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Antineoplaston therapy question

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On Dr. Burzynski's website I found this statement:

" Decreased activity of tumor suppressors and increased activity of oncogenes

lead to cancer. "

I'm sure that this work is finding some success and this view of gene

involvement, and Antineoplaston therapy, can be stated. However, what is

causing these genes to turn off and on? How do you explain that cancer rates

are on the rise? This treatment, to me, still appears to me to be

mid-stream. There are environmental factors involved in the micro and macro.

Bill Corley

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You asked, " what is causing these genes to turn off and on? "

Bill... just a thought but.. think genetically modified seed & Monsanto.. Thank

Monsanto for the decrease in our honeybee population. Just look 'em up. They

should be arrested. They now have seeds that incorporate insecticides in them.

And we eat this stuff !!!.. Let me know what you think.. Lola

" Corley " wrote:

> On Dr. Burzynski's website I found this statement:

> " Decreased activity of tumor suppressors and increased activity of oncogenes

lead to cancer. "


> I'm sure that this work is finding some success and this view of gene

> involvement, and Antineoplaston therapy, can be stated.

However, what is causing these genes to turn off and on? How do you explain that

cancer rates are on the rise? This treatment, to me, still appears to me to be

mid-stream. There are environmental factors involved in the micro and macro.


> Bill Corley


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