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Re[8]: Re: Urine Ph

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Hello ,

There are no stupid questions. What do you mean by a " blood

purifier " ?


Saturday, August 8, 2009, 7:03:02 PM, you wrote:

NG> Mike,

NG> This may be a stupid question, but with a very vascular cancer,

NG> could a good blood purifier help this at all?

NG> --

NG> ________________________________

NG> From: Mike Golden <goldenmike@...>

NG> Bret Peirce < >

NG> Sent: Monday, August 3, 2009 10:21:55 PM

NG> Subject: Re[6]: [ ] Re: Urine Ph

NG> Hello Bret,

NG> I neglected to finish my thoughts on lactate/ lactic acid.  They are

NG> essentially the same thing in biological systems.  Lactate is

NG> ionized by being in solution.  The following is an abstract which

NG> will substantiate that tumors increase lactic acid levels in the

NG> blood serum.  Your reference to only the proton being dumped and the

NG> ion of lactate staying behind in the cytoplasm is misleading.  Tumor cells


NG> have adequate oxygen levels can use lactate as a fuel.  Tumors with

NG> low oxygen levels cannot.  This lactic acid is dumped and recycled

NG> in the body by the liver.  This also has an immune suppressive

NG> effect as the paper points out. The Abstract is from the medical

NG> journal BLOOD.  For those who are interested I'm posting this link

NG> to a paper describing the use of proton pump inhibiters to block the

NG> creation of an acidic microenvironment around tumors:





NG>   And, finally, as a point of clarification....The terminology

NG>   " proton pump " was originally applied to proteins in cell membranes

NG>   that move H (proton) from one side of the membrane to the other.

NG>   The most classic example would be the mitochondrial proton pumps.

NG>   In oncology " proton pump " has been borrowed to refer to any

NG>   mechanism the cancer cell uses to remove chemotherapy drugs before

NG>   they can have effect.  This is obviously more than just moving

NG>   protons and is technically misleading.  It is, however, the way

NG>   oncologists talk about this.

NG>   Mike

NG> Abstract

NG> Blood. 2007 Jan 25.

NG> Inhibitory effect of tumor cell derived lactic acid on human T cells

NG> Fischer K, Hoffmann P, Voelkl S, Meidenbauer N, Ammer J, Edinger M,

Gottfried E,

NG> Schwarz S, Rothe G, Hoves S, Renner K, Timischl B, Mackensen A,

NG> Kunz-Schughart L, Andreesen R, Krause SW, Kreutz M

NG> Department of Hematology and Oncology, University of Regensburg, Regensburg,


NG> A characteristic feature of tumors is high production of lactic acid due to

NG> enhanced glycolysis. Here, we show a positive correlation between

NG> lactate serum levels and tumor burden

NG> in cancer patients and examine the influence of lactic acid on

NG> immune functions in vitro. Lactic acid

NG> suppressed the proliferation and cytokine production of human

NG> cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) up to 95%

NG> and led to a 50% decrease in cytotoxic activity. A 24 h recovery

NG> period in lactic acid-free medium

NG> restored CTL function. CTLs infiltrating lactic acid-producing

NG> multicellular tumor spheroids showed

NG> a reduced cytokine production. Pre-treatment of tumor spheroids with an

inhibitor of lactic acid

NG> production prevented this effect. Activated T cells themselves use

glycolysis and rely on the

NG> efficient secretion of lactic acid, as its intracellular

NG> accumulation disturbs their metabolism.

NG> Export by monocarboxylate transporter-1 (MCT-1) depends on a gradient

between cytoplasmic and

NG> extracellular lactic acid concentrations and consequently,

NG> blockade of MCT-1 resulted in impaired

NG> CTL function. We conclude that high lactic acid concentrations in the tumor

environment block

NG> lactic acid export in T cells thereby disturbing their metabolism and

function. These findings

NG>   suggest that targeting this metabolic pathway in tumors is a promising

strategy to enhance

NG>   tumor immunogenicity.

NG> PMID: 17255361

NG> ____________


NG> Monday, August 3, 2009, 4:04:51 PM, you wrote:

BP>> Thank you Mike:


BP>> This will be the last posting I make in this thread,...don't want

BP>> to belabor technicalities,...if a therapy works,  that is what is



BP>> Although I disagree with a couple of technicalities, I will say this,...


BP>> I have watched people die on budwig, vitamin c infusions,

BP>> Gersons, cesium chloride, dmso, and such,...I have also seen

BP>> people respond to similar therapies as well, right now cesium and

BP>> dmso together are providing me with immediate results in most case,

especially pain.


BP>> A little bit of cesium chloride will not affect cancers and may

BP>> even help cancer grow faster,...too low of dose of cesium has been

BP>> proven to keep cancer in it's preferred ph range. So, by taking

BP>> sub therapeutic doses of cesium you do not change the internal

BP>> environment enough to cause cancer atopsis. This would not

BP>> indicate that cesium helps cancer grow faster,   sub therapeutic

BP>> doses are ineffective. This was addressed years ago.


BP>> Brewer's paper scientifically tested all Warburg's theories

BP>> with spectronomy, flouresncent assays so these theories were

BP>> infact substantiated scientifically, and once something is

BP>> substantiated, timing is of little consequence, and I know you

BP>> know this, Warburg was also substantiated  with clinical outcomes and back

up testing.

BP>> Pretty firm results and the data is hard to refute,...and nobody

BP>> does refute them scientifically. Instead they sound just like you!


BP>> So, when an article is written, it is not very good reason to

BP>> invalidate it's contents using time or when it was written.  This

BP>> would mean the Oppenheimers theories were no good.


BP>>   Einstein's theories are old now as well, so are Isaac

BP>> Newton's...nobody argues this point with their research as the

BP>> argument of age is devoid of factual back-up. Nobody goes here.


BP>> The argument that Brewer's paper went nowhere is not a testiment

BP>> to anything. Much of his findings are echoed today in many

BP>> different research articles. Even AMA and Pharma sponsored ones.


BP>>  Many papers published today carry forward and apply those very

BP>> facts that Warburg and Brewer have validated for us already. The

BP>> relationship between ph and oxygen have been repeatedly echoed in

BP>> subsequent research. Even the latest PPI study borrows these facts.


BP>> Many, studies today, even one's published by pharma sponsored

BP>> studies all indicate that cancers are grown in ischemic

BP>> environments and acidic environments in vitro.  Why?


BP>>   There really should not be any controversy.


BP>>   Koch's papers went nowhere too, many other alternative research

BP>> studies don't even get published here in the united states and

BP>> every single alternative practitioner has been censured,

BP>> harrassed, injunctioned, and attacked with no scientific findings,

BP>> just inuendo and banter. Does this invalidate their work? Not hardly!

BP>> .

BP>> Their papers have gone nowhere too.  This means nothing.


BP>> German medicine is based upon Koch's research, they didn't care

BP>> he wrote his articles back before WWII even started! Validity and

BP>> facts remain such, as facts, and transcend time.


BP>> Also,

BP>> You are incorrect about several pump mechanisms as well


BP>> Sodium is pumped out of cell not into cell. If it were pumped into cells

they would lyse.


BP>> Proton pump is usually applied to orgnanelles, moving H+ from

BP>> cytomplams to inner membranes.  It is ATP active process.


BP>> True, H+ pump has also been found to exist at the extermal cell

BP>> membrane and this pumps H+ externally. 


BP>>  Lactic acid inside cancer cells usually break down into lactate,

BP>> (which is burned,) and H+.  This H+ is then theorized pumped out

BP>> through the exchange with potassium via the Na+/K+ ATPase mechanism.


BP>> It is also established as the primary mechanism for exchanging K+

BP>> for H+ and does have regulatory effect upon cancer homeostasis,

BP>> and is why PPI have shown to cause atopsis in cancer cells by

BP>> inhibbitting the influx of K+ (a carrier of glucose,) and retention of H+.


BP>> Cancer cells have narrow ph parameters in both directions,  you

BP>> can try to lower the ph past their tolerances or you can try to

BP>> raise their ph past their tolerances.

BP>> I prefer the high ph method,  others may want to try low ph

BP>> method. It depends upon their cancers.


BP>> Any mechanism that interferes with these pumps will actually have anti

cancer effects.

BP>> Glycosides, PPI's, and the rest all demostrate activity in cell lines.


BP>> Also the Na+/K+  ATPase mediated pump does not dump lactate.

BP>> Lactate isn't even an acid. It isn't pumped,... H+ is however. 


BP>> So, it is fact....Cancers have narrow ph parameters and

BP>> targetting this narrow range can be therapeutic in either

BP>> direction. This does not invalidate one another's position it

BP>> supports both positions. Either seek to go lower or higher than it can



BP>> One thing is for certain,....the email I just got from Stage IV

BP>> lung cancer patient loves cesium chloride and her husband is

BP>> willing to talk to anybody who has something to say about cesium.


BP>> He has asked me to post his email address for anyone wanting to

BP>> ask about his protocol and his wife.  She was only coughing up

BP>> blood three months ago,...today she is off pain meds, back to

BP>> work, instead of lying in a coffin with plastic flowers over her corpse.


BP>> Miracle?  Not really!  I just listen to Nobel Prize Winners and

BP>> so did they! She did cesium, dmso, chlorophyll, juicing, and omega

BP>> III. I still don't believe it either,...but man what a success story.



BP>> Sincerely

BP>> Bret


BP>> ps. Chase also has emailed me a clincal testing on his

BP>> wife, waived hisk/her rights to privacy and want me to shove these

BP>> clinical studies in people's face who think they have done nothing

BP>> special with terminal lung cancer. I wish more people would take this




Best regards,

Mike mailto:goldenmike@...

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