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Re: My Current Protocol, for better or worse. Comments welcome

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I think your PROTOCOL ROCKS.  When I was fighting my terminal cancer in 1994/94

I mixed many different protocols AFTER the tumor grew 30% on chemo. I am

convinced that it was my mixture of protocols that did the trick. I was not 100%

strict raw vegan in 1994/95 contrary to now.  O.k., I have one little confession

to make. When I was in Texas last week-end, the bodylifters told me I had to eat

some CARBS to make my veins pop so I could get the ozone in my veins. Well, I am

a southerner and EVERYTHING there is fried. They didn't even have a baked potato

on the damn menu for God's sake. So, HERE IS MY CONFESSION. I ate FRENCH FRYS

with steamed broccoli on the side. It was the only thing vegeterian on the menu.

But it worked because I got the Ozone in me. But I have been 100% raw other then

that little diversion. I wonder what kind of oil the frys were fried in? UGH!!


I think the salmon and eggs once a month are fine. I am sure you are eating wild

caught salmon as this has all the good stuff in it. A bit more expensive, but

worth it. It sounds to me that you have balanced many protocols into the ONE

that fits you. I always shy away from being perfect with anything. And of course

you know that to balance your hormones, stay away from the estrogens in

non-organic diary and whey. I was surprised to find from Uri, author of the

Anti-Estrogenic Diet, that men as well as women are affected by estrogens. As

stated in a post last night, I reported that he had told me that he believes

many cancers in both sexes are estrogen based. This is also in the book. He

carries hormone free whey powders. But I am sure you can find them cheap on

www.iherb.com or a google search.


I will be studying your protocol later today and will see if there is anything I

have left out to mine which would help me.


I have already decided to have some raw cacao hot chocolate for Christmas

Eve/Christmas morning which is not on Phase 1.5 of Cousens. But this is

my Christmas present for all the hard work.


Keep up the hard work. I have learned a lot from you and others. You have all

become such a blessing to me. It would have been so frustrating, lonely and

terrifying without you all. I mean it---if you or anyone comes to Portland in

the near future, I would love for you to come to my one-woman clinic and see my

set-up. I'll even fix you a raw lunch.


I am snowed in today in downtown Portland in my clinic. I didn't make it home

last night. but I have a nice comfy double futon and my new sauna and my juicer

and a ton of vegies in the frig. I think it's going to be a raw juice day.  I

had my infrared sauna for the first time this morning and I did a skin scrub

afterwards with all kinds of yummy oils and epsom and sea salts which takes the

toxins right out of your body. I laid down on my futon and was in heaven.


Keep trucking everyone. You are all in my thoughts and prayers and in my heart.


Here's to a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! And Happy Hannukah as well.


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> Jim,


> I think your PROTOCOL ROCKS.  

I hope so! No ego here, although I must admit that I feel naked and

exposed when people tell me not to rely on the supplements. Weird.

It feels like a loss of control to me.

>stay away from the estrogens in non-organic diary and whey.

I've read some things about estrogens -- non-organic meat and dairy

are primary sources, along with pesticides, right? And plastics?



> I am snowed in today in downtown Portland in my clinic.

Snow here too in Northern California!


> Here's to a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! And Happy

Hannukah as well.




Same here to you!

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Hey :

My intuition does say to keep taking supplements, but as I said in a

previous post, a lot of this has to do with a sense of control over

my own disease.

I feel almost no control with Budwig, and in fact, have read multiple

posts where people doing Budwig had cancers getting out of control.

They were told to hang in there -- that this was typical at first,

etc. This scared me too much. When I read about people getting

good results with LDN, artemisinin, Sutherlandia OPC, etc., I wanted

to hit the cancer with this stuff too.

So is the real problem that I am a control freak?

I just got done reading a book where they talked extensively about

placebo and reverse placebo effects. Amazing. Some 40% of cures in

modern medicine can be attributed to placebo effect. If you think

something is going to work, it will. Conversely, if you are

convinced that something won't work, it won't.

Speaking of reverse placebo effects, I talked with a friend recently

who is dying of hepatitis C. I tried talking to her about

alternatives. She immediately cut me off and said " I've been into

nursing for 15 years, and I'm sorry, but I've never seen an

alternative approach work, period. I will NOT do anything

alternative. If I die using the best modern medicine has to offer,

then I die. "

This seemed so weird to me. Why wouldn't she fight for her life?

And, in fact, she is not fighting. She is dying very quickly. Why

doesn't the placebo effect work for her? I guess she is in the 60%,

and the medicine (interferon) just isn't working. And, she may want

to die. I'm not sure why, but this happens.





> Jim,


> I wouldn't listen to ANYONE who tells you not to take supplements.

I don't care who they are. Supplementation---whether it is bloodroot

or mushrooms---is the key to healing from cancer in addition to diet.

You have to hit it hard from every available source.




> Sincerely,









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Dorr <dorrnancy@...> wrote:

> I pay $669 a month in my Kaiser Permanente health insurance premium, which

gives me expensive diagnostic tests. The only thing they have offered me in a

way of cure since 2006 is anti-estrogen hormone therapy. Femara at first worked

and now has failed. I was

put on a once a month injection which I have in the chemo room. It has an 18%

success rate---whatever that means. I have spent thousands of dollars on co-pays

and insurance premiums over the years and yet only ONE doctor has recently asked

me about my diet.....


, sounds as though you have metastatic breast cancer? Me too ... my onc

wants to put me on Femara, but I have been dx with diffuse disease in my bones

and am on Zometa for that. Ummmmmm .... excuse me, but Femara causes

osteoporosis. Why on earth would I want to put my already weakened bones into

further weakness? Oh, but I'm on Zometa, so that would protect them, she says.

Yes, but if the Zometa is busy protecting my bones from osteoporosis from the

anti-hormonal drug, wouldn't that negate some of its effectiveness at fighting

the cancer in the bones? She had to concede that maybe a

little. Hmmmphhhhh!

So, I just started taking an estrogen blocker/aromatase inhibitor, Chinese herb

called Myomin. You might wanna check it out and see if it sounds like something

beneficial for you. Also, if you do have breast cancer, have you heard of the

Amazon email group? It's a

group of alternative-only breast cancer ladies and, oh my gosh, are they FULL of

great info, research, digging for little-known studies, etc. If you're

interested, you can find them at www.breastcancerchoices.org.

Sounds like we have similar situations with the exception of the fact that I'm

now eating poultry and fish as per my metabolic typing. I know that sounds

totally weird, but it makes intuitive sense to me. I mean heck ... we

alternative types complain about the

cookie-cutter conventional treatments for highly individualized disease. But

then cancer diets are pretty cookie-cutter too ... eat only fruits/veggies, and

as much raw as possible. Now, some of that is no-brainer ... don't eat sugar or

refined, processed foods or artificial sweeteners. Stay away from xenoestogens,

etc. But it makes perfect sense that if you eat and orange and I eat an orange,

it would affect each of us differently.

Anyway, this whole journey is quite the education and, in many cases, a crap

shoot until we roll the lucky number on the dice! ;)


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Would this myomin help me? Even with the calcium d glucarate I have

trouble with estrogen. I was asked if I looked into a progesterin sp?

cream but I really have no idea where to start on that front. Just

googling what you use it seems to block all estrogen which may be

beneficial to me as I seem to be massively estrogen dominant (thank

you dr's and lovely birth control to regulate periods when I was a



> > I pay $669 a month in my Kaiser Permanente health insurance

premium, which gives me expensive diagnostic tests. The only thing

they have offered me in a way of cure since 2006 is anti-estrogen

hormone therapy. Femara at first worked and now has failed. I was

> put on a once a month injection which I have in the chemo room. It

has an 18% success rate---whatever that means. I have spent thousands

of dollars on co-pays and insurance premiums over the years and yet

only ONE doctor has recently asked me about my diet.....

> >



> , sounds as though you have metastatic breast cancer? Me too

.... my onc wants to put me on Femara, but I have been dx with diffuse

disease in my bones and am on Zometa for that. Ummmmmm .... excuse

me, but Femara causes osteoporosis. Why on earth would I want to put

my already weakened bones into further weakness? Oh, but I'm on

Zometa, so that would protect them, she says. Yes, but if the Zometa

is busy protecting my bones from osteoporosis from the anti-hormonal

drug, wouldn't that negate some of its effectiveness at fighting the

cancer in the bones? She had to concede that maybe a

> little. Hmmmphhhhh!


> So, I just started taking an estrogen blocker/aromatase inhibitor,

Chinese herb called Myomin. You might wanna check it out and see if

it sounds like something beneficial for you. Also, if you do have

breast cancer, have you heard of the Amazon email group? It's a

> group of alternative-only breast cancer ladies and, oh my gosh, are

they FULL of great info, research, digging for little-known studies,

etc. If you're interested, you can find them at



> Sounds like we have similar situations with the exception of the

fact that I'm now eating poultry and fish as per my metabolic typing.

I know that sounds totally weird, but it makes intuitive sense to me.

I mean heck ... we alternative types complain about the

> cookie-cutter conventional treatments for highly individualized

disease. But then cancer diets are pretty cookie-cutter too ... eat

only fruits/veggies, and as much raw as possible. Now, some of that is

no-brainer ... don't eat sugar or refined, processed foods or

artificial sweeteners. Stay away from xenoestogens, etc. But it

makes perfect sense that if you eat and orange and I eat an orange, it

would affect each of us differently.


> Anyway, this whole journey is quite the education and, in many

cases, a crap shoot until we roll the lucky number on the dice! ;)


> xxo



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LOL I would love to do the testing to tell me what I am allergic to

but at this time I can not afford it. Truly I can not.


> > > I pay $669 a month in my Kaiser Permanente health insurance

> premium, which gives me expensive diagnostic tests. The only thing

> they have offered me in a way of cure since 2006 is anti-estrogen

> hormone therapy. Femara at first worked and now has failed. I was

> > put on a once a month injection which I have in the chemo room. It

> has an 18% success rate---whatever that means. I have spent thousands

> of dollars on co-pays and insurance premiums over the years and yet

> only ONE doctor has recently asked me about my diet.....

> > >

> >

> >

> > , sounds as though you have metastatic breast cancer? Me too

> ... my onc wants to put me on Femara, but I have been dx with diffuse

> disease in my bones and am on Zometa for that. Ummmmmm .... excuse

> me, but Femara causes osteoporosis. Why on earth would I want to put

> my already weakened bones into further weakness? Oh, but I'm on

> Zometa, so that would protect them, she says. Yes, but if the Zometa

> is busy protecting my bones from osteoporosis from the anti-hormonal

> drug, wouldn't that negate some of its effectiveness at fighting the

> cancer in the bones? She had to concede that maybe a

> > little. Hmmmphhhhh!

> >

> > So, I just started taking an estrogen blocker/aromatase inhibitor,

> Chinese herb called Myomin. You might wanna check it out and see if

> it sounds like something beneficial for you. Also, if you do have

> breast cancer, have you heard of the Amazon email group? It's a

> > group of alternative-only breast cancer ladies and, oh my gosh, are

> they FULL of great info, research, digging for little-known studies,

> etc. If you're interested, you can find them at

> www.breastcancerchoices.org.

> >

> > Sounds like we have similar situations with the exception of the

> fact that I'm now eating poultry and fish as per my metabolic typing.

> I know that sounds totally weird, but it makes intuitive sense to me.

> I mean heck ... we alternative types complain about the

> > cookie-cutter conventional treatments for highly individualized

> disease. But then cancer diets are pretty cookie-cutter too ... eat

> only fruits/veggies, and as much raw as possible. Now, some of that is

> no-brainer ... don't eat sugar or refined, processed foods or

> artificial sweeteners. Stay away from xenoestogens, etc. But it

> makes perfect sense that if you eat and orange and I eat an orange, it

> would affect each of us differently.

> >

> > Anyway, this whole journey is quite the education and, in many

> cases, a crap shoot until we roll the lucky number on the dice! ;)

> >

> > xxo

> >

> >







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> LOL I would love to do the testing to tell me what I am allergic to

> but at this time I can not afford it. Truly I can not.

> Cheri


Then, just go for the Myomin ... that's not going to bother anyone since it's a

Chinese herb blend and not specific food related. I am a bit allergic to

broccoli, so I can't do the DIM stuff.

Funny about that too ... I took I3C for years prior to metastasizing. Then,

while on Budwig, I used DIM ... another broccoli-based supplement ... wrong move

for me. :( But hey, I'm still breathing AND I feel really good, so life is



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hi. did you consider regional deep hyperthermia with

radiofrequencies for control of lung mets?


> From: Dorr

> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 1:41 PM

> I just got back from the radiologist oncology. I have some bad

news, but maybe some ultimately BETTER news.


> I didn't know that my largest 3.5 x 1.5 cm was ON THE HEART. I was

told it was " near the heart, " originally, but in the last visit with

my regular oncologist she said it was not " near a heart valve......


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Hi Jim

Sorry to bother you again. I just got my Artemix. How many should I take 5

hours after dinner?

Thanks for your help



From: jrrjim

Here is my current protocol....

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Dan: the most thorough discussions of artemisinin and artemix occur

on the LDN newsgroup. A lot of those people are taking both LDN and

artemix, as proposed by the main doctor who got the whole LDN thing

going for cancer.

I am an amateur regarding artemix and artemisinin, but this is what I

was told from knowledgable people on this and other newsgroups:

Artemix is a mixture of artemisinin and two semi-synthetic

derivatives of artemisinin that have different absorption and

soluability qualities. The purpose of all three substances is to

find cells or organisms with high levels of iron, then release

hydrogen peroxide in reaction with the iron, which destroys the cells

or organisms.

Artemisinin was originally developed to fight malaria parasites,

which have high levels of iron in them. Cancer cells also have very

high levels of iron in them, especially leukemia and colon cancer,

and it is believed by some that artemisinin is a potent cancer


So, the main issue is to take artemix on an empty stomach to avoid

any iron in food that might be in the stomach. You want the artemix

reacting with the cancer cells, not the food. I guess if you could

eat food that didn't have any iron while taking the artemix, this

would be fine.

Two of the three compounds in artemix are oil soluable. One smart

member of this board said to take the artemix with a teaspoon or two

of coconut oil, and to also take 6 butyrate capsules (a medium-

chained triglyceride sunbstance, I believe). This will boost the

absorption of the artemix.

I believe you only need to take 1 capsule per 50 kilos of body

weight, so an average male would take 2 artemix capsules per night.

You may also want to avoid antioxidants close to the time that you

take the artemix, because you actually WANT a free radical reaction

to occur between the artemix and the cancer cells. But there is no

common concensus on how closely antioxidants can be taken to the

artemix dose, and which antioxidants are okay (if any). One doctor

believes that only vitamin E is bad to take along with artemix. Dr.

Singh wants any antioxidants taken at least 12 hours apart from the

artemix. Personally, I haven't figured this one out either.

Artemisinin and the other related compounds have a problem in that

the gut stops absorbing them very well after a few days. So most

people taking the stuff cycle at 5 days on, and 3 - 4 days off, which

allows the gut to recover.

Do some research on artemisinin and cancer. There is a lot of info

out there.

Dan, please also be aware that I really have NO IDEA if my protocol

works, doesn't work, or is actually bad!!! My dilemma is that tumor

markers aren't working for my type of cancer, and the only way to

really tell what is going on is by PET scans, which, of course, have

huge amounts of radiation. So I have NO WAY to refine my protocol

then judge the effects of the refinements via some marker such as a

PSA marker.

As you may have picked up from the postings of the last few days,

there are many who believe that a straight Budwig protocol is the

best way to go, without any additional supplements. Personally, I

don't know!!! But I do know that personally, I seem to feel much

better after a 5 day round of artemix. I also believe, from the

literature I have read, that oleander (Sutherlandia OPC) also has a

lot to offer. But again I am not sure.


> Hi Jim


> Sorry to bother you again. I just got my Artemix. How many should

I take 5

> hours after dinner?


> Thanks for your help


> Regards

> dan




> From: jrrjim


> Here is my current protocol....


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-to monitor colon cancer, my husband is doing abdominal ultrasounds...

also, he is doing tumor markers in the blood: cea, ca 19-9, LDH,ca 125

and ca 72-4, but these markers are not very reliable.

Monitoring the disease causes a lot of anxiety, but i think that

" blind " treatment id dangerous and that recurrences, caught early,

are less difficult to treat.

" Targeted Diagnostics and Therapeutics " (www.tdtinc.com)

offers the GCC-B1 blood test for surveillance of colon cancer,

but it is expensive..


-- In , " jrrjim " <jim.mcelroy10@...> wrote:


> Here is my current protocol, pieced together from information


> gathered from this website, Bill 's book, and other

> sources. It may be great, or it may be WAY OFF. I have no idea.

> Many I have shown it to think it is great. Some say it is

> ridiculous. A few say it is probably killing me. Again, I have NO



> Budwiggers will say my regimen is ridiculous. Maybe it is. It


> cost me over $500 a month! But the bulk of this cost is isolated


> the following: Beta Glucan, Sutherlandia OPC, and the Artemix (the

> glory supplements that kill cancer directly).


> 7:00 AM: On an empty stomach: Beta Glucan

> 9:00 AM: On a still empty stomach: Purple Mushroom mixture

> 10:00 AM: IP6 (6 grams), inositol, SAMe, DMG, folic acid, B12


> 12:00 noon: modified Budwig mix, containing 4 tblsp FO, CC,


> whey powder, Greens powder, oatmeal (to slow absorption) and


> fruit or raisins. According to what I read on the Budwig site, I


> really screwing up the Budwig mix by adding the whey, due to a


> of reasons -- they say the whey interferese with the sulphur


> the whey gives me too much protein, and the whey is toxic due to

> polluted milk issues. Personally, I have noted that the whey


> me feel VERY strong, it makes my muscle tone much better, and it

> keeps my weight up. I am also very concerned with raising my

> glutathione levels.


> 12:00 noon: Supplement regimen, including:

> Twinlab daily 1 supplement with many different vitamins

> 500 mg flush free niacin, which significantly helps my mood

> 500 mg pantothenic acid for adrenal health

> 160 mg manapol for immune boosting

> 3000 units vitamin D if I am not getting sun due to weather

> 2000 mg magnesium maleate

> 300 mg silynarin/artichoke/dandelion for liver health

> Green tea extract pills.

> 2000 mg ester C. The C, along with proline and lycene from the


> and the green tea extract, is supposed to halt tumor spread.

> NOW super enzymes for digestion

> Betaine Hydrochloride for digestion

> NOW liver detoxifier and regenerator

> 1000 mg iodine from kelp for thyroid health

> Enteric coated fish oil pills for DHA and EPA

> Probiotics for gut health, immunity, and digestion

> 600 units Coenzyme Q10 to raise oxygen and ATP levels

> Bloodroot 350 mg to kill tumors directly

> Sutherlandia OPC 2 capsules to kill tumors and boost immunity


> 3:00 PM: veggie juice with barley pills


> 6:00 PM: usually a vegan dinner, although I will have salmon once


> month, and organic eggs once a month.

> 6:00 PM: Same vitamin regimen as above, with the addition of:

> 1200 mg. alpha lipoic acid to help with my severe neuropathy

> 100 mg. zinc

> 200 mcg. chromium

> No CoQ10 at night because it wires me.


> 11:00 PM:

> 4.5 mg Low Dose Naltrexone

> Artemix/butyrate/coconut oil to directly kill tumors. I cycle this


> days on, and 3 or 4 days off.

> 20 - 30 mg melatonin (Sometimes -- other times I drift off without

> it).


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You indicated you take whey protein.  I went around looking for weigh protein

and i could not find one that did not have sugar.  When i looked at the

nutrients, most had 1 gram of sugar in 1 scoop of the powder.  What brand do you




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There are several brands of whey isolate that use only synthetic

sweeteners, which, of course, aren't so good.

NOW whey isolate uses a fairly low amount of frutcose, (along with

Stevia) which has a relatively low glycemic index. Seeing as how I mix

the whey isolate into my Budwig mix, the flaxseed oil further

significantly slows down gthe absorption of the frutcose. Remember,

our friend Duncan Crow thinks highly of NOW whey isolate, and it was

voted the #1 whey powder in 2005, I think.

I also just found this site that claims to have whey isolate from

purely organic sources. Their plain whey isolate has no flavorings or

sweeteners whatsoever. (I wonder how bad it tastes?)


Despite all this, there is still the debate as to whether whey is good

or bad for you if you have cancer.


> Jim,


> You indicated you take whey protein.  I went around looking for weigh

protein and i could not find one that did not have sugar.  When i

looked at the nutrients, most had 1 gram of sugar in 1 scoop of the

powder.  What brand do you take?

> Thanks.





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