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Re: Help please -Member in crisis

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Hi Wanda,

I am sorry to hear this news. Have you been to the breastcancer.org site? They

have a section for natural measures and breast cancer. Just a thought. I don't

have cancer, but have fibrocystic breasts, so I am very concerned.


Warm Blessings...

Hi old friends,

I am Wanda (of wandacline.com/ cancer) an older member who's not posted recently

as I thought I was doing so well. It's funny, because I've recommended Dr.

Gamill and his clinic to so many people due to my great respect for his

many postings here over the years, but I've never even had any direct posting

with him, so have no history to call upon when I could really use his help!

Now BC has returned to my spine, and I've been in hospital paralyzed ribs down

for two weeks, getting radiation. Movement is returning, but it's slow process.

I am only 55, with a world to live for...

I thought Budwig was working so well, and still believe in it, but I think it's

time for an emergency measure. I want to do the cayenne pepper because I've

heard of it blasting tumors away, and know someone who cured herself with it.


treatment today, but I know it continues to have an effect afterwards, so I

don't want to inhibit that effect.

Also, I understand you should not take cayenne with dairy, as they bind together

and won't work. I wonder if it would be okay to still take my Budwig FOCC once a

day at a separate time from the 3x daily cayenne.

I am sorry to have lapsed from the group. I hope people will take me in their

hearts and help me with my question.


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> Now BC has returned to my spine, and I've been in hospital paralyzed ribs down

for two weeks, getting radiation. Movement is returning, but it's slow process.

I am only 55, with a world to live for...


Wanda, I have recently used an energy healer named Kurt . My first set

of labs, since his treatment, show all four of my markers dramatically reduced,

with one of them even being normal for the first time in a year. I, too, am

Stage IV with mets to peritoneum and bone marrow. If you would like more info

about Kurt and his treatment, his website is www.cancertouch.com and please feel

free to email me if you like!


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Cayenne (capsaicin) won't interfere with radiation. It is best used

with green tea extract (EGCG) as both are tNOX inhibitors. This can

be further kicked up with broccoli, broccoli sprouts, etc. to suppress cNOX.

Among the best sensitizers and healthy tissue protectants to use with

radiation are quercetin, caffeine, vit E succinate, dipyridamole, e

thacrynic acid, sanguinarine, and PARP inhibitors.

Call my office. Perhaps I can help you track down the harder to find meds.

At 12:34 PM 9/16/2009, you wrote:



>Hi old friends,


>I am Wanda (of wandacline.com/cancer) an older member who's not

>posted recently as I thought I was doing so well. It's funny,

>because I've recommended Dr. Gammill and his clinic to so

>many people due to my great respect for his many postings here over

>the years, but I've never even had any direct posting with him, so

>have no history to call upon when I could really use his help!


>Now BC has returned to my spine, and I've been in hospital paralyzed

>ribs down for two weeks, getting radiation. Movement is returning,

>but it's slow process. I am only 55, with a world to live for...


>I thought Budwig was working so well, and still believe in it, but I

>think it's time for an emergency measure. I want to do the cayenne

>pepper because I've heard of it blasting tumors away, and know

>someone who cured herself with it. HOWEVER, WOULD CAYENNE PEPPER

>INTERFERE WITH RADIATION?? I had my last radiation treatment today,

>but I know it continues to have an effect afterwards, so I don't

>want to inhibit that effect.


>Also, I understand you should not take cayenne with dairy, as they

>bind together and won't work. I wonder if it would be okay to still

>take my Budwig FOCC once a day at a separate time from the 3x daily cayenne.


>I am sorry to have lapsed from the group. I hope people will take me

>in their hearts and help me with my question.






>No virus found in this incoming message.

>Checked by AVG - www.avg.com

>Version: 8.0.323 / Virus Database: 270.13.101/2376 - Release Date:

>09/16/09 11:21:00

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Dear Dr. Gammill,

Thank you, thank you for responding! It is such a relief to know my answer from

you, who's opinion and knowledge I trust so highly after these years of reading

your posts. I will proceed with the cayenne immediately and see about adding in

others as well.

Thank you,


> >

> >

> >Hi old friends,

> >

> >I am Wanda (of wandacline.com/cancer) an older member who's not

> >posted recently as I thought I was doing so well. It's funny,

> >because I've recommended Dr. Gammill and his clinic to so

> >many people due to my great respect for his many postings here over

> >the years, but I've never even had any direct posting with him, so

> >have no history to call upon when I could really use his help!

> >

> >Now BC has returned to my spine, and I've been in hospital paralyzed

> >ribs down for two weeks, getting radiation. Movement is returning,

> >but it's slow process. I am only 55, with a world to live for...

> >

> >I thought Budwig was working so well, and still believe in it, but I

> >think it's time for an emergency measure. I want to do the cayenne

> >pepper because I've heard of it blasting tumors away, and know

> >someone who cured herself with it. HOWEVER, WOULD CAYENNE PEPPER

> >INTERFERE WITH RADIATION?? I had my last radiation treatment today,

> >but I know it continues to have an effect afterwards, so I don't

> >want to inhibit that effect.

> >

> >Also, I understand you should not take cayenne with dairy, as they

> >bind together and won't work. I wonder if it would be okay to still

> >take my Budwig FOCC once a day at a separate time from the 3x daily cayenne.

> >

> >I am sorry to have lapsed from the group. I hope people will take me

> >in their hearts and help me with my question.

> >

> >Wanda

> >

> >

> >

> >No virus found in this incoming message.

> >Checked by AVG - www.avg.com

> >Version: 8.0.323 / Virus Database: 270.13.101/2376 - Release Date:

> >09/16/09 11:21:00




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Hi ,

Thank you. I will check it out. Do you use Kurt in person or over the phone?

I'm glad you are doing so well. I pray the same for me. I'm still have a lot

of paralysis, not able to get up on my own, but am hopeful for recovery in

spite of rather grim doctors.



> > Now BC has returned to my spine, and I've been in hospital paralyzed ribs

down for two weeks, getting radiation. Movement is returning, but it's slow

process. I am only 55, with a world to live for...

> >


> Wanda, I have recently used an energy healer named Kurt . My first

set of labs, since his treatment, show all four of my markers dramatically

reduced, with one of them even being normal for the first time in a year. I,

too, am Stage IV with mets to peritoneum and bone marrow. If you would like

more info about Kurt and his treatment, his website is www.cancertouch.com and

please feel free to email me if you like!


> xxoo



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> Hi ,

> Thank you. I will check it out. Do you use Kurt in person or over the phone?


Wanda, you use him in person. His website shows his schedule and what slots he

has open. He does things the right way ... he tracks his patients for 5 years

after treatment. He is publishing a book next year that will list many case

studies as well as his story. Anyway, I think it was well worth the $$ and the

trip to Vegas!!!! Will see more in the months to come, I'm sure!


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Hi Wanda:

I have seen people over come stage 4 cancers and other disease stats taking

doses of powdered rare strains of medicinal mushrooms, I have been told they

took about 20 grams a day with miraculous success. The web address is

www.pegasusbp.org the contact is brichardson@.... I recommend this.

I find that the protocols include no sugar, no wheat and lots of fruit and

vegetables in the diet. Increasing vitamin D intake up to 6,000 IUD a day.

Best regards

alsmail7@... Al


> Hi old friends,


> I am Wanda (of wandacline.com/cancer) an older member who's not posted

recently as I thought I was doing so well. It's funny, because I've recommended

Dr. Gamill and his clinic to so many people due to my great respect for

his many postings here over the years, but I've never even had any direct

posting with him, so have no history to call upon when I could really use his



> Now BC has returned to my spine, and I've been in hospital paralyzed ribs down

for two weeks, getting radiation. Movement is returning, but it's slow process.

I am only 55, with a world to live for...


> I thought Budwig was working so well, and still believe in it, but I think

it's time for an emergency measure. I want to do the cayenne pepper because

I've heard of it blasting tumors away, and know someone who cured herself with


radiation treatment today, but I know it continues to have an effect afterwards,

so I don't want to inhibit that effect.


> Also, I understand you should not take cayenne with dairy, as they bind

together and won't work. I wonder if it would be okay to still take my Budwig

FOCC once a day at a separate time from the 3x daily cayenne.


> I am sorry to have lapsed from the group. I hope people will take me in their

hearts and help me with my question.


> Wanda


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Hi Wanda,

I recently ran across a case study in which a 78 year old man had very

good results in shrinking lung cancer tumors by using a relatively high

intake of longer chain omega-3 fats:


You may find the article interesting. It includes images of CT sections

which document dramatic tumor shrinkage over time. Of note, is that

while 2 of 3 tumors in the lung started to shrink, a 3rd one was still

growing slowly. The subject of the article increased his long chain

omega-3 consumption upon learning of this and this resulted in the 3rd

tumor shrinking as well.

I have also run across quite a few animal studies that show very

effective tumor suppression and regression with the use of longer chain

omega-3 oils, so use of the longer chain omega-3 fats appears quite


I believe that you are (or were) following the Budwig Protocol which

uses flax oil in a flax oil cottage mixture (as well as a healthy almost

vegan diet, sunlight exposure, etc.). While Dr. Budwig is reputed to

have had very good success using flax oil, I can't help but wonder if it

would be even more helpful to supplement or replace some of the flax

seed oil in the flax oil cottage cheese mixture with some oil or oils

that contain appreciable amounts of EPA and DHA? That's what we did

with my wife and we had a good (and surprisingly quick) outcome with a

rapidly growing skin tumor. We used Nordic Naturals cod liver oil and

Carlsons fish oil with a Flora flax oil with DHA oil for this purpose.

The above article does mention the brand of the omega-3 supplements used

by the 78 year old man. Perhaps it would be worth using those.

I pray that you recover from this setback.

Kind regards,



On Wed, 16 Sep 2009, portraits4all wrote:

> Hi old friends,


> I am Wanda (of wandacline.com/cancer) an older member who's not posted

> recently as I thought I was doing so well. It's funny, because I've

> recommended Dr. Gamill and his clinic to so many people due to

> my great respect for his many postings here over the years, but I've

> never even had any direct posting with him, so have no history to call

> upon when I could really use his help!


> Now BC has returned to my spine, and I've been in hospital paralyzed

> ribs down for two weeks, getting radiation. Movement is returning,

> but it's slow process. I am only 55, with a world to live for...


> I thought Budwig was working so well, and still believe in it, but I

> think it's time for an emergency measure. I want to do the cayenne

> pepper because I've heard of it blasting tumors away, and know someone

> who cured herself with it. HOWEVER, WOULD CAYENNE PEPPER INTERFERE

> WITH RADIATION?? I had my last radiation treatment today, but I know

> it continues to have an effect afterwards, so I don't want to inhibit

> that effect.


> Also, I understand you should not take cayenne with dairy, as they

> bind together and won't work. I wonder if it would be okay to still

> take my Budwig FOCC once a day at a separate time from the 3x daily

> cayenne.


> I am sorry to have lapsed from the group. I hope people will take me

> in their hearts and help me with my question.


> Wanda

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I thank you very much, Nick. Very encouraging.



> Hi Wanda,


> I recently ran across a case study in which a 78 year old man had very

> good results in shrinking lung cancer tumors by using a relatively high

> intake of longer chain omega-3 fats:


> http://tinyurl.com/n3w2on


> You may find the article interesting. It includes images of CT sections

> which document dramatic tumor shrinkage over time. Of note, is that

> while 2 of 3 tumors in the lung started to shrink, a 3rd one was still

> growing slowly. The subject of the article increased his long chain

> omega-3 consumption upon learning of this and this resulted in the 3rd

> tumor shrinking as well.


> I have also run across quite a few animal studies that show very

> effective tumor suppression and regression with the use of longer chain

> omega-3 oils, so use of the longer chain omega-3 fats appears quite

> promising.


> I believe that you are (or were) following the Budwig Protocol which

> uses flax oil in a flax oil cottage mixture (as well as a healthy almost

> vegan diet, sunlight exposure, etc.). While Dr. Budwig is reputed to

> have had very good success using flax oil, I can't help but wonder if it

> would be even more helpful to supplement or replace some of the flax

> seed oil in the flax oil cottage cheese mixture with some oil or oils

> that contain appreciable amounts of EPA and DHA? That's what we did

> with my wife and we had a good (and surprisingly quick) outcome with a

> rapidly growing skin tumor. We used Nordic Naturals cod liver oil and

> Carlsons fish oil with a Flora flax oil with DHA oil for this purpose.

> The above article does mention the brand of the omega-3 supplements used

> by the 78 year old man. Perhaps it would be worth using those.


> I pray that you recover from this setback.


> Kind regards,


> Nick

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Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma (MFH) is a sarcoma. They are very

different from the usual adenocarcinomas that one normally sees in

the lungs. It is encouraging for those with MFH because there are so

few effective treatments for this condition. There is a track record

though for the use of flax seed oil for almost any problem; its

history extends back over 400 years.

At 04:04 PM 9/19/2009, Wanda wrote:


>I thank you very much, Nick. Very encouraging.




> > I recently ran across a case study in which a 78 year old man had very

> > good results in shrinking lung cancer tumors by using a relatively high

> > intake of longer chain omega-3 fats:

> >

> > <http://tinyurl.com/n3w2on>http://tinyurl.com/n3w2on

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Hi ,

For my wife, we used a mixture of flax seed oil (fortified with a small

amount of DHA) + cod liver oil + fish oil. The reason why we didn't go

with just the fish oils was precisely because of the good results of the

Budwig Protocol which uses just flax oil. I looked at it from the

simplistic point of view of - give the body a mixture and let it decide

what to use and where.

What I thought was extremely significant about this human case study,

was that it was actually well followed, analyzed and published in a

relatively mainstream scientific publication.

Kind regards,


On Sun, 20 Sep 2009, VGammill wrote:

> Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma (MFH) is a sarcoma. They are very

> different from the usual adenocarcinomas that one normally sees in

> the lungs. It is encouraging for those with MFH because there are so

> few effective treatments for this condition. There is a track record

> though for the use of flax seed oil for almost any problem; its

> history extends back over 400 years.




> At 04:04 PM 9/19/2009, Wanda wrote:

> >

> >I thank you very much, Nick. Very encouraging.

> >

> >Nick Busigin <nick@...> wrote:

> >

> >I recently ran across a case study in which a 78 year old man had very good

results in shrinking lung cancer tumors by using a relatively high intake of

longer chain omega-3 fats:

> > <http://tinyurl.com/n3w2on>http://tinyurl.com/n3w2on

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Hi ,

Thank you for this input. Maybe I'll stick with my flaxseed/yogurt. It did

serve me so amazingly well for two years. I'm going to add cayennne for sure

once I get over my misery here in hospital. Burning UTI is complicating things

for many days, and they won't prescribe until the tests are back to see what it

responds to. I was surprised to get it, but this is hospital and I was

cathetered for a week or more. Unfortunately, felt I had to stop cayenne in

case it was contributing.

Thank you so much,


> >

> > > I recently ran across a case study in which a 78 year old man had very

> > > good results in shrinking lung cancer tumors by using a relatively high

> > > intake of longer chain omega-3 fats:

> > >

> > > <http://tinyurl.com/n3w2on>http://tinyurl.com/n3w2on




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If I am not mistaken, most of the research that has been done to examine

the tumor growth inhibition effect of longer chains omega-3 fatty acids

(EPA and DHA) has been with carcinomas as opposed to sarcomas. The fact

that it worked with a sarcoma seems to imply some common mechanisms

that span cancer types.

Regarding the point you made with regard to flax seed oil - did you mean

that that you weren't surprised that the longer chain omega-3 fats had

such an effect, given the track record of flax seed oil, or were you

saying that you would expect flax seed oil to have the same effect and

that you would prefer its use over fish or algae oils containing the

longer chain EPA and DHA?

Kind regards,


On Sun, 20 Sep 2009, VGammill wrote:

> Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma (MFH) is a sarcoma. They are very

> different from the usual adenocarcinomas that one normally sees in

> the lungs. It is encouraging for those with MFH because there are so

> few effective treatments for this condition. There is a track record

> though for the use of flax seed oil for almost any problem; its

> history extends back over 400 years.




> At 04:04 PM 9/19/2009, Wanda wrote:

> >

> >I thank you very much, Nick. Very encouraging.

> >

> >

> >

> > > I recently ran across a case study in which a 78 year old man had very

> > > good results in shrinking lung cancer tumors by using a relatively high

> > > intake of longer chain omega-3 fats:

> > >

> > > <http://tinyurl.com/n3w2on>http://tinyurl.com/n3w2on

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Not only are the omega-3 oils anti-inflammatory but they support

cell-mediated immune function. Both are very important

considerations with the majority of neoplasms. I don't think it is

necessary to use large amounts of omega-3 as it can be just as

effective to greatly cut back on the omega-6 fatty acids; increase

the amount of omega-5, polyunsaturated and conjugated fatty acids;

and lean a bit more toward olive oil (omega-9) and saturated fatty

acids when oil is needed. Cooking in any oil is not the best thing

to do as high heat succors the conversion of cis- to trans-

conformations, Malliard reactions, denaturization of nutrients, etc.

It is hard to go too wrong if you take instructive notice of the

diets of our distant ancestors, of other cultures (especially those

that are primitive, simple, isolated, healthy), and of feral

animals. Our own dietary culture is rotten to the core, so we must

be very wary of anything sold by big corporations (stale and toxic

quasi-foods) and anything mouthed by their government toadies or by

indoctrinated healthcare whiffle-brains.

There is an article in the October, 2009 issue of Pediatrics which

reports that each year there are 500,000 childhood cases of poisoning

and reportable bad reactions from their prescription

medications. The big offenders are penicillin and other antibiotics,

plus treatments for rashes, stomachaches and diarrhea. Why is

this? No pharmaceutical company wants to develop simple non-toxic

treatments as there is no money in it. Upper echelon pharmaceutical

company stockholders make money while going through the regulatory

process. It is simply a matter of pulling in small investors and

then exiting. If a medicine with toxic side effects is approved then

it MUST be sold as a prescription drug and the profits go through the roof.

At 07:20 PM 9/26/2009, you wrote:




>If I am not mistaken, most of the research that has been done to examine

>the tumor growth inhibition effect of longer chains omega-3 fatty acids

>(EPA and DHA) has been with carcinomas as opposed to sarcomas. The fact

>that it worked with a sarcoma seems to imply some common mechanisms

>that span cancer types.


>Regarding the point you made with regard to flax seed oil - did you mean

>that that you weren't surprised that the longer chain omega-3 fats had

>such an effect, given the track record of flax seed oil, or were you

>saying that you would expect flax seed oil to have the same effect and

>that you would prefer its use over fish or algae oils containing the

>longer chain EPA and DHA?


>Kind regards,



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Hi Vince,

Thanks for your reply.

I've been doing a literature review on PUFAs and their effects on tumors

for the past month and half and the view that I'm piecing together is

certainly interesting. And yes, the mechanisms by which n-3 PUFAs

affect tumor growth are much more than the reduction of inflammation

(eg. immune system modulation, gene transcription, reduction of

inflammation response through modification of eicosanoid synthesis, cell

membrane fluidity, cross membrane transport and signalling

modifications, up-regulating apoptotic pathways, restoration of

mitochondrial function, and more).

As far as it not being necessary to use large amounts of omega-3... the

question I have is how much is or isn't enough? Some of the studies I

have read show a dose-response relationship - and in those studies more

was certainly better. That's what patient DH found in the case study

that R. Pardini published in 2005 titled " Nutritional Intervention With

Omega-3 Fatty Acids in a Case of Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the

Lungs " . Patient DH did cut back on omega-6 fats as well as taking large

doses of EPA and DHA supplements in order to shrink the tumors in his

lungs. Even so, one of the tumors was still growing slowly and he had to

increase his omega-3 intake further in order to shrink that recalcitrant

tumor - illustrating the dose-response relationship in this case as


Unfortunately, the documented case study that Pardini published is the

only one that I'm aware of in the scientific literature. If anybody

knows of more, please let me know. Otherwise, we have the Pardini paper

to use as a guideline and also the amounts used by Dr. Johanna Budwig in

her Budwig Protocol, though in her case it was with flax oil as opposed

to fish or algae oils. Given the success of the patient in the Pardini

article and also the successes of the Budwig Protocol I have come across

(and also had direct experience with in my wife's case), I am inclined

to think that using the amounts of omega-3 oils in the Budwig Protocol

is a good place to start, except that it may be advantageous to use not

just flax oil, but a mixture of flax oil, fish and/or algae oils in

order to provide ALA, EPA and DHA to the body rather than just ALA (as

in the BP), which coincidentally is what we did in my wife's case.

Kind regards,



On Mon, 28 Sep 2009, VGammill wrote:

> Nick,


> Not only are the omega-3 oils anti-inflammatory but they support

> cell-mediated immune function. Both are very important

> considerations with the majority of neoplasms. I don't think it is

> necessary to use large amounts of omega-3 as it can be just as

> effective to greatly cut back on the omega-6 fatty acids; increase

> the amount of omega-5, polyunsaturated and conjugated fatty acids;

> and lean a bit more toward olive oil (omega-9) and saturated fatty

> acids when oil is needed. Cooking in any oil is not the best thing

> to do as high heat succors the conversion of cis- to trans-

> conformations, Malliard reactions, denaturization of nutrients, etc.


> It is hard to go too wrong if you take instructive notice of the

> diets of our distant ancestors, of other cultures (especially those

> that are primitive, simple, isolated, healthy), and of feral

> animals. Our own dietary culture is rotten to the core, so we must

> be very wary of anything sold by big corporations (stale and toxic

> quasi-foods) and anything mouthed by their government toadies or by

> indoctrinated healthcare whiffle-brains.


> There is an article in the October, 2009 issue of Pediatrics which

> reports that each year there are 500,000 childhood cases of poisoning

> and reportable bad reactions from their prescription

> medications. The big offenders are penicillin and other antibiotics,

> plus treatments for rashes, stomachaches and diarrhea. Why is

> this? No pharmaceutical company wants to develop simple non-toxic

> treatments as there is no money in it. Upper echelon pharmaceutical

> company stockholders make money while going through the regulatory

> process. It is simply a matter of pulling in small investors and

> then exiting. If a medicine with toxic side effects is approved then

> it MUST be sold as a prescription drug and the profits go through the roof.




> At 07:20 PM 9/26/2009, you wrote:

> >

> >,

> >

> >If I am not mistaken, most of the research that has been done to examine

> >the tumor growth inhibition effect of longer chains omega-3 fatty acids

> >(EPA and DHA) has been with carcinomas as opposed to sarcomas. The fact

> >that it worked with a sarcoma seems to imply some common mechanisms

> >that span cancer types.

> >

> >Regarding the point you made with regard to flax seed oil - did you mean

> >that that you weren't surprised that the longer chain omega-3 fats had

> >such an effect, given the track record of flax seed oil, or were you

> >saying that you would expect flax seed oil to have the same effect and

> >that you would prefer its use over fish or algae oils containing the

> >longer chain EPA and DHA?

> >

> >Kind regards,

> >

> >Nick

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There are no simple answers for questions re the dosage of

FSO. Budwig encouraged moderate amounts and she also had other

dietary and medicinal recommendations. I came across one case of

reversal of prostate cancer by the use of extremely high doses, but I

was not able to confirm this.

FSO probably has many mechanisms of action vs cancer; it also

certainly has other mechanisms that are not among the desired

pathways. There is no way to know without extensive research.

At 09:34 AM 9/30/2009, you wrote:



>Hi Vince,


>Thanks for your reply.


>I've been doing a literature review on PUFAs and their effects on tumors

>for the past month and half and the view that I'm piecing together is

>certainly interesting. And yes, the mechanisms by which n-3 PUFAs

>affect tumor growth are much more than the reduction of inflammation

>(eg. immune system modulation, gene transcription, reduction of

>inflammation response through modification of eicosanoid synthesis, cell

>membrane fluidity, cross membrane transport and signalling

>modifications, up-regulating apoptotic pathways, restoration of

>mitochondrial function, and more).


>As far as it not being necessary to use large amounts of omega-3... the

>question I have is how much is or isn't enough? Some of the studies I

>have read show a dose-response relationship - and in those studies more

>was certainly better. That's what patient DH found in the case study

>that R. Pardini published in 2005 titled " Nutritional Intervention With

>Omega-3 Fatty Acids in a Case of Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the

>Lungs " . Patient DH did cut back on omega-6 fats as well as taking large

>doses of EPA and DHA supplements in order to shrink the tumors in his

>lungs. Even so, one of the tumors was still growing slowly and he had to

>increase his omega-3 intake further in order to shrink that recalcitrant

>tumor - illustrating the dose-response relationship in this case as



>Unfortunately, the documented case study that Pardini published is the

>only one that I'm aware of in the scientific literature. If anybody

>knows of more, please let me know. Otherwise, we have the Pardini paper

>to use as a guideline and also the amounts used by Dr. Johanna Budwig in

>her Budwig Protocol, though in her case it was with flax oil as opposed

>to fish or algae oils. Given the success of the patient in the Pardini

>article and also the successes of the Budwig Protocol I have come across

>(and also had direct experience with in my wife's case), I am inclined

>to think that using the amounts of omega-3 oils in the Budwig Protocol

>is a good place to start, except that it may be advantageous to use not

>just flax oil, but a mixture of flax oil, fish and/or algae oils in

>order to provide ALA, EPA and DHA to the body rather than just ALA (as

>in the BP), which coincidentally is what we did in my wife's case.


>Kind regards,




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Flax Seed Oil treating tumor sounds promising. In our case, fighting a benign

brain tumor, using a table spoon of fish oil and a tablespoon of Cod liver oil

for a few months, the red blood cell EFA test showed too high of EPA

[eicosapentaenoic acid] and too low for OMG 6, and the report suggested to

supplement just EPO and Sunflower oil.

Confused. What should we do?


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Bill Corley

From: gs1

Flax Seed Oil treating tumor sounds promising. In our case, fighting a

benign brain tumor, using a table spoon of fish oil and a tablespoon of Cod

liver oil for a few months, the red blood cell EFA test showed too high of

EPA [eicosapentaenoic acid] and too low for OMG 6, and the report suggested

to supplement just EPO and Sunflower oil.

Confused. What should we do?


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On Thu, 1 Oct 2009, gs1 wrote:

> Flax Seed Oil treating tumor sounds promising. In our case, fighting a

> benign brain tumor, using a table spoon of fish oil and a tablespoon

> of Cod liver oil for a few months, the red blood cell EFA test showed

> too high of EPA [eicosapentaenoic acid] and too low for OMG 6, and the

> report suggested to supplement just EPO and Sunflower oil.


> Confused. What should we do?

How was " too high of EPA " defined?

What level of OMG 6 (assume this means omega-6) was defined as " too


Kind regards,



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