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Re: Health benefits of cheese/yogurt /was: Regarding Whey products

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> > Yogurt has casein in it too, which is the bad stuff in milk and

> > cheese. Better to go with undenatured whey isolate if possible.

> >


> Jim,


> If casein were truly " bad stuff, " there would not be so many people

> healing from cancer and other conditions while following the Budwig

> diet which includes quark, yogurt, milk and cottage cheese as well


> other healthy cheeses.

Outside of the CC or quark, I believe dairy is relatively limited in

the Budwig protocol, no?


> The FlaxseedOil2 group has more testimonials from members who

> overcame cancer than any other cancer group. They did it with the

> Budwig diet. Even in this group, the testimonials from members here

> over the years have mostly been from people using the Budwig diet


> at least including the flax oil and cottage cheese recipe. Take a

> look at the files here.

Well, here's the old debate as to whether the FO/CC is profoundly

effective as a separate therapy outside the overall Budwig protocol.

A lot of people say it is, e.g., Bill . Others say " maybe " .

You say that Budwig as a whole MUST be followed to the Tee.


> Unfortunately, there are not many success stories here on Cancer


> from people saying that they healed as a result of swallowing a lot


> supplements, whey protein or drugs. Almost everyone changed their


> to real foods of good quality that are cancer fighters and


> cancer causing foods. I'm not suggesting that the Budwig diet is


> only one that can heal cancer and definitely it can not heal

> everyone. But I do notice that those who regain their health


> change their diet and lifestyle including reducing and managing

> stress.

True, . But I MUST add this. When I was first diagnosed

as " terminal " I took a long hard look at Budwig as a whole. What I

saw were a lot of successes in the archives (many claims from Dr.

Budwig herself that were not verifiable) and a LOT of FAILURES of

actual members whose cancer markers were rising on Budwig. That

scared the crap out of me. I saw post after post of " HELP ME --

Budwig is NOT working!!! " .

So I started looking for other things -- oleander, LDN, artemisinin,

bloodroot, beta glucans, etc., to bolster the FO/CC. You say this

will destroy the Budwig regimen. Who knows? I saw way too many

failures occurring on Budwig alone, and people migrating to other

things. But most do retain the FO/CC part of Bugwig, along with the

overall diet scheme.

I HAVE seen success stories on this board. Trade Products cured his

cancer with Immunocal. Another member emailed me that she had

completely cured her stage 4 breast cancer with LDN and artemisinin.

There is apparently more than one answer.

I don't know the true answer with dairy. You know what, ? I

sure hope you are right because I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dairy!!! :) Before

I got cancer I routinely drank at least a quart of milk a day, ate

lots of yogurt, and a LOT of cheese of all types. I just love it

all. My body craves it like crazy. And there are some on this board

who will say that this life-long consumption of dairy may very well

have been what caused my cancer, or at least contributed strongly to

it. However, it may have also been the 2 liters of diet coke I drank

a day for over 10 years (honest).

We are all after the truth. I don't know if Budwig is 100% wrong,

100% right, or right for some people but wrong for others.

Unfortunately, we all only have 1 shot to get this right, or we die.

I do respect the boundaries of the Budwig proponents. I do NOT come

onto the Budwig forum and try to disrupt things with other views.

But I certainly welcome and respect your views here. I hope we can

all discover what the truth is.

Anyone else have input on the whole dairy issue? I'd LOVE to go back

to my former high-dairy diet, but I'm afraid to.


> This link will take you to 4 pages of researched health benefits of

> yogurt. http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/benefits-of-yogurt?page=2


> Regarding cottage cheese and other cheeses, France and Greece, lead

> the world in cheese eating (more than 14 oz/400g a week per person,

> or over 45 lb/20 kg a year) yet have relatively low rates of heart

> disease and cancer. Casein has not hurt them.

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheese#Health_and_nutrition


> To support the above statement, here's another website excerpt:

> The study by researchers at Emory University's Rollins School of

> Public Health found *higher rates* of several serious diseases –

> including *cancer,* diabetes and heart disease – among Americans 50

> and older as compared with aging Europeans.

> For example, heart disease was diagnosed in nearly twice as many

> Americans as Europeans 50 and older. More than 16% of American

> seniors had diagnosed diabetes, compared with about 11% of their

> European peers. And arthritis and *cancer* were more than twice as

> common among Americans as Europeans.

> http://articles.latimes.com/2007/oct/02/business/fi-healthspend2


> Kind regards,



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Jim, I think your posts are very good ... full of thought and good questions. I

already posted about how I did Budwig, to the tee, for 8 months with my tumor

markers continuing to rise and a jugular lymph node growing to be 2 cm. It was

only then that I started looking for other things to add. I still clung to

Budwig, but added LDN. I'm sure the Budwig purists would find some way to blame

me for that protocol not working for me, but I didn't stray until that node

cropped up.

Then, after having food allergy testing done, I find out that cottage cheese,

buckwheat, pineapple and papaya severely inflame my gut. How could that

protocol have possibly worked for me if the very staples of it inflame my gut?

So I would say, before you go diving back into dairy, you might want to consider

some food allergy testing, like I did. There is a blood test that can show you

that. Also, I had metabolic typing done and come to find out that,

metabolically, I'm a meat-eater. Now, I have active disease, so I don't eat red

meat or pork, and chicken inflames my gut too, so I do eat eggs, fish, game hen,

turkey, and duck.

Get this ... the whole time I was on Budwig, I couldn't get myself alkaline to

save my life. I took oodles of barley tabs to try to get there, but if I

skipped any of those, forget about it. Well, that's what the metabolic typing

diet does ... gets you alkaline, by having you eat the foods that your

individual body needs to get there. So,

even though I'm eating animal protein, and I'm not eating all fruits/veggies (in

fact, very few fruits now) or raw, a couple of hours after a meal, my saliva is

a lovely 7-ish pH without any assistance at all. Go figure ... talk about

standing the world of " cancer diets " on its head! ;)

Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you to keep reading, keep studying, keep

questioning ... keep looking for the way that works for YOU! I certainly can't

speak for anyone else, and I have no idea how well others followed the Budwig

protocol and didn't see the results they wanted. But I know, in my heart, that

I truly gave the old gal a good run ... it just wasn't right for me.


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" jrrjim " <jim.mcelroy10@...> wrote:

Outside of the CC or quark, I believe dairy is relatively limited in

the Budwig protocol, no?


Hi Jim,

To answer your first question, Dr. Budwig allowed other quality

cheeses besides CC and quark. But it's important to eat plenty of the

fruits and vegetables that are part of the program. So, you wouldn't

want to fill up on cheese. This is why anyone doing the Budwig plan

needs to read the files in FlaxseedOil2 and, ideally, Dr. Budwig's

three books that are in English. Other websites and books often do

not have the correct information that she wrote for patients.

You wrote:

> Well, here's the old debate as to whether the FO/CC is profoundly

> effective as a separate therapy outside the overall Budwig

protocol. A lot of people say it is, e.g., Bill . Others

say " maybe " . You say that Budwig as a whole MUST be followed to the



There's a lot of mis-information out there about the Budwig plan.

Because Dr. Budwig treated people with this plan for 50 years through

2002 and her work has been studied and reviewed by many researchers

who spoke with many of her patients, I try to share her teachings.

I don't say that the plan has to be followed to a Tee, but I do say

that Dr. Budwig's guidelines should be studied and followed closely

because the combination of the foods in the plan work together to

create a balanced group of cancer-fighting nutrients. Besides the

core recipe of FOCC, many research studies have shown that the rest

of the foods in the Budwig diet are strong cancer fighters - fruits

and vegetables and their juices as well as certain grains, beans and

spices that Dr. Budwig included. But many people have gotten well

without eating everything that's recommended. So, I don't say that it

has to be followed to a T.

And, just as Dr. Budwig wrote in her books, a lot of research says to

avoid or greatly minimize eating meats and sugar, white flour, junk

foods [like the cokes you drank for years], preservatives and

chemicals in foods, trans fats and other damaging fats.

Also, getting sunlight in the summer is a valuable part of JB's plan

and now more and more research supports the health benefits of

vitamin D from sunlight.

You wrote:

> True, . But I MUST add this. When I was first diagnosed

> as " terminal " I took a long hard look at Budwig as a whole. What I

> saw were a lot of successes in the archives (many claims from Dr.

> Budwig herself that were not verifiable)

Most of our testimonials are from members and we're getting an

average of one a month of success stories posted from active members.

That's quite high considering that the group is a do-it-yourself

situation filled with people who are coping with cancer and trying to

learn a new way of eating and living. As I mentioned before, most of

the testimonials in the Cancer Cured files are from people who

followed the Budwig diet or changed their diet significantly to

something similar to Budwig's. There are various diets that can be

successful when dealing with cancer and other diseases.

>>and a LOT of FAILURES of

> actual members whose cancer markers were rising on Budwig. That

> scared the crap out of me. I saw post after post of " HELP ME --

> Budwig is NOT working!!! " .


For one thing, markers will probably go up during the first two

or three months of being on the diet, then after that, if the diet is

being followed closely, the markers usually begin to go down or in

some cases, the cancer is gone. So, some members of FlaxseedOil2

report that markers are going up. As they continue with improving

their diet, things often begin to change and you will see members who

have had success telling others that is the case.

Secondly, we have a large number of new people every week joining

FlaxseedOil2, this week we have about 50 new members, a typical

number and more than most groups. Many people who join haven't read

or understood the full Budwig program. They've read bits and pieces

or incorrect statements on other websites and they're a long ways

from being even close to following what Dr. Budwig acutally

recommended in her plan, so it's not going to work until they

understand it more fully and put more of it into practice.

Third, people sometimes add supplements that go against the benefits

of the diet and run into problems that way. Or, some eat meats or

sugar thinking they can get away with it but it catches up with them.

Finally, nothing works for everyone. But we do have a very high number

of success stories from members who were terminal and are doing well

as they follow the BP.

You wrote:

> So I started looking for other things -- oleander, LDN,


> bloodroot, beta glucans, etc., to bolster the FO/CC. You say this

> will destroy the Budwig regimen.


I share what Dr. Budwig wrote in her books and what the members of

FlaxseedOil2 have found worked for them. JB said that adding natural

treatments was OK, but adding chemicals, drugs, or high amounts of

antioxidant supplements could interfere with the benefits of the

diet. Beta Glucan acts as an antioxidant in the body, so high amounts

of that supplement could interfere with the benefits of BP. If you

put the words, beta glucan+antioxidant, into Google, you will find

some articles.

> I HAVE seen success stories on this board. Trade Products cured


> cancer with Immunocal. Another member emailed me that she had

> completely cured her stage 4 breast cancer with LDN and

artemisinin. There is apparently more than one answer.


I fully agree that there is more than one answer. I wrote below in my

previous message, " I'm not suggesting that the Budwig diet is the

only one that can heal cancer and definitely it can not heal

everyone. "

You point out a person who says he got well using Immunocal. I think

that was Dennis. He also wrote in several messages here that he ate

an alkaline diet and avoided sugar. So, he did change his diet

as I mentioned that most people with success stories do. The Budwig

diet is one that balances alkaline/acid foods so that it is more

alkaline and helps promote absorption of oxygen in the cells.

Regarding LDN, I read that group regularly and have seen 3 or 4

positive testimonials as well as some failures. It seems that many

people are combining a variety of things. Some members in that group

include the Budwig diet in their program and recommend it to others.

I believe it's important to look for how many testimonials there are

for a particular treatment or plan, see what kind of track record it

has and what amount of research supports it. I find more positive

testimonials from members following the Budwig plan than from

anything else. I find more research supporting the foods and

lifestyle suggestions in the Budwig plan than anything else. That's

why I want to share the information about it when I can.

Of course, everyone is free to think and choose whatever they wish

and no treatment will work for everyone.

Kind regards,

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where did you do the allergy testing


....Then, after having food allergy testing done, I find out that cottage cheese,

buckwheat, pineapple and papaya severely inflame my gut.....

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I think your message is an important one. Cancer treatment is never a

one-size-fits-all. So, here you are, eating animal protein and doing

well. :)

Where did you get the metabolizing tests done? I would like to look

into it.


On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 22:30:53 -0000, " " <melizzard@...> said:

> Get this ... the whole time I was on Budwig, I couldn't get myself

> alkaline to save my life. I took oodles of barley tabs to try to get

> there, but if I skipped any of those, forget about it. Well, that's what

> the metabolic typing diet does ... gets you alkaline, by having you eat

> the foods that your individual body needs to get there. So,

> even though I'm eating animal protein, and I'm not eating all

> fruits/veggies (in fact, very few fruits now) or raw, a couple of hours

> after a meal, my saliva is a lovely 7-ish pH without any assistance at

> all. Go figure ... talk about standing the world of " cancer diets " on

> its head! ;)


Arlyn Grant


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> -- so you think closely tracking one's saliva ph is important?


Jim, I don't closely track it any more ... just randomly, once a week or so. I

used to and it

stressed me out like crazy cuz I just couldn't get alkaline unless I literally

drank baking soda

in water.


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> ,


> I think your message is an important one. Cancer treatment is never a

> one-size-fits-all. So, here you are, eating animal protein and doing

> well. :)


> Where did you get the metabolizing tests done? I would like to look

> into it.

Our very own Johanne does these tests. I got them done through her. ;)



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Hi Jim,

Check out the raw dairy info on:


Maybe it also depends on your metabolic type too.



On Dec 13, 2008, at 1:21 PM, jrrjim wrote:

> I don't know the true answer with dairy. You know what, ? I

> sure hope you are right because I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dairy!!! :) Before

> I got cancer I routinely drank at least a quart of milk a day, ate

> lots of yogurt, and a LOT of cheese of all types. I just love it

> all. My body craves it like crazy. And there are some on this board

> who will say that this life-long consumption of dairy may very well

> have been what caused my cancer, or at least contributed strongly to

> it. However, it may have also been the 2 liters of diet coke I drank

> a day for over 10 years (honest).


> Anyone else have input on the whole dairy issue? I'd LOVE to go back

> to my former high-dairy diet, but I'm afraid to.


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Before my cancer re-currence and diagnosis on October 20th, I was eating tons of

hormone laiden cheddar cheese and bowls of Tillamook Vanilla ice cream and

cookies. I was also consuming large quantities of tofu, since O. Young

was recommending it his Ph Miracle diet. I was actually trying to improve my

diet by eating tofu so I wouldn't binge on dairy. I had gotten myself on a

pretty good track of getting off the dairy about 4 weeks before my diagnosis.


My tumor grow from nothing to 3.5 cm x 1.9 cm in less then 9 months. I also have

three other smaller tumors, ranging from 5mm - 8mm.


So, no I would not advise eating dairy. Yes, I too loved dairy. But I love my

health more.


Dr. Cousens doesn't recommend it. It is muscus-forming.



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