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Re: Breast Cancer Scans

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Hi ,

Yes, the general line of scanning is mammogram, ultrasound, MRI. All of these

require a prescription.

A thermogram does not require a prescription, but it is also not covered under

insurance. My thermograms cost me about $175.

All of these scans show something different. And all of them have the ability

to miss something.

Many cities offer a 50% off mammogram day once a week or once a month. Some

hospitals may do mammograms for free for the uninsured.

If something were to show on the thermogram, she would still need another type

of scan to show WHERE the " something " is because thermography cannot pinpoint

the location.

MRIs are exceedingly expensive. So, I would be afraid that no one would give

your friend a cost effective, no insurance, MRI.



> To the Group -


> I have a question regarding breast cancer scans in general. I'm trying to

assist someone who is looking for the most cost effective way to get scanned -

she has no insurance, and 2 years ago did lumpectomy and radiation and has been

doing clean diet no other intervention. She had tumor, no DCIS or obvious spread

of cancer at her last PET scan at that time.


> Is the typical routine for breast scans, in this order, mammogram, ultrasound,

MRI - and does one need a prescription for all of these?


> Where does thermography fit in and might it be the best choice both

diagnostically and cost wise for someone like this?


> I don't know the answer to this - since I deal with a different type of breast

cancer only MRI is indicated to follow my progress, I am not required to do the

other breast scans according to insurance.


> thank you!

> cathy


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Thank you ar,

I didn't know about the discounts for uninsured. So for my friend, she can get

the thermogram, and if that's OK she can stop there, or choose to look into

either ultrasound or mammogram.

What does ultrasound pick up - do shadows represent something for tumors or DCIS

or what?

The only reason I get MRIs approved is because it was the only diagnostic that

accurately picked up the cancer, and shows progress in healing. My doctor

arranged this. I'm very lucky, I know how expensive they are.

Honestly I don't know what people do who have suddenly, and unfortunately, lost

access to someone tracking progress for them.

I appreciate the help.



> Many cities offer a 50% off mammogram day once a week or once a month. Some

hospitals may do mammograms for free for the uninsured.


> If something were to show on the thermogram, she would still need another type

of scan to show WHERE the " something " is because thermography cannot pinpoint

the location.


> MRIs are exceedingly expensive. So, I would be afraid that no one would give

your friend a cost effective, no insurance, MRI.


> ar



> >

> > To the Group -

> >

> > I have a question regarding breast cancer scans in general. I'm trying to

assist someone who is looking for the most cost effective way to get scanned -

she has no insurance, and 2 years ago did lumpectomy and radiation and has been

doing clean diet no other intervention. She had tumor, no DCIS or obvious spread

of cancer at her last PET scan at that time.

> >

> > Is the typical routine for breast scans, in this order, mammogram,

ultrasound, MRI - and does one need a prescription for all of these?

> >

> > Where does thermography fit in and might it be the best choice both

diagnostically and cost wise for someone like this?

> >

> > I don't know the answer to this - since I deal with a different type of

breast cancer only MRI is indicated to follow my progress, I am not required to

do the other breast scans according to insurance.

> >

> > thank you!

> > cathy

> >


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> Thank you ar,


> I didn't know about the discounts for uninsured. So for my friend, she can get

the thermogram, and if that's OK she can stop there, or choose to look into

either ultrasound or mammogram.

It's up to her comfort level. But there is no doctor checking her thermograms.

I use thermograms along with mammograms. I'm a bit nervous about dropping the

mammograms. But your friend, because she has a cancer diagnosis, may be able to

get mammograms for free. The thermograms are rather expensive.

> What does ultrasound pick up - do shadows represent something for tumors or

DCIS or what?

I have never had an ultrasound, so I can't really answer this question. I

believe that DCIS does not show up on ultrasounds.

> The only reason I get MRIs approved is because it was the only diagnostic that

accurately picked up the cancer, and shows progress in healing. My doctor

arranged this. I'm very lucky, I know how expensive they are.

You ARE lucky. :)

> Honestly I don't know what people do who have suddenly, and unfortunately,

lost access to someone tracking progress for them.

I'm kind of there, myself. My oncologist pretty much dropped me. But I found

an osteopath who is helping me out. My gyn orders my yearly scans.

Best of luck to your friend.


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> To the Group -


> I have a question regarding breast cancer scans in general. I'm trying to

assist someone who is looking for the most cost effective way to get scanned -

she has no insurance, and 2 years ago did lumpectomy and radiation and has been

doing clean diet no other intervention. She had tumor, no DCIS or obvious spread

of cancer at her last PET scan at that time.


> Is the typical routine for breast scans, in this order, mammogram, ultrasound,

MRI - and does one need a prescription for all of these?


> Where does thermography fit in and might it be the best choice both

diagnostically and cost wise for someone like this?


> I don't know the answer to this - since I deal with a different type of breast

cancer only MRI is indicated to follow my progress, I am not required to do the

other breast scans according to insurance.


> thank you!

> cathy

>, why does your friend want to get scanned again? Does she feel it has

come back? I was dx with BC jan'06, had surgeries, didn't see the oncologist

until 5/07 (thank goodness) and refused all other treatments (my personal

choice.. not necessarily recommending for everyone). I had ins & asked, when I

saw the oncologist, if there was some blood tests or mri's or something she

wanted to do to see if I had anymore cancer. She replied, " No.. you have no

symptoms. Your ins won't pay for it. " So... even if she had ins, she still

mite not be able to get tests (especially if yu refuse all other treatments) if

no symptoms present. Now if you friend has symptoms;nite sweats, swollen lymph

nodes under her arms, exhaustion, feeling funny after she eats, pain, ... tests

would be called for, I presume. If she is eating right (the foundation to build

on with alternative treatments) and is taking Ave (Avemar), graviola,

artemisinin by nutricology, essiac tea, polymva or some such and just wants a ck

up, she probably is ok. Of course, that is her call. I think there are

websites she can ck into for funding for treatment like NCI. I am a member of

other cancer websites & this comes up often & other members direct uninsured ppl

to contacts. God bless your friend, & I wish her luck. Lola

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hi ar -

i strictly work with a DO, and a TCM/MD - both experienced with alternative

cancer therapies - both women who work together and support me including using

MRI and blood and hormone markers. they each play a different role but most of

it is up to me.

i am tremendously grateful to them both. believe me, i thank God every day of my

life for the gifts I have, including my healthcare.


But I found an osteopath who is helping me out. My gyn orders my yearly



> Best of luck to your friend.


> ar


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Hi Lola -

My friend has been exhibiting some of the things you listed, she's just not sure

if it's inflammation rearing its head or cancer. She said for her, most things

that happen in her body make her think of cancer so she just wants to be able to

have a sigh of relief I guess.

she was looking into polymva recently i think. since she's on such a limited

budget she's trying to figure out the best 3 or 4 things she can do in addition

to eating right. i know iodine and vitamin D are at the top of her list.

Thanks to you and ar for giving me the heads up on diagnostics that can be done

for the uninsured. I had no idea.........I can research this for her.

in much appreciation,


> > Now if you friend has symptoms;nite sweats, swollen lymph nodes under her

arms, exhaustion, feeling funny after she eats, pain, ... tests would be called

for, I presume. If she is eating right (the foundation to build on with

alternative treatments) and is taking Ave (Avemar), graviola, artemisinin by

nutricology, essiac tea, polymva or some such and just wants a ck up, she

probably is ok. Of course, that is her call. I think there are websites she

can ck into for funding for treatment like NCI. I am a member of other cancer

websites & this comes up often & other members direct uninsured ppl to contacts.

God bless your friend, & I wish her luck. Lola


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Yes, yes, blah, blah, blah. Must we continuously go on and on about this


Mammograms also find cancer early so it can be treated easily. We've argued

about this before - oh wait, I'VE argued about it before...

I'm very thankful my mammogram found my cancer at stage 0. Now it is gone and I

probably will never have cancer again.



> click onto " Mammograms cause breast cancer "



> http://www.naturalnews.com/010886.html


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