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In Dr. Fritz's article on hypothermia was the mention of probes that heat an

area above normal temperatures. The idea of the therapy is to force the

production of white blood cells which then attack viruses, bacteria, and

whatever other invaders might be causing disease.

I know a Canadian engineer who makes rectal probes for this purpose. He also

makes electronic devices for killing bacteria and viruses from outside the

body (Hulda clark's zapper).

Get his contact information from http://www.datadepo.com/cures for cancer/tools.htm

Incidently, I believe the thermal probes are closely related in effect to

Coley's Toxins and fever therapy, also discussed on the above website in

the drugs area.


Cancercure list owner


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  • 8 years later...

One clinic in Mexico that I have had contact with actually raises the body

temperature to 107 (sounds scarey to me) by ciculating some blood through a

heting device. They combine this with low dose radiation.

At Valley Cancer Institue in Los Angeles they do a type of hyperthermia I

believe using ultrasound combined with low dose radiation. I visited Valley and

wasn't that impressed with the place.

Saunas are a type of hyperthermia, although not to the extent of clinically

induced hyperthermia there is a considerable amount of evidence that they work

to increase function of the immune system.


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Right, Pam.

Hyperthermia is not simple, easy or comfortable, and it needs to be

done carefully by experts, because in order for it to be effective,

body temperature does have to be raised dangerously high.

I would still like to hear from JS, who has been through the process,

what it is like, if he is able to tell us.



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Right Elliot,

I was also curious and initially asked JS about his experience.


breathedeepnow <aug20@...> wrote:

Right, Pam.

Hyperthermia is not simple, easy or comfortable, and it needs to be

done carefully by experts, because in order for it to be effective,

body temperature does have to be raised dangerously high.

I would still like to hear from JS, who has been through the process,

what it is like, if he is able to tell us.




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Hi Elliot and Pam,

I posted yesterday already a reply. Somehow did not work....

It is not the way you described.

there is an interstitual hyperthermia, where they have to place

an " instrument " inside your brain.

This is not what I did.

Where the whole body is heated is not used for brain tumors as the

rise of temperature is not enough.


It is working with radio waves.

YOu lie on a bed and there is a " pot " that is going to be placed on

the place where your tumor is located.

I can also post clinical trials for example with boswellia given and

very good results.

about the newest technique, I was the first one to lie on this bed

in austria, you can see the technical data and a foto here:

http://www.celsius42.de/index.php?id=21 & L=1


about the procedure itself you can find everything here:


..if you have any detailled questions I am sure I can answer them!

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Hi, Pam.

There are many different applications and kinds of hyperthermia. That

is where the confusion is coming from. Here is a link that does a

very good job of explaining the various types and procedures:


Of course, since that is an NCI site, it says " hyperthermia is nearly

always given as an adjunct to chemotherapy and/or radiation. " Of

course! Why should a cancer client ever be deprived of

the " pleasures " of chemotherapy and radiation? When I was on a list

where people talked about healing from lymphoma, I told members to

find themselves an oncologist who was willing to administer

monoclonal antibody treatment, which is one of the least toxic

mainstream treatments there is, WITHOUT chemotherapy. People can

respond very well indeed to monoclonal antibody treatment by itself,

but how many oncologists are willing to administer that treatment all

by itself? Not a lot.

Anyway, hyperthermia can be relatively simple, and with scarcely any

side-effects, or it can be quite complex, and have significant side-

effects, depending on the cancer for which it is being used.



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Yes, Elliott is right,

very simple and NO pain. The heat is only inside at the maximum. This

is reached by the elctric waves.

After the treatment , one hour, you can go home.

Very effective for breast and brain tumor.



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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi n Morse,

I thank you for thereply. Do you have ant=y references that temperatures

of 102F (not frequency radiation) kills cancer cells? I am writting a

boo, have heard of it have been unable to find specific credible study

to prove hyperthermia differenciates and kills cancer cells.

Frequency radiation has to be in the infrared and beynd to produce heat

I am not aware that radio waves produce heat, am I wrong?

Thanks\ ND

n Morse wrote:

> Hyperthermia is the first line of treatment for cancer in Germany (and has

been for decades).

> Regan had colon polyps went to Germany. Hyperthermia was part of his

treatment, he passed not from cancer!


> Hippocrates was the first to offer ancedotal evidence that cancer was

susceptible to high temperatures. Centuries later, in 1856, a German physician

reported that a patient in whom a fever was induced had been completely cured of

soft-tissue sarcoma.


> Recently in the 1970's, it was shown that chemo and radiation, augmented with

Hyperthemia, controlled more tumors than either treatment when administered

alone. (by the way Roswell/Buffalo uses hyperthermia, not sure for what type



> Multi-institutional clincial studies on hyperthermia of many deep-seated and

highly resistant tumors of the lung, liver, pancreas, stomach, bladder and

rectum were undertaken using 8MHz radio-frequency capacity heating devices at

seven (7) institutions. A total of 177 people were used in the trial: 81 (46%)

received hypertermia and chemo. Complete responses and partial responses

wereobtained in 80% of the cases with lung cancer, 39% stomach cancer, 56% liver

cancer, 35% pancreatic cancer, 71% bladder cancer, 100% with primary rectal

cancer (now you know why Farrah went to Germany), 47% with recurrent rectal



> Compelling evidence exists that hypertermia therapy as PART of a multi-modal

treatment approach is a viable tool that should be used more often in cancer

therapies, either systemically, which involves the whole body, or locall, just

around the area of a tumor.


> Hypertermia can be carried out in saunas, steam rooms, or sweat lodges, but

should be surpervised by a trained professional. It is important to drink

copious amounts of fluid during hyperthermia treatments.


> As far as running of to Mexico, is anyone telling that they ALSO use chemo

with their application of hyperthermia? Many clinical studies have proved that

whole body hyperthermia (WBH) enhances radiation and chemo. WBH has been shown

to induce elevated levels of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor,

interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-6, interleukin-8, interlueukin-10 and tumor

necrosis factor-alpha within hours after administration. Results from

non-randomized Phase I and Phase II trials showed that the combination of

hyperthermia and radiation produced a two-fold increase in the response rate

over standard radiation along.

> (With the American Cancer Society only typing 12% of actual clinical studies,

these were probably part of the 88% that were tossed in the garbage).




> ________________________________

> From: " Cuns-Rial@... "


> Are you guys serious? Where do you find information about cancer cells dying

at 102F? Lavender and cancer? detox with baking sda? any proof of that?

> ND







> ------------------------------------



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To my knowledge the main course of treatment in Germany,besides traditional

treatment, is based on the use of Iscador ( Viscum album) with Welleda Lab

being the most popular and based on antroposophic medicine... It has been

going on for years and it continues being the main alternative method people

use in Germnay and now in other places in Europe as well. ROnald Regan did

a lot of alternative treatments, including the use of FADON, Iscador, and

why not, Hyperthermia...and Oxygen therapy, Ozone and Ukrain therapy.. There

is no one single apporoach to cancer that can work in all cases, for all


I belive that one of the most important issues regarding cancer is often

left out in all posts..It is the emotional, spiritual path..The body does

change its chemistry depending on your emotions and on your beliefs..I have

perosnally seen people stop their metastasis by changing their whole

outlook on life and doing a lot of inner work,.. Not everyone I have seen

that has done inner work has healed, but evryone that I have seen heal,

has done some importat inner work and has let go of a lot of emotional

grbage, has learned to surrender and have faith in the process..( easier

said than done, for sure). It is not all, but I hardly ever see it addressed

with the degree of importance that it deserves.


2009/6/13 n Morse wrote:

>Hyperthermia is the first line of treatment for cancer in Germany (and has been

for decades). Regan had colon polyps went to Germany. Hyperthermia was

part of his treatment, he passed not from cancer!..................

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CC Vernon et al., " Radiotherapy With or Without Hyperthermia in the Treatment of

Superficial Localized Breast Cancer " International Journal of Radiation,

Oncology, Biolgy and Physics 35 (4): 731-44 (l996)

FF Buell et al., " Synergistic Effect and Possible Mechanism of Tumor Necrosis

Factor and Cisplatin Cytotoxicity Under Moderate Hyperthermia Against Gastric

Cancer Cells " ls of Surigical Oncolgoy 4 (2): 141-48 (1997)

M. Hiraoka et al., " Site-specific Phase I, II Trials of Hyperthermia at Kyoto

University " Internation Journal of Hyperthermia 10 (3): 403-10 (1994)

M. Kakehi et al., " Multi-institutional Clincial Studies on Huperthermia Combined

with Radiotherapy or Chemotherapy in Advanced Cancer of Deep-seated Organs, "

International Journal of Hyperthermia 6 (4): 719-40 (1990)

K.S. Bisht et al., " Hyperthermia in Cancer Research: Current Status, " Indian

Journal of Experimental Biology 34 (12): 1183-89 (l996)

S.Kneipp, My Water Cure (Kempton, Bavaria: ph Koesel Publishers, year 1892)

From: " Cuns-Rial@... "

Hi n Morse,

I thank you for the reply. Do you have ant=y references that temperatures of

102F (not frequency radiation) kills cancer cells?.... Thanks\ ND

n Morse wrote:

> Hyperthermia is the first line of treatment for cancer in Germany (and has

been for decades)....

> Hippocrates was the first to offer ancedotal evidence that cancer was

susceptible to high temperatures. Centuries later, in 1856, a German physician

reported that a patient in whom a fever was induced had been completely cured of

soft-tissue sarcoma.


> Recently in the 1970's, it was shown that chemo and radiation, augmented with

Hyperthemia, controlled more tumors than either treatment when administered

alone. (by the way Roswell/Buffalo uses hyperthermia, not sure for what type



> Multi-institutional clincial studies on hyperthermia of many deep-seated and

highly resistant tumors of the lung, liver, pancreas, stomach, bladder and

rectum were undertaken using 8MHz radio-frequency capacity heating devices at

seven (7) institutions. A total of 177 people were used in the trial: 81 (46%)

received hypertermia and chemo. Complete responses and partial responses

wereobtained in 80% of the cases with lung cancer, 39% stomach cancer, 56% liver

cancer, 35% pancreatic cancer, 71% bladder cancer, 100% with primary rectal

cancer (now you know why Farrah went to Germany), 47% with recurrent rectal



> Compelling evidence exists that hypertermia therapy as PART of a multi-modal

treatment approach is a viable tool that should be used more often in cancer

therapies, either systemically, which involves the whole body, or locall, just

around the area of a tumor.


> Hypertermia can be carried out in saunas, steam rooms, or sweat lodges, but

should be surpervised by a trained professional. It is important to drink

copious amounts of fluid during hyperthermia treatments................

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Thanks n.I'll check them out.


n Morse wrote:

> References/Hyperthermia


> CC Vernon et al., " Radiotherapy With or Without Hyperthermia in the Treatment

of Superficial Localized Breast Cancer " International Journal of Radiation,

Oncology, Biolgy and Physics 35 (4): 731-44 (l996)


> FF Buell et al., " Synergistic Effect and Possible Mechanism of Tumor Necrosis

Factor and Cisplatin Cytotoxicity Under Moderate Hyperthermia Against Gastric

Cancer Cells " ls of Surigical Oncolgoy 4 (2): 141-48 (1997)


> M. Hiraoka et al., " Site-specific Phase I, II Trials of Hyperthermia at Kyoto

University " Internation Journal of Hyperthermia 10 (3): 403-10 (1994)


> M. Kakehi et al., " Multi-institutional Clincial Studies on Huperthermia

Combined with Radiotherapy or Chemotherapy in Advanced Cancer of Deep-seated

Organs, " International Journal of Hyperthermia 6 (4): 719-40 (1990)


> K.S. Bisht et al., " Hyperthermia in Cancer Research: Current Status, " Indian

Journal of Experimental Biology 34 (12): 1183-89 (l996)


> S.Kneipp, My Water Cure (Kempton, Bavaria: ph Koesel Publishers, year




> From: " Cuns-Rial@... "


> Hi n Morse,

> I thank you for the reply. Do you have ant=y references that temperatures of

102F (not frequency radiation) kills cancer cells?.... Thanks\ ND


> n Morse wrote:


>> Hyperthermia is the first line of treatment for cancer in Germany (and has

been for decades)....

>> Hippocrates was the first to offer ancedotal evidence that cancer was

susceptible to high temperatures. Centuries later, in 1856, a German physician

reported that a patient in whom a fever was induced had been completely cured of

soft-tissue sarcoma.


>> Recently in the 1970's, it was shown that chemo and radiation, augmented with

Hyperthemia, controlled more tumors than either treatment when administered

alone. (by the way Roswell/Buffalo uses hyperthermia, not sure for what type



>> Multi-institutional clincial studies on hyperthermia of many deep-seated and

highly resistant tumors of the lung, liver, pancreas, stomach, bladder and

rectum were undertaken using 8MHz radio-frequency capacity heating devices at

seven (7) institutions. A total of 177 people were used in the trial: 81 (46%)

received hypertermia and chemo. Complete responses and partial responses

wereobtained in 80% of the cases with lung cancer, 39% stomach cancer, 56% liver

cancer, 35% pancreatic cancer, 71% bladder cancer, 100% with primary rectal

cancer (now you know why Farrah went to Germany), 47% with recurrent rectal



>> Compelling evidence exists that hypertermia therapy as PART of a multi-modal

treatment approach is a viable tool that should be used more often in cancer

therapies, either systemically, which involves the whole body, or locall, just

around the area of a tumor.


>> Hypertermia can be carried out in saunas, steam rooms, or sweat lodges, but

should be surpervised by a trained professional. It is important to drink

copious amounts of fluid during hyperthermia treatments................




> ------------------------------------



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Regan's German treatment didn't work. He relapsed afterwards and went to Mexico.

He was cured by using IPT (Insulin Potentiation Therapy) pioneered by Donato

. His co-worker is still alive and has an internet radio show of

which I am a regular guest the first Sunday of each month at 11 PM ET.


Carmi Hazen

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Reasearch Dr Holt in Australia, Perth, for the radiawave treatment of

cancer, the only clinic in the world of its kind. He is now in his 80s

and the clinic is still in practice, the bladder cancer was his main


> >> Hyperthermia is the first line of treatment for cancer in Germany

(and has been for decades).

> >> Regan had colon polyps went to Germany. Hyperthermia was

part of his treatment, he passed not from cancer!

> >>

> >> Hippocrates was the first to offer ancedotal evidence that cancer

was susceptible to high temperatures. Centuries later, in 1856, a German

physician reported that a patient in whom a fever was induced had been

completely cured of soft-tissue sarcoma.

> >>

> >> Recently in the 1970's, it was shown that chemo and radiation,

augmented with Hyperthemia, controlled more tumors than either treatment

when administered alone. (by the way Roswell/Buffalo uses hyperthermia,

not sure for what type cancers).

> >>

> >> Multi-institutional clincial studies on hyperthermia of many

deep-seated and highly resistant tumors of the lung, liver, pancreas,

stomach, bladder and rectum were undertaken using 8MHz radio-frequency

capacity heating devices at seven (7) institutions. A total of 177

people were used in the trial: 81 (46%) received hypertermia and chemo.

Complete responses and partial responses wereobtained in 80% of the

cases with lung cancer, 39% stomach cancer, 56% liver cancer, 35%

pancreatic cancer, 71% bladder cancer, 100% with primary rectal cancer

(now you know why Farrah went to Germany), 47% with recurrent rectal


> >>

> >> Compelling evidence exists that hypertermia therapy as PART of a

multi-modal treatment approach is a viable tool that should be used more

often in cancer therapies, either systemically, which involves the whole

body, or locall, just around the area of a tumor.

> >>

> >> Hypertermia can be carried out in saunas, steam rooms, or sweat

lodges, but should be surpervised by a trained professional. It is

important to drink copious amounts of fluid during hyperthermia


> >>

> >> As far as running of to Mexico, is anyone telling that they ALSO

use chemo with their application of hyperthermia? Many clinical studies

have proved that whole body hyperthermia (WBH) enhances radiation and

chemo. WBH has been shown to induce elevated levels of

granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, interleukin-1 beta,

interleukin-6, interleukin-8, interlueukin-10 and tumor necrosis

factor-alpha within hours after administration. Results from

non-randomized Phase I and Phase II trials showed that the combination

of hyperthermia and radiation produced a two-fold increase in the

response rate over standard radiation along.

> >> (With the American Cancer Society only typing 12% of actual

clinical studies, these were probably part of the 88% that were tossed

in the garbage).

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> ________________________________

> >> From: " Cuns-Rial@... "

> >>

> >> Are you guys serious? Where do you find information about cancer

cells dying at 102F? Lavender and cancer? detox with baking sda? any

proof of that?

> >> ND

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> ------------------------------------

> >>

> >>

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  • 3 months later...

Hello Hope,

The results for hyperthermia and glioblastomas and astrocytomas are still

preliminary but are very promising. One report showed a 300% improvement in

survival. The best people to ask would be the German doctors but when I was in

Germany, I saw tremendous results with it.

best wishes


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