Guest guest Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 Welcome , So your son HAD the pertussis vaccine and still got whooping cough? What should that tell us? Did they quarantine your son with WC? I was told that if any of my children contract this or measles or mumps that our ENTIRE FAMILY will be quarantined as long as necessary and they insinuated that that could be weeks. Dh couldn't go to work, etc... Anyone ever hear that from their doc? Anyway, Welcome! Sheri B. (not to be confused with Sheri N.) in NC sb4health <ExcitingHealth@...> wrote: Hi -- I'm , married for 25 years to my DH, and we live in NY and have 2 great kids - DS 17 and DD 12. I'm a wellness educator, and I teach parents (mostly) how to have healthier families and how to overcome health challenges from a nutritional approach. Over the years I've spoken to Home Schooling groups, preschool groups, at health fairs, etc., and I'm frequently asked about vaccines (and autism), and I usually give out info so they may make an informed decision. Both my children have received a number of vaccines. Anyway, long story short, at a young age, my son had a severe allergic reaction to the DPT - specifically to the pertussis - that was the first time I questioned how safe are vaccines. Then about 2 years ago he contracted whooping cough (cough lasted for about 6 months). Thankfully, he has a very strong immune system and was able to participate on the lacrosse team, despite his cough, and we treated the illness with supplements and whole foods (NO meds). I look forward to reading your posts and getting to know you. Health & blessings, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 Sounds unlikely-'cases' have to be reported but I doubt they can (yet) do that. Sounds more like a scare tactic to me! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , 16mos See him at <> Re: Hi, Newbie here Welcome , So your son HAD the pertussis vaccine and still got whooping cough? What should that tell us? Did they quarantine your son with WC? I was told that if any of my children contract this or measles or mumps that our ENTIRE FAMILY will be quarantined as long as necessary and they insinuated that that could be weeks. Dh couldn't go to work, etc... Anyone ever hear that from their doc? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 6, 2006 Report Share Posted January 6, 2006 If I went to the doc to see what the rash/cough whatever was and it turned out to be pertussis or measles, the doctors are legallyl required to report it to the local health dept. here in NC. Sheri B. Thode <tracythode@...> wrote: Sounds unlikely-'cases' have to be reported but I doubt they can (yet) do that. Sounds more like a scare tactic to me! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , 16mos See him at <> Re: Hi, Newbie here Welcome , So your son HAD the pertussis vaccine and still got whooping cough? What should that tell us? Did they quarantine your son with WC? I was told that if any of my children contract this or measles or mumps that our ENTIRE FAMILY will be quarantined as long as necessary and they insinuated that that could be weeks. Dh couldn't go to work, etc... Anyone ever hear that from their doc? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 6, 2006 Report Share Posted January 6, 2006 Hi Sheri -- Thanks for the welcome. And in answer to your question, No, we were not quarantined, in part because I did not run to the doctor immediately. His cough was not the well recognized " whoop, " where you're gasping for air (the doctor thinks because his immune system was/is so strong), so he was coughing on and off for a few weeks before I decided maybe he had something more than post nasal drip and/or a sore throat. He wasn't complaining, and he was still practicing and playing lacrosse, so I wasn't really worried. Also, by the time I brought him to the doctor, the doctor was seeing numerous cases of whooping cough, so no quarantine was mentioned, nor were meds. since the doc knows my feeling on that. Health & blessings, Creating Healthier Lives... one family at a time. 1-866-312-8064 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 7, 2006 Report Share Posted January 7, 2006 In a message dated 1/5/2006 at 8:48:10 PM Central Standard Time, tallchick1966@... writes: So your son HAD the pertussis vaccine and still got whooping cough? What should that tell us? Did they quarantine your son with WC? I was told that if any of my children contract this or measles or mumps that our ENTIRE FAMILY will be quarantined as long as necessary and they insinuated that that could be weeks. Dh couldn't go to work, etc... Sheri B, Some folks we know whose children were in classes with ours had a fully if not over vaccinated son who developed full blown Pertussis. He was allowed out in public, etc. Even in school. I think they kept him out of school a week.. but not at home. His parents and sisters continued their normal routines. FYI Kim Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 29, 2008 Report Share Posted March 29, 2008 Hi, My name is . I am new to this group. I have a fungal infection that has caused me to have a large tumor in my abdominal cavity, numerous tumors in both breasts, a tumor in each underarm, a tumor on each arm, and every symptom of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I have learned that all cancer is caused by fungal infections, and that this is why so may times cancer comes back. Many people will get rid of the cancer, but not the fungal infection that caused the cancer. Thus the fungal infection just keeps causing more cancer. You can test for a fungal infection by spitting into a glass of water as soon as you get up in the morning before you put anything in your mouth. If there is any of the saliva floating down in the water within an hour then you have a fungal infection. The faster the saliva begins to fall the worse the fungal infection is. When I first tested about 2 years ago, mine started in about 2 seconds. In addition, the fungal infection also caused me to have epilepsy, cognitive failure, pericaditis (An inflammation of the heart lining that can ultimately cause your heart to stop), and mood swings. The cognitive failure was so bad that in 6 months time I went from an IQ of 120 to not even knowing my name. The seizures were so bad that when they did the EEG my brain waves went all the way down to 3 htz. Normal is 9-11 and seizures usually happen between 4-6. I did not like taking the seizure medication, because it was bad for my liver and I had all the symptoms of cancer being in my liver. At the time I could not find anything natural to replace my medication, and the seizures were so bad that I had to take something. My doctor changed my medication 3 times in about 4 months, but I was still having more than one seizure a day on most days. In November of 06 my doctor wanted to start doing tests on me for cancer, but I would not let him. I knew that CT scans and biopsies could be deadly if the cancer was vary advanced and aggressive. All of my symptoms suggested that mine was. I also decided to do natural remedies. My Grandmother, who was my best friend, had Gastric Lymphoma and had died of the Radiation treatments within 6 months after being diagnosed when I was 7. I did not want to die. My Grandmother only had one tumor and it was only the size of a grapefruit. The cancer was in her liver, but I still believe that she would have lived if she had used natural remedies. I don't think she knew about them though. Her cancer was not aggressive. The doctors had given her 3 years to live. I started out by eating apricot seeds, taking a whole food vitamin, doing a colon clense, and eating a diet of raw fruits and vegetables, and drinking raw carrot juice. All of this only seemed to slow things down some. In December of 06 I was still having multiple seizures every day and I did not even know my own name, and the doctor told my parents I would never get my mind back. Furthermore, the tumor in my abdominal cavity was the size of a bowling ball, and everyone thought I was going to die and my family was starting to talk about my funeral. Then my Dad read about DMSO on the internet. It is a natural supplement that comes from trees. It is a byproduct of paper manufacturing. It is good for Brain function and for cancer. It has been known to reverse most of the damage caused by strokes even severe ones. It has been known to help Downs Syndrome. It is also a good anti-oxidant, free radical scavenger, immune system builder, anti-inflammatory, and pain killer. Dad bought some at a health food store and I started taking 1 tsp a day mixed in a glass of water. In 3 days I was out of bed. Within a week the seizures were gone and I was getting my mind back, and I took myself off of the seizure medication (I do not recommend that anyone else cold turkey off of medication. That can be very dangerous. Always work with your doctor when stopping medication.) Within 2 months most of my tumors were gone and the large one in my abdominal cavity had shrunk 50%. When I went back to the doctor, he told me to go home and keep doing what I was doing. I went back to work a few months later and had to cut way down on my dosage of the DMSO because it has a smell like garlic. A few months after that I had to have a TB vaccine because I wanted to volunteer at a nursing home. 2 months later, the seizures came back and I started having trouble remembering things and focusing again. I did not know at that time that vaccines could cause seizures and anyone who has seizures or even a family history of seizures should not get any vaccinations and can get a medical excuse. In addition, the tumor in my abdominal cavity tripled in size in one week, and I was feeling very week, tired, and sick to my stomach all the time again. I had to take 3 days off from work. I was really afraid I was dying again so I asked my Dad to give a 2 mil shot of 70% DMSO and 30% water. (I had always drank the DMSO before this, but I had heard that the shots were more effective, and I was hoping I would only have to take one and the smell would be gone before I had to go back to work in a few days.) The shot did work wonderfully, but at first I thought it was going to kill me. When Dad gave me the shot, it went straight to my head. I got a headache and became light headed and dizzy. Then I became partially paralyzed on my right side, I started having shortness of breath and felt like I was going to pass out. Dad carried me to the couch and then I started shaking. After about 10 minutes, I was fine. Three days later, I was able to go back to work. Within 1 week, the seizures had slowed way down and had become a lot less severe. In addition, the tumor had shrunk back down to the size it was before it had started growing again. I continued taking the 1 shot a week and never again had a bad reaction like the first one. Although, the shots did always burn really bad at the injection site. I would scream for about 5 minutes after each shot. Apparently, the 1 shot a week was not enough and I began to slowly get worse again. I finally had to quit my job this last December. I am now back to drinking 1-2 tsp a day mixed in a glass of water. The seizures have greatly reduced again and my memory and cognitive abilities are rapidly getting better. I do not have much trouble with my heart anymore either, and all of my tumors are gone except for the one in my abdominal cavity and it is now only the size of a baseball. I still struggle with mood swings some, but Mom says they are getting better. I still get tired easily, but I can tell I am getting my strength back little by little everyday. Sometimes I will still have a mild sensory seizure when I wake up in the morning or my body will just try to start stiffening up if I get upset about something. I do not shake or pass out much anymore and most of the time, no one else can tell that I am having a seizure. You can find DMSO in some health food stores and you can order it on line. You can find out more about DMSO from For the fungal infection, you might want to get some Three Lack. I found out about three lack a few months ago. It is the best thing I have found for fungal infections, but it is expensive. it costs about $50 a box and if you take the recommended dosage you need to buy 3 boxes a month. This is the only reason I do not take it any more I cannot afford it. When I was taking it for a few weeks I could tell that it was really working. The cheapest place I have found Three Lack is on E-Bay. DMSO also works to kill fungal infections, but it seems to be very slow. I am also still eating lots of raw fruits and vegetables everyday, drinking raw juices, and taking a whole food vitamin that contains digestive enzymes. I have also learned not to eat processed sugar,artificial sweetners, or MSG. All of these feed cancer and are bad for the brain and they trigger my seizures. MSG has many differant names including: Autolysed yeast extract any kind of whey protein Sometimes " Natural flavors " are MSG and sometimes not Sometime Gum like Gaur Gum and Xanthian Gum are MSG and sometimes not. For more info about MSG and other names for it go to You can find out more about fungal infections at http://www.cancer- and I hope you all will try DMSO and I hope it helps you as well as it is helping me. Jordan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 29, 2008 Report Share Posted March 29, 2008 Hi , Welcome to the group! Did you ever consider taking colloidal silver (CS) for your fungal infection? CS, which should not be confused with colloidal silver protein (CSP), is a natural, non-toxic, broad-spectrum antimicrobial that consists entirely of tiny, submicroscopic particles of silver suspended in distilled water. CS is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, and in laboratory studies has been shown to kill more than 600 known pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Pathogens find it extremely difficult to develop resistance to CS. CS has been called " the wonder cure that time forgot, " because it is by no means a new developement It is sold extensively on the Internet, but is much cheaper to make your own, which you can do for pennies an ounce. For more information about colloidal silver, visit With best wishes, Dudley Delany dudley_delany Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 31, 2008 Report Share Posted March 31, 2008 I have taken colloidal silver in the past for colds and stuff when I was a teenager, before I got bad sick. I did not know it was good for fungal infections. Right now I am not able to work a regular job and I took my last paycheck when I quit my job in December and bought a years supply of DMSO and whole food vitamins. For now I wll just have to stick with that. I have started an internet business and when I start making some money I will get some colloidal silver. Thank you for this information. > > Hi , > > Welcome to the group! > > Did you ever consider taking colloidal silver (CS) for your fungal infection? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 1, 2008 Report Share Posted April 1, 2008 What kind of internet business did you start? If you don't want to post it for the general public you are welcome to email me. Personally, I'd rather support someone in the group who needs the financial help than, and is kind enough to share their experiences, than from some totally unknown company.-Biz " homeschoolgrad " wrote: > I have taken colloidal silver in the past for colds and stuff when I > was a teenager, before I got bad sick. I did not know it was good for fungal infections. Right now I am not able to work a regular job and I took my last paycheck when I quit my job in December and bought a years supply of DMSO and whole food vitamins. For now I wll just have to stick with that. I have started an internet business and when I start making some money I will get some colloidal silver. Thank you for this information. > " Dudley Delany " wrote: > Hi , Welcome to the group! Did you ever consider taking colloidal silver (CS) for your fungal infection? > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 4, 2010 Report Share Posted July 4, 2010 Hi amelia, A full replacement dose is usually 125-150mcg so you are underdosed- even if there is nothing else wrong. Dr. P got me well so well worth seeing him. foods- best avoid raw cabbage almonds sweetcorn as all are goitrogenic as are some meds like betablockers. All the symptoms you describe are classic hypo wether that is lack of sufficient T4 or inability to convert the T4 into the active hormone T3. Low zinc selenium iron vit D3 and folate levels can block proper absorption as can mercury from amalgams, candida infections and low adrenal states. Depression is a classic symptoms of low T3 levels. > thyroid treatment > From: Amelia_91@...> Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2010 12:34:51 +0000> Subject: Hi, Newbie here> > Hi all, I apologies at the beginning for this very long intro, I could really do with some help please, I just don't know which way to turn.> I'm 55, have been hypo for approx 10yrs but only 4-5yrs ago did the doc begrudgingly s> So what do I do? What is good to eat? Is it worth paying privately for tests? Do you recommend attending Dr Peatfields clinic he's in Cheshire in Sept? Have you had good results if you've attended? What about natural thyroid? What are the risks with an animal product?> Apologies again for bombarding you and many thanks for reading.> > > > > > ------------------------------------> > TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication.> > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 4, 2010 Report Share Posted July 4, 2010 Dear - welcome to our happy little band of Thyroidians. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and we will do what we can to help you get there. You have suffered so much stress, it's no wonder little is working for you. You have probably been suffering with adrenal fatigue for years, and I would first recommend that you go to the FILES section (from the Home Page of this forum web site) and click on FILES. On the page that opens, click on the FOLDER entitled 'ADRENALS'. Click on 'Adrenal Questionnaire' and complete as many questions there as possible and see how high you score. Then, go back to the Adrenal File, and click on 'Adrenal Home Testing' and see how you fare. Let us know the results. If you score high with the questionnaire, you need to get the 24 hour salivary adrenal profile done privately, this tests your level of cortisol and DHEA at four specific times during the day and night. You can get adrenal and thyroid tests done by Genova Diagnostics at a discount, being a member of TPA. Again, go to the Files, scroll down until you see the one entitled 'Discounts' and open the Genova File there. Any questions, just shout. If you are suffering with low adrenal reserve, this stops the thyroid hormone you are taking from getting into the cells and this is why you will be feeling so bad. Levothyroxine is a mainly INACTIVE hormone, and it has to convert to the ACTIVE thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (or T3 for short). T3 is needed by every cell in your body and brain to make them function, and without T3, you will get all of the symptoms of which you complain. Other associated conditions that you can have with hypothyroidism are systemic candidiasis and mercury poisoning, caused through amalgam fillings, both of these will stop the thyroid hormone from getting into your cells. Read about these on our web site - click on 'Hypothyroidism' in the Menu, and in the drop-down Menu, click on 'Associated Conditions' and read everything that is there. Also, ask your GP to test the following to see if any of these are low in the reference range. These are: ferritin 9stored iron), vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc. Again, if any of these are low in the range, the thyroid hormone cannot be utilised by the cells properly until whatever you are low in is supplemented. Tell your doctor you want a copy of ALL your last blood test results. These are yours by law. A doctor CANNOT withhold them from you, and if he still refuses to let you have a copy, write to the Head of Practice and complain. As you are suffering so badly, I would actually write a letter to your GP and send a copy to the Head of Practice. First, list every one of your symptoms and signs (check these against our web site under 'hypothyroidism' and then 'Symptoms and Signs'. Next, list the members of your family who have a thyroid or autoimmune disease, as a shrivelled thyroid gland is indicative that you might have antibodies to your thyroid. Thyroid antibodies see your thyroid gland as public enemy number one and set about its total destruction. Also, this might account for the hot feeling in the front of your neck. Next, ask for a full thyroid function test to include TSH, free T4, free T3 and thyroid antibody tests. Add on to this list the blood tests I have mentioned above and ask for the results of these to be given to you, together with the reference range for each of the tests done as soon as they have been received. Next, ask for a referral to an endocrinologist (this is long overdue) because you are not regaining normal health with the single therapy of levothyroxine and you need advice for a specialist (which your GP is not) as to whether you need a T3 containing hormone therapy. Last, ask for your letter of requests to be placed into your medical notes. Keep a copy of this letter, and keep copies of everything your doctor sends to you. When you are in a doctors office, it is easy for them to deny things you have discussed, or requests you have made - they cannot do this when everything has been put in writing. Meanwhile, are you taking 200mcgs Selenium daily with your food? Also, you should be taking 1/2000mgs vitamin C daily. As soon as you get your blood test results from your doctor, post them here, and meanwhile, check out the adrenal/candida/mercury poisoning connection and let us have the results of your questionnaire. Have you considered trying a course of Melatonin when you go to bed to help get your rhythm back in order. You can buy 3mbs tablets of Melatonin through Biovea. Start by taking half a tablet of this natural hormone half an hour before going to bed. You feel sleepy shortly, and have a restful nights sleep and wake feeling very refreshed. However, you must ensure that you have thick blinds up at your windows because there should be no light coming through them whatsoever. Any questions, just shout, and somebody will be along to answer. Luv - Sheila When I go to bed I take a cold wet flannel with me so that I can wrap it across my throat as it is so hot, it carries on from my throat all over the body so in the recent freezing winter, it was just fantastic for me, just right in fact with the window open a little. I've got so much to look forward to with my kids and hopefully one day grandchildren I want to be a lot better that I feel at this moment, as this is not good. So what do I do? What is good to eat? Is it worth paying privately for tests? Do you recommend attending Dr Peatfields clinic he's in Cheshire in Sept? Have you had good results if you've attended? What about natural thyroid? What are the risks with an animal product? Apologies again for bombarding you and many thanks for reading. No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - Version: 8.5.439 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2980 - Release Date: 07/03/10 18:35:00 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 4, 2010 Report Share Posted July 4, 2010 hello julie (or ameilia??) have had unremitting stress over a long period of time and i should say without doubt your poor adrenal glands are somewhat knackered. your body can't use any amount or type of thyroid replacement until the adrenals are supported; if you can, i would go and see dr p ...i saw him last october and apart from anything else he is a kind person, he understands and he will advise you well. here's a very good site for info on the adrenals & amp;condition=ad\ renalhealth best wishes trish Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 4, 2010 Report Share Posted July 4, 2010 I did not realize sweetcorn & almonds are goitrogenic? I don't eat sweetcorn anyway......Almonds are among my favorites along with brazil nuts and walnuts. Not everyone needs a full replacement of thyroid meeds - there are so many dependencies and each person is individual. Still nice to know what the usual replacement dose is.... On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 9:54 AM, jenny stenning <jennystenning@...> wrote: Hi amelia, A full replacement dose is usually 125-150mcg so you are underdosed- even if there is nothing else wrong. Dr. P got me well so well worth seeing him. foods- best avoid raw cabbage almonds sweetcorn as all are goitrogenic as are some meds like betablockers. All the symptoms you describe are classic hypo wether that is lack of sufficient T4 or inability to convert the T4 into the active hormone T3. Low zinc selenium iron vit D3 and folate levels can block proper absorption as can mercury from amalgams, candida infections and low adrenal states. Depression is a classic symptoms of low T3 levels. > thyroid treatment > From: Amelia_91@... > Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2010 12:34:51 +0000> Subject: Hi, Newbie here> > Hi all, I apologies at the beginning for this very long intro, I could really do with some help please, I just don't know which way to turn. > I'm 55, have been hypo for approx 10yrs but only 4-5yrs ago did the doc begrudgingly s> So what do I do? What is good to eat? Is it worth paying privately for tests? Do you recommend attending Dr Peatfields clinic he's in Cheshire in Sept? Have you had good results if you've attended? What about natural thyroid? What are the risks with an animal product? > Apologies again for bombarding you and many thanks for reading.> > > > > > ------------------------------------> > TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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