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Re: Nick, Please tell us more

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Sharon is the tumor exposed on the skin? Are you painting it everyday with

iodine? And soaking with bicarbonate?


From: sharon nye

Nick....I too am battling cancer, tumor right under the ear near jaw. I was

interested to read how you used flax oil and DHA on a tumor. Could you explain a

little more about the remedy you used, how often, how much..etc.. Thought DHA

was in pill form??

Appreciate your feedback.



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Mark..the tumor is under the skin, though it is draining, has tiny hole in it.

What do you mean by painting it with Iodine, what kind? Also...what about DHA?

And soaking with bicarbinate?? I did not know about these procedures, appreciate

if you could explain in more detail.



Sharon is the tumor exposed on the skin? Are you painting it everyday with

iodine? And soaking with bicarbonate?


From: sharon nye

Nick....I too am battling cancer, tumor right under the ear near jaw. I was

interested to read how you used flax oil and DHA on a tumor. Could you explain a

little more about the remedy you used, how often, how much..etc.. Thought DHA

was in pill form??

Appreciate your feedback.



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Well Sharon, obviously if it has a hole in it and is draining you are in touch

with " it " ... maybe even its smell.... most wounds like that and tumors like that

are infected with something or everything..... virus, bacteria and

fungus....some define the tumor as a late stage fungus infection and modern

oncology does recognize that up to 40 percent of cancer is caused by infection

so its kind of symantics caused by infection accompanied by infection is an

infection.....whatever....so either way or no matter what way...makes perfect

sense to paint and saturate the tissues/tumor with iodine...it is the miracle

wound repair emergency medicine for more than a hundred and fifty years.....and

it kills everything on contact that does not belong...cancer does not

belong....the cancer will not like the iodine...and the iodine also strengthens

the body on top of everything...

I of course wrote a book on it....which you should read if you go this

way....and the bicarbonate, which you should be using to brush your teeth and

take orally and pour a pound into every bath....or more in your case.... just

make a simple lotion with water and five times a day spray it over the area and

into the hole...its going to pull the rug out from under the tumor by

drastically changing the pH of the tissues which floods it with O2 and the

cancer does not like that either.......treatement cost next to nothing...totally

safe unless you have kideny failure already...you have to use the right iodine

to reduce the chance of alergic reaction...and you got to throw in magnesium

chloride or what is known as magneisum oil into the mix but not for right in the

hole..would sting or burn probably...but in bath for sure with the


Thats the core....of course there are a lot of other things in my protocol and

direct sun or sunlamp also would be ideal.....you should of course read up on

bicarbonate and the magnesium so you understand what you are doing... not so

difficult to practice natural emergency medicine or apply what I call natural

chemo..... these are all strong agents that work in a heartbeat and save lives

everyday in emgergency room and intensive care wards. Why not throw this muscle

at the tumor...literally kick ass on the tumor with that Arm and Hammer, swing

that mallet....its a good image for bicarbonate.....use the Nascent or Lugols

iodine... and for magnesium oil use a product from the Zestein Sea...my favorite

is Ancient Minerals...its the purest.... Nascent is best for oral use Lugols

perhaps for transdermal and its less expensive.... Arm and Hammer is aluminum

free no matter what anyone says but I use Bobs Red Mill myself for oral

use.....also get some pH strips and take urine and oral and if possible on the

liquid that drains and let me know what the story is.

If you were a client of mine I would go on and on but this should be easy to

follow and again read a book on each.....about a 1,000 pages but you can start

with these simple instructions I believe. And do yourself a big favor...

Give yourself a big present....

Get a loved one or if you got some bucks hire a massage therapist to use the

magnesium oil and have it massaged in once a day for two weeks.....,magnesium

massage..... strong medical treatment combining best method of magneisum

administration with the healing and grounding power of touch....treatment for

Cleopatra and a loved one does not need fansy technique just love and touch and

magnesium....rub it on like solar protector and leave it on and soak in the sun

or whatever for thirty or fourty minutes.... your immune system will yum it

up.....so will you...trust me on this.... mixing love medicine and touch

together is something special....or...........and

If you are near warm ocean water go out and play and stay an hour a day in the

sea....there you get sun, magneisum and iodine and bicarbonate all together for

free......but the water needs to be warm so thats not likely for most

people...thats why making therapeutic baths with the above formular is also


Good thing I proof read this for I forgot something very important. You got to

go right out and get some sodium bentonite clay and make clay packs each day and

put it over the tumor area...you can even make somthing up and sleep with the

pack over the tumor at night...it will suck it dry.. suck the poison the venon

out..... Magnetic Clay company is good for that....also very inexpensive

powerful safe medicine.....you are zeroing in on that tumor hitting it from all

sides---the idea is a masacere......of the tumor tissues............... now if

the cancer has spread all this needs to be applied systemically.......and as I

said above this is just the core of my protocol....the panzer divisions

though....the lead ones.... good luck and get tough with that tumor....you want

to hit it from all sides....

Dr. Mark

Mark..the tumor is under the skin, though it is draining, has tiny hole in

it. What do you mean by painting it with Iodine, what kind? Also...what about


And soaking with bicarbinate?? I did not know about these procedures,

appreciate if you could explain in more detail.



Sharon is the tumor exposed on the skin? Are you painting it everyday with

iodine? And soaking with bicarbonate?


From: sharon nye

Nick....I too am battling cancer, tumor right under the ear near jaw. I was

interested to read how you used flax oil and DHA on a tumor. Could you explain a

little more about the remedy you used, how often, how much..etc.. Thought DHA

was in pill form??

Appreciate your feedback.



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On this email to you Sharon I should have included this legal notice meaning I

want to declare that I am not practicing medicine with you am not taking any

responsibility I am just teaching you about this form of medicine. If the

moderator gets this first please include this in my first email to Sharon.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Director International Medical Veritas Association

LEGAL NOTICE: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of

freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written in

this email is for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the

First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should

not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other

licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been

evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to

diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are

copyright protected.

Re: [ ] Nick, Please tell us more

Mark..the tumor is under the skin, though it is draining, has tiny hole in

it. What do you mean by painting it with Iodine, what kind? Also...what about


And soaking with bicarbinate?? I did not know about these procedures,

appreciate if you could explain in more detail.



Sharon is the tumor exposed on the skin? Are you painting it everyday with

iodine? And soaking with bicarbonate?


From: sharon nye

Nick....I too am battling cancer, tumor right under the ear near jaw. I was

interested to read how you used flax oil and DHA on a tumor. Could you explain a

little more about the remedy you used, how often, how much..etc.. Thought DHA

was in pill form??

Appreciate your feedback.



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On Tue, 13 Oct 2009, sharon nye wrote:

> Nick....I too am battling cancer, tumor right under the ear near jaw.

> I was interested to read how you used flax oil and DHA on a tumor.

> Could you explain a little more about the remedy you used, how often,

> how much..etc.. Thought DHA was in pill form??

> Appreciate your feedback.

> Thanks

> Sharon

Hi Sharon,

My wife rubbed " Vegetarian DHA Flax Oil " produced by FLORA on the tumor

3 times a day.. It's a mixture of flax seed oil with a small amount of

DHA. The DHA is from an algae source. Here is FLORA's product page

describing this oil:


There are likely other products that are equivalent, but that's the one

we used.

My reason for the use of Flora's DHA Flax Oil was that I had read quite

a few studies which indicated that DHA had anti-cancer properties.

However, I'm not sure that the small amount of DHA in the Flora product

(approx. 100mg of DHA per tablespoon) was enough to have made much of a

significant effect.

Regarding DHA and nutrition... Our bodies manufacture DHA (and EPA which

has also been found to have cancer fighting properties) from the Alpha

Linolenic Fatty Acid (ALA) that flax oil abundantly provides - as long

we don't flood our diet with Omega-6 rich foods or saturated fats. Our

body's conversion rate to DHA is quite low and quite slow, so we

replaced some of the flax oil in the Budwig Protocol's flax oil-cottage

cheese mixture with some good quality (Nordic Naturals) cod liver oil

and also (Carlson's) fish oil. This provided EPA and DHA in the diet,

as well as providing some vit. D. The reason for using fish oil and cod

liver oil instead of just cod liver oil, is that I didn't want too much

preformed vit. A in the diet.

As far as the rest of the Budwig Protocol diet, our diet was/is

different in several respects. We ate absolutely no animal products

other than the cottage cheese that we mixed with the flax oil. No

cheeses (not even organic), even though they are allowed on the Budwig

diet. No fats other than those provided by the flax oil (and a small

amount of fish oil and cod liver oil) for mixing with cottage cheese and

the small amount we get from walnuts, brazil nuts and almonds. No sugar

or sweeteners and not even honey. If we want something sweetened, we

add fruit to it.

We cook everything in water and do not fry, bake or brown any of our

food. We eat a variety of raw berries, a variety of raw fruit, a

variety of vegetables (cooked and uncooked), with an emphasis of

generous helpings of leafy greens (swiss chard, kale, romaine lettuce,

bok choi, etc.), broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, cabbage, sweet

potatoes, carrots, etc.. I make green smoothies almost every day to get

plenty of raw veggies and my wife makes a delicious vegetable stew so we

get our cooked veggies.

For complex carbohydrates we eat a variety of beans and grains (brown

rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, oats).

Absolutely no refined foods. We consider bread a refined food, so we

avoid it (prefer to eat grains we cook ourselves instead).

So, in some of these respects, our diet, while following Dr. Budwig's

recommendations, is/was more strict than what Dr. Budwig recommended.

One other difference, is that we took a number of vitamins and

supplements. In retrospect, I don't think that most of them were

necessary and we have discontinued most of them. I think Dr. Budwig is

right in that we should get all of our nutrition from a healthy diet.

The use of vitamins or supplements falls into the category of not

nutrition, but pharmacology and is therefore potentially risky and may

have unintended and unwanted side effects. None-the-less, we continue

to take Vit. D, Vit. B12, a Vit. B50 complex, Co Q10 and a pro-biotic

supplement. That is not in accord with the Budwig protocol, so I don't

make any recommendations in this regard, and include this information

only for the sake of documentation of what we did.

We also make time to walk 3 to 5 miles a day. Fresh air, exercise and

sunshine are also very important.

I believe that our successful outcome was very much due to the healthy

nutritional and lifestyle aspects of the Budwig protocol. I doubt that

a flax oil + DHA rub of the tumor alone would have been enough.

Kind regards,



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I've read some things saying that DHA made from algae is not good due to the

toxic process:



You wrote:

> My wife rubbed " Vegetarian DHA Flax Oil " produced by FLORA on the tumor 3

times a day.. It's a mixture of flax seed oil with a small amount of DHA. The

DHA is from an algae source. >

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Thanks for the heads-up katerinka70!

We had an exceptionally good outcome, but given the information in the

article you gave a URL to, it's probably wise to find an alternative




On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, katerinka70 wrote:

> I've read some things saying that DHA made from algae is not good due

> to the toxic process:







> You wrote:

> > My wife rubbed " Vegetarian DHA Flax Oil " produced by FLORA on the

> > tumor 3 times a day.. It's a mixture of flax seed oil with a small

> > amount of DHA. The DHA is from an algae source. >

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Try reading some posts over on bakingsodacures for cancer group. There is someone with

a tumor in front of and behind the ear that is having some phenominal results

using baking soda solution and black salve.


sharon nye <stonecrest4us@...> wrote:


> Nick....I too am battling cancer, tumor right under the ear near jaw. I was

interested to read how you used flax oil and DHA on a tumor. Could you explain a

little more about the remedy you used, how often, how much..etc.. Thought DHA

was in pill form??

> Appreciate your feedback.

> Thanks

> Sharon


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Rae..thanks for letting me know, the website I was not able to locate it. Could

you give me exact website address.. I would like to learn more about the baking

soda and black salve, how it's mixed, etc...



wisedove <raecrowley> wrote:

Try reading some posts over on bakingsodacancercur e group. There is someone

with a tumor in front of and behind the ear that is having some phenominal

results using baking soda solution and black salve.


sharon nye wrote:


> Nick....I too am battling cancer, tumor right under the ear near jaw. I was

interested to read how you used flax oil and DHA on a tumor. Could you explain a

little more about the remedy you used, how often, how much..etc.. Thought DHA

was in pill form??

> Appreciate your feedback.

> Thanks

> Sharon


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For Sharon:


Best, Ray

sharon nye wrote:


> Nick....I too am battling cancer, tumor right under the ear near jaw. I

was interested to read how you used flax oil and DHA on a tumor. Could you

explain a little more about the remedy you used, how often, how much..etc..

Thought DHA was in pill form??

> Appreciate your feedback.

> Thanks

> Sharon


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A follow up regarding the Flora Flax Oil with DHA product we used for my

wife's skin tumor:


katerinka70 wrote to tell me that the Martek sourced DHA in this product

may not be all that good, based on an article published by

cornucopia.org. After my first impression from reading that article, I

wrote what you see below, saying that perhaps an alternative product

would be a better choice.

Since then, I have had an email exchange with Dadd, Master

Herbalist at Flora and this is what he wrote to me (quoted with


Martek, the maker of the algae based DHA that we are using, is able

to provide DHA with different specifications for different customers.

In the case of Flora, we specifically asked that they provide us with

the unrefined DHA before it goes through any chemical refining process.

We felt that the refining process did not confer any advantage and the

DHA oil actually has small amounts of trace nutrients like various

phospholipids, vitamins, and carotenoids when in its unrefined state.

Thus, our statement of being an unrefined source. Hope that helps

clear things up.

I specifically queried him to see if the DHA product that Flora buys

from Martek is extracted with hexane and his reply follows:

No, the DHA oil that we get from Martek is not hexane extracted.

So, it appears that the DHA used in the Flora product is indeed

unrefined as advertised.

Kind regards,


On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Nick Busigin wrote:

> Thanks for the heads-up katerinka70!


> We had an exceptionally good outcome, but given the information in the

> article you gave a URL to, it's probably wise to find an alternative

> product.


> Nick

> --



> On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, katerinka70 wrote:


> > I've read some things saying that DHA made from algae is not good due

> > to the toxic process:

> >

> >



> >

> >

> > You wrote:


> > > My wife rubbed " Vegetarian DHA Flax Oil " produced by FLORA on the

> > > tumor 3 times a day.. It's a mixture of flax seed oil with a small

> > > amount of DHA. The DHA is from an algae source. >

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