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Re: Re: Swaysee Interview Depressing

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In a message dated 1/10/09 2:21:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,

pjmacblondie@... writes:

> I believe he was killed.

Killed? Are you sure? I thought that he died from cancer.

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I have a feeling that he is using alternatives. I have a feeling that when

he talked about the three hours he needed every morning to " fix the

plumbing " before arriving at work at 6:00, he was talking about

self-administering coffee enemas.

The ONLY alternative treatment I can think of for pancreatic cancer would be

the protocol, and it sounded as if Swayze knew all about

this because he talked about a possible (though wishful thinking) 5-year


I think the reason Swayze is choosing NOT to talk about alternative

treatments or to admit that he may be using them, is because he says he does

not want to the Poster Boy for pancreatic cancer . . . . AND imagine if he

admitted he was using the protocol, and he died anyway. It would

only give MILLIONS of people a false sense of hopelessness when it comes to

cancer and alternative treatments and it would give far more power to the

medical establishment ( " see, we TOLD you that stuff doesn't work " ). Swayze

is an actor who knows the power of influencing millions of people.

I think Swayze is far smarter and way deeper than you give him credit for.

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Weston <wezzie1954@...>wrote:

> I would have been more surprised if he'd carried on with alternative

> treatment. Can you imagine the kind of pressure the medical cartel

> will have put on the poor fella to tow the line and accept orthodox

> treatment? Imagine what would have happened if someone as famous as he

> had managed to cure himself of cancer using the methods so well known

> to us!



> -




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As for the smoking, if you were just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and

told that 60% die in the first six months and 80% die in the first year

after diagnosis, would you put all of YOUR energy into trying to quit

smoking (to maybe extend your life a tiny bit) or making a TV series (to

really live and do what you love)?

He certainly did not need the money.

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Well, he did say he was using a few select Chinese Herbs. He is

probably on a protocol of some sort. I certainly understand his need

for a certain amount of privacy. I don't think he owes us any sort of

explanations. Cancer treatment is a private decision and is up to only

the person who is going through it. What everyone going through cancer

treatment needs is support - no matter what he or she has chosen to do.



Arlyn Grant


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I think so too! That is exactly what I was thinking- because he has already

survived this over a year. He is doing SOMETHING- his being resistant to talk

about it and educate people really irritates me too but I agree that it puts a

great deal of pressure on him. I 'd just love to know what he is doing. I was

hoping that he would share it.

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I don't blame Swayze for keeping quiet.  Look at what they did to Steve McQueen,

who cured his cancer in Mexico clinic.  Dr. Kelley, who cured his own pancrease

cancer, was a good friend of McQueen and tells about McQueen's cancer journey in

his book.  He stated that McQueen was going to go public and tell everyone about

the cancer mafia in the USA.  Well, everyone knows what happened to him---he

died and it was not from the cancer.  I believe he was killed.  But if you

listen to the media--it was cancer.  The real truth will never be known.



From: Classicaledmom@... <Classicaledmom@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Swaysee Interview Depressing

Date: Saturday, January 10, 2009, 11:08 AM

I think so too! That is exactly what I was thinking- because he has already

survived this over a year. He is doing SOMETHING- his being resistant to talk

about it and educate people really irritates me too but I agree that it puts a

great deal of pressure on him. I 'd just love to know what he is doing. I was

hoping that he would share it.

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And if Swayze is working with , I am sure that he is keeping quiet

out of respect for and to protect . Quackwatch just looooooves to go

after people like .

Pat Mc <pjmacblondie@...> wrote:

> I don't blame Swayze for keeping quiet. Look at what they did to Steve

McQueen, who cured his cancer in Mexico clinic. Dr. Kelley, who cured his own

pancrease cancer, was a good friend of McQueen and tells about McQueen's cancer

journey in his book. He stated that McQueen was going to go public and tell

everyone about the cancer mafia in the USA. Well, everyone knows what happened

to him---he died and it was not from the cancer. I believe he was killed. But

if you listen to the media--it was cancer. The real truth will never be known.


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Pat wrote:

>McQueen was going to go public and tell everyone about the cancer mafia in the

USA....he died and it was not from the cancer. I believe he was killed......


Oh my!

I did not know this. It is certainly big biz- that is why it seems they are

bashing all types of vits and herbs in mainstream heavily now.

I did the chemo, surg and rads for stage 3 bc- but I also did CAM with it. Even

MD ANderson 's site has tons of helpful info about it.

As does the gov't CAM site. My sil was in school at the time getting her

master's in nursing and she told me they were learning all about CAM.

IT works and is here to stay. Think about it- why would anyone not want to turn

and do something DIFFERENT than they were before nutritionally?

I was whisked quickly into all my trt and I just did what I felt I had to do at

that time. But even so I knew that those trts would weaken me and I knew I had


do something to help. I sailed thru trts and I am convinced cam and all I did

and continue to do, did help - along with lots of prayer from a lot of people


I feel bitterness and fear kill, steal and destroy. They just have no place in

our lives. Will not add one day to our lives and will only take.

I feel that this is key as well. What we fear will come upon us. Fear is the

OPPOSITE of faith. Faith is believing the best. Picturing that best possible

outcome and expecting it! I am not saying blindly living in denial, although a

certain amt of denial is healthy!

I am saying if I live in fear constantly of recurrance then it won't add to my

days, and my fears could have power- to bring about that very thing. But if I

say God, you are GOD, you are awesome , almighty, omnipotent, my stong tower, my

savior, my deliverer , in you will I trust. God did not put cancer on me. There

is sickness, sin and disease on this earth. I don't know how many days I have

but I choose to trust this is and has been , all for my good. And it just has. I

could testify all day about that. I have felt from the start that I would never

know all the whys and I don't have to know and understand. All I have to do is

believe that God knows all about it and it is for my good and my family for some

reason. I want to live each day as the gift from Him that it is- and fear,

bitterness, and anger just steals and keeps one from doing that. Plus sets up an

unhealthy environment in the body! I wish I could explain it better- it is just

that peace that says, God, you are in control and I just trust you. Because He

is whether I embrace it or not- lol!

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According to google he died of a heart attack after cancer surgery.  Jan

From: szukipoo@... <szukipoo@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Swaysee Interview Depressing

Date: Saturday, January 10, 2009, 4:57 PM

In a message dated 1/10/09 2:21:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,

pjmacblondie writes:

> I believe he was killed.

Killed? Are you sure? I thought that he died from cancer.

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I trust his friend Dr. Kelley--it is in his book.  I have learned to ignore the

media--lies and propaganda.

From: szukipooaol (DOT) com <szukipooaol (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Swaysee Interview Depressing

Date: Saturday, January 10, 2009, 4:57 PM

In a message dated 1/10/09 2:21:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,

pjmacblondie writes:

> I believe he was killed.

Killed? Are you sure? I thought that he died from cancer.

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Swaysee is currently on FOLFOX 6 protocol, and therefore would not be a patient

of Dr. Nick .

Having said that, that DOES NOT mean that he is not using some type of alt.



Re: [ ] Re: Swaysee Interview Depressing

I have a feeling that he is using alternatives. I have a feeling that when

he talked about the three hours he needed every morning to " fix the

plumbing " before arriving at work at 6:00, he was talking about

self-administering coffee enemas.

The ONLY alternative treatment I can think of for pancreatic cancer would be

the protocol, and it sounded as if Swayze knew all about

this because he talked about a possible (though wishful thinking) 5-year


I think the reason Swayze is choosing NOT to talk about alternative

treatments or to admit that he may be using them, is because he says he does

not want to the Poster Boy for pancreatic cancer . . . . AND imagine if he

admitted he was using the protocol, and he died anyway. It would

only give MILLIONS of people a false sense of hopelessness when it comes to

cancer and alternative treatments and it would give far more power to the

medical establishment ( " see, we TOLD you that stuff doesn't work " ). Swayze

is an actor who knows the power of influencing millions of people.

I think Swayze is far smarter and way deeper than you give him credit for.

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Weston <wezzie1954@...>wrote:

> I would have been more surprised if he'd carried on with alternative

> treatment. Can you imagine the kind of pressure the medical cartel

> will have put on the poor fella to tow the line and accept orthodox

> treatment? Imagine what would have happened if someone as famous as he

> had managed to cure himself of cancer using the methods so well known

> to us!



> -




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Dear Dana:


I was told I had six months to live 14 years ago. When the tumor grew 30% on

chemo during the preparation phase for the bone marrow/stem cell transplant, I

said, " Screw this. I am going to take every herb and remedy I can find. Got a

cure for cancer? Sure, I'll try it. "


Let's see, my protocol in 1994/95 was:


Colonics and coffee enemas

Juice fasting and cleansing with liver and kidney cleanses (Dr. Bernard Jensen)

- up to 1 gallon of carrot juice a day with apple and ginger and sometimes green

vegies in it.

Wheatgrass therapy (Anne Wigmore)

Raw foods and sprouting ---75% raw foods diet approximately

Lost 30 pounds like WHAM!!!

Dr. Hulda Protocol (I picked my own green walnut hulls off of a walnut

tree I found and made my own tinctures)

Ozone therapy (the method where they draw the blood out into a glass bottle and

infuse the ozone into the bottle and then let it drip back into you.

Compound X (I have a whole story about how I met this oil man in Portland one

day, having gotten lost somewhere; knocked on this business out-of-the-blue to

ask for directions; ended up telling this man, who was the oilman about the bone

cancer in the sternum and amy death sentence. He told me, " I've got this old

Indian remedy that I discovered from a man in Wyoming. It works particularly

well on bone cancer. "

Many different types of vitamins and mineral supplementation (some of these were

junk because I didn't know what I was doing and didn't know about gelatin not

being good for you, but something apparently worked).

Hiking (I bought a herd of Llamas and became a wilderness guide----well almost.

I got lost on the edge of a mountain in the Nex Pierce Wilderness Sancutary and

almost died on the edge of a cliff. I gave the llamas away shortly after. I

figured if the best I could come up with was to get myself in this perdictament,

then I didn't have any busy taking total strangers into the woods!)

Taxol (My chemotherapy was switched to Taxol)


So, I did it ALL. I put all my energy into saving my life, all the while the

little buzzard sitting on my shoulder was barking at me, " Who do you think

you're fooling? " This same kind of thinking is what comes out of the mainstream

chemo mill. Because this same way of thinking--no brainwashing---creeps in and

can undermine your hope and faith that cancer doesn't have to be a death

sentence. God is the only one who can predict if you will live or die. I believe

this fundamental unspoken belief is at the root of my backsliding and not

sticking with my protocol----I put cancer on the back burner and just wanted to

forget about it. Wasn't I living on borrowed time? This whole thing is INSIDIOUS

and that is why I posted what I did. The negative pooing of alternative

treatments for cancer is EVIL.


I feel a responsibility to inform others and it irks me that someone is out

there saying that alternatives don't work. Sure, he mentioned his little Chinese

herbs, but in fact he also gave a much greater message by saying, " If there were

really a cure for cancer from alternative therapy, everyone would know about it

and someone would have made millions. " THIS IS WHAT HE SAID plain as day.


So, I am back fighting cancer again NOT BECAUSE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE DOESN'T

WORK but because I didn't continue with my protocol and fell off the wagon

so-to-speak----even eating white sugar again. So, I brought it back. No one's

fault but mine. But I take 100% responsibility for it.


By the way, I believe in integrative medicine---DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN TO BEAT

CANCER. I think I have pretty much tried it all.  I am getting ready to go to

Oklahoma to try something new.





As for the smoking, if you were just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and told

that 60% die in the first six months and 80% die in the first year after

diagnosis, would you put all of YOUR energy into trying to quit smoking (to

maybe extend your life a tiny bit) or making a TV series (to really live and do

what you love)?

He certainly did not need the money.

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I'm agree with everything you say .

I think you are awesome and an inspiration.

I read all your posts here.

I was told nine years ago, on April Fool's Day 2000, that I had 4-5 years

left to live but none of my doctors told me why. I thought it was a stupid

April Fool's Day joke.

Then a dentist put a nickel-beryllium post and core into a tooth with root

resorption and over an extraction site that failed to heal without informed

consent. She even took a picture of the extraction site, but never showed it

to me and I did not see it until four years later, after I filed a small

claims court case to have the bridge taken back out due to swelling in my

jawbone, which I believed at the time was being caused by my allergy to


It is such a very long story, the case has been in litigation for six years

(longest ever in Hartford CT):


But to make a long story short, they disclosed a certain Quackbuster as

their expert and dragged the case out on purpose, thinking and hoping that

my alternative treatments would NOT work.

The week and day before trial started, they filed almost twenty motions in

limine suppressing ALL of my evidence, so I had no choice but to drop the


During their deposition of MY expert, a biological dentist who was already

on their list of " quacks " , my expert had to admit that he had legally

changed his name due to all the negative publicity of Quackwatch, and two

days later, Quackwatch publicly disclosed his new name on their list of

" quacks " !!

The defendant dentist and her attorney were online writing really bad things

about my art work right before trial, hoping to shake my confidence and


They deposed me for 32 hours!!! The dentist sat across from me, glaring at

me like the wicked witch of the west, and I was ridiculed because 1)

dentists do not work for free (I asked her to remove the bridge please,

before I filed suit, which I had paid $3200 out of pocket for by painting

her home in decorative paint finishes, and she refused, telling me that

people who think their dental work is making them sick are a bunch of

whackos) and 2) do I KNOW what filing a suit against a dentist can do to

their CAREER (without any concern for what placing a nickel-beryllium post

and core into a tooth with root resorption can to to my LIFE). They deposed

my treating PSYCHOLOGIST(who is into alternative medicine) and flat out told

him that I was a " delusional liar " (I have this written in my depositions).

When I showed my psychologist pictures to back me up, he said that was not

necessary. He is a psychologist after all, and he knew exactly what they

were up to.

They told my attorney that I should be suing the " quacks " instead because

they take advantage of " people like " me. I said no thanks, because at least

these alternative doctors were not doing me any harm. They were not putting

known allergens and carcinogens in my mouth. This case, for me, was only

about getting to the truth and about our patient rights to informed consent

and non-toxic dentistry.If their treatments were not working, then I would

look for other treatments. Certainly, when you go the alternative route, you

have to do a lot of things, you can't rely on just IV-C or just mercury

amalgam removal, but you do need doctors to perform those treatments. The

rest, diet and sunshine and exercise, are up to you.

They picked a jury panel who believed that alternatives were " quackery " and

had really good relationships with their conventional doctors. I tried to

keep potential jurors who believed in and used alternatives themselves, but

they challenged those jurors and had them removed.

I truly hope that Swayze will try alternatives, if he is not doing

so already.

But when you go public with your alternative treatments, it can get really



PS: You ROCK !

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And another thing: before I asked my expert to be my expert, he had treated

me almost four years earlier. So the defense attorneys subpoened his

treatment records. He called the defense attorneys to ask them some

questions and they said " Our goal is to put Dana Herbert on the stand and

make her look like a nut. "

Later, they deposed him after he agreed to be my expert and naturally he

said that he saw a very large lesion in my jawbone and swelling, root

resorption, PDL widening, that nickel and beryllium were known allergens and

carcinogens, etc. and then they motioned right before trial to preclude his

expert testimony.

Mainstream medicine is not interested in the truth.

Their goal is to make anyone who believes in or uses alternative medicine

look like a nut.

I thought it odd that they called Swayze's interview:

Swayze: The Truth.

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I think you are right, may be using alternative and he loves it too

that's why if anything goes wrong he wouldn't like to damage the belief of

alternative users. Vishwajith


From: Dana Herbert

I have a feeling that he is using alternatives. I have a feeling that when he

talked about the three hours he needed every morning to " fix the plumbing "

before arriving at work at 6:00, he was talking about

self-administering coffee enemas.

The ONLY alternative treatment I can think of for pancreatic cancer would be the

protocol, and it sounded as if Swayze knew all about this

because he talked about a possible (though wishful thinking) 5-year prognosis.

I think the reason Swayze is choosing NOT to talk about alternative

treatments or to admit that he may be using them, is because he says he does not

want to the Poster Boy for pancreatic cancer . . . . AND imagine if he admitted

he was using the protocol, and he died anyway. It would only give

MILLIONS of people a false sense of hopelessness when it comes to cancer and

alternative treatments and it would give far more power to the medical

establishment ( " see, we TOLD you that stuff doesn't work " ). Swayze is an actor

who knows the power of influencing millions of people.

I think Swayze is far smarter and way deeper than you give him credit for.

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