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Stage 4 Prostate cancer

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Hi all;

I have stage 4 prostate cancer with bone mets. I have been on Prostesol

a herbal supplement for treatment of prostate cancer but my PSA is

starting to rise. Any alternative treatments that anyone knows of would

be helpfull.

My oncologist has given up on me as I do not want to do chemo. But it

seems that this disease is starting to grow in spite of my efforts to

keep it at bay.


Steve B

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Steve, last person I knew who went that route became a very serious

vegetarian, mostly veggies, and years later is doing fine.

He had his prostate removed years before, and his PSA (a worthless test

btw) was climbing over 40.

The veggie diet brought it back under 2. Most (but not all !) prostate

cancers are very slow growing; it's been said that all older men die

WITH prostate cancer, but very very few because of it. But, there are

some PCs which are fast growing and are very bad - time for surgery with

an experienced prostate surgeon (not whoever happens to be on duty that

day and will for sure also remove the nerves supplying the penis, with

many very bad side-effects - think adult diapers the rest of your life.)

The more you read up on PSA the more useless it really is. In his case,

they wanted to start chemo ( " because the cancer had spread somewhere,

probably into the bones " ), and instead his wife put him on a veggie

diet. NO Cheeseburgers, NO red meat, LOTS of water. PSA numbers

essentially disappeared. He's still doing fine 10 years later, but his

wife has since died of uterine cancer.

Might also look into immune boosters (many of them out there " Del Immune

5 " , " Transfer Factor 4+ " , " Astralangus herb " , " IP6 " , " Beta Glucan

1,3-6 " ) and nutritional, mineral and enzyme support (not a

multi-vitamin, but serious nutritional support tailored for your body

chemistry.) If you're into " Rife " machines or are interested, machines

such as EMEM devices, the GB4000 pad machine, the PERL etc are

available. NOT as cures, because these machines absolutely do NOT cure

anything (neither does chemo) but as tools to help the body do its job

and help you get better, whether by helping boost the immune system or

whatever they do. I have such a device (I don't sell them) which has for

years gotten rid of the flu overnight. It didn't " cure " my skin cancer,

but helped keep it from spreading (eventual surgery.) Might look into

Essiac herbal tea also, but stay near the bathroom!

Find a naturopathic doctor /herbalist; they don't push drugs.

Good luck!


On 7/24/2009 11:54:06 AM, Steve B (sberger14@...) wrote:

> Hi all;


> I have stage 4 prostate cancer with bone mets. I have been on Prostesol

> a herbal supplement for treatment of prostate cancer but my PSA is

> starting to rise. Any alternative treatments that anyone knows of would

> be helpfull.


> My oncologist has given up on me as I do not want to do chemo. But it

> seems that this disease is starting to grow in spite of my efforts to

> keep it at bay.


> THanks


> Steve B





> ------------------------------------



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Thanks;Gleason 9 in 80% of the prostate. Mets to lymph nodes and

bones. Estimated lifespan 2 years. Very agressive and dangerous

prostate cancer. So I am one of those who will die of the disease

rather than with it.

Started Androgen Deprepration THerapy (ADT) 3-2007 Lupron and Cassodex.

Failed ADT on 4-2008, androgen independent prostate cancer

Discontinued all standard therapy on 11-2008

Started Prostasol 12-2008

Two radiation treatments to bone mets in neck and in colarbone.

I am on a VRB diet Veggies, Rice and Beans. No added fat and no milk or

milk products.

With this type of agressive cancer all I can hope for is to slow down

the progress some and give me a few more years with my kids and family.

PSA is not the best test but it is an indicator of cancer growth and

agressiveness. While I would like to ignore the PSA my experience is

that it is a good indicator of cancer growth, When my PSA goes up like

it has lately, bone pain gets worse and I start to feel sick.

Current status;

PSA is rising and cancer is starting to find a way around the

prostesol. Pain in back, neck and hips is getting more severe but I can

tolerate it. General health is good. Other blood work and vital signs

are within limits.

THanks for your comments.

Steve B

Dave wrote:

> Steve, last person I knew who went that route became a very serious

> vegetarian, mostly veggies, and years later is doing fine.

> He had his prostate removed years before, and his PSA (a worthless

> test btw) was climbing over 40.


> The veggie diet brought it back under 2. Most (but not all !) prostate

> cancers are very slow growing; it's been said that all older men die

> WITH prostate cancer, but very very few because of it.....


> Might also look into immune boosters (many of them out there " Del

> Immune 5 " , " Transfer Factor 4+ " , " Astralangus herb " , " IP6 " , " Beta

> Glucan 1,3-6 " ) and nutritional, mineral and enzyme support (not a

> multi-vitamin, but serious nutritional support tailored for your body

chemistry.) .............Dave

Steve B (sberger) wrote:

> > I have stage 4 prostate cancer with bone mets. I have been on Prostesol a

herbal supplement for treatment of prostate cancer but my PSA is starting to

rise. Any alternative treatments that anyone knows of would be helpfull. My

oncologist has given up on me as I do not want to do chemo. But it seems that

this disease is starting to grow in spite of my efforts to keep it at bay.

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For your diet, search for Raw Paleolithic Diet and Raw Paleo Forum.

This is raw organic fruit, raw organic animal food, few raw organic

juiced vegetables. And it is suggested to go on a high raw fat low raw

carb diet. The " magic " is in raw organic raw fatty meats.

Lifestyle, live a chemical free, drug free lifestyle. Real raw food is

more powerful and safer than supplements.

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Search for Habenaro and Garlic treatment by Edem on Google. It has worked

for a lot of people.

Best of luck


> Hi all;


> I have stage 4 prostate cancer with bone mets. I have been on Prostesol

> a herbal supplement for treatment of prostate cancer but my PSA is

> starting to rise. Any alternative treatments that anyone knows of would

> be helpfull.


> My oncologist has given up on me as I do not want to do chemo. But it

> seems that this disease is starting to grow in spite of my efforts to

> keep it at bay.


> THanks


> Steve B


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Radiation treatment for relapses of prostate cancer boosts survival rates

Read more:



What EVERY man (and his wife) should know about prostate cancer

Read more:




> Hi all;


> I have stage 4 prostate cancer with bone mets. I have been on Prostesol

> a herbal supplement for treatment of prostate cancer but my PSA is

> starting to rise. Any alternative treatments that anyone knows of would

> be helpfull.


> My oncologist has given up on me as I do not want to do chemo. But it

> seems that this disease is starting to grow in spite of my efforts to

> keep it at bay.


> THanks


> Steve B


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I would NOT do conventional treatments if I had prostate cancer (PC).

Most effective treatments for prostate cancer - RESVERATROL, curcumin,

pomegranate, green tea, ellagic acid, selenium, quercetin, panax ginseng, reishi

(note: Together, PROSTASOL [by www.letstalkhealth.com] and Ellagic Insurance

Formula [by www.ellagic-acid.org] contain all the above), maitake, garlic,

fermented soy, FSO/CC, broccoli sprouts, DIM, capsaicin, CoQ10 (500mg?),

I3C/DIM, CDG, sandalwood essential oil, Poly-MVA, nettle ROOT, ashwagandha,

Chinese skullcap, artemisinin, celandine, MCP, lycopene, grapeseed, milk

thistle, rabdosia, licorice, boswelia, nettles, pygeum, red clover, saw

palmetto, parthenolide/feverfew, betulinic acid, GLA, EPA/fish & cod liver oils,

zinc, vits. B6 (600mg), D3 & E (alpha tocopherol succinate), zeolite, whey,

hyperthermia and (unless using Hoxsey) TOMATOES.

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