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I have read 6 per day...for prevention purposes. I would take 3 in the

morning and 3 in the evening. It would, in my opinion, be better to take 2

in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 2 in the evening. I think it's

better to spread it out...to keep " some " in your system all the time rather

than taking them all in one dose. Just my opinion...

Also, if I had an active case of cancer, I would probably eat many more.

How many more, I don't know... I can get rather determined and competitive

and would probably take quite a few - perhaps 10, 3 times a day at least.

Would start there, anyways...


Re: Jim

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > In a message dated 1/9/04 8:54:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> > > > > > > apietraho@... writes:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > The clinic helpled quite a bit, but she was not

> > > > > > > > >cured by any means. When her tumor marker numbers (CA-125)

> > > started

> > > > to

> > > > > > rise

> > > > > > > > >again about 6 months later, we returned to Mexico for


> 3

> > > > > weeks.

> > > > > > Some

> > > > > > > > >improvement, but still not " enough " ...

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Hi Bob:

> > > > > > > I hope things work out for you and especially your wife.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I would appreciate to know if you may shed some light on the

> > > > alternative

> > > > > > > treatment used in Mexico; during the 6 month gap and the


> > for

> > > > the

> > > > > > return to

> > > > > > > the clinic in Mexico and what they did during those 3 weeks?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Perhaps this info may help others on this site to better

> > understand

> > > > > about

> > > > > > > treatments from these Mexican based clinics.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I wish you and your wife all the best.

> > > > > > > Thank you, Ciro

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

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OK this gives me something to start with. I may start with three a day, and

then go to six. Appreciate your advice Bob. Thanks so much. Bev.

Re: Jim

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > In a message dated 1/9/04 8:54:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> > > > > > > > apietraho@... writes:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > The clinic helpled quite a bit, but she was not

> > > > > > > > > >cured by any means. When her tumor marker numbers


> > > > started

> > > > > to

> > > > > > > rise

> > > > > > > > > >again about 6 months later, we returned to Mexico for

> another

> > 3

> > > > > > weeks.

> > > > > > > Some

> > > > > > > > > >improvement, but still not " enough " ...

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Hi Bob:

> > > > > > > > I hope things work out for you and especially your wife.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I would appreciate to know if you may shed some light on the

> > > > > alternative

> > > > > > > > treatment used in Mexico; during the 6 month gap and the

> reason

> > > for

> > > > > the

> > > > > > > return to

> > > > > > > > the clinic in Mexico and what they did during those 3 weeks?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Perhaps this info may help others on this site to better

> > > understand

> > > > > > about

> > > > > > > > treatments from these Mexican based clinics.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I wish you and your wife all the best.

> > > > > > > > Thank you, Ciro

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

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OK this gives me something to start with. I may start with three a day, and

then go to six. Appreciate your advice Bob. Thanks so much. Bev.

Re: Jim

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > In a message dated 1/9/04 8:54:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> > > > > > > > apietraho@... writes:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > The clinic helpled quite a bit, but she was not

> > > > > > > > > >cured by any means. When her tumor marker numbers


> > > > started

> > > > > to

> > > > > > > rise

> > > > > > > > > >again about 6 months later, we returned to Mexico for

> another

> > 3

> > > > > > weeks.

> > > > > > > Some

> > > > > > > > > >improvement, but still not " enough " ...

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Hi Bob:

> > > > > > > > I hope things work out for you and especially your wife.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I would appreciate to know if you may shed some light on the

> > > > > alternative

> > > > > > > > treatment used in Mexico; during the 6 month gap and the

> reason

> > > for

> > > > > the

> > > > > > > return to

> > > > > > > > the clinic in Mexico and what they did during those 3 weeks?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Perhaps this info may help others on this site to better

> > > understand

> > > > > > about

> > > > > > > > treatments from these Mexican based clinics.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I wish you and your wife all the best.

> > > > > > > > Thank you, Ciro

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

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In a message dated 1/11/04 10:40:56 AM Eastern Standard Time, Ciro291@...


> The pancreatic enzymes I use are sold at a local health food store.

> I prefer the Mega-Zyme type.


Do they say Pancreatic Enzymes? I have a Mega-Zyme bottle but it is for

digestive enzymes. Are these the same?


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In a message dated 1/11/04 10:40:56 AM Eastern Standard Time, Ciro291@...


> The pancreatic enzymes I use are sold at a local health food store.

> I prefer the Mega-Zyme type.


Do they say Pancreatic Enzymes? I have a Mega-Zyme bottle but it is for

digestive enzymes. Are these the same?


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  • 1 year later...
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I went back for another bone density test after a year or so. At that time,

I was still below normal, but improved. Then I waited almost two years and

came out with a perfectly normal rating. In addition to the Fosamax, I took

a Vitamin D supplement (Calcitrol) and about 1600 mg of calcium a day.

Weight-bearing exercise is also recommended.

Jim (Tx)


Thank you Jim. I am a little skittish about starting the

Actonel...the side effect list is pretty daunting. I guess the only

way to see if it bothers me is to take it though. I don't want to

break a bone. I am only 46 and still have two young ones to raise

and it is hard enough with all the other health issues. My back has

been " out " for about eight months and I wondered if bone loss

contributed to that pain or not. How often do you go for bone scans

after you start the meds? Trudy.

> Trudy,


> I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis in 2000. Somewhat rare for men,

this was

> due entirely to many years of Pred. I went on weekly Fosamax and


> pronounced 100% normal on a bone scan last year. These new bone

loss drugs

> really work!

> Jim

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I was told by my endocrinologist that a DEXA scan should be repeated

at the same time of year for comparision reasons. Remember vitamin

D is synthesized in the skin by action of UV rays therefore the scan

should be repeated at the same time of year as sunlight exposure may

affect the results. Who knew?

Barb NJ

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Well, duh. Makes a lot of sense. But then, my doctor originally gave me the

prescription for Calcitrol thinking that it was a CALCIUM supplement

(instead of vit.D). He didn't tell me to take additional calcium at first

because he thought the prescription already took care of it.

Boy, there is no better advocate for your own health than your own

knowledgeable self!



Re: Jim

I was told by my endocrinologist that a DEXA scan should be repeated

at the same time of year for comparision reasons. Remember vitamin

D is synthesized in the skin by action of UV rays therefore the scan

should be repeated at the same time of year as sunlight exposure may

affect the results. Who knew?

Barb NJ

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  • 6 months later...

Hello, Jim from Arizona,

Welcome in and we're glad you found us. Your story is a bit familiar to

me, as I, too, was reimplanted when it was discovered that my implant was

inserted too deeply to allow many sounds to come through. The reimplant has


very successful and I JUST went bilateral and was hooked up this week. For 3

days, I'm doing very well. My latest CI has lots of bells and whistles

(Freedom by Cochlear) but they aren't activated as yet. We are reintroducing


slowly. I, too, wore my hearing aid in the other ear until I was implanted

in it. While I knew I wasn't benefiting from it as much, anymore, I had no

clue I was missing so much! So have your audi monitor that @ every 6-12 months,

so you can " stay on top of it " . Continued good progress and stay with us,

we're a pretty friendly group! <smiles>

:o) Jackie

Implanted - right ear - Oct.2002 - Nucleus 24/3G

Reimplanted - right ear - Jan.2005 - Nucleus 24C/3G

Implanted - left ear - Sept.2005 - Nucleus-Freedom

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hi, Jim,

Good luck on your coming activation. You are in for quite a few

changes, so get your rest! LOL It is exhausting to listen, as I'm sure you



Before going bilateral in Sept, 2005, I always wore a hearing aid in my

unimplanted ear, along with my CI in the other ear. To me it was a godsend

until my brain clicked in on the ci. I think your plan to use both while at

work or play, and the CI alone when at home or in non crucial hearing situations

is an excellent one. Do what works for you and you won't go wrong.

:o) Jackie

Implanted - right ear - Oct.2002 - Nucleus 24/3G

Reimplanted - right ear - Jan.2005 - Nucleus 24C/3G

Implanted - left ear - Sept.2005 - Nucleus-Freedom

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  • 5 months later...

HI ,

Please reread my post:

The Harmony BTE processor is approved for all adults & all children

in the US, and the HiRes 120 software was approved for all adults

(with children's trial still underway).

The labeling for the HiRes system indicates its use for post-

lingually deafened adults or in children more than 12 months old.

This labeling has been on the HiRes system since it was introduced

and is now also being extended onto the new Harmony and the HiRes

120 software. There was not data submitted to the FDA showing trials

with pre-lingual hearing loss, hence the labeling being as it is.

It does NOT mean it cannot be used for pre-lingually deafened

adults. The AB HiRes system has been successfully implanted in both

pre-lingually deafened adults (and I personally know several), as

well as children under the age of 12 months.

There is NO prohibition on the software, so I don't understand your

comments about Audiologists & clinics not knowing of one. Please

tell me where you got that wild idea from.

Anyone with questions should contact AB

at " hear@... " .


Jim S.


> Jim,

> I wanted to clarify the information and make sure I had it

correct. I

> wanted to make sure that a pre-lingually deafened adult was

excluded from

> the FDA approval. And to find out if AB was planning to submit

for FDA

> approval for pre-lingually deafened adults to use the new software


> the Harmony processor. So as to NOT spread mis-understanding.

> Yes, I realize one doesn't " get " an implant, one goes through


> evaluation process. Are all clinics and audiologists aware of the

> prohibition on the new software? I think not.

> I am more than happy with my 9 year old Nucleus 24 implant, and

> wouldn't dream of changing it. Just trying to find out

information about

> what is being offered by AB, who gets it, who is excluded.

> Purpose of the group is to share experiences and to gather

> information. I was doing the later.

> Thanks for your 2 cents worth.



> Hi !


> I find it interesting that you post these type of questions about

> the Advanced Bionics device. Are you thinking about replacing the

> Cochlear devices you have now ?? Or are you just trying to spread

> (mis) understandings to others in the group with

> your " understanding " ?? I thought the purpose of the group was to

> share our personal experiences with our own devices.


> Anyway, since you posted your question to Kim publicly, I will


> reply to your post.


> The Harmony BTE processor is approved for all adults & all


> in the US, and the HiRes 120 software was approved for all adults

> (with children's trial still underway).


> The labeling for the HiRes system indicates its use for post-

> lingually deafened adults or in children more than 12 months old.

> This labeling has been on the HiRes system since it was introduced

> and is now also being extended onto the new Harmony and the HiRes

> 120 software. There was not data submitted to the FDA showing


> with pre-lingual hearing loss, hence the labeling being as it is.


> It does NOT mean it cannot be used for pre-lingually deafened

> adults. The AB HiRes system has been successfully implanted in


> pre-lingually deafened adults (and I personally know several), as

> well as children under the age of 12 months.


> And , you are also fully aware that one does not just " get "


> implant, but one is evaluated by the CI clinic, and a decision is

> made as to the type of device to use. Anyone who wishes to try the

> HiRes120 should go to a clinic for evaluation.


> Regards,


> Jim S.



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  • 3 months later...

Hi Connie,

Glad things are better for you and your family. I'm very relieved to hear it.




Thanks Jim we are all doing pretty good right now. is back on medication

and becoming more and more like himself. His dad and i are really enjoying this

time that we have with him. We love him so much and these last 5 years have been

rough. You know all about that becasue you have been with me almost the whole

time. :) And boy how i appreciate you and all my friends in this group that have

helped me through this. Thank goodness for support group friends and

Jehovah. Without these 2 things i don't know that i would have made it.

Thanks for asking Jim,


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  • 1 month later...

Go pedal your ware's somewhere who gives a shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am now to be referred to as Dr. haha ;) Took me about a month to getfully accredited, but after ringing these ppl 801 697-0461 they got me setupat an international uni and had me my BA in no time.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


No one was avoiding . She received a lot of good advice

already from others on this list, as well as on other lists that she

posted, so I don't see why you, , and others twist her

situation into an attack on AB users on this list. Talk about a sad


I sure don't remember a specific request for advice from AB users (in

fact, the brand was not even mentioned by ), and the advice

she received (especially the one from Mike Partridge - the very first

reply) was EXCELLENT, and it was also applicable to ALL CI brands, so

there was not a whole lot more information that could be added.

As said, she appreciated all of the advice from everyone who

replied, from this list and the other lists.

So again, why twist this whole thing into an attack on AB users ??

THAT is really sad !

Jim S.


> Jim,


> So, it was more important to avoid when she asked advice


> needed guideance from another person who has the same brand of

> processor her daughter has, or had the same experience, mattered


> what brand.. than it was to help her on this list? Did you not


> that out of the 1,360 people on the list that someone else with AB

> would have loved to have known what advice she was given in case


> happened to them or their child as well?


> I think I've known for a least 2 years and remember the


> of her struggle with reimplanting her daughter. She was pretty


> a regular in hearing exchange chat and shared her difficulties and

> concerns with everyone there. We extended ourselves, offered

> whatever support we could, and tried to be there if she needed to

> talk. We didn't ignore, bring up lists and all that stupidity. We

> helped each other. I remember teapot.


> I'm really surprised you'd make that statement here.


> seeking information. If she posts, she has an idea that someone


> be able to extend something to her in their thoughts or advice.


> Sad to see you make such a statement.


> Dixie


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Jim and others,

Can we now put this one to rest as well? should have had the

last word, lets move on already. EOT

*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

Wrinkled was not one of the things I wanted to be when I grew up.

& Dreamer Doll (Guide Dawggie)

Newport, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup



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  • 9 months later...

Jeez! Not a good time to catch a bug or some sort! I hope you both start feeling better really soon. Take care, Jennirena brown <rena71857@...> wrote: Thanks Jenni! He is walking but maybe not fast enough...I'll tell him to move it faster...The sad thing is he is in pain and can't move as fast as normal...But I'll push him if I have too... What is funny is he wasn't in his room for more than 15 minutes from

recovery when I had him up and walking...We walked so much more than we did when it was me...It's easier to puch someone other than myself...And the thing is he felt great the 1st 2 days and was passing gas... We may have a bug...That may be causing some of his pain...I say may have because yesterday I went to town with my sister and we shopped from 4:30 to 10 PM, we ate at 5:30, shopped, had fun, came home and as I was getting into bed I suddenly without warning started having some very painful stomach cramps that caused me to double over and just plain hurt like you know what...I asked Jim if he was hurting in his lower belly and he said yes. He also said he had diarrhea which I said he didn't because he is on liquids, you know liquid in liquid out...But I'm not sure now if he does or don't...I was hurting too and also having to run to the bathroom with the beginnings of diarrhea...The cramps wouldn't let up so I took a

hot bath and as soon as I settled in the hot water they went completely away and haven't came back...Weird huh? I just hope they are gone for good...I'm 41 and have never hurt like that without some warning, you know vomiting, weakness, shakes or something other than BAM cramps then diarrhea... I thought maybe I had food poisoning but usually food poisining doesn't wait that long to hit plus Jim hadn't ate... Anywho, we are better and hopefully whatever it was is gone... I just spoke with Jim and he does feel some better at this moment... Thanks again, Rena J Currie <giftedtch > wrote: I don't know exactly how much this will help

but MOVE MOVE MOVE. Get Jim to walk as much as possible, as fast as possible. Also, get him to rock in a rocking chair as much as he can. This won't solve the problem but it may help him get rid of some of it. I remember how badly I hurt after my second c-section and these things seemed to help at the time. Unfortunately, it will just take time. Just get moving! Jennirena brown <rena71857 > wrote: Hi Everyone Sorry, I just came back to work today, been off taking care of Jim. He is having a very hard time. Gas in his belly has been very painful for him and he's been so bloated I don't see how his tummy hasn't popped some stitches...I feel so sorry for him...He's eating GasX like candy and it's not helping at all...Any suggestions

from anyone??????? As for his surgery everything went great...He's not hurting from it at all and hasn't been hungry but has tried eating some c. broath...But with this gas trapped in his belly, he is literally in some serious pain...Did anyone else experience this gas problem...I know as for myself I had gas pains in my shoulder... Last night I felt of his tummy and it was HUGE so much bigger than normal...It felt like he had swallowed a basketball and that it was going to pop...I've never seen anything like it... Any help would be greatly appreciated... Believe me when I say he has had second thoughts...I can't blame him since he's having it so much worse that I did... Thanks for your thoughts and prayers... Rena HEY RENA, HAVEN'T HEARD FROM YOU SINCE JIM HAD HIS SURGERY, HOW IS HE DOING? DID YOU GET A FILL WHILE YOU WERE IN MEXICO? Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Okay, Jaye, and because of it, it will take you a lot longer to get " good "

results with any treatment.

I waited 5 months in the beginning before I went to doc and got some abx, and

THAT was WAY too long. Once it gets a real hold in your body, it is almost

impossible to erradicate, no matter what the treatment you use. The good thing

about herbs is it helps to build up your natural immune system instead of

destroying it like abx do so often. And they make you " feel " better, while you

are treating, and that is all most of us can ask for. I am age 66 so that is

going against me too.

I am thankful every day that I am not feeling like I did two years ago. (The

walking dead).

Hope you find your way.



blymie lymie <blymielymie@...> wrote:

Hi Jim

I realized I didn't answer your question about how long I've had Lyme. Best

estimates is 14 years...undiagnosed and untreated. Was dx just a year ago.

I should say not undiagnosed...misdiagnosed with MS, Lupus, FM and even crazy in

the head. Ya know the same old thing everyone else who really has Lyme goes




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Jim

I'm just getting back to you b/c I had...still having...a bad reaction to

Plaquenil. I've had a piercing headache for a couple weeks now. Walking around

with my sunglasses on inside and out. This has been one more negative reason why

I want off all the medications I'm on and go herbal. I'm finding out you can't

just stop Plaquenil which is even more frustrating.

I pulled my stuff together to start Bruhner but holding off until I get past

this reaction. Unfortunately it is a pain med that is finally working. My nurse

friend who has been on Plaquenil said it could be I'm taking too much, but the

amount I'm taking is only making the pain tollerable, not gone...so if I halfed

my dose were does that leave me? I'd rather just get off of it.

BTW, I bought craft organizers to put all my pills in. When I did this last

year I had only gotten to 3 pills 3x a day and they barely fit in the big pill

containers I had. And I want to organize 28 days at a time. What do you use? I

know you capsulate your own. Do you do it all at once or do a large quantity at

a time? How hard is it to capsulate? I know you said costs are lower, but what

about quality?

Hope you don't mind all the questions. I really feel at this time more than

ever this is the way I need to go. I just wish insurance would pay for all the

herbals. darn them


" R. Bayliss " <jbbigrod@...> wrote:

Okay, Jaye, and because of it, it will take you a lot longer to get

" good " results with any treatment.

I waited 5 months in the beginning before I went to doc and got some abx, and

THAT was WAY too long. Once it gets a real hold in your body, it is almost

impossible to erradicate, no matter what the treatment you use. The good thing

about herbs is it helps to build up your natural immune system instead of

destroying it like abx do so often. And they make you " feel " better, while you

are treating, and that is all most of us can ask for. I am age 66 so that is

going against me too.

I am thankful every day that I am not feeling like I did two years ago. (The

walking dead).

Hope you find your way.


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Hi Jaye:

Sorry to hear you have had to suffer so much. Sure hope you can get things

going better.

I try to stay with the herbs as much as possible. I only take an ibuprofen

once in awhile.

In the beginning I bought my capsules already made up, and saved the bottles.

They are what I use to put the capsules I make into. Yes, it is MUCH cheaper,

close to 80% savings in doing it yourself. AND IF you buy your bulk herbs from

a reputable place like 1st Chinese Herbs, they will be MORE PURE than the

readymades. I can go almost a whole year on encapsulating my own, compared to

the readymades, even at wholesale. THAT helps to take the insurance companies

out of the equation.

I do my encapsulating while watching TV. I did two bottles worth tonight

while watching a program. I did one bottle of Olive Leaf and one bottle of

Stephania Root tonight. I do not encapsulate every day. That would get

monotonous. It is not too hard to encapsulate, as long as you keep your machine

fairly clean.



blymie lymie <blymielymie@...> wrote:

Hi Jim

I'm just getting back to you b/c I had...still having...a bad reaction to

Plaquenil. I've had a piercing headache for a couple weeks now. Walking around

with my sunglasses on inside and out. This has been one more negative reason why

I want off all the medications I'm on and go herbal. I'm finding out you can't

just stop Plaquenil which is even more frustrating.

I pulled my stuff together to start Bruhner but holding off until I get past

this reaction. Unfortunately it is a pain med that is finally working. My nurse

friend who has been on Plaquenil said it could be I'm taking too much, but the

amount I'm taking is only making the pain tollerable, not gone...so if I halfed

my dose were does that leave me? I'd rather just get off of it.

BTW, I bought craft organizers to put all my pills in. When I did this last year

I had only gotten to 3 pills 3x a day and they barely fit in the big pill

containers I had. And I want to organize 28 days at a time. What do you use? I

know you capsulate your own. Do you do it all at once or do a large quantity at

a time? How hard is it to capsulate? I know you said costs are lower, but what

about quality?

Hope you don't mind all the questions. I really feel at this time more than ever

this is the way I need to go. I just wish insurance would pay for all the

herbals. darn them


" R. Bayliss " <jbbigrod@...> wrote:

Okay, Jaye, and because of it, it will take you a lot longer to get " good "

results with any treatment.

I waited 5 months in the beginning before I went to doc and got some abx, and

THAT was WAY too long. Once it gets a real hold in your body, it is almost

impossible to erradicate, no matter what the treatment you use. The good thing

about herbs is it helps to build up your natural immune system instead of

destroying it like abx do so often. And they make you " feel " better, while you

are treating, and that is all most of us can ask for. I am age 66 so that is

going against me too.

I am thankful every day that I am not feeling like I did two years ago. (The

walking dead).

Hope you find your way.



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Thank you Jim for the info. I'm interested in giving the encapsulating a try.

Where did you buy your machine? What kind of capsules do you put the herbs in? I

am a vegetarian...are there different types? I notice on some herbs I buy it

says vegetarian capsules...so I'm assuming there are different types.

BTW, this is probably a crazy thought...but I was wondering why the herbs

can't be ground up and made into a tea. Like putting together a blend of the

main herbs taken every dose/every day and making a tea out of it. Then the rest

of the herbs take capsule form. I told you it was a crazy idea. LOL!

I'm going to go look at the 1st Chinese Herb website.


" R. Bayliss " <jbbigrod@...> wrote:

Hi Jaye:

Sorry to hear you have had to suffer so much. Sure hope you can get things going


I try to stay with the herbs as much as possible. I only take an ibuprofen once

in awhile.

In the beginning I bought my capsules already made up, and saved the bottles.

They are what I use to put the capsules I make into. Yes, it is MUCH cheaper,

close to 80% savings in doing it yourself. AND IF you buy your bulk herbs from a

reputable place like 1st Chinese Herbs, they will be MORE PURE than the

readymades. I can go almost a whole year on encapsulating my own, compared to

the readymades, even at wholesale. THAT helps to take the insurance companies

out of the equation.

I do my encapsulating while watching TV. I did two bottles worth tonight while

watching a program. I did one bottle of Olive Leaf and one bottle of Stephania

Root tonight. I do not encapsulate every day. That would get monotonous. It is

not too hard to encapsulate, as long as you keep your machine fairly clean.


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I started out using Gelatin capsules, but for well over a year I have used

only Veggie capsules. I use both the 0 and 00 sizes. Depends on what I want to

do. Buhner recommends the 00 size mainly.

I have four machines. The first one I bought from StarWest Botanicals on

the recommendation of Buhner. But I buy all of my capsules and the last

three machines from WonderLabs.com. They are in Tennesee. StarWest is in


It is called " The Capsule Machine " . Wonderlabs has the best price. Veggie

caps are more expensive, but I feel better about them. Just my gut feeling. I

am not a vegetarian.

You can make teas from herbs. HOWEVER, you can't store them and have to do

it everyday. And I guarantee you would NOT want to drink Andrographis in a tea.

Plus I don't know what amounts you would have to take for them to be powerful

enough. Teas are not as powerful as the powdered form in capsules and/or


Not everything is on the 1st Chinese Website. Get their phone number on

there and call , she is very, very nice and super helpful. She has a

Masters Degree in herbs.

blymie lymie <blymielymie@...> wrote:

Thank you Jim for the info. I'm interested in giving the encapsulating

a try. Where did you buy your machine? What kind of capsules do you put the

herbs in? I am a vegetarian...are there different types? I notice on some herbs

I buy it says vegetarian capsules...so I'm assuming there are different types.

BTW, this is probably a crazy thought...but I was wondering why the herbs can't

be ground up and made into a tea. Like putting together a blend of the main

herbs taken every dose/every day and making a tea out of it. Then the rest of

the herbs take capsule form. I told you it was a crazy idea. LOL!

I'm going to go look at the 1st Chinese Herb website.


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  • 1 year later...
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Thanks for recommending this site to me, Jim. Hopefully hubby and I will see

you and your wife in the near future as you travel through Rock Hill.



From: jimak38 <j1meaves@...>

Sent: Monday, May 4, 2009 9:33:15 PM

Subject: Re: Hi, I am new to the forum

Hi Rhonda,

Welcome to the forum. You have found the right place.

Best regards,



> Hello. My name is Rhonda. I am 41 years old and live in SC. I have been

completely deaf in my right ear since the age of 3 due to spinal mentigitis.

Growing up hearing out of one ear was normal for me. When I was 25 years old, I

started losing my hearing in my left ear. I was diagnosed with Meniere's

disease. I have been wearing a hearing aid since that time (16 years now) and

am now on the strongest one they make. I will be having a CI sometime in the

future when the hearing aid that I currently have no longer works for me. I am

interested in hearing some of your stories of how well (or not so well) a CI has

worked for you.


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Hi Rhonda,

You are welcome. You will learn a lot here. I'll let you know when we are back

down that way.


> >

> > Hello. My name is Rhonda. I am 41 years old and live in SC. I have been

completely deaf in my right ear since the age of 3 due to spinal mentigitis.

Growing up hearing out of one ear was normal for me. When I was 25 years old, I

started losing my hearing in my left ear. I was diagnosed with Meniere's

disease. I have been wearing a hearing aid since that time (16 years now) and

am now on the strongest one they make. I will be having a CI sometime in the

future when the hearing aid that I currently have no longer works for me. I am

interested in hearing some of your stories of how well (or not so well) a CI has

worked for you.

> >









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Thank you for your info. I will definately talk to the audi about it.



From: jimak38 <j1meaves@...>

Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2009 10:26:32 PM

Subject: Re: Rhonda

Hi ,

I agree. I had my worst ear implanted first. It had been essentially

unstimulated for over 30 years. I was unable to wear a hearing aid in that ear

due to profound hearing loss, severe distortion, recruitment and hyperacusis.

The CI in that ear has worked exceptionally well. I believe her audiologist can

test the 8th nerve fuction with an ABR, Auditory Brainstem Response, to test the

health of her 8th nerve.



> Hi Rhonda,

> There used to be a test called the Promontory stimulation test that

> was administered to see if a hearing nerve was still functional. I was

> implanted in an ear that had no hearing and no stimulation for 20 years,

> and the implant works just fine in that ear. So do ask if the CI

> evaluation can include something like the prom stim to verify that the

> nerve is, in fact, dead. Because it might well be possible to have an

> implant in that ear despite its not being used for 30 years. Never hurts

> to ask. If you can be implanted in that ear, you'd have bilateral

> hearing, using a hearing aid in the other ear.




> They are unable to implant my right ear because the nerve has been dead

> for so long, so when I get the implant, I will have the 30 days of pure

> silence. I have has many years to prepare for this and thought I was, but

> it is very scary.

> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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