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Re: Microwaved Water (or ANYTHING microwaved)!

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PLEASE, PLEASE refrain from spreading untrue facts like Microwaves are banned in

Russia. As Colonel Potter in Mash would say - Horse Hockey Puck!!!! Any Net

search will produce dozens of sites refuting the audacity of this glaring


If you choose to rave against or about something, please educate yourself first.

You appear to have accepted fiction for fact, and perhaps this Skeptoid article

will provide some insight and education about microwaves. There are many, many

more articles on safety, yet few proven or true scientific refutations proving

otherwise. Despite the tens or hundreds of millions spent in consumer and

government research about microwave safety.


Microwaves use dielectric energy to heat foods. In simple terms this causes an

excitement between the molecules within foods, primarily the liquids. The

bumping and collision creates friction and heat.

The frequency range of microwave radiation is between the common radio waves and

infrared spectrum. Are those harmful too?



In fact, fried and heat processed foods strike once again as a major culprit in

potential food related illness in the form of acrylamides.

The fact that microwaves only reach 212 F, and do not reach the temperatures in

frying or ovens may render it safer than those methods.


PS - Sorry you have opted to toss out one of the greatest cooking aids in recent

history aside from the food processor or convection ovens! We had one in a

large family of boys growing up in the 60's. Without it, it would have been

sweets and junk food rather than microwaved warmed good old home cooking for our

late night fridgie raids.


> Hi ,

> I couldn't agree more. We got rid of our Microwave about 20 years ago, and

have never missed it. There is so much information out there about why you

should never consume anything microwaved. I have been saving files about this

subject for years. Thanks for pointing all these things out to the group. I've

been reading such things for many years, and am still amazed at all my friends

who still use their microwaves religiously! It's scary! Microwaves have been

banned in Russia for years.


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I personally tried the watering of plants with and without Microwaving and there

was absolutely no difference which tells me that the pictures shown in the below

link are meaningless as are a lot of the stories about Microwaves.

I have been so bombarded, as all of us have, that Microwaves are bad, I do not

microwave food I eat--period.

However I would be hard-pressed to convince someone to avoid food preparation

using Microwaves and I just do not have sufficient information except for the

plant watering experiment I myself conducted. This subject, like so many, is

simply full of inconsistencies and the more we examine Internet information, the

more we need to verify what we read. Remember the s Hopkins letter

blasting Chemotherapy................that they never wrote?

Joe C.

> Look at this web site on Microwaved water and plants and consider it

> doing the same in the human body.

> http://www.rense.com/general70/microwaved.htm

> Also is this about a woman who died from a blood transfusion.



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Yes, I did the plant thing to - one plant tap water - one microwaved water - and

one rain water. Well, the microwaved water plant is doing fine.

Plant is still doing fine after one year.

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" chuck7701 " <groups@...> wrote:

> tens or hundreds of millions spent in consumer and government research about

microwave safety.

> http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4080

I didn't see that research on the above website.

And even after following the relevant links in the Wikipedia article on

microwave ovens, I haven’t found a single (human or animal) study on the

long-term health effects of eating microwaved food.

If there's any strong evidence that microwaving isn't harmful, please email it

to me.

Thank you for pointing out that the microwaved water plant study was bogus

(based on everything I've heard, though I could be wrong).

However, I take a different approach to microwave cooking. I don't believe in

spreading false, exaggerated, or baseless information about its alleged negative

effects, but I also don't believe in denying or whitewishing the evidence that

it is harmful.

Microwaving inactivates vit. B12, “making approximately 30-40% of the B12

contained in foods unusable [Fumio Watanabe, J. Agric. Food Chem., 1998, 46 (1),

pp 206†" 210; http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf970670x]â€


" degradation of...fats and oils...Data analysis showed greater alterations in

microwave-heated samples than in corresponding samples heated in a conventional

oven "

" Microwave and Conventional Heating Effects on Thermoxidative Degradation of

Edible Fats " by T. Albi et al.

J. Agric. Food Chem., 1997, 45 (10), pp 3795†" 3798

http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf970181x?prevSearch=microwave+ovens & searchH\


" Microwaving at high temperatures (72...to 98 degrees C) caused a marked

decrease in activity of all the tested antiinfective factors. E coli growth at

greater than or equal to 98 degrees C was 18 times that of control human milk.

Microwaving at low temperatures (20...to 53 degrees C) had no significant effect

on total IgA, specific IgA to E coli serotypes 01 and 04, but did significantly

decrease lysozyme and specific IgA to E coli serotype 06. Even at 20 degrees C

to 25 degrees C, E coli growth was five times that of control human milk.

Microwaving appears to be contraindicated at high temperatures, and questions

regarding its safety exist even at low temperatures " ; “What really surprised

him, Kerner said, was finding some loss of anti-infective properties in the milk

microwaved at a low setting--and to a mean of just 33.5 degrees C. Adverse

changes at such low temperatures suggest `microwaving itself may in fact cause

some injury to the milk above and beyond the heating.'†Quan, M.D., C.

Yang, S. Rubinstein, NJ ton, P. Sunshine, DK son, & A. Kerner,

Jr., M.D., et al.: (1992) " Effects of microwave radiation on anti-infective

factors in human milk. " _Pediatrics_. Apr;89(4 Pt 1):667-9.

www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_uids=1557249 & dopt=\


" According to [Lubec, G, et al. Amino acid isomerisation and microwave exposure,

_Lancet_, 1989, 2, 8676, 1392-1393] the common practice of microwaving converts

l-proline to d-proline...`The conversion of trans to cis forms could be

hazardous because when cis-amino acids are incorporated into peptides and

proteins instead of their trans isomers, this can lead to structural, functional

and immunological changes....d-proline is neurotoxic and we have reported

nephrotoxic and heptatotoxic effects of this compound' "


" virtually irreversible damage to the neuroelectrical integrity of the various

components of the nervous system " (I. R. Luria, Novosibirsk 1975a)

Dr. Lee of Hawaii [author of the book _Health Effects of Microwave

Radiation - Microwave Ovens_, also published in the March and September 1991

issues of Earthletter] reported in _Lancet_ December 9, 1989 [see above]:

" Microwaving baby formulas converted certain trans-amino acids into their

synthetic cis-isomers. Synthetic isomers, whether cis-amino acids or trans-fatty

acids, are not biologically active. Further, one of the amino acids, L-proline,

was converted to its d-isomer, which is known to be neurotoxic…and

nephrotoxic "

Dr. Lee also found " Lymphatic disorders...stomach and intestinal

cancers...digestive disorders...elimination [problems] "

quoted from " Radiation Ovens: The Proven Dangers of Microwaves "

by Wayne and Lawrence Newell, posted at

www.laleva.cc/environment/microwave.html and

" Dr. Radwan Farag of Cairo University…discovered that just two seconds of

microwave energy destroys all the enzymes...Heating proteins in the microwave

for 10 minutes or more may create a new, harmful type of protein....A research

project with 20 volunteers was conducted in 1980...group A and...group B fasted

on liquids for 10 days. Then both groups were fed the same foods for another 10

days...Group A foods were steamed, while group B foods were microwaved. After 10

days...Group A stools appeared to be normally digested, while group B stools

were of a plastic texture. Ultrasound scans showed adhesive food particles stuck

to the stomach wall. In the stool samples, altered enzymes were found, as well

as protein with altered molecular structure "


For more info on the alleged dangers of miccrowaving,



And I'm aware of other strong evidence that microwaving's harmful.

ly, I don't think it shouldn't take a rocket scientist or extensive

research for us to realize that microwaving's of questionable long-term safety,

at best.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Leonard,

I read long time ago that the #1 thing that is causing cancer is microwaving

our food because it changes completely the structure of the food killing all

enzymes and vitamins, so your body really think is not consuming food at all,

only something to fill you up, but there is also a good article that talks about

this in details that you can google on the internet

google: Why we should all get rid of our microwave ovens

For example: It tells you to plant seeds in two pots and water one pot with

microwaved water and the other pot with regular top water. The seeds that

received microwaved water won't sprout. If microwaved water can stop plants from

growing, then imagine what microwaved food is doing to your body. Read the

complete article in the internet

I threw out my microwave 10 years ago and I steam my food instead. Also I read

that it radiates the food and the house and it causes cataracts if you are in

the kitchen while using it.

Have a nice weekend,


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Emoto, a Japanese photographer, took pictues of frozen water crystals from

different sources of water. Water from good wells or other sites made nice

beautiful crystals. Water from many other sites like using water that was

labeled with negative names, etc., the water crystals would be uglier and

twisted, etc. Microwaved water fell into the later category. The crystals were

misshapen. Here is the address where you can see the pictures.


Here is what Emoto said:

What are the affects of a microwave on water and water particles in food?

& #12304;Answer & #12305;

Thank you for your question. Our institute is answering to your question. The

experiment of microwave is introduced in Dr. Emoto's book, Message from Water

Vol. 2.

A: Crystal from distilled water heated in microwave for 15 seconds

B: Crystal from the same water above A but placed a sticker saying

Love & Gratitude on the bottle and put in microwave in the same way

As the picture A shows, the water affected by microwave formed a very shocking

crystal. However, the second water with sticker of Love & Gratitude formed a

beautiful crystal. It is said that there's influence of microwave on water but

everything is in the relation of resonance. In stead of using with fear toward

equipment that releases electric wave and in a way necessary for our life, we

might need to use them with positive feelings like Love and Gratitude.


> > tens or hundreds of millions spent in consumer and government research about

microwave safety.

> > http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4080


> I didn't see that research on the above website.

> And even after following the relevant links in the Wikipedia article on

microwave ovens, I haven’t found a single (human or animal) study on the

long-term health effects of eating microwaved food.

> If there's any strong evidence that microwaving isn't harmful, please email it

to me.


> Thank you for pointing out that the microwaved water plant study was bogus

(based on everything I've heard, though I could be wrong).


> However, I take a different approach to microwave cooking. I don't believe in

spreading false, exaggerated, or baseless information about its alleged negative

effects, but I also don't believe in denying or whitewishing the evidence that

it is harmful.


> Microwaving inactivates vit. B12, “making approximately 30-40% of the B12

contained in foods unusable [Fumio Watanabe, J. Agric. Food Chem., 1998, 46 (1),

pp 206†" 210; http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf970670x]â€

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_ovens


> " degradation of...fats and oils...Data analysis showed greater alterations in

microwave-heated samples than in corresponding samples heated in a conventional

oven "

> " Microwave and Conventional Heating Effects on Thermoxidative Degradation of

Edible Fats " by T. Albi et al.

> J. Agric. Food Chem., 1997, 45 (10), pp 3795†" 3798


http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf970181x?prevSearch=microwave+ovens & searchH\



> " Microwaving at high temperatures (72...to 98 degrees C) caused a marked

decrease in activity of all the tested antiinfective factors. E coli growth at

greater than or equal to 98 degrees C was 18 times that of control human milk.

Microwaving at low temperatures (20...to 53 degrees C) had no significant effect

on total IgA, specific IgA to E coli serotypes 01 and 04, but did significantly

decrease lysozyme and specific IgA to E coli serotype 06. Even at 20 degrees C

to 25 degrees C, E coli growth was five times that of control human milk.

Microwaving appears to be contraindicated at high temperatures, and questions

regarding its safety exist even at low temperatures " ; “What really surprised

him, Kerner said, was finding some loss of anti-infective properties in the milk

microwaved at a low setting--and to a mean of just 33.5 degrees C. Adverse

changes at such low temperatures suggest `microwaving itself may in fact cause

some injury to the milk above and beyond the heating.'†Quan, M.D., C.

Yang, S. Rubinstein, NJ ton, P. Sunshine, DK son, & A. Kerner,

Jr., M.D., et al.: (1992) " Effects of microwave radiation on anti-infective

factors in human milk. " _Pediatrics_. Apr;89(4 Pt 1):667-9.


www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_uids=1557249 & dopt=\



> " According to [Lubec, G, et al. Amino acid isomerisation and microwave

exposure, _Lancet_, 1989, 2, 8676, 1392-1393] the common practice of microwaving

converts l-proline to d-proline...`The conversion of trans to cis forms could be

hazardous because when cis-amino acids are incorporated into peptides and

proteins instead of their trans isomers, this can lead to structural, functional

and immunological changes....d-proline is neurotoxic and we have reported

nephrotoxic and heptatotoxic effects of this compound' "

> www.westonaprice.org/foodfeatures/brothisbeautiful.html


> " virtually irreversible damage to the neuroelectrical integrity of the various

components of the nervous system " (I. R. Luria, Novosibirsk 1975a)

> Dr. Lee of Hawaii [author of the book _Health Effects of Microwave

Radiation - Microwave Ovens_, also published in the March and September 1991

issues of Earthletter] reported in _Lancet_ December 9, 1989 [see above]:

> " Microwaving baby formulas converted certain trans-amino acids into their

synthetic cis-isomers. Synthetic isomers, whether cis-amino acids or trans-fatty

acids, are not biologically active. Further, one of the amino acids, L-proline,

was converted to its d-isomer, which is known to be neurotoxic…and

nephrotoxic "

> Dr. Lee also found " Lymphatic disorders...stomach and intestinal

cancers...digestive disorders...elimination [problems] "

> quoted from " Radiation Ovens: The Proven Dangers of Microwaves "

> by Wayne and Lawrence Newell, posted at

> www.laleva.cc/environment/microwave.html and


> " Dr. Radwan Farag of Cairo University…discovered that just two seconds of

microwave energy destroys all the enzymes...Heating proteins in the microwave

for 10 minutes or more may create a new, harmful type of protein....A research

project with 20 volunteers was conducted in 1980...group A and...group B fasted

on liquids for 10 days. Then both groups were fed the same foods for another 10

days...Group A foods were steamed, while group B foods were microwaved. After 10

days...Group A stools appeared to be normally digested, while group B stools

were of a plastic texture. Ultrasound scans showed adhesive food particles stuck

to the stomach wall. In the stool samples, altered enzymes were found, as well

as protein with altered molecular structure "

> www.naturalhealthyconcepts.com/forum/showthread.php?p=191


> For more info on the alleged dangers of miccrowaving,

> www.mercola.com/article/microwave/hazards2.htm

> www.omega.twoday.net/stories/491151


> And I'm aware of other strong evidence that microwaving's harmful.

> ly, I don't think it shouldn't take a rocket scientist or extensive

research for us to realize that microwaving's of questionable long-term safety,

at best.


> Leonard


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I don't use a microwave, haven't for years, and I don't know for

sure about all the bad stuff said about them. But I do know that you

should not microwave water. Example: like in a coffee cup and then drop

in chocolate powder or something after you take it out. It will break

the tension on the water surface and erupt. And you could be burned

badly. When microwaving water you should add a little something like

salt or a string to keep the surface tension down.


On 9/22/2010 11:48 AM, health13gal wrote:

> Hi ,

> I couldn't agree more. We got rid of our Microwave about 20 years ago, and

have never missed it. There is so much information out there about why you

should never consume anything microwaved. I have been saving files about this

subject for years. Thanks for pointing all these things out to the group. I've

been reading such things for many years, and am still amazed at all my friends

who still use their microwaves religiously! It's scary! Microwaves have been

banned in Russia for years.


> Pat Haas - near Seattle


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