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More about using cesium if you want to try it

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Dear ,

I am replying to you and and Slavek and Mychel because I feel you should

know more about using cesium if you want to try it. I thought Slavek's

suggestion re: Oleander extracts was sensible, if you are able to get them


I contacted the principal doctor at a new Caribbean cancer clinic called Sante

Caribe to inquire about the merits of the cesium protocol at

www.cancercoverup.com/story/dosage.html. [<-- This is a web site created to

tell the story of Neal Deoul who cured himself of cancer using cesium chloride.

<-- That page gives the dosages of what Neal took. One thing Neal Deoul

emphasizes is that he ALWAYS took the cesium WITH FOOD, to avoid the corrosive

effects on the stomach.]

My friend the doctor did not want to go into details about the protocol he uses,

but he did say,

" I have seen people get well on cesium with NO

mineral support, I have also seen people die on it. …

" I have given cesium to more people in the U.S.than anyone except

Dr. H.E.Sartori. " [whose name is consistently associated with cesium high pH

therapy - See www.killcancercells.com/#Anchor-WHAT-44867 At Sante Caribe they

use cesium carbonate, not chloride. He says it is far better. -- Alan]

I am under the impression from my doctor friend that mineral support is VERY

important in his protocol - both potassium and magnesium, which are driven out

of the body by the cesium. Without heavy mineral supplementation you throw your

body way out of sodium/potassium balance and you could die of a heart attack

from potassium depletion.

Regarding what Slavek so kindly and intelligently offered, I felt however that

his reference links re:

cesium seemed to me to be just barely adequate, with no suggested plan of

action. A little research I did in a few minutes resulted in my finding

this page: www.advancedscientifichealth.com/newpweb_nsf_root.asp?SID=193888,

which both explains cancer VERY simply and points to a source of both

inexpensive cesium carbonate and other seemingly well thought out complementary

products at a huge member discount - 30g. cesium carbonate costs $18.00 to

members (cost of membership = $75 including 1st mo. dues of $30); product

prices are listed here: www.advancedhealthplan.com/masterformulas.html.

AdvancedScientificHealth.com looks like a fabulous resource for self-help

because it brings all the elements together - low cost well thought out products

that have worked for the membership, knowledge support, plus the availability of

personal interaction with the membership. Membership is promoted via MLM, which

means that you have people who are motivated to help you succeed and who know

what others have experienced with their products. I have no independent

verification of successes with their products - I just found them on the web

while looking for a source of cesium carbonate for you.

I would take seriously Slavek's suggestion of contacting Dr. Marc Swanepoel as a

member, who Slavek said does

have the knowledge and willingness to help you through. You need knowledgeable

help. If that does not work out, the contact info at the top of the page at

www.advancedscientifichealth.com/newpweb_nsf_root.asp?SID=193888 may prove


I have researched a lot of cancer cures but I have no clinical or hands on

experience, so I can mainly point to people who do.

There are a number of people here pulling for you. I hope you will give us

feedback on how you do when you are better.

I am attaching a document I wrote that gives information about a number of

approaches to cancer. Note that liver flush is featured prominently in this

document and my friend at Sante Caribe said about liver flush, " BTW, I am a

MAJOR liver flush promoter. It is a BIG part of our program. I have done about

70 myself. " .

I would also emphasize coffee enemas while you are aggressively attacking cancer

tumors, to help both the liver to do its work of detoxifying the toxins released

by the tumor as the tumor dies and the body processes its mass of dead cells,

and also to help the colon to convey the toxins out through elimination. Coffee

enemas are not as unpleasant as they may sound. They ARE stimulative, as if you

drank the coffee, but delivering stimulation via enemas helps the liver do its


The major benefits of using cesium are reduction of the tumor size and

elimination of any pain coming from the tumor. Your major dangers in using

cesium are 1) getting out of mineral balance though loss of potassium and

magnesium and 2) overloading the liver through rapid die-off of the tumor cells.

The interior of a tumor is all dead cells - only the surface cells are alive and

expanding the tumor due to acidosis in that area of the body, and throughout the

body. There is no question in my mind whether cesium will cancer cells. I

believe that is for sure if you take enough and not too much of it, assuming you

can handle any effects on the stomach by taking it with plenty of appropriate

food. You do have to manage your body through the inevitable heavy detoxing as

the alkalinity destroys the tumor. Coffee enemas are a tried and true way of

doing this.

Once you are out of the woods in terms of survival, you may also want to look at

pancreatic enzymes as a way to give your immune system access to the tumor.

Otherwise, the tumor tends to be invisible to the immune system. See more about

this at FACT 7 in the attached document.

Feel free to call me if you like.

Alan Kreglow


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