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Message to Walter from a new postee

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Hi Walter,

I am the wife of a lung cancer survivor and lurk here often on this

board, checking out messages and learning as much as I can. I haven't

posted previously but feel I would like to send you a few words of

encouragement. My husband was diagnosed on February 5, 2008 --- on

our first visit to the lung specialist after his CT scan, the doctor

walked in with this look I'll never forget and basically said, " Get

your affairs in order, you've got probably two years at the most with

treatment, one year, if you're lucky, without treatment. " My

husband's diagnosis --- Stage IV lung cancer compounded by severe


Needless to say, we were stunned. My husband's parents both died of

cancer in 2000 - his mom in October, his Dad 8 weeks later in

December. We knew the family history was there but his parents were

both in their late 60's --- and my husband had just turned 55.

Our 21 year old daughter was in the midst of planning a big wedding.

We were advised not to wait for the original date six months later

but to move it up to spring (two months away), if possible.

Long story short, instead of giving in, we've fought this battle with

all we've got. First, my husband quit smoking cold turkey the day of

diagnosis. We did no conventional treatments, opting instead to do

alternatives. We've done marine phytoplankton, acai berry juice,

Essiac tea, and several nutritional supplements. We've used

Hydrazine Sulfate (read about it on cancertutor.com) to help with

loss of appetite. When he got into these " not interested in eating "

phases, we were told by medical personnel " it's all part of the end

stage process " and there's not really anything to help it. Don't

accept that --- be stubborn and know there's always answers

somewhere. Just follow the guidelines carefully.

If you are experiencing pain, search the internet and get some Essiac

tea --- I found the brand we buy (sence) half price on the

Internet compared to the pricing at our local health food store.

One of our hospice nurses informed us today that my husband is

considered a medical mystery as to why he's still doing so well this

late in the game.

I think it's our belief that --- " He ain't dead til he's dead " and as

long as there's life, there's hope. And pumping him full of herbs.

And prayer.

So, Walter, hang on to hope!

Let all of us on the board help to carry some of your burden as we're

all in this together. And thanks for making a " lurker " into an

active postee. I'll post some photos of my daughter's wedding as soon

as I get a chance. We kept the original wedding date and my husband

was there proudly walking our daughter down the aisle. Miracles can

happen --- that was one we were glad to accept and acknowledge.

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