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Question Re: Livingston Center in San Diego

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<< The Livingston Center is closed and Dr. Livingston passed away several years

ago. The American Cancer Society managed to debunk her claims of 85% cure rate,

saying that the bacteria she identified as causing cancer were actually several

bacteria mistakenly presumed to be only one, thus the treatment results could

not have been scientifically determined. There were reports also that the

patients were not enjoying a " quality of living " as high as patients in the ACS


> at a cost of over $6500 for two weeks, plus maintenance costs after that.


I believe these statements are factually true, though most such ACS

investigations are extremely biased attempts to discredit alt. clinics and are

either dishonest or extremely misleading. Her success rates were only modest

(much below 85%), though I believe they increased substantially the last couple


My notes on Livingston clinic and Livingston regimen and the doctor who

continues offering Livingston therapy:

For independent overviews & reviews, see




70C5419 & method=displayFull & pn=6EB86A59-EBD9-11D4-810100508B603A14

For more info,



Misc. notes:

" On average, patients were...within 1 year of diagnosis....61.1-63.7%...with

distant or regional disease after conventional surgery and/or

chemotherapy/radiotherapy....14.5 were alive and 80.3% were deceased) [after 5

yrs; thus 15% 5-yr survival]. (, Ann, Tina , C.

, & Lemuel A. Moye (May, 1999). Coley Toxins Immunotherapy: A

Retrospective Review. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine)

www.hoxsey.com; www.brave-souls.com/speak-with-survivors/HoxseyLivingston.htm

" I used to work there and they brought my Father's cancer under control. Judith

(858-569-2486; Cell: 858-775-2486 judithjenkins@... " (from

alternativecancerhelp )

" juices…absisic acid (helps to strip the cancer cells of a protective sheath so

the immune system can finally identify and attack the cancer) [iV] Vitamin C

with other minerals and vitamins, and BCG….state of California tried to shut

down her clinic in the early 90's but they couldn't find a single patient who

complained against her….Besides my husband [advanced melanoma], I know…survivors

of terminal…brain cancer, multiple myeloma, and another advanced melanoma case

who are alive and well today after the Livingston treatment "

*Edwin B. McClelland, M.D.

San Diego Immunotherapy

2055 Third Avenue, Suite A

San Diego, CA 92101




" one hundred of the active LFMC [Livingston Foundation Medical Center] patients

have become my patients….most important feature…BCG vaccination…second most

important…abscisic acid…Cis-14 capsules….third most important…Immune Antigen

(IA)….other important elements…for the immune system…E+ Peptide…enzymes "


does Livingston therapy verbatim plus he addresses thyroid

" liked this guy…friendly (a Texan)…chemical engineering degree... Livingston

vaccine protocols. Uses BCG to invoke immune response, also high-dose vitamin

C….recommended his therapy, though doesn't think that alone will turn my

situation around…He would want me to work with him 2 weeks (innoculate me w/BCG)

then send me home with 3-6 months of supplies " 2/26/06

" McClelland worked for a short while at the Livingston-Wheeler clinic [LFMC]

before it shut down and believed so strongly in this therapy that he opened his

own clinic in San Diego later in 2004 and has continued to treat a number of

cancer patients from…LFMC….claims he has good success…with prostate cancer (he

has a large number of patients who travel all the way from Turkey), early breast

cancer and melanoma. Dr. McClelland is actively involved in doing research with

Dr. Majnarich from Seattle on the Livingston-Wheeler protocol in order to

gain more recognition for the benefits of this therapy…McClelland himself is

very personable and will take the time to explain the Livingston-Wheeler

protocol and will go the extra mile to make the patient comfortable…My breast

cancer client who accompanied me [see above quote]…cares about his patients….

protocol consists of vaccines such as the BCG vaccine and an autogenous vaccine

made from your urine…BCG…is one of the cornerstones….prefers to treat his

patients aggressively with the BCG vaccine in order to get the immune titers up

so that the autogenous vaccine can work best. He suggests the patient is tested

every three months to assure that the titers up and may treat the patient up to

a year with the BCG, if necessary, along with the autogenous vaccine, which may

be administered up to ten years or more. Other components of the Livingston

protocol include a vitamin A analog called cis-14, which breaks down into

abscicic acid, a most potent anti-cancer weapon according to Dr. Livingston; a

spleen extract, pancreatic enzymes…vitamin C [iVC] (up to 100 grams/day, an E+

peptide plus amino acids…B-12 injections. He may also prescribe

antibiotics…modified Gerson therapy including coffee enemas. Thyroid medication

may be prescribed….The patient is asked to come for a two-week treatment program

in San Diego….$8,500 plus or minus $1,000 depending on labs. This includes a 3-6

months supply of the vaccines and nutraceuticals. For international patients the

cost is closer to $14–16,000, which includes a year supply of vaccines and

supplements " www.canhelp.com/ClinicsVisit.htm

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