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Adding Whey to FO/CC

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Okay, first of all, I'm not going to do anymore ranting or complaining

about other newsgroups or philosophies.

But I would like to continue this discussion in a positive manner.

There was a post on the Budwig group in which a member added whey

isolate to FO/CC, then immediately noted that his rectal tumor got

worse. Or, more correctly, I believe he switched from Immunocal to NOW

whey isolate, which is much cheaper, then his tumor got worse.

This worries me a lot -- have I been poisoning myself by adding whey to

my FO/CC for the last 2 months?

My reason for adding whey are twofold:

1. Whey has far more of the important sulphur containing proteins than

CC. I thought that by adding the whey to the CC (and stirring until I

had a thick liquid mix before adding the FO) that I could increase the

amount of sulphur oil bonding. This is sort of the " Duncan Crow "

approach. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Duncan used to post

to this newsgroup about 3 years ago about this very topic.

2. As I have discussed earlier, I also wanted to significantly raise my

glutathione levels, which theoretically should fight cancer. It is

well documented that whey (isolate) is a potent glutathione precursor.

Now, this poor fellow on the Budwig group -- why did his tumor start

expanding after he added the whey? I can see a few reasons:

1. He did switch from Immunocal to NOW whey isolate. As I raised in a

previous post, NOW whey isolate comes from polluted US cows. Is NOW

whey isolate therefore toxic compared to immunocal?

2. Is whey isolate of any type quite simply counter-productive in

terms of a modified Budwig approach?

3. Did some other unrelated thing cause this poor fellow's tumor to

get larger?

When I take whey isolate, it quite simply makes me feel a lot stronger

in general. My muscle tone is better, my posture is better, and I just

feel much stronger! However, due to my tight supplement / food

regimin, I didn't have a convenient place for the whey in the schedule,

until I started mixing it in with the FO/CC. Then I thought I had

solved several problems at once, and improved on things quite a bit.

But maybe not! Who knows.

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The gentleman on the other group did not say that he switched from Immunocal to

Whey Protein. He simply said that he had started with Whey Protein a few weeks

ago, adding it to the Budwig Program he was on. Coincidentally, his tumor was

also found to be larger during the same time. He was wondering if it could

perhaps have been the Whey Protein that prompted the tumor growth. It's


" yondur " wrote:

" Does anyone know if this causes a problem? I was doing well on the Budwig diet,

but my rectal tumor seems to have grown where it is blocking things in the last

few days. I started supplementing with whey protein powder a couple of weeks

ago. Could it be causing the tumor to grow? "

My Mom was the one who had finished the last of her Immunocal and started on the

Now Brand Whey Protein Isolate. Her CA125 went from 233 to 300 during this time.

Was it because of the switch? We will never know for certain.

Personally, I would like to see her back on the Immunocal. It's more expensive

but worth the piece of mind.

I also like the science behind Duncan Crows 'Budwig Revision' and see nothing

wrong with substituting the cottage cheese with the whey protein (Immunocal).

You have to do what you're comfortable with. It's your body and what works for

one doesn't work for all. I wish it was easier.



From: jim.mcelroy10

Okay, first of all, I'm not going to do anymore ranting or complaining about

other newsgroups or philosophies.But I would like to continue this discussion in

a positive manner.There was a post on the Budwig group in which a member added

whey isolate to FO/CC, then immediately noted that his rectal tumor got worse.

Or, more correctly, I believe he switched from Immunocal to NOW whey isolate,

which is much cheaper, then his tumor got worse.This worries me a lot -- have I

been poisoning myself by adding whey to my FO/CC for the last 2 months?My reason

for adding whey are twofold:1. Whey has far more of the important sulphur

containing proteins than CC. I thought that by adding the whey to the CC (and

stirring until I had a thick liquid mix before adding the FO) that I could

increase the amount of sulphur oil bonding. This is sort of the " Duncan Crow "

approach. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Duncan used to post to this

newsgroup about 3 years ago about this very topic.2. As I have discussed

earlier, I also wanted to significantly raise my glutathione levels, which

theoretically should fight cancer. It is well documented that whey (isolate) is

a potent glutathione precursor.Now, this poor fellow on the Budwig group -- why

did his tumor start expanding after he added the whey? I can see a few

reasons:1. He did switch from Immunocal to NOW whey isolate. As I raised in a

previous post, NOW whey isolate comes from polluted US cows. Is NOW whey isolate

therefore toxic compared to immunocal?2. Is whey isolate of any type quite

simply counter-productive in terms of a modified Budwig approach?3. Did some

other unrelated thing cause this poor fellow's tumor to get larger?When I take

whey isolate, it quite simply makes me feel a lot stronger in general. My muscle

tone is better, my posture is better, and I just feel much stronger! However,

due to my tight supplement / food regimin, I didn't have a convenient place for

the whey in the schedule, until I started mixing it in with the FO/CC. Then I

thought I had solved several problems at once, and improved on things quite a

bit. But maybe not! Who knows.

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I think it's important to note that the growth of this man's tumor may

have had absolutely nothing to do with whey at all.


On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 00:04:47 -0000, " jrrjim " <jim.mcelroy10@...>


> There was a post on the Budwig group in which a member added whey

> isolate to FO/CC, then immediately noted that his rectal tumor got

> worse. Or, more correctly, I believe he switched from Immunocal to NOW

> whey isolate, which is much cheaper, then his tumor got worse.


> This worries me a lot -- have I been poisoning myself by adding whey to

> my FO/CC for the last 2 months?


Arlyn Grant


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Oh boy! I just ordered $700 worth of whey protein from non-hormonal New Zealand



Is cancer a crap shoot or WHAT?



From: Arlyn Grant <arlynsg@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Adding Whey to FO/CC

Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 6:24 PM


I think it's important to note that the growth of this man's tumor may

have had absolutely nothing to do with whey at all.


On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 00:04:47 -0000, " jrrjim " <jim.mcelroy10>


> There was a post on the Budwig group in which a member added whey

> isolate to FO/CC, then immediately noted that his rectal tumor got

> worse. Or, more correctly, I believe he switched from Immunocal to NOW

> whey isolate, which is much cheaper, then his tumor got worse.


> This worries me a lot -- have I been poisoning myself by adding whey to

> my FO/CC for the last 2 months?


Arlyn Grant

arlynsg123mail (DOT) org

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I personally love your rants. I got me out of my sheltered little space here and

out in the open. You helped me. I am a ranter and I certainly don't want to me

the lone gal out here, Jim.


I support your voice. In my book, rant away.


From: jrrjim <jim.mcelroy10@...>

Subject: [ ] Adding Whey to FO/CC

Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 4:04 PM

Okay, first of all, I'm not going to do anymore ranting or complaining

about other newsgroups or philosophies.

But I would like to continue this discussion in a positive manner.

There was a post on the Budwig group in which a member added whey

isolate to FO/CC, then immediately noted that his rectal tumor got

worse. Or, more correctly, I believe he switched from Immunocal to NOW

whey isolate, which is much cheaper, then his tumor got worse.

This worries me a lot -- have I been poisoning myself by adding whey to

my FO/CC for the last 2 months?

My reason for adding whey are twofold:

1. Whey has far more of the important sulphur containing proteins than

CC. I thought that by adding the whey to the CC (and stirring until I

had a thick liquid mix before adding the FO) that I could increase the

amount of sulphur oil bonding. This is sort of the " Duncan Crow "

approach. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Duncan used to post

to this newsgroup about 3 years ago about this very topic.

2. As I have discussed earlier, I also wanted to significantly raise my

glutathione levels, which theoretically should fight cancer. It is

well documented that whey (isolate) is a potent glutathione precursor.

Now, this poor fellow on the Budwig group -- why did his tumor start

expanding after he added the whey? I can see a few reasons:

1. He did switch from Immunocal to NOW whey isolate. As I raised in a

previous post, NOW whey isolate comes from polluted US cows. Is NOW

whey isolate therefore toxic compared to immunocal?

2. Is whey isolate of any type quite simply counter-productive in

terms of a modified Budwig approach?

3. Did some other unrelated thing cause this poor fellow's tumor to

get larger?

When I take whey isolate, it quite simply makes me feel a lot stronger

in general. My muscle tone is better, my posture is better, and I just

feel much stronger! However, due to my tight supplement / food

regimin, I didn't have a convenient place for the whey in the schedule,

until I started mixing it in with the FO/CC. Then I thought I had

solved several problems at once, and improved on things quite a bit.

But maybe not! Who knows.

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Maybe you should have just bought a New Zealand cow!


> Oh boy! I just ordered $700 worth of whey protein from non-hormonal

New Zealand cows.


> Is cancer a crap shoot or WHAT?


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Well, this is a four month supply of the whey protein/anti-estrogenic herbs at 2

servings a day and two months of the anti-estrogenic herbs in a bottle.


From: jrrjim <jim.mcelroy10@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Adding Whey to FO/CC

Date: Friday, December 19, 2008, 10:24 AM


Maybe you should have just bought a New Zealand cow!

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Yeah, Jim. I was stopped at a stop light today and thought about the $700 cow.

You really could probably buy a cow for that much or maybe $1,200. I'll do some

checking here in Portland and see what they go for.


Back in 1994/95 when I was terminal I decided to go for my dreams. I did

anything I wanted because I knew I was living on borrowed time. I decided I

wanted to be a wilderness guide and wanted a herd of llamas. Within 10 days, I

had purchased a deal where I could co-own some llamas, packs and a trailer.

Within a few years I had bought the guy out right. The only problem was I never

took the llamas out. So they were boarded for three years spoiled to death and

never having to earn their keep. So I decided it was time to take the Dolly

Llama for a trip on Mt. . Well, he got spooked by an elk and my little deal

to re-stock and re-supply this outfiting group didn't turn out to well. It also

wasn't much fun when I went out to the Wallowas in eastern Oregon by myself and

got lost in the woods 60 miles from the nearest town, off of a forest road and

then off of a logging road. Not to smart, huh? So after trying to sale the

ornery old llamas (they're not

friendly at all and spit at you), I ended up giving them away and sold the

trailer and packs for about what I had in them.


So, maybe I ought not to buy a cow, huh Jim?

From: melly banagale <@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Adding Whey to FO/CC

Date: Friday, December 19, 2008, 8:26 PM

You made me laugh Jim!  One cow can give one lots

of whey.


Is Immunocal also made of milk?



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