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Re: TRIPHALA an ayurvedic remedy well worth researching .

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At or about 20:01, 26/07/02 (my clock), Vanadeux made the following


=========Start of Material Being Replied to========

>This remedy is a balanced remedy for all constitutions, and helps

>cleanse in a gentle way the whole digestive tract. Its also high in

>Vitamin C and antioxidants.

>>>>>>>>>>>==End of Quoted Material==<<<<<<<<<<<

Who makes the claim, and what is it based on?

Are there any other opinions?

What is the safety of this material? For how long has it been used, and

by whom?





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Hello Ira,

Did you notice the rest of the referenced post, specifically:

" When I put triphala and gallstones into the search engine I found some very

interesting tid bits " !

You can do your own research just like the original poster did and you'll

find more information than you can read at one sitting. That's what I did

when I read the original post. I also found some interesting tid bits. Of

course, I'll make up my own mind just like you'll have to do. The point is,

why ask someone who is just the messenger and not go to the same sources

they went to themselves? :)


>From: " Ira L. son " <laser@...>

>=========Start of Material Being Replied to========

> >This remedy is a balanced remedy for all constitutions, and helps

> >cleanse in a gentle way the whole digestive tract. Its also high in

> >Vitamin C and antioxidants.

> >>>>>>>>>>>==End of Quoted Material==<<<<<<<<<<<


>Who makes the claim, and what is it based on?


>Are there any other opinions?


>What is the safety of this material? For how long has it been used, and

>by whom?


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At or about 01:20, 29/07/02 (my clock), V. Richter made the following


=========Start of Material Being Replied to========

>The point is,

>why ask someone who is just the messenger and not go to the same sources


>they went to themselves? :)

>>>>>>>>>>>==End of Quoted Material==<<<<<<<<<<<

Silly me. I thought the purpose of this list was to supply information.





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At or about 01:20, 29/07/02 (my clock), V. Richter made the following


=========Start of Material Being Replied to========

>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT


>Hello Ira,


>Did you notice the rest of the referenced post, specifically:


> " When I put triphala and gallstones into the search engine I found some


>interesting tid bits " !

Great, Vince, thanks for the idea. I found the following information

from a site called http://www.ayurvedwebline.com/Ayurved/gallstones.htm


Gall bladder stones are known as " Pittashmari " in ayurveda. Bile

resembles 'Pitta' and a deposition of that is known as 'Pittashmari'.

Word 'Ashmari' denotes stone or calculus. According to ayurveda, vitiated

vata when dries up pitta it gets solidified. 'Pittashaya' indicates 'gall

bladder' where 'pitta' resides.

If your pain is not acute in nature, you can do following things to

relieve it.

Apply hot compression, heating pad or hot water bottle over painful area,

this warmth will minimize your pain.

Heaviness or fullness of abdomen due toexcess eating, gascious distension

or constipation can increase your pain, so take proper care while eating,

don't over eat, eat light food which is easy to digest and doesn't

produce much gas while digestion.

Keep your bowels open by eating leafy vegetables, fruits, prunes etc. and

not by taking daily purgatives.

Take decoction of Pashanbheda added with purified shilajatu, under

medical supervision.

Bile salts are used to increase the amount of bile salts and help

dissolve cholesterol stones. Using Gorochan we can achieve this goal. It

has capacity to dissolve bile stones.

Take alkali (kshar) of kokilaksha with lukewarm water under medical

supervision only, can alleviates pain.

You can use mixture of Trikatu churna, Shankha bhasma and Saindhava in

equal quantity added with half part Hingo with luke warm water.

Decoction of Aragwadha and Triphala added with honey and sugar could be

use as it clears up digestive system also.

Dr. Reshma Jagtap

M.D. (Ayu)

I would not say that any of my questions were answered.!

I respectfully would like to know the following:

Who makes the claim, and what is it based on?

Are there any other opinions?

What is the safety of this material? For how long has it been used, and

by whom?





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Guest guest


Silly me. I thought the purpose of this list was to supply information.







We're still awaiting your answer to some other

previous information requested from you too.


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