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Re: Tian Xian Tablets

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I'm curious did someone recommend Tian Xian as the anti-cancer best supplement

to take? It looks very expensive. Please read this article by Ralph Moss, a

noted cancer researcher.


I can recommend some inexpensive anti-cancer supplements if you'd like.



Hi all,

i need to take Tian Xian Tablet and liquid. if any one knows how to get it as i

reside in Melbourne,Australia.

whipple procedure is done on feb 2009 for removal of 2 cm tumor from pancreas.

after 3 months it reccured back and radiotherapy nd chemotherapy have failed to

cure it. at present some more tumors reappeared inside and outside the liver,

bigger one being 5 cm with several small ones. and chemotherapy failed again

second time. i need to take Tian Xian under experienced supervision. is it

advisiable to take Tian Xian tablets?

kind regards

Manmohan Mishra

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I've had cancer twice and did a lot of research when I had cancer. I made a list

of what I feel are the best do-it-yourself anti-cancer ideas from the notes I

had taken. Many are very easy and inexpensive and I've used many of them myself.

Hope this will help in your search.



--Best Alternative Cancer Therapies (My opinion)

1) Cryocare or Cryotherapy - The targeted freezing of cancer cells. Getting more

and more popular and is delivered as outpatient therapy. Can be used for many

types of cancers. -- http://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?pg=cryo

2) The Papaya Leaf Cancer Cure -- One of my favorites!


Easy and simple! Take 8 ozs of chopped papaya leaves. Put 1 Tablespoon in a

coffee maker with 8 cups of water to make Papaya Tea. There's a lady's website

around that SWEARS this cured her cancer and is how she makes it. After this is

done, I take the coffee filter with tea in it and clip it onto the coffee

container and into the tea to let it steep for 10-15 minutes which should

increase the potency.




3) Dr. Matthias Rath Cancer Therapy - http://cancertutor.com/Cancer/Rath.html

A simple therapy that uses 4 inexpensive natural ingredients. Vitamin C, 2 amino

acids L-Lysine, L-Proline and EGCG (part of Green Tea Extract). The same

supplements also make up his healthy heart program. It strengthens your heart

and make arteries " like Teflon " so no bad stuff sticks and will reverse harmful

deposits. Very simple and effective. Take the amino acids by themselves so they

don't mix with other aminos, like a protein powder.

The product I've found with the highest EGCG (175mg per tablet) is Source

Naturals Green Tea Extract. - http://tinyurl.com/ntvmar

Dr. Rath links


--Other ideas & supplements--

1) Fighting Cancer with Plant and Fruit Based Treatments


2) Hyperthermia is unusually high body temperature, especially when induced for

therapeutic reasons.

A Naturopath mentioned something similar to this in taking very HOT and COLD

showers in rotation, but I think it could be also done in a Sauna for extended

periods of time. Its important to take lots of salt & potassium to replace those

when sweating. 115-120 degrees seems to be effective according to Ralph Moss.

From Moss Report pg. 157 - " Heat is directly Cytotoxic (toxic to cells) to

cancer cells and enhances the immune system. In experiments, massive tumor kill

occurs when cancer cells are exposed to 109.4 degrees F for 100 minutes. It

doubled the effects of radiation. Please understand as a general rule,

Hyperthermia is not a stand-alone treatment. It is usually applied together with

some other agent that kills cancer cells, such as radiation, low-dose

chemotherapy or an immune modulator. In the US it is usually delivered by

microwaves and is part of most Mexican cancer clinics. "

3) Cat's Claw herb - Reduces the effects of Chemo.

4) Chlorella - Reduces the effects of Chemo. Should be mixed at least one minute

with water or juice to break down the chlorella cell walls further.

5) Red Clover herb - Has a *Long History* of cancer treatment, some call it " a

God-given remedy " . It exerts a positive influence on cancers of all types.

6) Garlic - #1 anti-cancer plant substance. 2 naturopath doctors that have

experience treating cancers said " If you only use one plant treating cancer, use

Garlic. " Its has anti-cancer & anti-tumor effects. I've read stories of people

using a bulb or two per day and eliminating cancer, just by itself.

A Garlic Juice recipe: (divide amounts by the amount you want to make)

(In a juicer, I used 3 apples, 4 cloves garlic, 1/2 lime - made about 8ozs of



* 10-15 apples

* 1 bulb garlic †" organic if available

* 1 piece of fresh ginger - 2â€-3†long

* 1 or 2 whole limes

Cut the apples into wedges that will fit through your juicer’s mouth. Separate

the garlic cloves. Cut the limes in half or quarters depending on how large they


Start juicing with the apples. In between apple wedges, feed through the lime

quarters, garlic cloves, and ginger. You’ll find that the apples keep

everything moving through the grinder.

7) Don't take Zinc while taking the chemo drugs Cisplatin or Carboplatin.

8) Cabbage juice - " All the cabbage family has anti-cancer effects " - In one

study, 54% of tumors disappeared.

9) Melatonin tablets - increases immune system (1.5-3mcg day)

10) 4) Pau d Arco Tea

For Tea bitterness - Boil the water, put the tea in and put a lid on top and

steep it for 10 or 15 min. by turning off the heat. It gets bitter if steeped

too long.

Watch it closely. Bring to a gentle rolling boil. Then simmer for 20 minutes.

Tastes MUCH better and I can vouch for the effectiveness.


$6.90 + ship - http://www.pacificbotanicals.com/store/product.php?productid=272

Mountain Rose herbs - 1 LB/$4.75 ($10 min + high ship)

4 cups day - don't boil in Aluminum


" Use glass or stainless steel cooking ware and not to let it touch plastic (as

in a funnel) as the plastic negates the effects of the tea. "

" Many consumers and practitioners are unaware that, for the best results when

extracting these particular active chemicals (even after obtaining the correct

species), the bark and/or wood must be *boiled* at least 8†" 10 minutes†" rather

than brewed as a simple tea or infusion (lapachol and the other quinoids are not

very water soluble). "

--I found it hard to boil a single cup that long because too much water

evaporates. I then started out with 9 ozs water and slow-boiled water and tea

for 5 minutes, then poured into a cup and let it sit with the Tea Bag in for

another 10 mins.

11) From the book " What To Eat if you have Cancer " by Maureen Keane

Beans, peas, lentils are the perfect high-fiber, low fat protein food. They are

complex carb and pro pure food energy. They also have " protease inhibitors "

which may inhibit tumor growth. Add a few Tbsp's of beans to your salads. Lima,

Black, Black-eyed peas, Brown, Pinto, Red, Kidney, Navy, Chickpeas, Split and

Green peas/beans.

12) Artemisinin & Cancer


Dr. Hoang reports that 500 mg twice daily of oral artemisinin by itself is the

dosage he has been using with great success. Whole milk, cottage cheese or

yogurt have ample fat to enhance absorption.

" To date, with the exception of patients very near death, taking artemisinin or

derivatives have stabilized, improved, or remitted EVERY cancer patient I have

followed. "

MUST BE PICKY about type of Artemisinin, DR's BEST by Holley Pharm looks like

best, high quality.

http://snipurl.com/yw6h3 (at 1000mgs daily, each bottle is only 9 day supply)

13) Selenomethionine - rec'd type of Selenium. Take only 200mcg day, Selenium is

toxic above 200mcg.

14) Bromelain - Increases effectiveness of supplements and is anti-cancer.

(600-1000mg day - http://www.diagnose-me.com/treat/T195469.html -

" For most conditions, the best results occur at doses of 750-1000mg per day.

Most research has been done utilizing four divided daily doses, usually between

meals. "

15) Herb - Leaves made into a tea




Seeds - 3.75 pkt


16) IP-6 - For prevention, a normal, healthy individual, should take 1-2 gm

daily of IP-6. Individuals with greater risk for cancer (due either to heredity

predisposition or lifestyle factors), should take 4 gm daily as a preventative

measure. If you want to make IP6 part of your treatment for cancer, take up to 8

gm daily (dose depends on stage of cancer).

Best price - Swansonsvitamins.com - $10/ 240 caps

IP-6 - 500mg

Inositol - 132mg

17) Curcumin/Turmeric - Take with Bioperene and a fatty food (whole milk, etc)

for best absorption, up to 8G per day. Dr's Best brand Curcumin has Bioperene in

it and is the best choice in my opinion. -- http://snipurl.com/zv3qw

18) Astragalus - Immune-booster. Taken as a tonic, astragalus is believed to

build stamina and vitality. To ensure effectiveness, select an astragalus

product that contains a Standardized Extract of the root, with 0.5% glucosides

and 70% polysaccharides.

note - " The body can develop a tolerance to immune-stimulating herbs such as

astragalus if it is taken over long stretches of time. So, for maximum effect,

alternate the use of astragalus with other immune-boosting herbs such as

echinacea, cat's claw, and pau d'arco. "

--Other Sites--


Cancer Alternatives Support Forum at Curezone.org


Big Anti-cancer article with many ideas



Out of 10 or so books I read on Cancer, #1 was " Cancer is not a Disease, It's a

Survival Mechanism " . It gives a NEW understanding of Cancer and how you can

become in control of it. Also highly recommended by many readers on Amazon.com.

Book Overview:


Customer reviews at Amazon.com - http://snipurl.com/zv3vl

Can read parts of the book free at Google Books


-Where to buy inexpensive supplements that ship internationally.

iherb.com, vitacost.com, swansonvitamins.com (except Nigeria, Andorra, North

Korea, Iran, Cuba)


> Hi all,

> i need to take Tian Xian Tablet and liquid. if any one knows how to get it as

i reside in Melbourne,Australia.

> whipple procedure is done on feb 2009 for removal of 2 cm tumor from pancreas.

> after 3 months it reccured back and radiotherapy nd chemotherapy have failed


> cure it. at present some more tumors reappeared inside and outside the liver,

> bigger one being 5 cm with several small ones. and chemotherapy failed again

> second time. i need to take Tian Xian under experienced supervision. is it

> advisiable to take Tian Xian tablets?


> kind regards

> Manmohan Mishra


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Thanks for sharing your protocols.

Just wish to make following comments:

Papaya is now genetically modified, so make sure you get the non-gmo papaya

leaves. Let me add, if you find a non-gmo mature green papaya, wash it well.

Take the green skin, boil in 2 liters of water, then simmer until it becomes one

liter. Put in refrigerator. This is very bitter. Drink a cup three times a

day. If you have access to fresh green papaya leaves (large ones), use three

large pieces, chop them up and put in the pot with the green skin. If no mature

green papaya is available, then just boil the green leaves using above

instruction. Use only non-metallic or non reactive pots.

The artemisinin used, is artemisia annua, the Chinese artemisinin.

Pau D'Arco tea should be taken with lemon/lime to be emore ffective.

I love Herb . Makes me sleep very well.

Those of you in tropical climate, the coconut flower sap is a good source of

inositol. Google " coconut sap + inositol " . You will get information on how to do

this. In the Philippines this is called TUBA. It has to be newly dripped, the

freshest you can get, no fermentation occuring. The sap ferments very fast so

you have to be quick in drkinking it. I tasted this when i was a child and

truly loved it.

> >

> > Hi all,

> > i need to take Tian Xian Tablet and liquid. if any one knows how to get

> it as i reside in Melbourne,Australia.

> > whipple procedure is done on feb 2009 for removal of 2 cm tumor from

> pancreas.

> > after 3 months it reccured back and radiotherapy nd chemotherapy have

> failed to

> > cure it. at present some more tumors reappeared inside and outside the

> liver,

> > bigger one being 5 cm with several small ones. and chemotherapy failed

> again

> > second time. i need to take Tian Xian under experienced supervision. is

> it

> > advisiable to take Tian Xian tablets?

> >

> > kind regards

> > Manmohan Mishra

> >







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