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Sometimes it amazes me how otherwise rational people will reject very

useful meds just because they are espoused by a different school of

thought. I don't know who is worse, conventional aficionados

dismissing all alternatives or the alternative crowd sneering at all

conventional meds.

In the real practice of health care one has to acknowledge all the

many cultural, religious, indoctrination, paranoid, etc., biases that

a patient may have. One can only hope that these biases can somehow

have an additive placebo affect to compensate for the " mind-forged manacles. "

Chemotherapy often makes a person violently ill and only rarely has

long term benefits, but this is no reason to ignore the benefits when

used intelligently. Often intractable cancers like AML can often be

controlled with Ribavirin (normally used for Hep C). It can shift

the immune system from Th2 to Th1, thus it can also help direct a

therapeutic vaccine in a favorable direction. Ratios of PFAs and

hyperthermia can contribute to this strategy. Incidentally,

combinations ascorbate, tannate, and arsenite can also be safely used

vs. AML.

A very small amount of cyclophosphamide given before a therapeutic

cancer vaccine will kick it up many fold. It suppresses T-suppressor

cells. Viagra inhibits the production of nitric oxide by

myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) thus unmasking tumors. The

ptherins and methyltryptophan inhibit IDO, an enzyme the robs the

body of tryptophan which is a necessity for cellular immunity vs

tumors. Tannates and other gallates help remove negatively-charged

sialates from tumors.

Valproate and parthenolide (feverfew) seem to work quite well against

myelomas. Sometimes I like 4-chlorophenylacetate with

Mg-valproate. I mentioned in my last post how useful dipyridamole

can be vs cancer. Most of these things can be made oneself or they

can be purchased without prescription in Mexico. Lonidamine is safe

and has amazing utility in cancer therapy. We have made it and are

looking for ways to make it lawfully available. The same with betulonic acid.

I am thinking of offering a free practicum at our retreat center in

Del Mar, California next week. I am considering playing " show and

tell " by chemically combining elemental selenium with flax oil. This

seems to be an improvement over sulfur. I may also demonstrate how

to sparge ozone through diterpenes to make organic ozonides. I may

also discuss ways to use ivermectin rectally to help reverse multiple

drug resistance -- there will be no demo for this.

For info call or leave a message for Shirley at 858-523-9144.

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Thank you for the remark about chemo before tumor vaccines.  I was amazed when I

saw the first time chemo was used before an immune therapy. The results were in

fact tumor lysis syndrome! (Liver cancer)


A hugely dramatic impact. More than chemo or immune therapy can do by

themselves, (generally.)


Still, why are so many people doing immune therapies after chemo,...how is that


The evidence was clear 12 years ago.


It flys in the face that " chemo destroys immune system. "


 However there are more than one reason why a little dose of chemo goes a long

way when used intelligently and with full understanding how cancers operate.


If chemo can inhibbit cancer for just a moment, ( and first dose will usually

does,) then a few cancer cells die, inflamatory process occurrs as cells lyse

and spill uric acid, lactic acid.


At this very moment cancer's immune suppression, (a metabolic process,) is

severely inhibbitted, at this very moment chemo is most effective,....if you

were going to inject memory cells, dendrite vaccines, or other vaccines, or even

monoclonal antibodies, it would seem now or never.


How is this possible?  I looked into it because it intrigued me that chemo and

immune were used in the same sentence.


Chemo suppresses immune system at the level of bone marrow,...not lymphatic

cortex, not circulating lymphs and other white cells, thusly you can trigger and

baby immune response, bone marrow will be inhibbitted during this response but

not nearly as inhibbitted after repeated chemo doses.


So reving up the immune system can still happen at bone marror level after dose

number 1 and this is crucial in some immune therapies.


Meanwhile, ciruculating, injected, and lymphatic lymphocytes and other white

cells can still mobilize towards the cancer. Why,  because chemo doesn't always

affect cells that are already made and working.


Dead cancer cells still have morphology that has antigenic properties and if

your aren't going to target these dead cells in a timing sense, what a waiste of

an immune therapy.


Still, the end result is not typically a complete cure, unless used early or low

tumor loads, but what a tool to be used with other therapies for more advanced



But, please offer an explanation why chemo oncologist aren't consulting with

immune therapy oncologists on this relationship?     Is it a money issue?



 On Fri, 7/24/09, VGammill wrote:

Sometimes it amazes me how otherwise rational people will reject very

useful meds just because they are espoused by a different school of

thought. I don't know who is worse, conventional aficionados

dismissing all alternatives or the alternative crowd sneering at all

conventional meds.

In the real practice of health care one has to acknowledge all the

many cultural, religious, indoctrination, paranoid, etc., biases that

a patient may have. One can only hope that these biases can somehow

have an additive placebo affect to compensate for the " mind-forged manacles. "

Chemotherapy often makes a person violently ill and only rarely has

long term benefits, but this is no reason to ignore the benefits when

used intelligently. Often intractable cancers like AML can often be

controlled with Ribavirin (normally used for Hep C). It can shift

the immune system from Th2 to Th1, thus it can also help direct a

therapeutic vaccine in a favorable direction. Ratios of PFAs and

hyperthermia can contribute to this strategy. Incidentally,

combinations ascorbate, tannate, and arsenite can also be safely used

vs. AML.

A very small amount of cyclophosphamide given before a therapeutic

cancer vaccine will kick it up many fold. It suppresses T-suppressor

cells. Viagra inhibits the production of nitric oxide by

myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) thus unmasking tumors. The

ptherins and methyltryptophan inhibit IDO, an enzyme the robs the

body of tryptophan which is a necessity for cellular immunity vs

tumors. Tannates and other gallates help remove negatively-charged

sialates from tumors.

Valproate and parthenolide (feverfew) seem to work quite well against

myelomas. Sometimes I like 4-chlorophenylaceta te with

Mg-valproate. I mentioned in my last post how useful dipyridamole

can be vs cancer. Most of these things can be made oneself or they

can be purchased without prescription in Mexico. Lonidamine is safe

and has amazing utility in cancer therapy. We have made it and are

looking for ways to make it lawfully available. The same with betulonic acid.

I am thinking of offering a free practicum at our retreat center in

Del Mar, California next week. I am considering playing " show and

tell " by chemically combining elemental selenium with flax oil. This

seems to be an improvement over sulfur. I may also demonstrate how

to sparge ozone through diterpenes to make organic ozonides. I may

also discuss ways to use ivermectin rectally to help reverse multiple

drug resistance -- there will be no demo for this.

For info call or leave a message for Shirley at 858-523-9144.

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In fact my oncologist who is very mainstream uses one low dose of

cyclophosphamide before administering Autologous Melanoma Tumor-Cell Vaccine.

Dependent on the patient, she will also administer subcutaneous IL-2 after the

third vaccine. I went along with this approach as it seems relatively harmless,

and just maybe might work. You can read about it on



In contrast, whilst eligible, I decided not to proceed with another

immunotherapy trial called Autologous Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes as it

requires ludarabine phosphate IV for 5 days plus cyclophosphamide IV for 2

additional days, prior administering the infusion. This is followed by high

dose IV IL-2. This just seems too aggressive and defying logic. Though if the

preparation would have been one low dose of chemo, followed by low dose IL-2

then I might have seriously considered participation, as it would not damage my

immune system. You can read about it on

http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00665470?term=kammula & rank=1

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