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My protocol from Young,Cousens,Pitchford,Schultz

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Hello everyone. Well it has now been 30 days since my new diagnosis.

I have finally come up for air after conducting my research on cancer

cures once again and I now have my own protocol put together. Of

course, I find new ones all the time, but I am sticking pretty much

with what I have found. I wasn't sure I was up for the fight again as

it is very expensive, takes a lot of time and effort. This is my

fourth time around with cancer. But considering the alternative,

what's my choice, right? So I thought I'd lay it all out for all to

see even though I don't know any of you. I've been hiding in the

shadows scared to death to say anything. So this is my intial coming

out party here in this very special Cancer Club. Wish me well all as

I do the same for you. I have included my cancer history and the

protocol combining my oncologist, naturopath and my own research:

1990 - Stage I - II: Initial breast cancer diagnosis of estrogen

dependent cancer at age 38 (premenopausal). Mascetomy. NO chemo.

Nothing else but surgery

1994 Stage IV: Cancer recurred in the sternum bone. The tumor was

also partly wrapped around a heart valve. The cancer had eaten away

the sternum and the scar tissue was holding the chest wall together.

I was given six months to live. Told the doctor to go to hell. Got a

second and third opinion. Put on clinical trial for experimental use

of Bone marrow transplant for advanced breast cancer. The tumor grew

30% on the initial chemo regimen to shrink the tumor in preparation

for the transplant. I had been careful to not use any herbs or

supplements that might " interfere " with the chemo. After the bad

knews that the tumor had grown 30%, I decided to go for broke. What

did I have to lose? I miraculously found a guy who knew of this

cowboy in Wyoming who used a substance called Compound X which cured

cancer in horses. He gave it to me for free. I was also switched to

Taxol. A CT scan six weeks later revealed the tumor has COMPLETELY

disappeared. Went ahead and had the bone marrow transplant as a back-

up followed by radiation. Ate 95% raw foods diet with tons of juices.

January 2006: Recurrence in the lungs. Little spots and tumors

everywhere. Put on Femera. Started juice fasting, cleansing from Dr.

Schulze's Incurables Program. Also did Cesium. 95% raw food diet.

Back in remission for the most part with continual check-ups and CT

scans. Cancer stable July 2007.

October 20 2008: CT scan reveals four tumors ranging from 5 mm, 6mm,

8mm to 3.5 cm x 1.9 cm (about 1.5 x .75 inches). Put on Faslodex, an

estrogen blocker. The largest tumor grew from nothing to over an inch

in nine months, which means it is fast growing. They will monitor the

effectiveness of the drug by a CT scan on January 14, 2009.

My current research tells me that CANCER THRIVES BY:

Sugar (eat only lemon, limes, tomatoes and avocados. No carrots or

beets allowed)

Salt (eat no salt and do not eat out as restaurant food is loaded)

Iron (IP6 - I just learned of this tonight)

High protein (eat no more then 20-30 grams protein a day)

Low-oxygen environment (eat high-oxygen raw foods, hike and

excercise, deep breathing, O2 supplements or hydrogen peroxide drops

purchased 35% food grade at health food store)


1. DIET and FASTING: O. Young's " Miracle PH Diet " and Phase I

raw diet from Dr. Cousens " Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine. "

I do not eat all the nuts and seeds he allows, but follow everything

else. I do have a hard time not overdoing the seeds though as I love

sunflower seeds. Pitchford in " Healing With Whole Foods " that

cancer patients should not eat more then 6 almonds a day. Dr. Others

allow maybe 8-10 almonds 2x a day. Protein builds tissue and we don't

want to build cancer tissue. Dr. Cousens allows for microalgae, but

Young doesn't. I go with Cousens on the microalgae. Young doesn't

allow fermented products. Cousens allows on Phase 1.5 and Phase 2.

I EAT 100% raw foods. I juice 34 - 74 ounces of juice 4- 5 days a

week. I take the week-ends off and eat raw salads. Pitchford

says to take only 1 tsp. of oil a day for cancer patients. Cousens's

diet overdoes salt and oil. I go with Pitchford on the 1 tsp of oil a

day. I started out planning to fast for 90 days. Then I fell off the

wagon with some red bell peppers (raw). Then decided to go for 40

days and broke the fast this week with another raw red bell pepper

and too many sunflower seeds. I am now going to try Dr. Schulze's

five day program, with raw foods on Monday and Friday, fast Tuesday -

Thursday, and then relax on the week-ends. My cancer is not sitting

back and relaxing, but I can't seem to go without solid food for more

then five days. He wants us Stage IV's to go 30 days or longer with

just juice fasting. I can't do it. I lost 20 pounds in 4 weeks and I

look pale and I felt weak. But I am still going to juice fast as much

as I can stick to it.

Green drinks: My favorite juice is 2 tomatoes, 4 stalks celery, 1

cucumber unpeeled, 2-3 leaves Kale, 1 stalk broccoli. All organic

vegies. Makes 16 - 20 ounces. I drink 8 ounces wheatgrass a day,

following www.cancertutor.com and the recommendation to drink 1/2 of

it four hours after juicing to raise the absidic (sp?) acid level. No

high-sugar vegetables. Carrots and beets are out.

My mainstream oncologist says NO red clover (so much for Dr.

and the Hoxey formula), no black cohosh, no ginseng and

no flax seeds (WHAT??) because my tumors are estrogen-dependent.

Finally got the Omega 3's and 6's figured out since I'm not supposed

to eat flax seeds (even though I have snuck them in a little in Dr.

Schulze's Intestinal Formula #2). But the clerk at the health food

store tonight told me about Salba seed which has mega 3's and 6's.

YEAH!!!! I have been tormented about this for a month.

2. SUPPLEMENTS: Both Young and Cousens say no mushrooms in any form.

My naturopath kept pushing me to take Cell Serum Maitake Gold 404

until I finally relented this past week even though he knows I am

following Cousens/Young. Took for one day and put it back on the

shelf. I take anti-fungal, anti-yeast and anti-microbial products

Young recommends in his books (caprylic acid, lipoic acid,

pycnogenol, n-acetyl cysteine) and I take powdered Coral Calcium and

powdered Vitamin C, liquid collodial sea minerals and beta-carotene

from D. salina.

3. OXYGEN therapies: I am undergoing I.V. Ozone and hydrogen peroxide

treatments 3 x week. I have just purchased my own medical grade O3

machine and will start inhaling it into my lungs. My nautropath is

going to show me how to do this with olive oil. I also take Dr.

Donsbach's Oxylife products with aloe vera and hydrogen peroxide. I

add drops of hydrogen peroxide to all my filtered water (Aquasan

filter) per Dr. O. Young.

4. Infrared saunas:

I take infrared saunas 3x a week in my naturopath's office. He has

turned me on to a kit you can build one yourself.

5.) Lympathic Massage

Per Dr. O. Young

6. Physical:

Work out 2 x a week with personal trainer lifting weights. Walk in

Forest Park 4-5 times a week. Swimming and treadmill.

7. Spiritual/Mental/Emotional

Amazing Life Institute in Vancouver Washington. Gets your head

wrapped around fighting and beating this thing. Good self-healing

tapes. Yoga.

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You are inspirational! Well done for devising and coping with this gruelling

regime. You are so strong.

Could you please say what you mean by iron (IP6)?

I have been looking at IP6 as a possible treatment for my sister, who has

stomach/duodenal cancer , but may think again if you don't recommend it. She

has trouble tolerating strong smells/tastes, cannot eat solids, and

struggles with pills.

Any advice or ideas gratefully received.

Has anyone else tried IP6? Or Poly MVA?

Also, do you or anyone else have a source for Miracle Mineral Supplement,

preferably in UK, but if not US will do!

Thank you


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Am in Namibia, Southern Africa, and we do supply MMS. It is one of the best

cleaner and side-effect-free effective natural remedy.

Hope that we can be of some help to you.


[ ] Re:My protocol from Young,Cousens,Pitchford,Schultz


You are inspirational! Well done for devising and coping with this gruelling

regime. You are so strong.

Could you please say what you mean by iron (IP6)?

I have been looking at IP6 as a possible treatment for my sister, who has

stomach/duodenal cancer , but may think again if you don't recommend it. She

has trouble tolerating strong smells/tastes, cannot eat solids, and

struggles with pills.

Any advice or ideas gratefully received.

Has anyone else tried IP6? Or Poly MVA?

Also, do you or anyone else have a source for Miracle Mineral Supplement,

preferably in UK, but if not US will do!

Thank you



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Hi Emma, my family has used it extensively, what would you like to know?

[ ] Re:My protocol from Young,Cousens,Pitchford,Schultz


You are inspirational! Well done for devising and coping with this gruelling

regime. You are so strong.

Could you please say what you mean by iron (IP6)?

I have been looking at IP6 as a possible treatment for my sister, who has

stomach/duodenal cancer , but may think again if you don't recommend it. She

has trouble tolerating strong smells/tastes, cannot eat solids, and

struggles with pills.

Any advice or ideas gratefully received.

Has anyone else tried IP6? Or Poly MVA?

Also, do you or anyone else have a source for Miracle Mineral Supplement,

preferably in UK, but if not US will do!

Thank you


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