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Angie, tingling in your extremities can be a result of fibromyalgia,

rheumatoid arthritis, or various medications.

Yes, you should absolutely mention it to your rheumatologist at your

next appointment.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] tingling



> I was wondering if anyone else has a tingling sensation in their

> legs and sometime my arms and hands It has always been their since

> the start of all the problems but I have been noticing it a lot more

> lately Didn't know if it could be part of the RA or maybe the fibro

> he thinks I have too Let me know if this has happened to you don't

> know if I should talk to rheumy about it at the next appoint or not


> Thanks again

> Angie

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For about a year, I would be awakened in the middle of the night with

extreme tingling in my legs. It happened only occasionally, so I couldn't

pin it to a certain reason or time. I told my Rheumy and he just shrugged.

It must not have been important.


[ ] tingling





>> I was wondering if anyone else has a tingling sensation in their

>> legs and sometime my arms and hands It has always been their since

>> the start of all the problems but I have been noticing it a lot more

>> lately Didn't know if it could be part of the RA or maybe the fibro

>> he thinks I have too Let me know if this has happened to you don't

>> know if I should talk to rheumy about it at the next appoint or not


>> Thanks again

>> Angie





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> For about a year, I would be awakened in the middle of the night


> extreme tingling in my legs. It happened only occasionally, so I


> pin it to a certain reason or time. I told my Rheumy and he just


> It must not have been important.


> Dennis

I don't like doctors who shrug.


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  • 1 year later...

Dear ,

I feel for you, I don't have tingling extremities, but my back has had profound numbness that really bothers me when someone touches it. The numbness has gotten better with time, and so has the icky feeling when someone touches it ( before I would come out of my skin, and it actually made me sick to my stomach). About two years post -op the top of my back came back, then about a year ago the sides of my back. Now all that is really numb is the bottom of my back to my backside, and about three inches on both sides of my scar. Vast improvement for me. So hopefully yours will pass, for me it took a lot of time and who know maybe it will all come back eventually even though I'm almost 4 years out.

[ ] tingling

Hi all,OK already!! Have any of you post revisionist actually had tingling extremities that cleared up with the healing process??

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Thanks ,

It is nice to know there is hope. I have gain some of my lose of

feeling in my back. I literally make people rub it. I squeeze my eyes

real tight and then say go ahead. It feels awful but I think I have

forced some of the nerve endings to work as I have gained a lot of it

back. My hand and foot though, still cramping and tingling. My face

is mostly peripheral neuropathy. It doesn't appear to be serious but

wow!! how nerve racking.


> Dear ,


> I feel for you, I don't have tingling extremities, but my back has

had profound numbness that really bothers me when someone touches

it. The numbness has gotten better with time, and so has the icky

feeling when someone touches it ( before I would come out of my skin,

and it actually made me sick to my stomach). About two years post -op

the top of my back came back, then about a year ago the sides of my

back. Now all that is really numb is the bottom of my back to my

backside, and about three inches on both sides of my scar. Vast

improvement for me. So hopefully yours will pass, for me it took a

lot of time and who know maybe it will all come back eventually even

though I'm almost 4 years out.



> [ ] tingling



> Hi all,

> OK already!! Have any of you post revisionist actually had


> extremities that cleared up with the healing process??


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  • 1 month later...


> Any idea if tingling could be a die off effect? I've had tingling in

> my hands and feet the last couple of days, and today it's on my legs

> and arms as well. It's kind of sporadic, for example the back of my

> hand will tingle for a while then my leg. It feels a little bit like

> when I take niacin when it's not a big flush and it's just very mild.

> In fact, I wonder if it's like a mild itch. It's weird. I haven't

> read about htis being a die-off symtom, but you never know :-)

==>Elyse, the tingling is from your nerves and it sounds like yours are

waking up. That's a good sign! Good for you!

Luv, Bee

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Oh wow, that's amazing! You don't know how good it made me feel to

read this message from you Bee! I have so many symptoms and

difficulties it's jsut amazing to hear when something is a good sign



On 12/3/06, Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:

> ==>Elyse, the tingling is from your nerves and it sounds like yours are

> waking up. That's a good sign! Good for you!

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> Oh wow, that's amazing! You don't know how good it made me feel to

> read this message from you Bee! I have so many symptoms and

> difficulties it's just amazing to hear when something is a good sign

> !!!

==>Elyse, you are so very welcome. You've had a lot of muscle problems

and weaknesses and your tingling symptoms are definitely a sign that

you are doing a lot that is right! Keep up the good work my dear.

You " are " making progress.

Luv, Bee

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I went through a stage where my fingers and toes tingled and went numb

quite a bit. It scared me at first. Sometimes the numbness would go up

half the length of my forearm.

But I suspected it was just another part of healing. And it did go away.


On Sun, 3 Dec 2006, Bee wrote:


> >

> > Any idea if tingling could be a die off effect? I've had tingling in

> > my hands and feet the last couple of days, and today it's on my legs

> > and arms as well. It's kind of sporadic, for example the back of my

> > hand will tingle for a while then my leg. It feels a little bit like

> > when I take niacin when it's not a big flush and it's just very mild.

> > In fact, I wonder if it's like a mild itch. It's weird. I haven't

> > read about htis being a die-off symtom, but you never know :-)


> ==>Elyse, the tingling is from your nerves and it sounds like yours are

> waking up. That's a good sign! Good for you!


> Luv, Bee


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You have quite the memory Bee, there's so many people here and yet you

get to know who's who and what's going on with them. I hope to have

that kind of mental acuity when I'm recovered too, it's definitely

something to aspire too.


On 12/3/06, Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:


> ==>Elyse, you are so very welcome. You've had a lot of muscle problems

> and weaknesses and your tingling symptoms are definitely a sign that

> you are doing a lot that is right! Keep up the good work my dear.

> You " are " making progress.

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Hi Zack, yes it is rather scary. Tingling can be the symptom of many

serios conditions. Glad to hear someone else went through it and it

went away. Thanks for letting me know.


On 12/3/06, Zack Widup <w9sz@...> wrote:


> I went through a stage where my fingers and toes tingled and went numb

> quite a bit. It scared me at first. Sometimes the numbness would go up

> half the length of my forearm.


> But I suspected it was just another part of healing. And it did go away.

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> You have quite the memory Bee, there's so many people here and yet

you get to know who's who and what's going on with them. I hope to

have that kind of mental acuity when I'm recovered too, it's definitely

something to aspire too.


==> Elyse, thank you so much. I do have my " senior moments " however,

and I remember some people better than others. My heart goes out to

you with your special circumstances and that's why I remember you so

very well. I'm so very happy you are making progress, and if aspiring

to my example helps too that's even more wonderful! It's onward and

upward Elyse!

Special ((((hugs)))) my friend, Bee

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest


> Hi

> great site , been on a candida diet for 6 months after the first 12 weeks

never felt so good all tingling in face & shoulder gone , then ate a few

mcdonalds to put on a little weight , all tingling came back ... still got today

after 9 weeks back on diet ?. feel real good in myself , a little brain fog

which i can handle its just the tingling getting me down , i see alot of people

with candida have this ..this all started 7 months ago i used to eat real bad

lots chocolate , kids sweets , fizzy pop, cakes , buiscuits etc etc , i suddenly

stopped and after 2 days the tingling came in face & shoulder ...i cried for 6

weeks drs said stress / anxiety.... i was then diagnosed with candida , spit

test keeps changing daily..have had exzma on lower back for 5 years & toenail

fungus, been drs he prescribed me terbinafine .. which i have been taking for 2

months .... would love to try the bees diet pls advice , many thanks .

> good luck to all

+++Hi there. Welcome to our group. What is your name please?

Your symptoms are very typical of candida sufferers. Please know that the " spit

test " is not reliable - see this article on the best test:


You, too, can get healthy like many members of this group - see these Success

Stories which will encourage and inspire you:


The place to start is by reading and learning so you know what to do and why -

read these 2 important articles first:

- How to Successfully Overcome Candida

- Curing Candida, How to Get Started


The best in health, Bee

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> hi

> any advice how to rid the tingling in my face & shoulders pls , thanks in


+++Hi Lee. Tingling can be caused by any one or all of these things:

1) Candida toxins, and other toxins, which move around the body.

2) Nerves waking up and becoming more healthy.

3) Lack of minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium.

4) " Retracing " of anesthetics, particularly novacaine, or other drugs, or even

retracing injuries - this is according to Hering's Law of Cure, which occurs

during natural healing: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/heal8.php

I suggest you review your supplements to ensure you are taking all of them, and

you are getting the correct kinds and taking doses recommended.

Also do some of the things recommended to help your body detoxify, i.e. coffee

enemas, dry skin brushing (or another mild form of exercise), Epsom salt baths,

Bee's Electrolyte Drink, massages and applying heat to the areas affected.

The best to you, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Lee,

What meds are you taking? Or do you mean you've started taking Bee's

recommended supplements?

If you are on the diet and taking the supplements, tingling and itching are

usually a sign that toxins are coming out, so that's a good thing.

Let us know!


> hi All

> started all new meds as suggested to have with candida diet , woke today

tingles , itching everywhere ? any ideas

> regards Lee


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Sorry yes started Bees, thanks for the info thats cool .

regards lee

[ ] Re: tingling

Hi Lee,

What meds are you taking? Or do you mean you've started taking Bee's

recommended supplements?

If you are on the diet and taking the supplements, tingling and itching are

usually a sign that toxins are coming out, so that's a good thing.

Let us know!


> hi All

> started all new meds as suggested to have with candida diet , woke today

tingles , itching everywhere ? any ideas

> regards Lee


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


> Hi bee & group.

> been reading messages regards this tingling etc .. as you know from past posts

i have had this in my face for 7 months after the 1st 12 weeks on candida diet i

felt great best ever , but came back after wrong food . really getting me down

no let up at all for approx 3 months then moves inside my thighs , & nose ...

no pain or any other troubles , i am taking all suppliments as suggested , but

only started Bees diet etc 3/4 weeks ago ... any imput would be great as you

said in one of your posts its like an electric current . am i doing anything

wrong for it not to ease up at all , i cannot seam to face anyone and dont want

to go out ,as the saying goes body feels sick all over.

++Hi Lee. Of course it goes without saying, that you need to follow the diet,

and any off-diet foods will feed candida, which increases the toxins it

produces. Toxins also cause tingling and numbness.

Also alcohol, street drugs like LSD or pot, etc., medical drugs, anesthetics or

novacaine for dental or medical operations will also be detoxified and cause

those kind of symptoms.

You can do things that help detoxification such as coffee enemas, Epsom Salt

Baths, dry skin brushing (or another mild form of exercise), and Bee's

Electrolyte Drink.

The best, Be

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hi Bee

thanks for reply.

do not take anything else but Prozac (fluoxitine) been on these for 11 years ..

what i will add is that since been on the candida diet the neutritionist gave

me ,7 months ago i must say i have eaten approx 15 potatoes a day & 2 packets of

plain crisps , now i read that pots are not good as they are so high in carbs

.... maybe while my tinglings taking so long to clear //

thanks again Lee

> >

> > Hi bee & group.

> > been reading messages regards this tingling etc .. as you know from past

posts i have had this in my face for 7 months after the 1st 12 weeks on candida

diet i felt great best ever , but came back after wrong food . really getting me

down no let up at all for approx 3 months then moves inside my thighs , & nose

.... no pain or any other troubles , i am taking all suppliments as suggested ,

but only started Bees diet etc 3/4 weeks ago ... any imput would be great as you

said in one of your posts its like an electric current . am i doing anything

wrong for it not to ease up at all , i cannot seam to face anyone and dont want

to go out ,as the saying goes body feels sick all over.


> ++Hi Lee. Of course it goes without saying, that you need to follow the diet,

and any off-diet foods will feed candida, which increases the toxins it

produces. Toxins also cause tingling and numbness.


> Also alcohol, street drugs like LSD or pot, etc., medical drugs, anesthetics

or novacaine for dental or medical operations will also be detoxified and cause

those kind of symptoms.


> You can do things that help detoxification such as coffee enemas, Epsom Salt

Baths, dry skin brushing (or another mild form of exercise), and Bee's

Electrolyte Drink.


> The best, Be


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> hi Bee

> thanks for reply.

> do not take anything else but Prozac (fluoxitine) been on these for 11 years

... what i will add is that since been on the candida diet the neutritionist

gave me ,7 months ago i must say i have eaten approx 15 potatoes a day & 2

packets of plain crisps , now i read that pots are not good as they are so high

in carbs ... maybe while my tinglings taking so long to clear //

+++Hi Lee. This program helps symptoms that you are trying to treat with

Prozac, and Prozac is a powerful damaging poison that will interfere, and even

stop healing.

Also your body has to constantly work very hard at getting rid of Prozac toxins

so that could be the reason you are getting tingling and other symptoms. See

this article about the dangers of antidepressant drugs:



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hi Bee

i will start weening of the prozac , feel real good about stopping it ... what

about the potatoes i have been having..... would they have interfered.

thanks again Lee

> >

> > hi Bee

> > thanks for reply.

> > do not take anything else but Prozac (fluoxitine) been on these for 11 years

... what i will add is that since been on the candida diet the neutritionist

gave me ,7 months ago i must say i have eaten approx 15 potatoes a day & 2

packets of plain crisps , now i read that pots are not good as they are so high

in carbs ... maybe while my tinglings taking so long to clear //


> +++Hi Lee. This program helps symptoms that you are trying to treat with

Prozac, and Prozac is a powerful damaging poison that will interfere, and even

stop healing.


> Also your body has to constantly work very hard at getting rid of Prozac

toxins so that could be the reason you are getting tingling and other symptoms.

See this article about the dangers of antidepressant drugs:



> Bee


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> hi Bee

> i will start weening of the prozac , feel real good about stopping it ... what

about the potatoes i have been having..... would they have interfered.

+++Hi Lee. That's good you will wean off Prozac. I didn't know you were still

consuming potatoes - of course they wwill cause you a lot of problems since they

are high in starch and turn into glucose/sugar which feeds candida big time!

Lee, be sure you refer to this food list for foods that are okay:


Here's the list of foods that are NOT okay:



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I can say Prozac can do some really strange stuff to your

body if you don't need it or don't need the amount you're

taking. I foolishly let a doctor put me on it a couple

years ago and I went through all sorts of things from

panic attack I thought was heart attack and rigid muscle

tension, numbness and tingling in the middle of my back

at night, racing heart when walking and/or at night trying

to sleep, not to mention major mood swings. I was told that

Prozac won't do anything to you if your body doesn't need

it, but that is plain wrong. It could be now that you are

healing on the program, you need less of it (Prozac) or

not at all, but if you reduce or go off of it, do it


- Roy

> >

> > hi Bee

> > thanks for reply.

> > do not take anything else but Prozac (fluoxitine) been on these for 11 years

... what i will add is that since been on the candida diet the neutritionist

gave me ,7 months ago i must say i have eaten approx 15 potatoes a day & 2

packets of plain crisps , now i read that pots are not good as they are so high

in carbs ... maybe while my tinglings taking so long to clear //


> +++Hi Lee. This program helps symptoms that you are trying to treat with

Prozac, and Prozac is a powerful damaging poison that will interfere, and even

stop healing.


> Also your body has to constantly work very hard at getting rid of Prozac

toxins so that could be the reason you are getting tingling and other symptoms.

See this article about the dangers of antidepressant drugs:



> Bee


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