Guest guest Posted December 14, 2008 Report Share Posted December 14, 2008 Jim, I wouldn't listen to ANYONE who tells you not to take supplements. I don't care who they are. Supplementation---whether it is bloodroot or mushrooms---is the key to healing from cancer in addition to diet. You have to hit it hard from every available source. The MAJOR thing I have always done when I have had a recurrence is listen to my gut instincts. If something doesn't feel right to me (and I don't have to analyze it to death to know exactly what this is), then I don't do it. I am glad people have gotten remissions from Budwig, but the fact that it is so limiting to me is problematic. I love making my little formulas and experimenting on myself. I used to pay my daughter $10 as a joke to drink the most disgusting weird dandelion green sludges and things. We were just laughing about it in church Friday night as she was relating to the minister about my illness after the services. One of the most important things is to feel in control as a cancer survivor. The fact that we have some control over this deadly disease is crucial to recovery, peace of mind and a feeling of being able to go the extra mile. I can not believe the women in my prior " support " group who state, " Well there is nothing I can do with these mets to the bone. I am sick and tired of people telling me to take this or that. One guy came over with a green drink and says take this every day. " I RAN away from this group. As for the estrogens, yes the estrogens are in non-organic meats and dairy and, according to my oncologist, soy, flaxseeds, black cohosh, ginseng and red clover. The only thing I am doing here is eating flax seeds. I don't believe her on the flaxseeds being bad for you. But as I stated in an earlier post, my naturopath believed the flax seed oil was a problem. I have heard this from other sources. I also have discovered that soy lecithin soy o.k. as an additive to certain formulas. And yes plastics, especially the #7 water bottles are cancer-promoting if not causing. I asked a local naturopath to change the water bottles in her office due to the known fact that #7 plastic containers cause cancer. Canada has banned them. Instead of listening to me she replied in a snotty voice, " This is the water we have. If you don't like it, then drink Portland water. " When it came time to book the appointment to see her, I looked up and said, " I wouldn't feel comfortable coming back here. " I have been responsible for getting them off the shelf at Food Front Co-operative. I marched in and said I had discovered the #7 bottles cause cancer and I would like them to take them off the shelf. The manager said she would " think about it. " When I went back in a week with more information on them, she agreed to take them off the shelf. I have since joined their co-op. I no longer shop at Whole Foods or New Seasons because they refused to take them off their shelves. I let the managers know as well. I did these protests last summer, BEFORE my re-diagnosis. I was surprised to learn from a book I had in storage written back in the mid-70's that once doctor has advised not eating anything in plastic. I know this is hard, but do the best you can. I have stainless steel water jugs and 25 oz glass water bottles to store in the frig. I have an aquasan water filter and will soon be ozonating my water. I was suppposed to pick up my oxygen tomorrow but we are snowed in here in Portland. You and I are in a fight for our lives and time is of the essence. We can't guarantee that any of this stuff will work, but we can be guaranteed that we WILL die if we just sit back and do nothing. Keep researching and refining your protocol, Jim. I am doing the same. It has taken me two months of research to finally feel like I am in control of this thing. I have a new order from coming next week. I spent $550, but these are good things. The Cesium Chloride is a fairly inexpensive protocol. You must also take extra potassium. The two bottles of both cesium and potassium for a 32 day supply is like $119.95 + shipping at I also bought germanium and selemium liquids. I have had no problem with nausea except that I do have to eat something like a tablespoon of raw almond butter to settle my stomach before taking it; otherwise, I feel a lit bit off. Have you considered Cesium Chloride? You MUST get a blood test for potassium every 2-3 weeks so you don't die from cardiac arrest. I know this sounds off, but it is true. My oncologist agreed to the test. raves about Cesium therapy. It is one of their top tiers therapies. I will send you instructions for this protocol if you are interested in this. Stay away from other vendors as they charge exhorbiant prices and try to sell you all these other expensive minerals, which you can get dirt cheap on Keep me and others posted, Jim. We are here for you and are rooting for you. Sincerely, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 2008 Report Share Posted December 14, 2008 I had a local guy diagnosed with cancer and going through the original chemo I did . I was only on it 11 days and he stayed the entire stay 5weeks chemo and radiation., then surgery. then more chemo/radiation then more surgery i think 3 times and then they said he was terminal. I finally got him interested in trying something else. Bio energetic testing/alkaline water/no sugar/immunocal. He was set to go the next day and then called his oncologist first. his oncologist said " Oh no don't do that! " and so he cancelled all we set up and did what his Dr said. And died 3 months later. It just makes me so mad that they say there is no hope , nothing we can do, but oh no don't try that! Obviously we MUST think for ourselves too! Dennis Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 2008 Report Share Posted December 14, 2008 I am always surprised by the how vehemently people oppose even looking at alternatives. What are they afraid of? And the misinformation out there about alternative options is huge. We've had so many young women in our breast cancer group die this year...none of them would even consider alternative medicine. It just makes me sad. One woman told me she thinks the others hate alternatives because they are so desperate and afraid they are going to die, that they HAVE to believe that what they've chosen for treatment is correct. It's about fear. Fear of the unknown, etc. But it seems to me that if you were that afraid, wouldn't you want to use EVERY method available? I'm just always puzzled. ar On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 00:11:34 -0000, " jrrjim " <jim.mcelroy10@...> said: > Speaking of reverse placebo effects, I talked with a friend recently > who is dying of hepatitis C. I tried talking to her about > alternatives. She immediately cut me off and said " I've been into > nursing for 15 years, and I'm sorry, but I've never seen an > alternative approach work, period. I will NOT do anything > alternative. If I die using the best modern medicine has to offer, > then I die. " -- Arlyn Grant arlynsg@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 2008 Report Share Posted December 14, 2008 Jim, You said: " My intuition does say to keep taking supplements, but as I said in a previous post, a lot of this has to do with a sense of control over my own disease. I feel almost no control with Budwig, and in fact, have read multiple posts where people doing Budwig had cancers getting out of control. They were told to hang in there -- that this was typical at first, etc. This scared me too much. " Jim, I am glad you got scared. You trusted your instincts and you listened to some inner truth. See, you didn't need us to tell you the truth. You already had it. Now you can educate and protect others. You said: " I just got done reading a book where they talked extensively about placebo and reverse placebo effects. Amazing. Some 40% of cures in modern medicine can be attributed to placebo effect. If you think something is going to work, it will. Conversely, if you are convinced that something won't work, it won't. " Jim, My major passion in life is science. So, though the placebo effect may be true, I don't lay my faith in such things. What I place my faith in (besides God) is scientifically based things. For instance, it doesn't take rocket science to know that the body needs vitamins and minerals to fuction. If the body doesn't get them, then something happens (i.e. cancer, etc.) You said, " So is the real problem that I am a control freak? " Jim, A woman called me a " control freak " in the hospital support group because I was talking about reversing cancer with alternatives. She thought I should enjoy my life and have the quality rather then the quanity of years. She saw my trying to stay in remission as not enjoying life and trying to control something she viewed as unchangeable and unfixable---that cancer has it's own course and you can do nothing about it. This was way back in August before I got the re-currence. I left the group for quite a while and then came back when I was railroaded in the chemo room by " concerned Rn's. " That same woman now has terminal cancer. Though I was kind to her and never threw it up in her face that she had called me a " control freak, " I RAN from that group. I RAN FROM THAT GROUP. I actually spoke to someone on the phone today who was also on the Budwig website, who says they are very controlling. It sounds to me, once again Jim, that your inner voice is trying to tell you something. Don't turn this around and make YOU the control freak. *Read below about taking responsbility for others actions and behaviors. It sounds to me that others on that site have the control issues. Don't be talked out of your inner truth and knowledge. You have got a path of healing now and your best bet of recovery. You honor the truth because you care not just about yourself but others as well. HONOR YOUR TRUTH. *Dr. Lawrence , author of Sauna Therapy states that, " Recognizing how one is affected by the energy of other people and seeing the truth about one's compatibility with others can be life-altering, Being tied to unhealthy relationships is a major cause of illness. Carefully evaluate all relationships, including family, friends, business associates, partners and co-workers. Methods of evaluation include prayer, mediation, reading books and counseling. Do your best to become aware as to whether your relationships are serving you good, and whether they are serving the highest good of all involved. Taking responsibility for others when they should be doing this for themselves, is not health-producing. This does not mean relationships will always be easy, However, they should not be destructive. Rest assured, as you consciously choose to serve a greater good, you will attract the help you need, and new friends and partners as well. " You said, " This seemed so weird to me. Why wouldn't she fight for her life? And, in fact, she is not fighting. She is dying very quickly. Why doesn't the placebo effect work for her? I guess she is in the 60%, and the medicine (interferon) just isn't working. And, she may want to die. I'm not sure why, but this happens. " Jim, Tell me about it. The facilitator of the support group backed up the woman who called me a control freak, never telling her to apologize to me. It became a very unhealthy situation. Of course, I did get back at the group a bit later when I told them I thought they were all being brainwashed by mainstream medicine into accepting their cancer verdicts. I am so glad I said it. Don't doubt yourself. Is this your first time around with cancer? nancy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 2008 Report Share Posted December 14, 2008 I pay $669 a month in my Kaiser Permanente health insurance premium, which gives me expensive diagnostic tests. The only thing they have offered me in a way of cure since 2006 is anti-estrogen hormone therapy. Femara at first worked and now has failed. I was put on a once a month injection which I have in the chemo room. It has an 18% success rate---whatever that means. I have spent thousands of dollars on co-pays and insurance premiums over the years and yet only ONE doctor has recently asked me about my diet. But don't get me wrong that she's into alternatives. She made a snide remark to me recently in an e-mail, about that it would be unlikely that she would approve LDN or write a prescription for it, as she couldn't back " unproven methods. " She sent me an e-mail, " I know this isn't what you wanted to hear! " You know what? I'm not even going to TELL her that I already have two back-up doctors who will prescibe it for me and I'm NOT going to tell her I am on it. I am just going to smile, sit back and USE them for diagnostic purposes and even maybe get a bit of Cyberknife to wipe out the snots in my lungs. They recently asked me for a list of supplements I am on and because I am on so many I had to take the forms home with me. You know what? They are not getting a God-blankety thing from me. What, to put it down? Or belittle and ignore the successes it if I go in remission once again? Oh, how I wish Dr. Panutich was still alive. Even though he followed mainstream medicine, he gave me a prescription for Oxygen before he died to use in my ozone machine I was going to buy a year ago. I spoke with his wife for an hour recently and she said, " I can't tell you how many times I had to tell my husband to be careful that he could lose his license. " He was a saint. He died of multiple myeloma. I didn't even know he had the disease until it progressed the last few years. We have a long way to get past the financial and political interests and agendas of both mainstream and alternative practitioners. Let's figure this all out guys. It's our lives and bodies on the line. Keep up the good work everybody. We are the true pioneers in this stuff. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 2008 Report Share Posted December 14, 2008 Myomin would help you. If you are not allergic to broccoli, then Dim-Plus would help as well. Johanne From: cheryl Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 8:41 PM Subject: [ ] Re: My Current Protocol, for better or worse. Comments welcome Would this myomin help me? Even with the calcium d glucarate I have trouble with estrogen. I was asked if I looked into a progesterin sp? cream but I really have no idea where to start on that front. Just googling what you use it seems to block all estrogen which may be beneficial to me as I seem to be massively estrogen dominant (thank you dr's and lovely birth control to regulate periods when I was a teenager) Cheri > > I pay $669 a month in my Kaiser Permanente health insurance premium, which gives me expensive diagnostic tests. The only thing they have offered me in a way of cure since 2006 is anti-estrogen hormone therapy. Femara at first worked and now has failed. I was > put on a once a month injection which I have in the chemo room. It has an 18% success rate---whatever that means. I have spent thousands of dollars on co-pays and insurance premiums over the years and yet only ONE doctor has recently asked me about my diet..... > > > > > , sounds as though you have metastatic breast cancer? Me too .... my onc wants to put me on Femara, but I have been dx with diffuse disease in my bones and am on Zometa for that. Ummmmmm .... excuse me, but Femara causes osteoporosis. Why on earth would I want to put my already weakened bones into further weakness? Oh, but I'm on Zometa, so that would protect them, she says. Yes, but if the Zometa is busy protecting my bones from osteoporosis from the anti-hormonal drug, wouldn't that negate some of its effectiveness at fighting the cancer in the bones? She had to concede that maybe a > little. Hmmmphhhhh! > > So, I just started taking an estrogen blocker/aromatase inhibitor, Chinese herb called Myomin. You might wanna check it out and see if it sounds like something beneficial for you. Also, if you do have breast cancer, have you heard of the Amazon email group? It's a > group of alternative-only breast cancer ladies and, oh my gosh, are they FULL of great info, research, digging for little-known studies, etc. If you're interested, you can find them at > > Sounds like we have similar situations with the exception of the fact that I'm now eating poultry and fish as per my metabolic typing. I know that sounds totally weird, but it makes intuitive sense to me. I mean heck ... we alternative types complain about the > cookie-cutter conventional treatments for highly individualized disease. But then cancer diets are pretty cookie-cutter too ... eat only fruits/veggies, and as much raw as possible. Now, some of that is no-brainer ... don't eat sugar or refined, processed foods or artificial sweeteners. Stay away from xenoestogens, etc. But it makes perfect sense that if you eat and orange and I eat an orange, it would affect each of us differently. > > Anyway, this whole journey is quite the education and, in many cases, a crap shoot until we roll the lucky number on the dice! > > xxo > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 2008 Report Share Posted December 14, 2008 Yes, , as I stated in an earlier e-mail, Cancer is a Crap Shoot. I have been thinking about writing a book for years and I think I will title it that. The thing that I want out of this webite is for SURVIVORS --- NOT EXPERTS to be empowered. I want WE SURVIVORS to feel we are in control of the direction of our disease. This is not to say that experts can not be helpful. I am studying right now (can you BELIEVE IT??) to become a nutritional consultant and an " expert " in a few other areas. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 Dear , this what you wrote very me pleases. I sign under these with arguments hands and with legs. I proceed {I progress} similarly. I drive supervisory investigations {research} at every supplement ( unfortunately are this additional costs and necessity of receiving of blood; results in sheet EXCEL) I became {I remained} forced, by {through} life.... and wife, without conflict, to use methods alternative and classical, of orthodoxal oncology. You to daughter paid $10 ........ I in this of situation speak: stomach does not have mind. By {through} last 2. 5 year I gave on additions and investigations {research} $ 31 000 . I do not seek cheap treatments, but... efficient. I do not regret, this {then} healths my wives and for us, to be together how longest. Best.Jan. _____ From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Dorr Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 11:28 PM Subject: Re: [ ] Re: My Current Protocol, for better or worse. Comments welcome Jim, I wouldn't listen to ANYONE who tells you not to take supplements. I don't care who they are. Supplementation---whether it is bloodroot or mushrooms---is the key to healing from cancer in addition to diet. You have to hit it hard from every available source. The MAJOR thing I have always done when I have had a recurrence is listen to my gut instincts. If something doesn't feel right to me (and I don't have to analyze it to death to know exactly what this is), then I don't do it. I am glad people have gotten remissions from Budwig, but the fact that it is so limiting to me is problematic. I love making my little formulas and experimenting on myself. I used to pay my daughter $10 as a joke to drink the most disgusting weird dandelion green sludges and things. We were just laughing about it in church Friday night as she was relating to the minister about my illness after the services. One of the most important things is to feel in control as a cancer survivor. The fact that we have some control over this deadly disease is crucial to recovery, peace of mind and a feeling of being able to go the extra mile. I can not believe the women in my prior " support " group who state, " Well there is nothing I can do with these mets to the bone. I am sick and tired of people telling me to take this or that. One guy came over with a green drink and says take this every day. " I RAN away from this group. As for the estrogens, yes the estrogens are in non-organic meats and dairy and, according to my oncologist, soy, flaxseeds, black cohosh, ginseng and red clover. The only thing I am doing here is eating flax seeds. I don't believe her on the flaxseeds being bad for you. But as I stated in an earlier post, my naturopath believed the flax seed oil was a problem. I have heard this from other sources. I also have discovered that soy lecithin soy o.k. as an additive to certain formulas. And yes plastics, especially the #7 water bottles are cancer-promoting if not causing. I asked a local naturopath to change the water bottles in her office due to the known fact that #7 plastic containers cause cancer. Canada has banned them. Instead of listening to me she replied in a snotty voice, " This is the water we have. If you don't like it, then drink Portland water. " When it came time to book the appointment to see her, I looked up and said, " I wouldn't feel comfortable coming back here. " I have been responsible for getting them off the shelf at Food Front Co-operative. I marched in and said I had discovered the #7 bottles cause cancer and I would like them to take them off the shelf. The manager said she would " think about it. " When I went back in a week with more information on them, she agreed to take them off the shelf. I have since joined their co-op. I no longer shop at Whole Foods or New Seasons because they refused to take them off their shelves. I let the managers know as well. I did these protests last summer, BEFORE my re-diagnosis. I was surprised to learn from a book I had in storage written back in the mid-70's that once doctor has advised not eating anything in plastic. I know this is hard, but do the best you can. I have stainless steel water jugs and 25 oz glass water bottles to store in the frig. I have an aquasan water filter and will soon be ozonating my water. I was suppposed to pick up my oxygen tomorrow but we are snowed in here in Portland. You and I are in a fight for our lives and time is of the essence. We can't guarantee that any of this stuff will work, but we can be guaranteed that we WILL die if we just sit back and do nothing. Keep researching and refining your protocol, Jim. I am doing the same. It has taken me two months of research to finally feel like I am in control of this thing. I have a new order from coming next week. I spent $550, but these are good things. The Cesium Chloride is a fairly inexpensive protocol. You must also take extra potassium. The two bottles of both cesium and potassium for a 32 day supply is like $119.95 + shipping at I also bought germanium and selemium liquids. I have had no problem with nausea except that I do have to eat something like a tablespoon of raw almond butter to settle my stomach before taking it; otherwise, I feel a lit bit off. Have you considered Cesium Chloride? You MUST get a blood test for potassium every 2-3 weeks so you don't die from cardiac arrest. I know this sounds off, but it is true. My oncologist agreed to the test. raves about Cesium therapy. It is one of their top tiers therapies. I will send you instructions for this protocol if you are interested in this. Stay away from other vendors as they charge exhorbiant prices and try to sell you all these other expensive minerals, which you can get dirt cheap on Keep me and others posted, Jim. We are here for you and are rooting for you. Sincerely, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 Cheri, I truly understand. There are many years where we could not either. Don't feel bad. I just wanted to share my journey once again to let people know what made the difference for me. It was hard, lots of tears and disappointments but in the end, I am here with my whole body unharmed and living life. Hugs, Johanne From: cheryl Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 9:27 PM Subject: [ ] Re: My Current Protocol, for better or worse. Comments welcome LOL I would love to do the testing to tell me what I am allergic to but at this time I can not afford it. Truly I can not. Cheri > > > I pay $669 a month in my Kaiser Permanente health insurance > premium, which gives me expensive diagnostic tests. The only thing > they have offered me in a way of cure since 2006 is anti-estrogen > hormone therapy. Femara at first worked and now has failed. I was > > put on a once a month injection which I have in the chemo room. It > has an 18% success rate---whatever that means. I have spent thousands > of dollars on co-pays and insurance premiums over the years and yet > only ONE doctor has recently asked me about my diet..... > > > > > > > > > , sounds as though you have metastatic breast cancer? Me too > ... my onc wants to put me on Femara, but I have been dx with diffuse > disease in my bones and am on Zometa for that. Ummmmmm .... excuse > me, but Femara causes osteoporosis. Why on earth would I want to put > my already weakened bones into further weakness? Oh, but I'm on > Zometa, so that would protect them, she says. Yes, but if the Zometa > is busy protecting my bones from osteoporosis from the anti-hormonal > drug, wouldn't that negate some of its effectiveness at fighting the > cancer in the bones? She had to concede that maybe a > > little. Hmmmphhhhh! > > > > So, I just started taking an estrogen blocker/aromatase inhibitor, > Chinese herb called Myomin. You might wanna check it out and see if > it sounds like something beneficial for you. Also, if you do have > breast cancer, have you heard of the Amazon email group? It's a > > group of alternative-only breast cancer ladies and, oh my gosh, are > they FULL of great info, research, digging for little-known studies, > etc. If you're interested, you can find them at > > > > > Sounds like we have similar situations with the exception of the > fact that I'm now eating poultry and fish as per my metabolic typing. > I know that sounds totally weird, but it makes intuitive sense to me. > I mean heck ... we alternative types complain about the > > cookie-cutter conventional treatments for highly individualized > disease. But then cancer diets are pretty cookie-cutter too ... eat > only fruits/veggies, and as much raw as possible. Now, some of that is > no-brainer ... don't eat sugar or refined, processed foods or > artificial sweeteners. Stay away from xenoestogens, etc. But it > makes perfect sense that if you eat and orange and I eat an orange, it > would affect each of us differently. > > > > Anyway, this whole journey is quite the education and, in many > cases, a crap shoot until we roll the lucky number on the dice! > > > > xxo > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 , Keep studying because what meant more to me when I was fighting (long years here) was someone that knew what fighting for your life was like. I respect all that science out there but it truly would have killed me had I followed that trail. I prefer learning from somebody that has had life-experience. My husband feels the same way. Now, we felt alone again once our two children were afflicted because parents who choose this road with children under 18 just do not manifest. Nevertheless, my degrees and certifications were gradual over the years and I consider life-experience the true test to helping and encouraging others with a realistic view. Keep doing it it! You will be great! Hugs, Johanne From: Dorr Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 10:41 PM Subject: Re: [ ] Re: My Current Protocol, for better or worse. Comments welcome Yes, , as I stated in an earlier e-mail, Cancer is a Crap Shoot. I have been thinking about writing a book for years and I think I will title it that. The thing that I want out of this webite is for SURVIVORS --- NOT EXPERTS to be empowered. I want WE SURVIVORS to feel we are in control of the direction of our disease. This is not to say that experts can not be helpful. I am studying right now (can you BELIEVE IT??) to become a nutritional consultant and an " expert " in a few other areas. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 Johanne: I am really puzzled by your comment to me in your last post to me. You stated, " I respect all that science out there but it truly would have killed me had I followed that trail. " If you don't believe in science, which you claim would have " killed " you, then why put your credentials out there as " Clinical Nutritionist, " " Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, " and " Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor Level 2? " These are SCIENTIFIC terms. Where did you get your degree as a " clinical nutritionist? " Certainly at a college with SCIENCE courses. No one gets a degree as a " clinical nutritionist " without a heavy background in the SCIENCES. When I studied nutrition for my preparation for nursing school, we studied the SCIENCE of nutrition. It is listed under the SCIENCES in the college catalog. SCIENCE is based on an hypothesis, which forms the foundation for the theories which are then laid out for others to accept or reject. SCIENCE has saved many lives. Granted, it also has it's down side. My best friend in 1995 died of chemo. But on the other hand, SCIENCE has developed many drugs and remedies which have saved millions of people's lives. Think polio, malaria, syphilis, and the folks who figured out that by giving the sailors on ship vegies, they wouldn't die back in the 1600's. Let me give you this information I just discovered on the internet today: Calcium D-glucarate (C-D-G) is a nontoxic patented form of glucaric acid that is easily absorbed, active in small (and inexpensive) doses and bioavailable in the body for relatively extended periods. Glucaric acid is present in different fruits and vegetables and is made in very small amounts by our own bodies. However, as science has discovered with regard to most beneficial phytochemicals, even if you ate as much of the appropriate foods you could, it would still be difficult if not impossible to consistently get the amount of C-D-G more conveniently available in the supplement. (See the sidebar, " A Quick Guide to C-D-G, " for further information.) Researchers at M.D. Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, developed the supplemental form of C-D-G. The scientists there were studying why and how a diet high in fruits and veggies reduced the incidence of certain cancers and other degenerative diseases. After many animal and human studies showed that C-D-G could significantly decrease lung, skin, liver, breast, colon and prostate cancers, most by half or more, the agent was developed into a dietary supplement. I had never heard of C-D-G until I went on . Now I find out that it was discovered by one of the most prominent cancer centers in the world. Many of us on this website are taking C-D-G because of these SCIENTISTS. Albert Einstein, perhaps the most revered SCIENTIST in the world, gave the world the gift of many theories and answers to some of life's greatest mysteries. SCIENTISTS aren't experts, necessarily. They are explorers, researchers, pioneers and even humanitarians. Children don't have to be in polio wards now, paralzyed for life. People aren't isolated in iron lungs where T.B. has destroyed their lungs. I have enormous respect for these people. Our lives would never be the same without the advances in medicine, physics, and the other sciences--yes even nutrition. I have always had a great and deep love for the SCIENCE of biology, chemistry, nutrition, and antaomy and physiology. Biology is the SCIENCE of all living things. I did so well in the SCIENCES that I received a full scholarship to nursing school. I am here today because of SCIENCE. Some Indian in Wyoming who discovered that bloodroot worked particularly well on bone cancers. Or the guy who figured out that the Yew tree could be made into a chemo drug called Taxol. After going on both of these substances in 1994, my terminal inoperable cancer, which had eaten away my sternum, was in complete remission in six weeks!!!! So, again I am quite puzzled by your remarks. , Keep studying because what meant more to me when I was fighting (long years here) was someone that knew what fighting for your life was like. I respect all that science out there but it truly would have killed me had I followed that trail. I prefer learning from somebody that has had life-experience. My husband feels the same way. Now, we felt alone again once our two children were afflicted because parents who choose this road with children under 18 just do not manifest. Nevertheless, my degrees and certifications were gradual over the years and I consider life-experience the true test to helping and encouraging others with a realistic view. Keep doing it it! You will be great! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 16, 2008 Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 Oh boy! This is a loaded emotional question.... Let's just say that I choose to select the science to put my faith in. I think gamma knife and chemotherapy is a science that I choose to not trust the health of my body with. Those were the only alternatives for me from my endocrinologist (and many around the US that we consulted with). I will choose to use markers to measure my hormones etc but that is where science will stop. Science promised me that I would be well with gamma knife. Science promised me that my children would be healthy one day. That is all a lie! So be puzzled if you want, I am still in one piece, largely whole and healthy again thanks to my cautious approach to science. The credentials that I post use science that does not hurt people and never has (at least in my experience). If any of you have been hurt by it, I am truly sorry. It has not been in my experience in 15 years of practice......... I am sad that you have to be so attacking. I am past all these personal attacks. I want to continue raising my family and blessing others as God leads me to. Science is a tool and has its limits. To put my faith in it as I once did would have me rendered dead today. I pray that your path and research will be productive for your own health and your help to others. Johanne From: Dorr Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 8:07 PM Subject: Re: [ ] Re: My Current Protocol, for better or worse. Comments welcome Johanne: I am really puzzled by your comment to me in your last post to me. You stated, " I respect all that science out there but it truly would have killed me had I followed that trail. " If you don't believe in science, which you claim would have " killed " you, then why put your credentials out there as " Clinical Nutritionist, " " Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, " and " Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor Level 2? " These are SCIENTIFIC terms. Where did you get your degree as a " clinical nutritionist? " Certainly at a college with SCIENCE courses. No one gets a degree as a " clinical nutritionist " without a heavy background in the SCIENCES. When I studied nutrition for my preparation for nursing school, we studied the SCIENCE of nutrition. It is listed under the SCIENCES in the college catalog. SCIENCE is based on an hypothesis, which forms the foundation for the theories which are then laid out for others to accept or reject. SCIENCE has saved many lives. Granted, it also has it's down side. My best friend in 1995 died of chemo. But on the other hand, SCIENCE has developed many drugs and remedies which have saved millions of people's lives. Think polio, malaria, syphilis, and the folks who figured out that by giving the sailors on ship vegies, they wouldn't die back in the 1600's. Let me give you this information I just discovered on the internet today: Calcium D-glucarate (C-D-G) is a nontoxic patented form of glucaric acid that is easily absorbed, active in small (and inexpensive) doses and bioavailable in the body for relatively extended periods. Glucaric acid is present in different fruits and vegetables and is made in very small amounts by our own bodies. However, as science has discovered with regard to most beneficial phytochemicals, even if you ate as much of the appropriate foods you could, it would still be difficult if not impossible to consistently get the amount of C-D-G more conveniently available in the supplement. (See the sidebar, " A Quick Guide to C-D-G, " for further information.) Researchers at M.D. Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, developed the supplemental form of C-D-G. The scientists there were studying why and how a diet high in fruits and veggies reduced the incidence of certain cancers and other degenerative diseases. After many animal and human studies showed that C-D-G could significantly decrease lung, skin, liver, breast, colon and prostate cancers, most by half or more, the agent was developed into a dietary supplement. I had never heard of C-D-G until I went on . Now I find out that it was discovered by one of the most prominent cancer centers in the world. Many of us on this website are taking C-D-G because of these SCIENTISTS. Albert Einstein, perhaps the most revered SCIENTIST in the world, gave the world the gift of many theories and answers to some of life's greatest mysteries. SCIENTISTS aren't experts, necessarily. They are explorers, researchers, pioneers and even humanitarians. Children don't have to be in polio wards now, paralzyed for life. People aren't isolated in iron lungs where T.B. has destroyed their lungs. I have enormous respect for these people. Our lives would never be the same without the advances in medicine, physics, and the other sciences--yes even nutrition. I have always had a great and deep love for the SCIENCE of biology, chemistry, nutrition, and antaomy and physiology. Biology is the SCIENCE of all living things. I did so well in the SCIENCES that I received a full scholarship to nursing school. I am here today because of SCIENCE. Some Indian in Wyoming who discovered that bloodroot worked particularly well on bone cancers. Or the guy who figured out that the Yew tree could be made into a chemo drug called Taxol. After going on both of these substances in 1994, my terminal inoperable cancer, which had eaten away my sternum, was in complete remission in six weeks!!!! So, again I am quite puzzled by your remarks. , Keep studying because what meant more to me when I was fighting (long years here) was someone that knew what fighting for your life was like. I respect all that science out there but it truly would have killed me had I followed that trail. I prefer learning from somebody that has had life-experience. My husband feels the same way. Now, we felt alone again once our two children were afflicted because parents who choose this road with children under 18 just do not manifest. Nevertheless, my degrees and certifications were gradual over the years and I consider life-experience the true test to helping and encouraging others with a realistic view. Keep doing it it! You will be great! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 16, 2008 Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 Joanne: My intention was to not be attacking. I was truly puzzled that you would have a heavy science background and not be supportive of the GOOD side of SCIENCE. If it appeared that I was attacking you, I was coming from a position of the years that I have studied SCIENCE---from the GOOD side of SCIENCE. I actually put together an institute in 1997 for the SCIENCE of live foods nutrition. I brought Dr. Cousens to Portland in 2000 at a festival I co-founded. I am currently working on putting this institute back together once I get myself hopefully back in remission. The SCIENTISTS are usually the GOOD guys. Albert Einstein was a vegeterian and a strong believer in God. When I took my biology course back in 1991 I almost wept when my professor told me that Einstein developed a deep belief in God the more that he got into attempting to unlock the secrets of the universe. My professor told me, " Oh yes, most scientists believe in God. " You made a blanket statement that SCIENCE would have killed you had you " followed that path. " It is because of SCIENCE that we are even talking on the cures for cancer website. Most of what we talk about here is about our beliefs in the SCIENCE of nutrition and what can kick cancer/tumors out of our bodies. 99% of what we talk here about is about SCIENCE. I for one don't believe in placebos, thinking my way out of cancer to any great degree, even though I do the visualization of an army of good guys kicking my cancer out of my body. Hey, I could be very wrong here. I just happen to have a strong SCIENCE background, which has put me in remission 2x with terminal and Stage IV cancer. What I have to work on now in a big way is to FOLLOW THROUGH with what I have learned to keep me in remission. Stay on the supplements (maybe reduce somewhat) and diet, once I am again in remission. This is a lifelong process not a cut-and-chop thing here. Once you have had cancer, it is always lurking back there. None of us are safe. I had 11 years with no active disease. I actually felt attacked by you for slamming my strong faith in SCIENCE. I couldn't figure out where you were coming from, as suddenly you posted that SCIENCE would have " killed " you. I was kinda floored that you posted this as so much of what we do on cures for cancer is about SCIENCE. And I am not sure where you came from in posting this. I don't know you and suddenly I had this post from you. I may be wrong here, but it is my sense you equate all SCIENCE with chemo, gamma knife, etc. and kinda throw the baby out with the bath water. SCIENCE includes clinical nutrition as well, as I posted in a prior e-mail. Most SCIENTISTS aren't " experts. " They hang out in labs and dabble in petri dishes and collect samples and spend hours and days trying to see how bugs, bacteria and viruses work. They just have these curious, inquisitive minds that want to figure things out. Oh sure, there have been battles over who discovered the A.I.D.S. virus. But for the most part, SCIENTISTS have given so much to humanity and will continue to do so. Without SCIENTISTS many of us would be in iron lungs institutionalized or paralyzed from polio. I am meeting with my radiology oncologist for the first time today. I have been coughing a lot and even wonder if everything I have been doing is even working. My life is on the line. I am doing everything I can do to save my life here. I may go for the CYBERKNIFE. It may be the quickest thing to push this cancer back again or it may kill me. But cancer is a crap shoot. There is absolutely no guarantee that anything I or anyone else does will permanently put me in remission---whether it be natural/alternative SCIENCE or mainstream SCIENCE. But as I stated in the prior e-mail calcium d-glucarate was discovered by SCIENTISTS at a top cancer institute. So, progress is being made, albeit slowly, by people on both sides. McCarthy had more money---millions in fact---at her disposal and she was a life-long vegeterian. Yet she died of breast cancer. Truce? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 16, 2008 Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 I just spoke with my husband and he told me I probably came across that way. That is what I get for having English as my second language! I do have a heavy science background and truthfully, before my series of unfortunate health events, I was on my way to becoming an M.D. I had to re-evaluate and soul-search heavily and that took at least a decade to work through. Three years ago, I went to the Colorado Board of Nursing and they had me take the board test 'just for fun'. I was showing my children what a college exam is like and that there was no worries in taking these types of tests - I homeschool. I passed the test with a 94%! Not bad after not having been in Nursing for 21 years! The sad thing is that unless I graduate from an American institution, I will never be allowed to practice. My Canadian degree was refused.......I did a science degree in Quebec City - invalid here. I did my R.N. degree in Montreal - invalid. I was diagnosed with my first unfortunate event - a brain tumor - shortly after. I had much to think about these last 20 years...........I LOVE clinical nutrition. But to tell you honestly, had I studied it traditionally, it would NOT have helped me overcome so much, nor helped me fight for our children's lives NOR would it have helped me work on my husband (former pro-athlete) with his pulmonary embolism of both lungs (he was sent home to die by all those doctors and scientists). There is lots of good in science BUT I had and still have to be selective with it and from whom I learn it from. Bitterly, real-life experience has had to be the hardest test for me..........Nursing boards are easier! , keep that spirit up and be meticulous in everything you encounter as you fight for your life! THIS LIST WILL ENCOURAGE YOU........IT DID ME FOR OVER A DECADE.... For me , I was the wife of a baseball player. I had the best medicine had to give at my disposal. Everyone ostracizes you because of being in that world. My family and my husband's family gave me up for dead. I had four children (4 in 4 years) to raise and moved on average every 2 months. My husband was a left-handed reliever - utility player. We moved 36 times in 6 years all the while I was fighting for my life - alone! THIS LIST GAVE ME THE COURAGE TO KEEP ON KEEPING ON. I had nobody else. For me, every time I went to the doctor, it was worse news than before. My science background did not help attenuate this fear. Brain tumor, ovarian cancer, breast cancer throughout our fourth pregnancy, cervical cancer and melanoma on my back...........really a deep dark pit of despair! If you continue being feisty as you are right now, you will make it! It takes that kind of spirit to make it through! Bless you my dear! Johanne From: Dorr Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 8:14 AM Subject: Re: [ ] Re: My Current Protocol, for better or worse. Comments welcome Joanne: My intention was to not be attacking. I was truly puzzled that you would have a heavy science background and not be supportive of the GOOD side of SCIENCE. If it appeared that I was attacking you, I was coming from a position of the years that I have studied SCIENCE---from the GOOD side of SCIENCE. I actually put together an institute in 1997 for the SCIENCE of live foods nutrition. I brought Dr. Cousens to Portland in 2000 at a festival I co-founded. I am currently working on putting this institute back together once I get myself hopefully back in remission. The SCIENTISTS are usually the GOOD guys. Albert Einstein was a vegeterian and a strong believer in God. When I took my biology course back in 1991 I almost wept when my professor told me that Einstein developed a deep belief in God the more that he got into attempting to unlock the secrets of the universe. My professor told me, " Oh yes, most scientists believe in God. " You made a blanket statement that SCIENCE would have killed you had you " followed that path. " It is because of SCIENCE that we are even talking on the cures for cancer website. Most of what we talk about here is about our beliefs in the SCIENCE of nutrition and what can kick cancer/tumors out of our bodies. 99% of what we talk here about is about SCIENCE. I for one don't believe in placebos, thinking my way out of cancer to any great degree, even though I do the visualization of an army of good guys kicking my cancer out of my body. Hey, I could be very wrong here. I just happen to have a strong SCIENCE background, which has put me in remission 2x with terminal and Stage IV cancer. What I have to work on now in a big way is to FOLLOW THROUGH with what I have learned to keep me in remission. Stay on the supplements (maybe reduce somewhat) and diet, once I am again in remission. This is a lifelong process not a cut-and-chop thing here. Once you have had cancer, it is always lurking back there. None of us are safe. I had 11 years with no active disease. I actually felt attacked by you for slamming my strong faith in SCIENCE. I couldn't figure out where you were coming from, as suddenly you posted that SCIENCE would have " killed " you. I was kinda floored that you posted this as so much of what we do on cures for cancer is about SCIENCE. And I am not sure where you came from in posting this. I don't know you and suddenly I had this post from you. I may be wrong here, but it is my sense you equate all SCIENCE with chemo, gamma knife, etc. and kinda throw the baby out with the bath water. SCIENCE includes clinical nutrition as well, as I posted in a prior e-mail. Most SCIENTISTS aren't " experts. " They hang out in labs and dabble in petri dishes and collect samples and spend hours and days trying to see how bugs, bacteria and viruses work. They just have these curious, inquisitive minds that want to figure things out. Oh sure, there have been battles over who discovered the A.I.D.S. virus. But for the most part, SCIENTISTS have given so much to humanity and will continue to do so. Without SCIENTISTS many of us would be in iron lungs institutionalized or paralyzed from polio. I am meeting with my radiology oncologist for the first time today. I have been coughing a lot and even wonder if everything I have been doing is even working. My life is on the line. I am doing everything I can do to save my life here. I may go for the CYBERKNIFE. It may be the quickest thing to push this cancer back again or it may kill me. But cancer is a crap shoot. There is absolutely no guarantee that anything I or anyone else does will permanently put me in remission---whether it be natural/alternative SCIENCE or mainstream SCIENCE. But as I stated in the prior e-mail calcium d-glucarate was discovered by SCIENTISTS at a top cancer institute. So, progress is being made, albeit slowly, by people on both sides. McCarthy had more money---millions in fact---at her disposal and she was a life-long vegeterian. Yet she died of breast cancer. Truce? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 16, 2008 Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 Thank you Johanne. Maybe I will order one of those metabolic tests from you in the near future. Truce??? I just got back from the radiologist oncology. I have some bad news, but maybe some ultimately BETTER news. I didn't know that my largest 3.5 x 1.5 cm was ON THE HEART. I was told it was " near the heart, " originally, but in the last visit with my regular oncologist she said it was not " near a heart valve. " So, anyway. The doc says I am NOT eligible for the Cberknife because it is high-dose radiation and would damage the heart. They won't do it. He did suggest if the tumor were to grow larger that they might consider low dose radiation to that area, with the understanding that I would lose lung capacity wherever the radiation was beemed into my body. This was originally the idea of the Cyberknife that it targets only cancerous cells. So, I would lose MAJOR lung capacity if I did radiation. He definitely wouldn't recommend it now; however, he told me, " From your history I all bets are off with you because you'll probably come back and tell me I 'm wrong. " What he meant was that I am way beyond beating the odds, having outlived 14 years a 6-month prognosis in July 1994. He knows the radiologist oncology who treated me 13 years ago, who he is actually seeing tonight. I did something funny. The doc got a little irritated at me because I couldn't figure out where the tumors were on the screen that he was showing me from the last CT scan of the lung. I have never been good with spatial concepts and I couldn't tell the top from the bottom or back to front. After trying for the third time to explain it, he got really impatient with me. I then asked, " Could you get a black marker for me? " He got called out of the room temporarily and brought back the marker and then I asked him, " Could you mark on my body EXACTLY where the tumors are? So, he did it. And I laughed, " I'll bet you have never been asked to do this before! " He said, " No, as a matter of fact I haven't. I'll bet you're having me do this so you can target your infrared lamp sauna on this, right? " I laughed and said, " Yes! " And then when I looked in the mirror to see the marks, I caught that he had put the marks on the wrong side of the body. He had to do them all over again and I had big black marks all over my body. But his time asked him to number them 1-4 for the individual tumors. I then said, " I believe in visualization and will start getting them shrunk down. " So I have black numbers and circles and x's all over my upper body. So, in essence my only hope now is alternatives and the bit of Faslodex to take out the excessive estrogen in the body. It only has an 18% success rate. I am on D3, calcium d-glurcate and have ordered Myomen to get out the dominant estrogen. I am considering taking Uri's anti-estrogenic WHEY protein mix, which is loaded with anti-estrogenic herbs. You have to be willing to be open-minded about things. I have no personal investment in being 100% vegan raw except that I think it will give me greater chances of beating this, but if a bit of WHEY and anti-estrogen herbs can be part of an arsenal of things to beat this, I am no longer 100% raw vegan as of this moment. I think I am going to order from Uri right now at The dairy is hormone free raised in New Zealand. Peace and Good will, Johanne. Thank you for your kind words and I was personally scared to death the last few days and now I am even more scared. If the tumor on the heart grows I am a goner. The other 3 tumors ar nothing. I am glad you re-connected with me and this is proof that people can work things out if there is a caring spirit. I will be out of town until Friday. God Bless and Happy Holidays, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 16, 2008 Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 , Sigh! First of all, I am so glad that you are smart! I am sooooooo thankful that you can even correct that doctor! That is what Science does in our brains....That is why you learned it. , please email me privately. I want to go over some details with you. I need to help you channel that fear in a good place. My heart goes out to you. I have been there and will never forget that horrible feeling of aloneness! AdvancedNutritionalConcepts@... I will count on your smart brain to quiz me and consider a few things. Until then, I will pray for you. Never give up hope, NEVER! Johanne From: Dorr Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 1:41 PM Subject: Re: [ ] Re: My Current Protocol, for better or worse. Comments welcome Thank you Johanne. Maybe I will order one of those metabolic tests from you in the near future. Truce??? I just got back from the radiologist oncology. I have some bad news, but maybe some ultimately BETTER news. I didn't know that my largest 3.5 x 1.5 cm was ON THE HEART. I was told it was " near the heart, " originally, but in the last visit with my regular oncologist she said it was not " near a heart valve. " So, anyway. The doc says I am NOT eligible for the Cberknife because it is high-dose radiation and would damage the heart. They won't do it. He did suggest if the tumor were to grow larger that they might consider low dose radiation to that area, with the understanding that I would lose lung capacity wherever the radiation was beemed into my body. This was originally the idea of the Cyberknife that it targets only cancerous cells. So, I would lose MAJOR lung capacity if I did radiation. He definitely wouldn't recommend it now; however, he told me, " From your history I all bets are off with you because you'll probably come back and tell me I 'm wrong. " What he meant was that I am way beyond beating the odds, having outlived 14 years a 6-month prognosis in July 1994. He knows the radiologist oncology who treated me 13 years ago, who he is actually seeing tonight. I did something funny. The doc got a little irritated at me because I couldn't figure out where the tumors were on the screen that he was showing me from the last CT scan of the lung. I have never been good with spatial concepts and I couldn't tell the top from the bottom or back to front. After trying for the third time to explain it, he got really impatient with me. I then asked, " Could you get a black marker for me? " He got called out of the room temporarily and brought back the marker and then I asked him, " Could you mark on my body EXACTLY where the tumors are? So, he did it. And I laughed, " I'll bet you have never been asked to do this before! " He said, " No, as a matter of fact I haven't. I'll bet you're having me do this so you can target your infrared lamp sauna on this, right? " I laughed and said, " Yes! " And then when I looked in the mirror to see the marks, I caught that he had put the marks on the wrong side of the body. He had to do them all over again and I had big black marks all over my body. But his time asked him to number them 1-4 for the individual tumors. I then said, " I believe in visualization and will start getting them shrunk down. " So I have black numbers and circles and x's all over my upper body. So, in essence my only hope now is alternatives and the bit of Faslodex to take out the excessive estrogen in the body. It only has an 18% success rate. I am on D3, calcium d-glurcate and have ordered Myomen to get out the dominant estrogen. I am considering taking Uri's anti-estrogenic WHEY protein mix, which is loaded with anti-estrogenic herbs. You have to be willing to be open-minded about things. I have no personal investment in being 100% vegan raw except that I think it will give me greater chances of beating this, but if a bit of WHEY and anti-estrogen herbs can be part of an arsenal of things to beat this, I am no longer 100% raw vegan as of this moment. I think I am going to order from Uri right now at The dairy is hormone free raised in New Zealand. Peace and Good will, Johanne. Thank you for your kind words and I was personally scared to death the last few days and now I am even more scared. If the tumor on the heart grows I am a goner. The other 3 tumors ar nothing. I am glad you re-connected with me and this is proof that people can work things out if there is a caring spirit. I will be out of town until Friday. God Bless and Happy Holidays, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 16, 2008 Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 , Wishing you all the best. I don't blame you for being scared. Make sure you are taking enough Calcium D-Glucarate. I recently had a situation where I had to stop for a week and the change was noticeable. All my best, ar -- Arlyn Grant arlynsg@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 19, 2008 Report Share Posted December 19, 2008 Karla, Can you explain this procedure: " did you consider regional deep hyperthermia with radiofrequencies for control of lung mets? " I am using the infrared lamp sauna treatment. From: minolfa <rapaccini.carlo@...> Subject: [ ] Re: My Current Protocol, for better or worse. Comments welcome Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 9:11 AM hi. did you consider regional deep hyperthermia with radiofrequencies for control of lung mets? karla > From: Dorr > Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 1:41 PM > I just got back from the radiologist oncology. I have some bad news, but maybe some ultimately BETTER news. > > I didn't know that my largest 3.5 x 1.5 cm was ON THE HEART. I was told it was " near the heart, " originally, but in the last visit with my regular oncologist she said it was not " near a heart valve...... > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 19, 2008 Report Share Posted December 19, 2008 Thanks Arlyn. I am just now going to start taking it as I had to get all my supplements together once I learned about all the things to take. I am receiving it from today. It is on my new protocol I listed earlier this week. From: Arlyn Grant <arlynsg@...> Subject: Re: [ ] Re: My Current Protocol, for better or worse. Comments welcome Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 6:30 PM , Wishing you all the best. I don't blame you for being scared. Make sure you are taking enough Calcium D-Glucarate. I recently had a situation where I had to stop for a week and the change was noticeable. All my best, ar -- Arlyn Grant arlynsg123mail (DOT) org Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 19, 2008 Report Share Posted December 19, 2008 Get some delicious stevia flavorings from (chocolate raspberry, vanilla creame, lemon drop) to add to the tasteless whey. No whining, Jim!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 19, 2008 Report Share Posted December 19, 2008 Those sound yummy, ! ar On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 10:31:14 -0800 (PST), " Dorr " <dorrnancy@...> said: > Get some delicious stevia flavorings from (chocolate > raspberry, vanilla creame, lemon drop) to add to the tasteless whey. > > No whining, Jim!! > > > > > ------------------------------------ > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 19, 2008 Report Share Posted December 19, 2008 , I looked up whey in the dictionary and whey is the clear liquid that comes out of the milk when you make cheese. All the fatty stuff goes into the cottage cheese, etc. and the clear stuff is the whey. I am going to do some research on this soon to find out all the good points about whey. Jerry Brunetti who has been mentioned on this website swears by the Weston Price Foundation, which advocated raw milk products. Jerry beat terminal lymphoma with raw milk products, organic vegeatables and juicing, fermented products and tons of other stuff. I could send you a link to his protocol. I just don't have my hands on it right now. Let me know. From: melly banagale <@...> Subject: [ ] Re: My Current Protocol, for better or worse. Comments welcome Date: Friday, December 19, 2008, 7:07 PM Jim, Thanks for your reply. Whey is made out from milk, isn't it? Does it cause mucous then? Is this the reason why it could be bad for cancer? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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