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Re: Vitamin C /was Re: Kind of discouraged

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Buffered is so much easier on stomach, provided minerals,


To prevent viral r.n.a. replication your blood levels have to be so high and

stay there.  I would prefer natural sources of any nutrient but where can I get

12,000 mg of vitamin c without causing cramps.    What can I juice?


 *Buffered with food always!*


Never take straight acidic C unless you buffer it. Combine immediate with timed

release, scale up for symptoms, scale down to maintainance if symptomless.   It

will not kill virus, it will cause dormancy only. 


Sorry to butt in, but I love it when people beat a cold and medicine says it's

not possible!

and they do it over and over again throughout the years!


From: avelinedearriba <aedearriba@...>

Subject: [ ] Vitamin C /was Re: Kind of discouraged

Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 1:50 PM

Hello Katerinka,

Anything whole and raw is better because it has all the nutrients intact. I take

3,000 mg of vit C daily (1,000 mg before each meal) for the prevention of cancer

and other diseases. Vit C is rich in oxygen. The man that discoverred vit C, I

believe named in, he used to take 10,000 mg daily and he lived until he was

93 years old. If I would have cancer I would take 6,000 mg daily. The only side

effects that you can have from vit C is mild diarrhea at the begining because

you are getting detoxify.




> I have a question - are you talking about ascorbic acid or vitamin C? I

understand that true vitamin C as it exists in foods contains more things than

just ascorbic acid. So, if I'm taking " Vitamin C " made from raw food and the

label states " 1000mg vitamin C " - how much ascorbic acid is there? Or do I take

ascorbic acid instead of the whole C? Or whole C is better? Then what's the


> Thank you!

> Katerinka


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Hello avelinedearriba,


I intend no offense, but feel the need to modify what you wrote.

The vitamin C molecule does contain oxygen, but that is not what

makes it beneficial. Vitamin C can form double bonds with oxygen to

attain its oxidized state. This is why it is called an " antioxidant.

It accepts oxygen molecules to keep them from damaging other


Linus ing did not discover Vitamin C. He wrote about it. He was

a friend and colleague of Albert Szent Gyorgi, who did study vitamin C among

other things, and is credited with working out the formula for

ascorbic acid. Gyorgi also promoted the idea of using fermented wheat germ

against cancer, leading, eventually to the product Avemar.

ing did take very large doses of C for years. There is no

evidence that his longevity had anything to do with it. Gyorgi lived

as long also, so who knows?

If you base estimates of the amount of C needed by humans on the

consumption of C among our closest primate relatives, then the

average man would need several grams per day.

Hunans and other primates cannot make vitamin C the way most other mammals

do. A mutation in a liver enzyme in an ancient ancestor (maybe 80

million years ago) put the end to that. Fortunately humans have

compensatory recycling mechanisms that keep vitamin C active in the

body longer than other mammals. The amount we can get by on and the

amount we can benefit from lie at the ends of a very broad range. One

of the possible downsides of very high amounts is the likelihood that

vitamin C will block other antioxidant mechanisms that have become

compensatory in humans. Taking up to several grams per day is

probably safe based on the primate model.


Vitamin C use in cancer can go either way. Sometimes it helps.

Sometimes it hurts. The problem is in knowing which case will occur.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 3:50:34 PM, you wrote:

a> Hello Katerinka,

a> Anything whole and raw is better because it has all the nutrients

a> intact. I take 3,000 mg of vit C daily (1,000 mg before each meal)

a> for the prevention of cancer and other diseases. Vit C is rich in

a> oxygen. The man that discoverred vit C, I believe named in, he

a> used to take 10,000 mg daily and he lived until he was 93 years

a> old. If I would have cancer I would take 6,000 mg daily. The only

a> side effects that you can have from vit C is mild diarrhea at the

a> begining because you are getting detoxify.

a> warmly,

a> Aveline



>> I have a question - are you talking about ascorbic acid or vitamin C? I

understand that true vitamin C as it exists in foods contains more things than

just ascorbic acid. So, if I'm taking " Vitamin C " made from raw food and the

label states " 1000mg vitamin C " - how much ascorbic acid is there? Or do I take

ascorbic acid instead of the whole C? Or whole C is better? Then what's the


>> Thank you!

>> Katerinka



Best regards,

Mike mailto:goldenmike@...

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My aunt is 101, eats nothing natural except whatever greens might go with an

Italian meal, has no idea what Ascorbic Acid is but has no idea what a Pap smear

is either. The word doctor is not in her vocabulary.

It is what it is. There are exceptions to everything and while there may be

generalities, there are enough exceptions to throw a lot of questions to which

there are only guesses.

For example the comment was made about " beating colds " . Perhaps the only

thing being beaten is the symptom of a 'cold' and of course nobody wants cold

symptoms but what we see when we are ill are symptoms. We rarely see disease

itself. We see the results. When someone has something internally the body

wants to get rid of and they have diarrhea and then take something to stop the

runs, have they done anything but stop a symptom? That's a question that could

be answered no and a good argument can be made for that answer. Worse, they

have actually stopped the body from helping itself and we do it all the time.

Got a headache? Take an Aspirin......it stops. What stopped? The symptom.

BTW, I'm happy to be symptom free aren't we all? Wasn't it Pasteur himself

that said, finally, " it isn't the germ, it's the terrain " and even if he didn't

say it, many subscribe to that thought. I do. So, we beat 'colds', the

'flu', but what are we beating? Symptoms.

We are an odd lot. We claim naturalness and yet we do not give the body credit

for trying to heal itself except we often hear, " only the body can heal " . So

we stop its efforts and call it, " beating the cold " . Now, if one is helping

the body eliminate or negate what is bugging it, that's another story isn't it?

This takes a lot of thought and once one accepts this thought, everything about

health and sickness changes in how we look at it. People will continue,

however, to gulp down their NyQuil and 'beat their colds', but are they beating

anything but their body? Well, they are beating down those nasty symptoms. My

how we have strayed subject wise. Guilty as charged but all of us like to

pontificate from time to time.

Joe C.

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Hello avelinedearriba,

The results with intravenous vitamin C megadoses are quite mixed. My

wife had them, and her tumors grew faster. On top of that she had

seizures as a result of the IV C.

You can't alkalize your blood (for more than a handful of seconds,

anyway) the body will knock it back into the normal range of 7.35 to

7.45 even if it has to knock you out to do it (hyperventilation

leading to black out). The body knows better than we do. There is

no hydrogen peroxide in vitamin C. Massive doses of it can generate

hydrogen peroxide within cells. The enzyme catalase corrects that

very rapidly. Some cancer cells are low in catalase, so massive

doses of C might hurt them. Other cancer cells have normal levels of

catalase, which is why I said vitamin C can go either way in cancer.

The hard part remains knowing when it will help or hurt.

For as many people who claim enhanced wellness from large doses of C,

there seem to be an equal number that feel sick or tired when taking

large amounts.

There are very few absolutes.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 5:01:39 PM, you wrote:

a> Hello Mike,

a> Thank you for the information. In some cancer clinics, doctors are

a> using IV Vit C therapy with other therapies like chelation and DMSO

a> and they say it works if you combine it with other therapies and I

a> read vit C is rich in natural hydrogen peroxide and it alkalize the

a> blood. I also read that when talking high doses one's can prevent colds or

the flu for years.

a> Aveline


Best regards,

Mike mailto:goldenmike@...

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