to be low in iodine, who knew?? And even though I live in

Florida, I still supplement with liquid vitamin D. It makes a huge

difference in how my skin looks. I've been using melatonin for years

because I'm an insomniac, but now I'm taking the theraputic dose for

breast cancer - 20mgs.

I have been struggling to deal with my adrenal fatigue - which causes

estrogen dominance. Unfortunately, my work schedule does not care about

ongoing cancer treatment. :( Today, I decided to treat myself and I

bought a very expensive new bed. I hope it helps me to sleep better.

Do a google search for LDN. I'm rather excited by it. If I were to

develop mets, I would definitely put myself on it. The best thing about

it is that it seems to do no harm. :)

I tried the Budwig diet, but the dairy was just too much for me. All

those years as a raw foodist...and even though I eat feta cheese almost

daily, the amount of dairy in Budwig was way more than that. My ND went

crazy when he found out I was ingesting that much dairy. But, he also

didn't know diddly about Budwig, so, I take his reaction with a grain of


I look at my DCIS as a huge warning sign that I am not the best I could

be. I used conventional methods to treat it - surgery and radiation.

And now I'm just trying to correct the problems that may have caused it

in the first place.

I often wonder, too, if the DCIS was there before I went raw and the raw

food diet stopped it in its tracks. Or, if my first thought is correct

and deficiencies in the diet caused the problem.

I do not like juicing. I do a fruit and spinach smoothie every day


Now, if you want to move to sunny florida, just let me know. :)


On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 08:51:01 -0800 (PST), " Dorr "

<dorrnancy@...> said:

> Thanks Arlyn. Wow. Yeah, my naturopath doesn't agree on the flax seed

> issue with the oncologist either. But I wanted to be the perfect little

> patient. I snuck and read my chart in her office last week when she

> stepped out of the room and she had written " patient reluctantly is

> giving up red clover and flax seed. " Gees!


> What is LDN? I will order all the other stuff on www.iherb.com. Wow! What

> a cost saver!


> Also, curious about how long you had been a raw fooder before getting

> cancer. And what stage were/are you at? And how are doing now?





> Hi ,

> I like your attitude and your plan. I'm a huge lover of raw food,

> myself. Just remember, I was a raw foodist before being diagnosed with

> cancer. So, I'm glad you're adding other things. However, I don't

> actually see anything in your plan that addresses breast cancer itself.

> I don't know how old you are, but the excess estrogen in your body needs

> to be addressed. Your onc was wrong to tell you no flax seeds. You see,

> oncs don't understand the difference between soy and flax. They are not

> the same. Flax seed is definitely a good thing for estrogen driven

> cancers. To deal with excess estrogen, I've been using calcium

> D-Glucarate. It's worked, as far as I can tell. The hormonal imbalance I

> was experiencing seems to be getting better.

> Also, you will want to have your iodine levels checked. Go to

> http://www.breastca ncerchoices. org. You can order the iodine loading

> test. As you are a breast cancer patient, they can give you one for

> free if it is available. It really doesn't cost much, anyway. If you

> are low in iodine, you can supplement with iodoral. You should be looking

> into modified citrus pectin. LDN? Vitamin D? Melatonin?



> ------------------------------------



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Dear Arlyn:


You brought a lot of my feelings to the surface in terms of regret I have about

not following the raw foods diet. I TOO slid off the wagon and returned (partly)

to a bad diet. Sugar and dairy, yep!  I think if you investigate most people

with recurrences you might discover diet as up there at the top in terms of

causes. I can only speak for myself, but I was certainly no angel. I have to

really forgive myself because I feel this recurrence is 100% my fault. I brought

it back.


But this will be the LAST time I deal with this as I have sprouted wings. Which

ever way the tide flows I will NEVER deal with cancer after this bout. The

Native Americans and people all over the world cured people with herbs and they

didn't even have these degenerative diseases until modern industrialization. The

scourge of humanity is the creation of white sugar and white flour, which I

lived on as a child growing up in the south. Mother's pecan pie, southern fried

chicken, mashed potatoes smothered in gravy. God rest her soul, but that diet is

a sitting duck for CANCER. But no forced it down my throat as an adult. My

lifetime addiction to processed overrefined food is OVER.


In between taking all my supplements and juices, I've go to get outside now and

go for my hike. I have been on the computer all day.


Stay with the diet and whatever you are doing, Arlyn. Don't play Russian

roulette with your health as I did. Learn from me, sister. It will be take a

miracle to reverse this again ( I believe in miracles).


I have all the supplements on order with www.iherb.com. Oh for the adrenals, I

am ordering an adrenal complex --vegeterian of course.




Hi ,

First I want to tell you what an inspiration you are to me. I wish we

lived closer to each other! I'm in Florida!!

I went veg raw food in 2001. Lost a bunch of weight, cured myself of

many ailment including most of my allergies. And I looked incredible!!

Then I moved from Florida to Vermont. After three years of wonderful

raw foodiness, I started to slip. It was just too cold in Vermont to

stick to the diet. I added wheat back in my diet as well as dairy

because of osteopenia and lack of sunlight for vitamin D. And then I

slipped more and started eating foods with sugar in them. I am still

mostly raw, but I've gained much of the weight I lost back, and my skin looks

terrible and I don't feel as well as I did those first three years. So, after

moving back to Florida, I have been working on getting back to where I was a few

years ago. I was diagnosed with DCIS a year ago.

My family believes that my healthy diet helped to keep the DCIS

non-invasive. It was grade 2 with comedo necrosis, 1 cm, multifocal.

ER positive. I believe that it would have become invasive if I hadn't

caught it.....

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Thank you for your advice. I will do my best to adhere to it. Part of

me just feels like 'why bother?' But your influence is fabulous. :) I

do wish you well. If anyone can make this work, it is you. But don't

blame yourself for your recurrance! Sometimes it really is just bad


Please keep in touch. I am interested in the adrenal herbs you bought.


On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 15:12:03 -0800 (PST), " Dorr "

<dorrnancy@...> said:

> Dear Arlyn:


> You brought a lot of my feelings to the surface in terms of regret I have

> about not following the raw foods diet. I TOO slid off the wagon and

> returned (partly) to a bad diet. Sugar and dairy, yep!  I think if you

> investigate most people with recurrences you might discover diet as up

> there at the top in terms of causes. I can only speak for myself, but I

> was certainly no angel. I have to really forgive myself because I feel

> this recurrence is 100% my fault. I brought it back.


> But this will be the LAST time I deal with this as I have sprouted wings.

> Which ever way the tide flows I will NEVER deal with cancer after this

> bout. The Native Americans and people all over the world cured people

> with herbs and they didn't even have these degenerative diseases until

> modern industrialization. The scourge of humanity is the creation of

> white sugar and white flour, which I lived on as a child growing up in

> the south. Mother's pecan pie, southern fried chicken, mashed potatoes

> smothered in gravy. God rest her soul, but that diet is a sitting duck

> for CANCER. But no forced it down my throat as an adult. My lifetime

> addiction to processed overrefined food is OVER.


> In between taking all my supplements and juices, I've go to get outside

> now and go for my hike. I have been on the computer all day.


> Stay with the diet and whatever you are doing, Arlyn. Don't play Russian

> roulette with your health as I did. Learn from me, sister. It will be

> take a miracle to reverse this again ( I believe in miracles).


> I have all the supplements on order with www.iherb.com. Oh for the

> adrenals, I am ordering an adrenal complex --vegeterian of course.


> Love,




Arlyn Grant


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Look into Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN), a pretty benign pharmaceutical (4.5 mg

tablet at bedtime) that is also used for treating cancer and can be used with

what you are doing, here is the mechanism for how it works:


The mechanisms involved in the apparent beneficial effect of LDN on cancer have

three main elements. The first is the effect of LDN, when taken late at night,

in inducing a sharp increase in pituitary and adrenal production of

beta-endorphin and metenkephalin, respectively, in the pre-dawn hours, when 90%

of the day's manufacture of these hormones occurs. Most studies have shown that

naltrexone induces a two to three-fold increase in production of metenkephalin,

the endorphin that most specifically activates delta-opioid receptors, the

primary endorphin-related anti-growth factor on cancer cells. The low dose of

naltrexone, which in higher doses would block endorphin and enkephalin action on

the receptor, is gone from the body in about three or four hours whereas the

elevated levels of endorphins and enkephalins persist all day.


The second step involved in the anti-cancer effect of these hormones results

from direct activation of opioid receptors of cancer cells by the increased

endorphins. If this activation occurs while the cell is dividing, it dies. In

fact, relatively small concentrations of metenkephalin, when added to human

pancreatic cancer cells or human colon cancer cells growing in the test tube,

have been shown to kill both. The apparent mechanism of cell killing is called

apoptosis (programmed cell death). This appears to be one of the mechanisms by

which endorphins and enkephalins combat cancer.

A third element, which may play a major role in controlling cancer, involves the

cells of the immune system, which is regulated/orchestrated to a great extent by

endorphins. In particular, endorphins raise the circulating levels of natural

killer cells and lymphocyte-activated CD-8 cells, the two immunological cell

types that prevent cancer by killing cancer cells as they arise.


It should be emphasized that Dr. Bihari's patients were all treated in a private

practice setting without the scientific rigor of a prospective clinical trial.

This precludes any scientific claims about the drug's efficacy in treating any

of the above-mentioned types of cancer. The results thus far do, however, raise

the possibility that the manipulation of opioid receptors on cancer cells as

anti-growth factors through the use of endorphins and endorphin-inducing opioid

antagonists may eventually prove to have considerable merit, particularly in

view of the many years of published, supportive laboratory research findings.


Those cancer cells that have opioid receptors on their cell membranes, and that

may, therefore, respond to LDN, include all of those that arise from the

gastrointestinal tract. This includes the mouth, esophagus, liver, pancreas,

stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum. Lymph glands and the spleen have

large numbers of opioid receptors, suggesting that Hodgkin's disease,

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, multiple myeloma and lymphocytic leukemia should respond

to LDN. Other malignancies with sizable numbers of opioid receptors on their

cell membranes include breast cancer, neuroblastoma, prostate cancer, malignant

melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, glioblastoma, astrocytoma, endometrial cancer

and small cell and large cell cancers of the lung.


BTW, the Dr. mentioned above, Dr. Bihari, was treating HIV patients with LDN

when he accidentally found that an HIV patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma who

was taking the LDN went into remission.


Check out this website for all of its many uses:


<http://www.low dose naltrexone.org/>


It has to be obtained by a compounding pharmacy, the one I use is in Florida:




They also have lots of stuff posted about LDN.  Cost is $59.95 for a 3 month

supply - cheap! 


Contact Dee Alejo at dalejo_hkg2@...

She is the moderator of the LDN group website, like this one,



If interested, tell her what is going on and where you are and that you need a

Dr. who will prescribe the LDN if your PCP won't, she has a list of them. 


Any questions, call Skip at Skip's Pharmacy.  There is something that can be

used for pain that doesn't interfere with the LDN.  You can't use narcotics with



Attached is a protocol for pancreatic cancer using LDN and alpha lipoic acid.   




[Moderator's note: The system does not let attachments come


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