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Re: I Don't Mean to Drive You Guys Crazy with the Whey Thing

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Hi --

So glad they have a good return policy!  You can probably make a lot of yummy

raw almond/coconut milk recipe minus the agave with that money.  Now, can you

share how to make it?  ((Or maybe you have already done so and I missed it-- in

that case, I'm sorry.  Could you share it again?))


And YOU have a wonderful Christmas / holiday /winter season / Hanukkah, too!


From: dorrnancy <dorrnancy@...>

Subject: [ ] I Don't Mean to Drive You Guys Crazy with the Whey Thing

Date: Sunday, December 21, 2008, 3:59 AM

O.K. I have changed my mind once again. I got quite a few good e-

mails from folks about the whey.

My final answer is: NO WHEY. And it was also suggested I could return

the entire order back to the company and sure enough they have a no-

questions-asked policy on returning supplements.

If anyone wants to know why I decided to change my mind, it is a

policy of mine to follow my gut instinct about things. " When in

doubt, leave it out. "

Now, my special gift to the gals out there who helped me thru this

thing with the estrogens is my own special formula of anti-estrogenic

herbs. I'm serious! I have found out some amazing things with some

special herbs and there are stats on some of these anti-estrogenic

herbs with trials or studies, showing that they are also huge anti-

tumor promoters.

So, tomorrow I will be posting a new formula. I simply took Ori's

ingredients and started googling and researching and I came up with a

BETTER formula now combined with ANTI-TUMOR fighters.

I am searching for good sources for bulk herbs so we can formulate

our own thing. How about that?

I will give one hint: One herb is from Siberia and it has shrunk

tumors 75% in some studies. These might have been rats, but who


I have all the specs on everything.

And instead of using whey protein, I am going to use my daughter's

yummy raw almond/coconut milk recipe minus the agave (I will use


Special thanks to Sharon and Gloria. Yeah!!!!


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I, for one, look forward to your herb recipe. Though the question to

ask is will these herbs balance the hormones, or do they block estrogen.

I'm looking for balance as I do not have active cancer at this time.



Arlyn Grant


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I would like to hear your reasons, either in public or private.



> O.K. I have changed my mind once again. I got quite a few good e-

> mails from folks about the whey.


> My final answer is: NO WHEY. And it was also suggested I could


> the entire order back to the company and sure enough they have a no-

> questions-asked policy on returning supplements.


> If anyone wants to know why I decided to change my mind, it is a

> policy of mine to follow my gut instinct about things. " When in

> doubt, leave it out. "


> Now, my special gift to the gals out there who helped me thru this

> thing with the estrogens is my own special formula of anti-


> herbs. I'm serious! I have found out some amazing things with some

> special herbs and there are stats on some of these anti-estrogenic

> herbs with trials or studies, showing that they are also huge anti-

> tumor promoters.


> So, tomorrow I will be posting a new formula. I simply took Ori's

> ingredients and started googling and researching and I came up with


> BETTER formula now combined with ANTI-TUMOR fighters.


> I am searching for good sources for bulk herbs so we can formulate

> our own thing. How about that?


> I will give one hint: One herb is from Siberia and it has shrunk

> tumors 75% in some studies. These might have been rats, but who

> cares?


> I have all the specs on everything.


> And instead of using whey protein, I am going to use my daughter's

> yummy raw almond/coconut milk recipe minus the agave (I will use

> stevia).


> Special thanks to Sharon and Gloria. Yeah!!!!


> nancy


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My reasons for not doing whey:


Main ones:

1.) Everytime I have gone into remission was on a (nearly) 100% raw foods diet.

You can't claim 100% raw if you take most herbs and spices, as you can't be

assured they weren't dried above 118 degrees. But as to not split hairs, I say I

am 100% raw because I don't eat any cooked foods. Most raw fooders do the same


2.) In order to kick cancer, you must quick-charge the system with drastic

measures. For instance, I was put on Femara, which worked for 2 1/2 years and

then quit working. They switched me to a different anti-estrogen drug from a

different family. This attempts to trick the cancer and the body into

recognizing something different to fight it.

3.) Before I was re-diagnosed, I was eating a LOT of dairy. It is addictive for

me. I believe this, tofu and sugar is what brought the cancer back and not being

on my raw diet.

4.) I got e-mails from people with active late disease who decided against dairy

for themselves because they were scared.

5.) I trusted my instincts and wanted peace of mind. I don't have a second

chance here on this one perhaps. I've got to get it right. Peace of mind is

important. I have never used dairy as a cancer fighter and this is the fourth

time around.

6.) The only reason I ordered the whey protein was to get the anti-estrogenic

herbs, which I can get now by formulatting myself. I will be posting this new

information shortly. I have a lot of work to do on it still, but this will be a

" sneak preview. "


Thanks, Jim. I hope I didn't stress you or anyone else out. I was panicking

because of the Tuesday visit with the doc. Each of us has to make our best

informed decision. Remember that there have been others, like Jerry Brunetti,

who got excellent results from his raw hormone free dairy products and some of

the Budwig folks. Study what I say, but trust your own gut and your own informed

consent and advice.




jrrjim <jim.mcelroy> wrote:

I would like to hear your reasons, either in public or private.


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I was also just informed from an e-mail that cancer loves to feed on the sugar

in dairy. SO, if you are going to do whey, get the sugar-free, hormone free link

I sent earlier this week.



jrrjim <jim.mcelroy10@...> wrote:

I would like to hear your reasons, either in public or private.

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Jim, You and ONLY you could come back with something like that. You really did

get cancer in the gut, didn't you?


>but trust your own gut and your own informed consent and advice.


My gut got cancer. I don't trust it that much. :)

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What is confusing me here is all these emails you are getting that, for

some reason, people won't put out for public consumption. Why the

secrecy? This is weird to me.

As far as sugar in dairy -- it is lactoce, I believe. What cancer feeds

on is glucose. The issue is, how quickly is lactoce converted to

glucose? Another issue is how much lactose actually remains in various

dairy products. I believe that most of the lactose has been consumed

by bacteria in yogurt and cheese, and therefore these products have no

lactose to speak of. Whey also has no lactose. I certainly wouldn't

recommend cheese, however, due to how acidic it is.

Wow -- here I am defending Budwig -- imagine this after last week's

posts. Budwig herself added, of all things, HONEY to her FO/CC

mixtures at times. Honey is 33% glucose! And in general it has an

extremely high glycemic index. So why would Budwig say it is okay to

put some honey in the FO/CC mix? Because the oil in the mix

drastically slows down the apsorption of the sugars, making the overall

glycemic index of the FO/CC mixture fairly low.

If you could cut ALL glucose out of your system you would kill all

cancer. You would also become immediately dead, because glucose is

what your brain eats. You cannot get rid of all glucose!!! The goal,

I guess, is to avoid glucose spikes.

Look -- we have rejected some " science " by going alternative. But we

can't reject all science! If Kineseology (muscle testing) fails every

double-blind study it is subjected to, we can't ignore that. We can't

ignore that the body needs SOME sugar to function, so what is the real

sugar issue with cancer?

There may be major issues with dairy, but I don't think sugar is one of


After this rant, I don't think excluding whey from your protocol will

make much of a difference one way or the other, assuming you are doing

everything else right. If you are hitting the cancer with 4 powerful

approaches, and are omitting 1, you might be running at 80 - 90%

efficiency, which is probably still very good. Or if whey is bad for

YOU, then you are running at 100% in terms of what you can do for



> I would like to hear your reasons, either in public or private.

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