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RE: Dr. SIrcus eats his hat on Miracle Mineral Solution

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Mark wrote: " If it is a cancer patient I give a product with three types of

vitamin C... "


Except the MMS literature says NOT to use it with vitamin C or antioxidants. 

How is it possibly working if she is including vitamin C?


My own experience with MMS has been awful.  I used it in freah juice the first

time, for about 2-3 weeks and I just couldn't tolerate the taste, which made me

want to gag, and then the nausea.  That was in May 2008.  Then I tried it again

in 2009 a few months ago.  This time I encapsulated the activated solution

instead of mixing it with juice.  Just getting near the activated solution to

put it into capsules I had to hold my breath, make a capsule, walk away, and

wash down with a big glass of water.  The smell gagged me.    Because you can't

use vitamin C or antioxidants, I was basically not able to take any of my

supplements.  As time went on, I felt more and more crappy, droopy and then

depression set in.  Of course, no energy while off supplements during that

time.  As I increased the dose, I could actually feel the capsules dissolving in

my stomach, and then I would feel just plain awful, as if a solvent was brewing

in there, for about

1/2 hour.  The nausea got so bad that I asked my doc for a prescription for

Zofran ($400 a month, not covered by insurance).  I am pretty sure there was no

difference made to the cancer because I have Hodgkin's lymphoma and one of it's

symptoms is itching.  I itch so badly and it doesn't ever stop and nothing

satisfies it and it gets progressively more intense as the day goes on.I have

basically scratched myself into a bloody, scabby mess, all over my body, and

been driven to the brink of insanity.  Using the MMS, I was able to work up to

10 drops 3x a day, but the physical crappiness I felt, no energy due to lack of

supplements, and the itching just steadily nawing at me, I finally had to stop. 

Oh, and while I was on MMS I had a yeast infection, a bacterial infection, and

then a pretty severe cold, and the MMS supposedly kills all that, but it didn't

touch any of it and I ended up on Diflucan for 2 weeks followed by an

antibiotic.  Perhaps

others have had success with their cancer, but in my case it doesn't appear to

have knocked it down one bit.  Heck, I wouldn't have cared about that if I could

have just found some relief from the itching.




Just got off the phone this minute with a friend and colleague in Africa who I

trust absolutely and she combines part of my protocol with MMS as follows:

My protocol for treating people to give them 200 ml of saline and in it I put

40mil of magnesium and 40 ml B6 (which is 100mg per ml) and leave that bag with

a butterfly and I take 10 ml out of the bag and then I take 1 to 2 mil of sodium

chlorite (28 percent concentrated form) in 20 ml syringe and fill the rest of it

with five percent glucose and then I give these two as a push. So I am giving 30

ml into a vein. They feel of course the hot rush from the magnesium but they

actually enjoy it because it does all the good magnesium things. Depending on

the patient I do this either weekly or sometimes up to three times a week. I

have these patients take half to a full teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate morning

and evening and giving iodine mixed right into the bicarbonate. If it is a

cancer patient I give a product with three types of vitamin C (asborbic acid,

calcium ascorbate and magnesium ascorbate which is mixed with L-Lycine.

And yes she is seeing very good results for her cancer patients, for AIDS, upper

respitory problems and you guessed...for influenza.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Director International Medical Veritas Association

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Does it matter what kind of butterfly?

Bill Corley

From: Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009

My protocol...I put 40mil of magnesium and 40 ml B6 (which is 100mg per ml) and

leave that bag with a butterfly.....

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Its a good thing the MMS people dont tell people to stop breathing too neh?

Vitamin C is very important - crucial so I can understand not taking C for an

hour or two around MMS dosaging but if the orders is to go without for the

entire time on MMS therapy then again I will think they are jerks... the

pharmaceutical dynamics of course are very different for IV treatments than


Sure will ask..........


From: slavek krepelka

Hi again Marc,

Thank you for this post. I find it interesting that your friend combines

vitamin C with MMS. This is supposed to be a no-no, as the C

(antioxidant) is supposed to be counterproductive to the activity of

MMS. Any chance to find out the dosage on C your friend is administering

to her cancer patients, assuming all the rest the same?

With kind regards, Slavek

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Well now I finally have to agree totally with the man for I also disdain

ascorbic acid and recommend MegaFood wholefood vitamin C which is real vitamin


Ascorbic acid is like white sugar, all the good stuff is stipped out.....total

yuck....I think Chapter House or Charter House whatever the companies name has a

fine whole food vitamin C as well. On my protocol people pop them every two or

three hours and I think honestly its better than IVs because you can keep the

syrum concentration up instead of pulse dosing with IV where you lose most of

the dose quickly. I suggest two or three tabs each dosing....meaning a river of

wholefood C.............


From: slavek krepelka

Hmm, Hi marc again,

Jim does not state that one should stay off vitamin C all together. He

states that one should stay away from supplemental (artificial ascorbic

acid), which by default would make dietary (fruits, spruce, horse

radish) acceptable. This alone has puzzled me. Considering though, that

his research is entirely empirical, he is not likely to know why's, but

is likely to know what's.

Thank you kindly, Slavek.

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Hi again Marc,

Thank you for this post. I find it interesting that your friend combines

vitamin C with MMS. This is supposed to be a no-no, as the C

(antioxidant) is supposed to be counterproductive to the activity of

MMS. Any chance to find out the dosage on C your friend is administering

to her cancer patients, assuming all the rest the same?

With kind regards, Slavek

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD wrote:

Just got off the phone this minute with a friend and colleague in

> Africa who I trust absolutely and she combines part of my protocol

> with MMS as follows:


> ...If it is a cancer patient I give a product with three types of vitamin C

(asborbic acid, calcium ascorbate and magnesium ascorbate which is mixed with



> And yes she is seeing very good results for her cancer patients, for

> AIDS, upper respitory problems and you guessed...for influenza.


> Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

> Director International Medical Veritas Association

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Hi there,

Deborah Lindberg wrote:

> My own experience with MMS has been awful.....<snip>

>As I increased the dose, I could actually feel the capsules dissolving in my

stomach, and then I would feel just plain awful, as if a solvent was brewing in

there, for about 1/2 hour.


> The nausea got so bad that I asked my doc for a

> prescription for Zofran ($400 a month, not covered by insurance).

Now it is getting interesting. You felt bad missing your supplements,

but go to your Dr. to prescribe you an allopathic concoction of your

choice. That is strange.

> I am pretty sure there was no difference made to the cancer because I have

Hodgkin's lymphoma and one of it's symptoms is >itching. I itch so badly and it

doesn't ever stop and nothing satisfies it and it gets progressively more

intense as the day goes >on.I have basically scratched myself into a bloody,

scabby mess, all over my body, and been driven to the brink of insanity.


Check out this: Auto-hemotherapy according to Dr. Luiz Moura:

" It is a simple and low cost therapeutic resource which is nothing more than

drawing blood from a vein and applying it into a muscle. This stimulates the

Reticulo-endothelial System and increases fourfold the macrophages in the whole


This method has been used for over 100 years and nearly disappeared when

antibiotics appeared in the 1940s.

Today due to the use of auto-hemotherapy on a large scale by practically all

levels of the Brazilian society, there is a popular movement in favour of its

formal acceptance.:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AFovKm-XAw & feature=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYCcZD7MjYg & feature=related


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltd1dMCVvms & feature=channel

> Using the MMS, I was able to

> work up to 10 drops 3x a day, but the physical crappiness I felt, no

> energy due to lack of supplements, and the itching just steadily

> nawing at me, I finally had to stop.

I am not sure what supplements of course, but Mr. Humble talks only

about artificial ascorbic acid as being in conflict with MMS. What was

in your way to supplement with lets say horse radish, or oranges etc.

along with anything else?

> Oh, and while I was on MMS I had

> a yeast infection, a bacterial infection, and then a pretty severe

> cold, and the MMS supposedly kills all that, but it didn't touch any

> of it and I ended up on Diflucan for 2 weeks followed by an

> antibiotic.

Now you are talking something rather difficult to absorb even


You are stating that you went again to your allopathic Dr. for

difulcan, which is fair with the yeast infection, but the antibiotics?

How did you get to MMS in the first place, when you go for this kind of stuff to

your Dr. every time something goes wrong?

I will tell you something. Going through the Curezone site, all the

support discussion groups I have checked out are actually doing their

best to be supportive. There is only one exception I found so far, and

that is MMS support group. It appears that all Hogwart forest trolls

have made it their new home since the ultimate demise of the Dark Lord


As we were taught in physics, each action is opposed by an equal

reaction. If I were to judge MMS strictly based on the reaction to MMS

by so many, I would have to conclude that it is the most powerful charm


But, what do I know, we are all different, aren't we?

With regards, Slavek.

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Hmm, Hi marc again,

Jim does not state that one should stay off vitamin C all together. He

states that one should stay away from supplemental (artificial ascorbic

acid), which by default would make dietary (fruits, spruce, horse

radish) acceptable. This alone has puzzled me. Considering though, that

his research is entirely empirical, he is not likely to know why's, but

is likely to know what's.

Thank you kindly, Slavek.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD wrote:




> Its a good thing the MMS people dont tell people to stop breathing too

> neh? Vitamin C is very important - crucial so I can understand not

> taking C for an hour or two around MMS dosaging but if the orders is

> to go without for the entire time on MMS therapy then again I will

> think they are jerks... the pharmaceutical dynamics of course are very

> different for IV treatments than oral.


> Sure will ask..........


> Marcus

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My Daughter was diagnosed with hemachromotosis and was told not to take Vit C.

Its a genetic disease..for all I know I could have it..without Ins. I may

never know.

but they say it can lead to cancer which I have had.

Truth is I can't imagine life without Vit C.

Hmm, Hi marc again,

Jim does not state that one should stay off vitamin C all together. He

states that one should stay away from supplemental (artificial ascorbic

acid), which by default would make dietary (fruits, spruce, horse

radish) acceptable. This alone has puzzled me. Considering though, that

his research is entirely empirical, he is not likely to know why's, but

is likely to know what's.

Thank you kindly, Slavek.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD wrote:




> Its a good thing the MMS people dont tell people to stop breathing too

> neh? Vitamin C is very important - crucial so I can understand not

> taking C for an hour or two around MMS dosaging but if the orders is

> to go without for the entire time on MMS therapy then again I will

> think they are jerks... the pharmaceutical dynamics of course are very

> different for IV treatments than oral.


> Sure will ask..........


> Marcus

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