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Re: Long Overdue

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Hi Donna,

I am a raw food vegetarian - alkaline body. I developed cancer anyway.

The thing about cancer is that there really are no rules because cancer

is not just one disease.

Seven years ago, I also said I would never do chemo or radiation for

cancer treatment. Until I was diagnosed after years of doing everything

right. Then I realized that what I had thought was true was not.



Arlyn Grant


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Repeating myself gets boring, however, we need to set our minds on the

following: There Are No Absolutes except it is absolute there is not always one

answer to cancer or other disease.

I am sure Arlyn accepts that it is generally better to live as naturally as

possible but it is no guarantee against developing cancer. There are too many

factors involved with disease to put the blame on eating meat, smoking, name

it............it has been used as the cause.

Would I grant that living naturally is better? Absolutely. However the grave

yards are filled with people that thought they were living naturally and would

you believe, vegetarians too?

If one ate perfectly, lived in a pristine environment, but had enough stress or

other enervating influence on their lives, they might still develop serious

disease, or cancer. There are plenty of non-cancerous diseases that kill.

Stating that Cancer " cannot exist " under certain conditions is one absolute I do

not buy into though I have every reason to believe that being Alkaline is better

for overall health--especially when ill.

As for one claiming they ate well and still developed cancer? Again, what

about the other influences? Chemical exposure, polluted water and air, stress,

inherited weaknesses all of which interfere with the normal elimination of

perfectly normal bodily toxins--the result?

Poisoning the body leading to disease. We need to put words like 'Cannot' and

'always' out of our vocabulary because they simply do not always ring true.

Hopefully none of us will get the message that chemotherapy, radiation, or

surgery is the 'best' way to overcome cancer because the failure of The War On

Cancer is proof it isn't.

Joe C.

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Balance is the word, that's what i always believe our life should made of, Arlyn

said that she was vegetarian all her life, but that doesn't mean that its

alkaline, also, meat is really a very good source that is hard to miss in our


I read your first e-mail, and i agree with it so much..


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Hi, Donna, please send me a list of Food with high alkaline and low acid.


In a message dated 12/17/2008 10:08:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

buildersbestchoice@... writes:

Hello Everyone, My name is Donna Barcus and I have been a member for

quite sometime now; but I don't believe I have shared before now. But;

I believe what I have to share is long overdue...and I do Welcome your

feedback: good/bad or indifferent. If you do disagree with what I have

shared, that is quite alright as everyone is permitted to share their

own opinions as I have a few of my own which you will soon read; but

please no profanity as I would like to keep this discussion as clean as

possible and I am sure the other members would agree. Before I share;

please understand that I am not a licensed medical doctor, so what I

have to share is not medical advice. I am a Researcher searching for the

right answers just like most other members in this forum and I have

compassion for others that are less fortunate with not knowing. So what

I have to share is through my own research and others that have shared

with me as well. When the patient is ignorance of certain facts and

based on what little info he/she knows, the patient is not in the best

situation to make a final decision, then the patient looks upon his

family/friends or even the doctor to make their decisions for them. Most

likely the family member or friends have not done their own research or

due deligence either and will probably agree with the decision of the

patient's doctor. We need to educate ourselves so other don't have the

control of making our medical decisons for us. It is very unfortunate;

some medical mistakes can not be corrected or reversed. Knowledge is

POWER-ful!!! Utilizing the Right Knowledge for it's Intended Purpose

is a Very Powerful School of Education; it's the ignorance that can be a

very costly mistake. Financially, Emotionally and Physically. C'mon

folks, do you believe there are any licensed medical doctors that can

provide to anyone asking, documented scientific medical proof that CHEMO

Therapy, Radiation Treatment or Surgery can cure Cancer. Or, do you

believe there are any licensed medical doctors that would sign an

affidavit stating that CHEMO Therapy, Radiation Treatment or Surgery can

and will cure Cancer. Do you know.... Cancer Cells can not

survive/exist in a Highly Oxygenated Environment. Cancer Cells can not

survive/exist in a Highly Alkaline Environment. Cancer Cells thrives

on sugar. What disturbes me is I have read too many times that the

cancer patient is not being informed with regards to working on

increasing their pH Balance upto 8.0 which will increase their Alkaline

Level as well. Please let me know if you are at all intersted in

receiving a " FOOD LIST " which will share what foods to eat that are

HIGH/LOW in ALKALINE and what foods you should not that are HIGH/LOW in

ACID. If I were diagnosed with this ugly beast the medical industry

has labled cancer and from what I have learned through my own research

and others sharing; I would never permit no doctor to subject my body

to CHEMO THERAPY, Radiation Treatments or Surgery or subject my body to

toxic poisionous chemical drugs. Instead; I would use alternative

methods. Thank you and I am very interested (as my mind is always

open) to learn about anything anyone else has to offer and is willing to

share; especially with regards to alternative methods. Sincerely,

Donna Barcus 757-847-5530 EST buildersbestchoice @ gMail.com (please

remove the 2 spaces) burg, VA 23185/USA

**************One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail,

Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

(http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolcom00000025)

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-Hi. your diet was correct and you developped cancer all the same---

but maybe you were doing something other " wrong. " .

maybe you were living in a very polluted environment

maybe you smoked or had stressful life...

or you were on birth control pills or HRT...

maybe you got some infection (one type of breast cancer, inflammatory

breast cancer, is supposed to be infectious in its origin..)..

on the other hand, there are people who eat very poor diet for

years and years and still remain healthy...i suppose they

were doing something other " correct " ...


-- In , " Arlyn Grant " <arlynsg@...> wrote:


> Hi Donna,


> I am a raw food vegetarian - alkaline body. I developed cancer


> The thing about cancer is that there really are no rules because


> is not just one disease.


> Seven years ago, I also said I would never do chemo or radiation for

> cancer treatment. Until I was diagnosed after years of doing


> right. Then I realized that what I had thought was true was not.


> ar


> --

> Arlyn Grant

> arlynsg@...


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Hi Karla,

Actually, no, my life was fairly clean. Though not perfect. And I was

only 42. Still older than many of the breast cancer patients I


The point I'm making is that when someone comes to this group claiming

that cancer is ONE disease that is cured by ONE process, that they might

not actually understand cancer and how it works. And I also think it is

important to avoid " blame the patient " mentality.

If anything, we are beginning to understand that cancer is caused by a

multitude of processes that must happen at the same time.

First there must be a malfunction in the body that allows the cancer to

form. A genetic mutation. Or, a faulty pathway.

There is probably an exposure to something to instigate the growth.

Then the immune system must fail and not recognize that it was supposed

to get rid of that cancer.

And not all cancers have the ability to spread. There are cancers that

will not kill you. But we can't figure out which ones those are...yet.

So, all we can do is try to correct what went wrong in the body and

eliminate exposure again.

Cancer is a process. And cancer treatment and irradication are also



On Thu, 18 Dec 2008 15:50:35 -0000, " minolfa " <rapaccini.carlo@...>


> -Hi. your diet was correct and you developped cancer all the same---

> but maybe you were doing something other " wrong. " .

> maybe you were living in a very polluted environment

> maybe you smoked or had stressful life...

> or you were on birth control pills or HRT...

> maybe you got some infection (one type of breast cancer, inflammatory

> breast cancer, is supposed to be infectious in its origin..)..


> on the other hand, there are people who eat very poor diet for

> years and years and still remain healthy...i suppose they

> were doing something other " correct " ...

> karla


Arlyn Grant


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You said this 'perfectly'.

Looking for the underlying causes is a significant step.



From: Arlyn Grant

Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 9:53 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Long Overdue

Hi Karla,

Actually, no, my life was fairly clean. Though not perfect. And I was

only 42. Still older than many of the breast cancer patients I


The point I'm making is that when someone comes to this group claiming

that cancer is ONE disease that is cured by ONE process, that they might

not actually understand cancer and how it works. And I also think it is

important to avoid " blame the patient " mentality.

If anything, we are beginning to understand that cancer is caused by a

multitude of processes that must happen at the same time.

First there must be a malfunction in the body that allows the cancer to

form. A genetic mutation. Or, a faulty pathway.

There is probably an exposure to something to instigate the growth.

Then the immune system must fail and not recognize that it was supposed

to get rid of that cancer.

And not all cancers have the ability to spread. There are cancers that

will not kill you. But we can't figure out which ones those are...yet.

So, all we can do is try to correct what went wrong in the body and

eliminate exposure again.

Cancer is a process. And cancer treatment and irradication are also



On Thu, 18 Dec 2008 15:50:35 -0000, " minolfa " <rapaccini.carlo@...>


> -Hi. your diet was correct and you developped cancer all the same---

> but maybe you were doing something other " wrong. " .

> maybe you were living in a very polluted environment

> maybe you smoked or had stressful life...

> or you were on birth control pills or HRT...

> maybe you got some infection (one type of breast cancer, inflammatory

> breast cancer, is supposed to be infectious in its origin..)..


> on the other hand, there are people who eat very poor diet for

> years and years and still remain healthy...i suppose they

> were doing something other " correct " ...

> karla


Arlyn Grant


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I respect your opinion and I am glad you spoke out, but I see that you have

never had cancer. Until you have had cancer and are faced with the prospect of

dying, you perhaps really don't know what you might do.


I just discovered on Tuesday morning that my tumor is sitting on my heart,

something I had been mis-informed about. If the cancer had not been sitting on

the heart and I would have been approved for radiation, I probably would have

gone for the Cyberknife.


I think people make mistakes making broad assumptions about things they don't

know about that they haven't experienced. Many of us on this site have had or

are currently on chemo-therapy. I have done it all from the mainstream

perspective: Chemo, radiation, anti-hormonal, etc.


I see alternative folks slamming mainstream and vmainstream docs slamming

alternatives. I am now in a battle with my own oncologists. I will be posting

some thoughts on that shortly.


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