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Re: Spindle Cell - Pls Help Me Fight

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Your dog eats and drinks all that stuff?

From: Jasmine Gurrrl <KayleesJasmineMogadishu@...>

Subject: [ ] Spindle Cell - Pls Help Me Fight

Date: Thursday, July 23, 2009, 4:08 PM


I guess I have good timing to join - I saw the post this morning... Bret,

pls post the protocol.

First and foremost: I don't have any family, not anyone that traditional

society sees as " family " . I have 2 soul mates, one has passed on and the

other is fighting a spindle cell sarcoma tumor. She has been by my side

since she was only 4 weeks old and is now 15 1/2 years young. Her name is

Jasmine and she is my 'daughter', she just walks on all four and is covered

in fur.

I'm scared for my girl. I can tell she is declining mentally and this thing

is growing so fast that her limp gets more pronounced each week. I have

joined the various groups and have read lots and lots of info and have

likely gotten myself confused.

Surgery is not an option and I've elected to avoid chemo and rad treatments.

Simply lugging her around from appt to appt is suffering in my opinion.

However, I can't sit by and watch her die. Her vet does not have experience

with alternative therapies but has agreed to provide what guidance he can

for whatever therapy I choose. He is also prepared to come to my home when

it's time to make the ultimate decision.

I am fully aware that her time is limited - I'm not stupid. I'm very blessed

to still have her considering all that she's been through. My goal is to

prolong her life and cure her of this awful disease. I think big and dream

big and why not? I will be thankful if I can stop the progression or even

slow it down. Her comfort and happiness are all I care about.

Hopefully there are members here that have experience with this type of

cancer and treating it in canines. Even if you don't have the specific

experience we need, pls reply if you can provide any valuable input.

With specific consideration of spindle cell sarcomas, my questions for you


What is the best treatment protocol? I know everyone is different, but what

is your experience? I currently have her on the Budwig diet and Essiac

Tea...Should I continue or try something new?

These are in order of what I feel might be best for her:


Black salve

Cesium chloride



Do you have any experience with any of these?

Also, do I feed raw or do I not feed raw? and what do I need to add to her

diet (regardless of what I feed)?

Many thanks in advance for your input.

Teri & Jasmine

(For anyone that wishes to spew negativity or a personal opinion about my

love for my girl and treating " just a dog " - I would appreciate it if you

keep your opinion to yourself. She is not " just a dog " - I would sell my

soul to cure her, if even to have only a week of her romping and playing. So

far, no buyers.)

Teri, Mykal in Spirit, Jasmine Gurrrl, , Gimpy, & Buddie too!.... &

Ellie Mae, Bella, Skye, & Lilah Jane too!

Kaylee’s Jasmine Mogadishu, Blk Lab, 15y,5m, Deaf, Spindle Cell Ugliness Dx

06.24.09 / My Soul Mates

(http://s192. photobucket. com/albums/ z28/sophiesundow n/?action= view & current=


ykalJasmine- LabQrtrly_ Spring2008- 1.jpg) / Mykal Gris Angelo at the Bridge

09.13.95-07. 03.07, http://www.petsuppo rts.com/mykal. htm

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I would never say that. My dog is very important to me also. Have you thought

about bloodroot with slippery elm instead of the Neoplasene. I do not know what

is in it but I think it is basically black salve internally. I did not see that

much success with it on another group and it caused a lot of digestion problems

and a lot of animals did not take it willingly.

I feed raw. For me that makes the most sense as what you eat is very important

to good health.



> I guess I have good timing to join - I saw the post this morning... Bret,

> pls post the protocol.


> First and foremost: I don't have any family, not anyone that traditional

> society sees as " family " . I have 2 soul mates, one has passed on and the

> other is fighting a spindle cell sarcoma tumor. She has been by my side

> since she was only 4 weeks old and is now 15 1/2 years young. Her name is

> Jasmine and she is my 'daughter', she just walks on all four and is covered

> in fur.


> I'm scared for my girl. I can tell she is declining mentally and this thing

> is growing so fast that her limp gets more pronounced each week. I have

> joined the various groups and have read lots and lots of info and have

> likely gotten myself confused.


> Surgery is not an option and I've elected to avoid chemo and rad treatments.

> Simply lugging her around from appt to appt is suffering in my opinion.

> However, I can't sit by and watch her die. Her vet does not have experience

> with alternative therapies but has agreed to provide what guidance he can

> for whatever therapy I choose. He is also prepared to come to my home when

> it's time to make the ultimate decision.


> I am fully aware that her time is limited - I'm not stupid. I'm very blessed

> to still have her considering all that she's been through. My goal is to

> prolong her life and cure her of this awful disease. I think big and dream

> big and why not? I will be thankful if I can stop the progression or even

> slow it down. Her comfort and happiness are all I care about.


> Hopefully there are members here that have experience with this type of

> cancer and treating it in canines. Even if you don't have the specific

> experience we need, pls reply if you can provide any valuable input.


> With specific consideration of spindle cell sarcomas, my questions for you

> are:


> What is the best treatment protocol? I know everyone is different, but what

> is your experience? I currently have her on the Budwig diet and Essiac

> Tea...Should I continue or try something new?


> These are in order of what I feel might be best for her:


> Artemisinin

> Black salve

> Cesium chloride

> PawPaw

> Neoplasene


> Do you have any experience with any of these?


> Also, do I feed raw or do I not feed raw? and what do I need to add to her

> diet (regardless of what I feed)?


> Many thanks in advance for your input.


> Teri & Jasmine


> (For anyone that wishes to spew negativity or a personal opinion about my

> love for my girl and treating " just a dog " - I would appreciate it if you

> keep your opinion to yourself. She is not " just a dog " - I would sell my

> soul to cure her, if even to have only a week of her romping and playing. So

> far, no buyers.)

> Teri, Mykal in Spirit, Jasmine Gurrrl, , Gimpy, & Buddie too!.... &

> Ellie Mae, Bella, Skye, & Lilah Jane too!

> Kaylee's Jasmine Mogadishu, Blk Lab, 15y,5m, Deaf, Spindle Cell Ugliness Dx

> 06.24.09 / My Soul Mates

> (http://s192.photobucket.com/albums/z28/sophiesundown/?action=view & current=M

> ykalJasmine-LabQrtrly_Spring2008-1.jpg) / Mykal Gris Angelo at the Bridge

> 09.13.95-07.03.07, http://www.petsupports.com/mykal.htm





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Personally, I do not like black salve internally, look up blood root, wikipedia.


For spindle -cell the best and first treatment is the one that battles pain. 

Mainly because the mechanism that usually battles pain, also inhibbits

metabolism of cancer cells.


Cesium chloride can be taken in capsules and put into butter.

Essiac,  well I don't know if a dog can be made to take essiac in therapeutic



Cesium would have to be calibrated towards your dogs weight. How much does

he/she weigh?


DMSO is another therapeutic substance that animals can take.






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I fed my cats raw food for years. I am not sure if I would recommend it for the

situation you are in. Eating raw did not cure my cat from the liver disease

that killed her at age 9. But, it might have helped me have a few more years

with her. I just don't know.

Are you able to find a holistic vet to take her to?


> > What is the best treatment protocol? I know everyone is different, but what

> > is your experience? I currently have her on the Budwig diet and Essiac

> > Tea...Should I continue or try something new?

> >

> > These are in order of what I feel might be best for her:

> >

> > Artemisinin

> > Black salve

> > Cesium chloride

> > PawPaw

> > Neoplasene

> >

> > Do you have any experience with any of these?

> >

> > Also, do I feed raw or do I not feed raw? and what do I need to add to her

> > diet (regardless of what I feed)?

> >

> > Many thanks in advance for your input.

> >

> > Teri & Jasmine

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Here are quite a few things to consider. Most involve eliminating

things you may not have thought of from the environment and diet.

The Cure for All Disease <http://www.drloyd.com/cure.pdf> : worth

reading for finding toxic chemicals to eliminate from diet and

environment. Also parasite cleansing is something to consider. Black

walnut hull tincture...

The Seven Stages of Disease

<http://www.healingamericanaturally.com/7_Stages_of_disease.pdf> :

shows the disease progression up to cancer

Rife Cure for All Disease <http://www.rense.com/health/rife.htm> |

FREE Rife generator

<http://www.healingamericanaturally.com/Royal--Rife.html> : try


Hidden Sources of MSG <http://www.truthinlabeling.org/> : more

processed foods to eliminate -- read labels

Excitotoxins -- The Taste that kills

<http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2384105525501310962> :

aspartame and MSG -- eliminate any sources of these.

Water Ionizer


2/> -- this helps to make the body alkaline. Cancer cannot grow in an

alkaline environment. Absolutely try this!

Foods: Get 100% organic foods that are non-genetically modified and

non-irradiated. Do not cook or re-heat in a microwave, this kills all

enzymes and nutritional value in the food. Do not cook in non-stick

cookware -- it releases harmful chemicals into the air and into the

food. Do not buy or consume any foods that are pre-packaged! Get

locally grown and raised meats and vegetables that are organic and

prepare them yourself. Do not consume any dairy products! They are

full of harmful antibiotics and Bovine Growth Hormones. Stay away from

sugar and all artificail sweeteners. Do not use anything with High

Fructose Corn Syrup- it is contaminated with Mercury. Sugars and

carbohydrates make the cancer grow even faster.

For the dog, during her illness, I would recommend a diet of pure meat

lightly cooked in a cast iron skillet and liberally seasoned with all

natural sea salt for added minerals. The meat should be 100% organic

and non-irradiated --maybe Bison. If you need to use oil for cooking it,

use 100% organic virgin coconut oil. Eliminate ALL doggie treats and

chews. NO pre-made dog food of any kind, no matter how good you think

it is.

Water: DO NOT use chlorinated or Flouridated sources of water. Use the

water ionizer to make the water alkaline -- pH of around 7.5-9.5. Use

1/4 tbsp per gallon of all-natural sea salt dissolved in the water. The

sea salt will provide necessary minerals so that the body can absorb the

proper nutrients from foods and it helps the water to alkalize more

efficiently. Make sure your water source is pure. Tap water may be

contaminated with heavy metals from the pipes or with high levels of

dissolved medications that people flush into our water source. Find a

water source from a mountain spring so it is not contaminated from the

run-off of anyhting, and try to find in GLASS bottles. Bottled water in

plastic bottles contains harmful chemicals leeched from the plastic.

Do not let the dog drink from the toilet. Make sure her drinking bowl

and food bowl are clean and sterile. You want her immune system at full

capacity to fight the cancer with no other burdens from local external

sources of contamination.

Keep the dog away from other sources of parasites and contaminates like

fecal matter and urine from other pets. Clean her sleeping area

completely. Wash in very hot water sterilized with Grain Alcohol -- not

bleach and not isopropyl alcohol. Look for possible sources of exposed

Fiberglass insulation which becomes airborne when disturbed. Basements

and unfinished rooms are often insulated with exposed fiberglass -- it's

in the dust everywhere in the basement. This fiberglass will be inside

of the tumors!

Clean carpets and rugs with a steam cleaner without harsh chemicals.

Change heating and AC filters. Eliminate any air fresheners and scents

from the home -- air fresheners, scented candles, stick-ups, scented

oils, febreeze, etc. Eliminate all stored chemicals like bleach,

cleaners, paints, gasoline, kerosene, oil lamps, etc. which leech into

the air of your home. DO NOT let your pet breathe the air when you

bathe -- it has steam from Chlorine and Flouride from the water. This

is 600 TIMES more toxic than actually drinking the water. Your pets

breathe this stuff 24/7 even when you don't, they are always home. Take

her outside as much as possible for fresh air and get plenty of


Everyone wants a cure in the form of adding something. Many times the

body can heal itself or be helped to heal itself by eliminating the

causes of illness from food sources and the environment. This is

powerful stuff. No matter what " cure " you decide to try, please

consider this clean-up of diet and environment for a maximum effect!


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Also, I forgot to add:

Don't use any soaps, shampoos, flea collars, flea treatments,

medicines, etc on the dog. If you wouldn't eat it yourself, don't give

it to the dog and don't put it on the dog's skin. The skin is the

body's largest organ and absorbs everything we touch.


" Jasmine Gurrrl " <KayleesJasmineMogadishu@...> wrote:

>...fighting a spindle cell sarcoma tumor. She has been by my

side since she was only 4 weeks old and is now 15 1/2 years young. Her name is

Jasmine and she is my 'daughter', she just walks on all four and is covered in



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hahaha My dog drinks a tonic made of neem graviola and andrographis. I pour it

over his meat.




> From: Jasmine Gurrrl <KayleesJasmineMogadishu@...>

> Subject: [ ] Spindle Cell - Pls Help Me Fight


> Date: Thursday, July 23, 2009, 4:08 PM







> I guess I have good timing to join - I saw the post this morning... Bret,

> pls post the protocol.


> First and foremost: I don't have any family, not anyone that traditional

> society sees as " family " . I have 2 soul mates, one has passed on and the

> other is fighting a spindle cell sarcoma tumor. She has been by my side

> since she was only 4 weeks old and is now 15 1/2 years young. Her name is

> Jasmine and she is my 'daughter', she just walks on all four and is covered

> in fur.


> I'm scared for my girl. I can tell she is declining mentally and this thing

> is growing so fast that her limp gets more pronounced each week. I have

> joined the various groups and have read lots and lots of info and have

> likely gotten myself confused.


> Surgery is not an option and I've elected to avoid chemo and rad treatments.

> Simply lugging her around from appt to appt is suffering in my opinion.

> However, I can't sit by and watch her die. Her vet does not have experience

> with alternative therapies but has agreed to provide what guidance he can

> for whatever therapy I choose. He is also prepared to come to my home when

> it's time to make the ultimate decision.


> I am fully aware that her time is limited - I'm not stupid. I'm very blessed

> to still have her considering all that she's been through. My goal is to

> prolong her life and cure her of this awful disease. I think big and dream

> big and why not? I will be thankful if I can stop the progression or even

> slow it down. Her comfort and happiness are all I care about.


> Hopefully there are members here that have experience with this type of

> cancer and treating it in canines. Even if you don't have the specific

> experience we need, pls reply if you can provide any valuable input.


> With specific consideration of spindle cell sarcomas, my questions for you

> are:


> What is the best treatment protocol? I know everyone is different, but what

> is your experience? I currently have her on the Budwig diet and Essiac

> Tea...Should I continue or try something new?


> These are in order of what I feel might be best for her:


> Artemisinin

> Black salve

> Cesium chloride

> PawPaw

> Neoplasene


> Do you have any experience with any of these?


> Also, do I feed raw or do I not feed raw? and what do I need to add to her

> diet (regardless of what I feed)?


> Many thanks in advance for your input.


> Teri & Jasmine


> (For anyone that wishes to spew negativity or a personal opinion about my

> love for my girl and treating " just a dog " - I would appreciate it if you

> keep your opinion to yourself. She is not " just a dog " - I would sell my

> soul to cure her, if even to have only a week of her romping and playing. So

> far, no buyers.)

> Teri, Mykal in Spirit, Jasmine Gurrrl, , Gimpy, & Buddie too!.... &

> Ellie Mae, Bella, Skye, & Lilah Jane too!

> Kaylee’s Jasmine Mogadishu, Blk Lab, 15y,5m, Deaf, Spindle Cell Ugliness Dx

> 06.24.09 / My Soul Mates

> (http://s192. photobucket. com/albums/ z28/sophiesundow n/?action=

view & current= M

> ykalJasmine- LabQrtrly_ Spring2008- 1.jpg) / Mykal Gris Angelo at the Bridge

> 09.13.95-07. 03.07, http://www.petsuppo rts.com/mykal. htm



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