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Re: Breast Cancer Surgery / Black Salve

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I don't know about the infra red dome, Robyn, but reading the Rife list

posts I notice that when they get a hit with an appropriate frequency,

the site produces a noticeable sensation in response. As heat is used

in some cancer treatments, one assumes the FIR must be affecting the

cancer. When I use certain herbs, or sometimes iodine, I get stabbing

dull pinprick pains. What are the pains like that you experience?

As I expect to tread this path, may I ask what you think you did wrong?

Did you put the salve on the skin above an internal cancer, or was there

some outward manifestation of the cancer that you applied it to?

Did you use DMSO to get it into the site?

Are you taking any oral herbs also?

A friend of mine also treated her breast cancer with black salve and it

came away OK.

She had uterine cancer, and had just the tumour taken away, with no

other treatment.

She felt pain in areas which were later identified by a naturopath as

the lymphatic glands the operated area would be using; she applied black

salve to these areas and in due course the pain went away.

I wrote about her before; she had various kinds of skin cancer come up

on her face, most of which she treated with black salve, though she

thinks that for the face it leaves too big a scar and she now uses other

herbs. One skin cancer treated on her face proved to be growing into an

artery, and when it shrank the artery leaked blood and she had to attend


I propose using herbs before the black salve, which I will be using as

much as a diagnostic tool as anything else. It is not palpable

clinically, and hopefully it is just some calcification, but something

is going on (hot spots both sides on thermograph) and I would rather

treat it small than large. No more mammos. I also propose making some

magnesium bicarb to drink before starting in the hopes that it will

clear up any calcification in the body.

What can you tell me about any pain you experienced during the

treatment? I am wondering whether to tell my Dr in advance what I

propose doing " as a diagnostic " in case I end up wanting pain meds, as

my friend said the breast hurt her more than the broken leg she had at

the same time.

Can anyone tell me what sort of pain might commonly be involved with

breast cancer BEFORE treatment?

Does anyone know - do all salve-treated breast cancers come out through

the skin, or might some get kind of washed away by the body systems

without coming to the top?

I too have a FIR sauna and propose using that also.

Regards and good wishes


robyn howell wrote:

> I have breast cancer and I have used black salve twice now and I havent gotten

it all for various reasons. I think I did a couple of things wrong. I am

wondering about this making it spread. I think it has spread under my breast

bone. I had a 3 inch wound both times I used the salve. It heals rapidly, That

is the stage I am in now. Down to about nickle size hole. I have and hte

infrared dome. I talked to a few people who used it along with several other

alternative things to cure their cancer. When I use the dome it makes the tumor

or tumors hurt. Do you think this is killing the tumor or just causing me pain.

I used to use the dome before I used black salve and dont remember it making it



> Thanks, Robyn




> ------------------------------------



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> Can anyone tell me what sort of pain might commonly be involved with

> breast cancer BEFORE treatment?

I am assuming you mean prior to any sort of surgery, etc, while the cancer is

still in the breast?

Some women have pain. Some do not. You will find little consistency with

breast cancer - and probably with many cancers.

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Here is a long story. In nov 07 I found a lump. Started drinking essiac. Same

old bad lifestyle. Mamogram and ultrsound may 08. I could tell from what I had

read from the mamogram that it was cancer. started Budwig. About 70 percent

compliant. Quit bad habits except still have high stress job and high stress .

They wanted to do a biopsy. Didnt. Let them in july. Ultrasound and biopsy.

Wanted to do masectomy. Tumor hadnt grown from May to July. Somewhere in the

Mayish area I had a slight sore throat for a couple of months. Went away. Sept

started using 3 hte machines. Talked to several people that had cured their own

with various methods. All this time I thought I had a slighty enlarged lymph

under my arm. I would have stabbing pains occasionly in the tumor area. Around

first of year tumor started to surface. Around end of March dime size spot on

surface. I applied black salve. I had a lady instructed me that had been helping

people for 18

years. She said I should get drainage. Didnt get much. She said it would go

after roots and other problems. I think my eschar fell off premature and I read

about a month ago that you shouldnot use anti inflamatorys or they would

interfere with the bloodroot. I did use anti inflamatorys. My lymp under my

arm got nickle size and never went down. Had a 3 inch wound. Healed rapidy,

but never all the way. Started having some stabbing pain in the wound and

looked funny. I assumed the cancer was still there and applied salve to a small

spot. A 2 1/2 area turned white plus a runner. Did anti inflamatorys again

until I read bad. I was into it about 2 or 3 weeks by then. A little more

drainage. Not much. Now I'm feeling like it may be under my breastbone.

The pains under the dome are stabbing quite intense. I have been juicing and

have started juicing more each day.

I have been taking a few vitamins. What kind of herbs do you propose? I had

quite instense pain and a lot of inflamation during black salve treatment for a

couple of weeks each time. I bought percocet before I started but used none.

Advil(antiinflamatory) plus a natural antiinflamatory.

Thanks, Robyn

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I doubt the infrared is doing anything other than increasing blood flow there.

Infrared is known to increasing the rate of healing which is basically cellular

reproduction, but since cancer is runaway reproduction I would think not to use

infrared for cancer.

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