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High white blood cell count

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I'm wondering if someone on this group can tell me what it means if your white

blood cell count is high.

Could this mean that it's cancer or could it be something else? Our twenty four

year old son went to

the emergency room a couple of nights ago with severe pain in his left side.

They found nothing wrong

with him, his kidneys were fine but the Dr. said he needs to follow up with his

family Dr. for the white blood

cell count being high. Any ideas of what could be causing this? I'm hoping that

I can go along with him to the

Dr. to see what he says.


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Here's a definition of what a high White Blood Count can mean and while somewhat

vague, the message is for people not to jump to conclusions as to what it might

be because it most likely might not be what some people fear.

The proper course is to get the proper tests to rule out things rather than

confirm them.

Here's what Mayo says about it in a general statement and I might add, that

right now, I know two people with high white blood counts and they do not have



By Mayo Clinic staff

High white blood cell count is an increase in disease-fighting cells

(leukocytes) circulating in your blood. High white blood cell count is also

called leukocytosis.

The threshold for high white blood cell count varies from one medical practice

to another. A count of more than 10,500 leukocytes in a microliter of blood is

generally considered a high white blood cell count. The threshold for

leukocytosis in children varies with age and sex.

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Hi Barbara,

According to a website I just Googled with the words, high white blood

cell count, it could mean any number of easily treatable problems:

" High white blood cell count could indicate

• Infection

• Inflammation

• Trauma

• Tissue damage (from burns)

• Use of certain medications, such as corticosteroids, antibiotics or

anti-seizure drugs

• Allergy

• Chronic bone marrow diseases such as a myeloproliferative disorder

• Acute or chronic leukemia

• Diverticular Disease

• Intense exercise

• Severe physical or emotional stress "

Best wishes,


> I'm wondering if someone on this group can tell me what it means if your white

blood cell count is high.

> Could this mean that it's cancer or could it be something else? Our twenty

four year old son went to the emergency room a couple of nights ago with severe

pain in his left side. They found nothing wrong

> with him, his kidneys were fine but the Dr. said he needs to follow up with

his family Dr. for the white blood cell count being high. Any ideas of what

could be causing this? I'm hoping that I can go along with him to the Dr. to see

what he says.


> Barbara



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