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Two important women's health reports from NaturalNews.com

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Breast Cancer Deception

Welcome to Breast Cancer Deception, an eye-opening special report by

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Okay, I'm ready to hear all sorts of wonderful things about alternative breast


treatment. But this report seemed to be quite biased, itself, even deceptive.

I am on enough conventional boards to hear (on those boards) about women who

went the

alternative route and died. Just as on my " alternative " boards I hear about

women who

underwent radiation and chemo, and died.

Saying that black women are discrimminated against is perhaps true, in that the


about sun and Vit D is not getting out to ANY of the public and this adversely


women of darker pigmentation even more than white women. And of course people


color are discrimminated against generally. But apparently breast cancer is less

common in

African Americans, but more severe when it does occur. Asian women appear to get


breast cancers and fewer deaths from breast cancer than caucasian women, but

that does

not mean caucasian women are being discrimminated against? I feel some of the


he uses in this argument is inflammatory, though I would like the message to get


about the need for increased amounts of Vitamin D in peoples' lives, including

those with

darker pigmentation.

While it is true that the cancer industry exists, it is also true that cancer

costs the country

a great deal of money because -- as far as I am aware -- America spends a ton on

medical care. I think I was reading the figures on this in a recent

" alternative " medicine

book, in fact. So it is somewhat within the government's best interest to look

for cheap

ways of preventing cancer.

I might also add there is a healthy " alternative " market going on. I certainly

have spent a

ton on it lately.

Saying that 90% of breast cancers can be prevented naturally is lovely to

hear....but I don't

believe it. My sister is a thin, white, small breasted, non-smoking athletic

women who

never eats red meat, doesn't drink, is a white tea lover, a great consumer of

all vegetables

including cruciferous to the point where I think she's eaen the equivalent of a

room full of

brocolli, has little stress, a great marriage, all the good stuff, and yet she

has some

precancerous changes in her breast tissue in her early-forties!

Overall, I am a huge sceptic when it comes to conventional medicine, but felt

this report

was a bit over the top.

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We tore this article apart on the young breast cancer survival group.

There are biased articles on both sides of the fence unfortunately.

The one thing we know is that even if you cut your risk of breast cancer

down to as little as possible, you may still get it. Breast cancer is a

wacky animal and I personally get ticked off when it is spoken about as

if it is the same as any other kind of cancer.



Arlyn Grant


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" Breast cancer is a wacky animal "

The reason people, even those that do what they think is living the best

possible life-style, get cancer is because people do not know the cause of

cancer. It is not because one smokes, eats meat, has too much soy, or not

enough and consumes too much Omega six fats. Doing what most of us think is a

better life-style does improve the percentages against getting cancer but does

not take away the eventual risk for everyone. My father-in-law lived to 94,

smoke, drank too much alcohol, was a house painter by trade when most paints

contained lead. Most living his life-style would most likely not make it past


The above hints at why they will never find the 'cure' for cancer. It is an

'end stage' pathology with more than one cause and if people did not die from

other illnesses such as heart disease many would probably develop cancer.

They happened to have named this 'end stage pathology' cancer and that is why

some 'cancers' can be dealt with more than others. It is like any illness with

the 'itis' at the end of its name. It is simply inflammation of that

particular part of the body. Conventional medicine treats symptoms and while

many Alternative protocols also treat symptoms such as trying to remove the

burden of the cancer in the body giving the immune system a chance to work its

magic. What we must not do is beat ourselves to death moaning about what we

might have done to bring on the cancer.

Joe C.

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> " Breast cancer is a wacky animal "


> The above hints at why they will never find the 'cure' for cancer. It is an

'end stage'

pathology with more than one cause and if people did not die from other

illnesses such as

heart disease many would probably develop cancer.

> They happened to have named this 'end stage pathology' cancer and that is why


'cancers' can be dealt with more than others.


> Joe C.




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