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FDA says mercury in fish is now OK

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FDA Stuns Scientists, Declares Mercury in Fish to be Safe for

Infants, Children, Expectant Mothers!

December 17, 2008

Key concepts: Mercury, FDA and Fish

In a truly astonishing betrayal of public safety (even for the FDA),

the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today revoked its warning about

mercury in fish, saying that eating mercury-contaminated fish no

longer poses any health threat to children, pregnant women, nursing

mothers and infants.

Last week, the FDA declared trace levels of melamine to be safe in

infant formula. A few weeks earlier, it said the plastics chemical

Bisphenol-A was safe for infants to drink. Now it says children can

eat mercury, too. Is there any toxic substance in the food that the

FDA thinks might be dangerous? (Aspartame, MSG, sodium nitrite and

now mercury...)

This FDA decision on mercury in fish has alarmed EPA scientists who

called it " scientifically flawed and inadequate, " reports the

Washington Post. Even better, the Environmental Working Group

(www.EWG.org) issued a letter to the EPA, saying " It's a commentary

on how low FDA has sunk as an agency. It was once a fierce protector

of America's health, and now it's nothing more than a patsy for

polluters. "

Is anyone really surprised? The FDA is a drug-pushing, people-

betraying, scientifically illiterate criminal organization that, time

and time again, seeks only to protect the profits of powerful

corporations whose products poison the people. This statement is no

longer a mere opinion. It is an observable fact based on the FDA's

own pattern of behavior and its outlandish decisions that predictably

betray the American public.

The real reason this is happening

You want to know the REAL reason the FDA is easing up on its warning

about mercury in fish? It's because the agency is being relentlessly

pounded over two related issues: Mercury in dental fillings and

mercury preservatives in vaccines. And the FDA can't keep up its lie

about the " safety " of vaccines and mercury fillings if it has already

declared mercury to be dangerous in fish, right?

To the criminal minds running the FDA, the clever solution is to

revoke the warning about mercury in fish. Thus, the FDA takes the

position that all mercury is safe, and suddenly they're off the hook

on mercury fillings and thimerosal in vaccines.

In other words, the FDA has just aligned itself as a defender of one

of the most neurotoxic substances that's ever been found. Only a

truly corrupt regulator could even attempt to defend such a position,

and only a truly insane individual could argue that mercury exposure

is safe for infants, children and expectant mothers. Not

coincidentally, mercury exposure causes insanity (look up the

historical term " mad as a hatter " ).

Given that most of the FDA decision makers probably have mercury

fillings in their mouths and mercury molecules lodged in their brains

from getting their vaccine shots, it's no stretch to consider the

possibility that the FDA decision have, in a very strict medical

sense, lost their minds due to mercury exposure. There's hardly any

other way to explain the mad behavior of FDA officials.

I think it's time we called for an FDA MUTINY and declared the

leaders of that agency to be too incompetent to run it anymore. These

people need to be relieved of command before their hazardous

pronouncements lead to yet more consumers being poisoned or killed.

The FDA scientists, in my opinion, should revolt (in a non-violent

way, of course) against the politically-motivated decision makers

spewing all this " eat more poison " advice.

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Maybe this is the reason why its head resigned before Obama could fire him

according to newspapers. On the other hand he probably resigned because he

didn't want to be a party to this " mercurial crime " of stating it is safe.


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