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duodenal stenosis and complications afterwards

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My son had duodenal stenosis when he was born and got 2 surgeries when

he was 2 months old. He is now 10 and sometimes he has cramps and has

constipation, acid reflux. What can be done now to avoid any awful

complications that will be caused later in life. I know that drs don't

tell you anything and duodenum is a very important part of the small

intestine where all the pancreatic enzymes are being emptied. Will be

very helpful to hear advice.


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I would take a very careful look at your son's diet. What does he eat and




> My son had duodenal stenosis when he was born and got 2 surgeries when

> he was 2 months old. He is now 10 and sometimes he has cramps and has

> constipation, acid reflux. What can be done now to avoid any awful

> complications that will be caused later in life. I know that drs don't

> tell you anything and duodenum is a very important part of the small

> intestine where all the pancreatic enzymes are being emptied. Will be

> very helpful to hear advice.




> Suzanna





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Hi, there!!!

You hit the spot. Does not eat veggies and fruits. Likes pasta, pizza,

ice cream. It is a fight every day. What I started doing, started giving

him papaya shake, which is great because it has the enzymes. What should

I concentrate on? I know diet is a very important part of it.




From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of arlynsg

Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 10:31 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: duodenal stenosis and complications



I would take a very careful look at your son's diet. What does he eat

and drink?



> My son had duodenal stenosis when he was born and got 2 surgeries when

> he was 2 months old. He is now 10 and sometimes he has cramps and has

> constipation, acid reflux. What can be done now to avoid any awful

> complications that will be caused later in life. I know that drs don't

> tell you anything and duodenum is a very important part of the small

> intestine where all the pancreatic enzymes are being emptied. Will be

> very helpful to hear advice.




> Suzanna





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For your son's sake you need to get some 'easy' things into him at first.

Fruit smoothies are always good and there's every reason to introduce a fruit

snack into his daily routine.

Make his after school snack a bowl of berries or grapes and alternate them so he

gets a varied supply of nutrients.

Vegetables are another issue and I have experience watching my grandson do the

same diet but including Macaroni and cheese or Hamburger Helper with its MSG.

We are able to get him to eat chicken or beef (I know, meat) soup because he

must have nutrition and we're not going to make this kid eat the way we want.

The soups are loaded with vegetables which are blended into the liquid so he

doesn't see them. At least minerals are available that way. Otherwise it's

today's standard........Mac & Cheese, Pizza blah blah blah.

These kids eat this way because not enough effort was initially made to start

them off correctly or, as is often the case, a sibling has taught them the

incorrect way by their presence.

Our grandson that was gobbling up every conceivable vegetable learned that the

'slightest' green thing was taboo and that from his brother. I warned my son

that would happen because of the bad influence. Today's parents are of the new,

fast-food generation and often say, " every kid eats this way " and they are

almost 100% correct. We are building tomorrows cash-cow for doctors and



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You are right because he eats the way other kids eat at school. I tell

them the hot dogs cause cancer, he then eats at school because the other

kids eat. He asks why they eat that. It is a fight every day. I try to

cook at home, always against the fast food. My daughter is totally

different, it you put veggies, fruits and cakes and candies on the

table, she will grab the fruits. This is going to be a big struggle for

me, I know!!!

Besides the food, I give him aloe juice with pao d'arco, peppermint. Any

other supplements I need to start with?

When I read about duodenal ulcers, got really scared. The drs want him

colonoscopy, upper Gi, don't want to do it and I know I have to be firm

with his diet to see results. Also, I make chicken soup a lot, lentile


Thanks very much for all your responses.



From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of JCastron1

Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:35 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: duodenal stenosis and complications


For your son's sake you need to get some 'easy' things into him at

first. Fruit smoothies are always good and there's every reason to

introduce a fruit snack into his daily routine.

Make his after school snack a bowl of berries or grapes and alternate

them so he gets a varied supply of nutrients.

Vegetables are another issue and I have experience watching my grandson

do the same diet but including Macaroni and cheese or Hamburger Helper

with its MSG.

We are able to get him to eat chicken or beef (I know, meat) soup

because he must have nutrition and we're not going to make this kid eat

the way we want. The soups are loaded with vegetables which are blended

into the liquid so he doesn't see them. At least minerals are available

that way. Otherwise it's today's standard........Mac & Cheese, Pizza

blah blah blah.

These kids eat this way because not enough effort was initially made to

start them off correctly or, as is often the case, a sibling has taught

them the incorrect way by their presence.

Our grandson that was gobbling up every conceivable vegetable learned

that the 'slightest' green thing was taboo and that from his brother. I

warned my son that would happen because of the bad influence. Today's

parents are of the new, fast-food generation and often say, " every kid

eats this way " and they are almost 100% correct. We are building

tomorrows cash-cow for doctors and hospitals.


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Kids diets are totally horrible these days. I (being dirt poor LOL) fed my kids

real food. No baby food no formula. Veggies and fruits from the garden. They

will eat almost anything. Each has a veggie they really do not like but they eat

them all. As babies I mashed what we ate and fed it to them.

Pre packaged foods for kids up to 3 and 4 drive me crazy. And the cost. You are

talking 2 dollars and up a meal.



> For your son's sake you need to get some 'easy' things into him at first.

Fruit smoothies are always good and there's every reason to introduce a fruit

snack into his daily routine.


> Make his after school snack a bowl of berries or grapes and alternate them so

he gets a varied supply of nutrients.


> Vegetables are another issue and I have experience watching my grandson do the

same diet but including Macaroni and cheese or Hamburger Helper with its MSG.


> We are able to get him to eat chicken or beef (I know, meat) soup because he

must have nutrition and we're not going to make this kid eat the way we want.

The soups are loaded with vegetables which are blended into the liquid so he

doesn't see them. At least minerals are available that way. Otherwise it's

today's standard........Mac & Cheese, Pizza blah blah blah.


> These kids eat this way because not enough effort was initially made to start

them off correctly or, as is often the case, a sibling has taught them the

incorrect way by their presence.


> Our grandson that was gobbling up every conceivable vegetable learned that the

'slightest' green thing was taboo and that from his brother. I warned my son

that would happen because of the bad influence. Today's parents are of the new,

fast-food generation and often say, " every kid eats this way " and they are

almost 100% correct. We are building tomorrows cash-cow for doctors and



> Joe



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My kids love kale and meatball soup. Same with cauliflower and hamburger soup.

Cauliflower can look like pasta if grated.



> Hi,Joe!!!


> You are right because he eats the way other kids eat at school. I tell

> them the hot dogs cause cancer, he then eats at school because the other

> kids eat. He asks why they eat that. It is a fight every day. I try to

> cook at home, always against the fast food. My daughter is totally

> different, it you put veggies, fruits and cakes and candies on the

> table, she will grab the fruits. This is going to be a big struggle for

> me, I know!!!


> Besides the food, I give him aloe juice with pao d'arco, peppermint. Any

> other supplements I need to start with?


> When I read about duodenal ulcers, got really scared. The drs want him

> colonoscopy, upper Gi, don't want to do it and I know I have to be firm

> with his diet to see results. Also, I make chicken soup a lot, lentile

> soup!!!




> Thanks very much for all your responses.




> Suzanna




> ________________________________


> From: [mailto: ]

> On Behalf Of JCastron1

> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:35 AM


> Subject: Re: [ ] Re: duodenal stenosis and complications

> afterwards






> For your son's sake you need to get some 'easy' things into him at

> first. Fruit smoothies are always good and there's every reason to

> introduce a fruit snack into his daily routine.


> Make his after school snack a bowl of berries or grapes and alternate

> them so he gets a varied supply of nutrients.


> Vegetables are another issue and I have experience watching my grandson

> do the same diet but including Macaroni and cheese or Hamburger Helper

> with its MSG.


> We are able to get him to eat chicken or beef (I know, meat) soup

> because he must have nutrition and we're not going to make this kid eat

> the way we want. The soups are loaded with vegetables which are blended

> into the liquid so he doesn't see them. At least minerals are available

> that way. Otherwise it's today's standard........Mac & Cheese, Pizza

> blah blah blah.


> These kids eat this way because not enough effort was initially made to

> start them off correctly or, as is often the case, a sibling has taught

> them the incorrect way by their presence.


> Our grandson that was gobbling up every conceivable vegetable learned

> that the 'slightest' green thing was taboo and that from his brother. I

> warned my son that would happen because of the bad influence. Today's

> parents are of the new, fast-food generation and often say, " every kid

> eats this way " and they are almost 100% correct. We are building

> tomorrows cash-cow for doctors and hospitals.


> Joe



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