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Dr.Burzynski's Cancer Therapy on TV Mon Oct 19 @9pmEST

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Dr. Burzynski's therapy is one of the most promising discoveries in

medicine, If patients can get access to his therapy, it could revolutionize

Cancer Treatment. Sadly that is one of the reasons it has not been accepted or

even heard of by most patients.


Subject: Dr. Burzynski's interview with Larry King

Hi Everyone,

Here's the news that everyone's been asking about: Dr. Stanislaw

Burzynski will be interviewed by Larry King Live on Monday 10/19/2009 at 9 PM,

Eastern Standard Time, 8 PM CST, on CNN.

Also being considered for interview by Larry King, with possible opposing

views, will be Dr. (Individualized Nutritional

Protocols), Dr. Allan Friedman (formerly Senator Kennedy's doctor from


University Hospital), and Dr. Lawrence Piro (formerly Farrah Fawcett's

doctor, with The Angeles Clinic and Research Institute).

Dr. Burzynski and other doctors will appear with Suzanne Somers. Suzanne

is the author of a new book on alternative and innovative doctors and their


For those of you who are not familiar with Dr. Burzynski, he is the

discoverer of Antineoplastons, one of the most effective (and virtually

non-toxic) treatments against cancer. I am the leader of his patient group.

Over the

15 years I have known him, I have seen superior results in scores of

patients with some of the deadliest cancers, including brain, prostate,


head and neck, breast, liver, kidney, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and many

other tough cancers. Most people who seek Dr. B's help have been given up on

by conventional cancer doctors. For more info, go to his website

(http://www.cancermed.com/) and also

(http://www.burzynskipatientgroup.org/) Or call 1-713-335-5697.

Based on Dr. B's results in Phase II clinical trials against brainstem

tumors in children and various gliomas (among which are glioblastomas, the

kind Senator Kennedy had) Dr. Burzynski's Antineoplastons recently received

Orphan Drug Designation from the FDA to go forward with Phase III trials.

Please watch and tell everyone you know about Larry King's Oct. 19 show.

If you know anyone with cancer, please tell them to tune in.


Rita Starr

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Considering Friedman and Piro's famous patients have both died from the

conventional treatments they prescribed, they should be perfectly qualified to

shoot down Dr. Burzynski's treatment that works.  Why didn't they invite

Swayze's doctor to criticize as well, and how about Tony Snow's onc, was he too

busy?  My doctor (an M.D., not an onc) told me to contact Burzynski during my

first appointment with him a year and a half ago, saying he has a patient that

had non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (I have Hodgkin's Lymphoma), who never did chemo or

rad, went to him and has survived almost 7 years now with no recurrences.  I

checked him out at that time but it would have been about $65K and I don't have

that.  I believe he is in stage 3 clinical trials with FDA.  I hope that if he

gets FDA approval that insurance will cover it and then I will be on the first

plane outta here.



Dr. Burzynski's therapy is one of the most promising discoveries in

medicine, If patients can get access to his therapy, it could revolutionize

Cancer Treatment. Sadly that is one of the reasons it has not been accepted or

even heard of by most patients.


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Many have followed Burzinsky's work and apparently the most success has been

with malignant brain tumor patients. I stopped following his treatment plan

because I also ran into the $60K+ price tag and was not even sure that Bladder

Cancer was one that this protocol was specific for.

In any event the only reason Burzinsky isn't in jail or hiding somewhere outside

the U.S. after three attempts at trying to incarcerate him, is because of the

parade of successfully treated patients appearing at his trials. It was stated

that the Prosecutors at his last trial were severely chastised by the Judge for

even bringing the case to trial.

I also remember that his treatment plan is not available to everyone unless they

first undergo conventional radiation/chemotherapy where called for. If this

has changed, please let everyone know.

Joe C.

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Joe you should go the other way, for 2.61 you can buy a pound of the best sodium

bicarbonate which quickly changes the pH of the bladder...just add some

magneisum chloride and some iodine and a whole lot of other things and you will

save about 59 grand.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

From: JCastron1

Many have followed Burzinsky's work and apparently the most success has been

with malignant brain tumor patients. I stopped following his treatment plan

because I also ran into the $60K+ price tag and was not even sure that Bladder

Cancer was one that this protocol was specific for.

In any event the only reason Burzinsky isn't in jail or hiding somewhere

outside the U.S. after three attempts at trying to incarcerate him, is because

of the parade of successfully treated patients appearing at his trials. It was

stated that the Prosecutors at his last trial were severely chastised by the

Judge for even bringing the case to trial.

I also remember that his treatment plan is not available to everyone unless

they first undergo conventional radiation/chemotherapy where called for. If this

has changed, please let everyone know.

Joe C.

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As I previously stated in my last post, my PCP recommended me to Dr. B for my

Hodgkin's lymphoma, citing that he (my Dr.) has a patient that had non-Hodgkin's

lymphoma and she refused chemo and radiation and went to Dr. B instead (while

still under my Dr.'s care) and went into remission within a year and has had no

recurrences since (about 7 years now).  What I understood from my doctor is that

Dr. B is the only one who will conduct his protocol, in other words, you must go

there, be evaluated by him, stay for a duration of time to initially receive

treatment, and then you are sent home with oral or IV treatment and you go back

periodically for re-examination and follow-up.  I know this because I asked my

doc if he could just administer the same treatment and was told no, that Dr. B

does not permit others to treat with his protocol, he is the only one in the

country doing it.  I suspect that after this episode airs it will be next to

impossible to

get in with him.



From: JCastron1 <jcastron1@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Dr.Burzynski's Cancer Therapy on TV Mon Oct 19


Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009, 1:41 PM


Many have followed Burzinsky's work and apparently the most success has been

with malignant brain tumor patients. I stopped following his treatment plan

because I also ran into the $60K+ price tag and was not even sure that Bladder

Cancer was one that this protocol was specific for.

In any event the only reason Burzinsky isn't in jail or hiding somewhere outside

the U.S. after three attempts at trying to incarcerate him, is because of the

parade of successfully treated patients appearing at his trials. It was stated

that the Prosecutors at his last trial were severely chastised by the Judge for

even bringing the case to trial.

I also remember that his treatment plan is not available to everyone unless they

first undergo conventional radiation/chemother apy where called for. If this has

changed, please let everyone know.

Joe C.

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