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Re: Slavek Miracle Mineral Solution

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I would like the diary.  What percentage of cancer cures are they having with

this? Email it directly to me.


From: slavek krepelka  

Hi Robyn.

How did the water fast go? If you want a copy of my fasting diary, let

me know and I will mail it directly to you. It is a bit long and I am

not sure it would go past the moderator :-) ...........

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Hi Robyn.

How did the water fast go? If you want a copy of my fasting diary, let

me know and I will mail it directly to you. It is a bit long and I am

not sure it would go past the moderator :-)

Results depend on the protocol. The one I went with came to me from

Czech Republic in Czech from one Mr. Adolf Slar and he claims (attested

by one witness I was in contact with as well), that it works on pretty

much anything, cancers included, even terminal.

The protocol ala Mr. Slar is quite simple:

Nothing but plenty of water 3 quarts to a gallon, preferably distilled,

every day. A glass of water actually quenches the hunger pangs, so it is

not OK.

Morning and evening enema, preferably double each.

This is very important part, because liver and lymphatic system dump

what they take from the blood and tissues into the intestines and unless

constantly removed, the toxins reabsorb and give you a hell. I tested

missing a few during my fast and it shows with vengeance.

Further recommendation of Mr. Slar are either urine, or even water wraps

on feet and hands over night (wet socks on feet in garbage bags and wet

cotton gloves with plastic gloves over it for hands. He claims that it

" sucks " toxins out of the body through sweat glands. (I did not do


That is it.

Taken from other Czech source:

It is advisable to start with 1 day fasts a week for four consecutive

weeks, then go with one 3 day fast and three one day fasts next 4 weeks,

then go for a seven day fast one week out of four, then go for 21 day


The reason is, that going straight for the big one (21 days) taxes your

weight rather dramatically, while the slower startup alleviates this

problem. One is expected to loose 1 to 1.5 lb a day during the long one.

So, it is probably not a good idea for people who are without some spare


What it certainly did for me is:

It fixed my long standing digestive problems i.e. bloating, thin soft

stools, poor digestion in general.

It has made me to drop my coffee intake from 5-10 a day depending to

none to 1 a day.

My palms and feet stopped sweating excessively, which I did not even

consider as anything detrimental having that all my life.

I lost some 22 lb., which is fine with me. I have probably about as much

to shed yet.

I do not feel like eating as much as before and I do not resent having

meatless meals, even though I am not a vegetarian and do not intend to

become one.

It has probably removed the cause of cramping of my leg muscles, but I

am not entirely sure that it was just the water fast, as I also begun

supplementing magnesium chloride. May be both together.

It has alleviated problems with my legs going lame, but it appears that

MMS has finalized it as far as I can tell as of this time. My legs are

getting consistently better.

It took edema like lumps off my lower legs (knees to ankles) right out.

Lots of sources state that when you finish your fast, you have to go on

foods slowly and gradually starting with raw juices, then slightly

boiled veggies, then some eggs into it and so on. This should extend for

about the same duration as your fast.

Well, I did not. I started with water melon as much as I would feel like

and some pineapple the first two days. I also started MMS at the time at

3 drops every 4 hours spare for one missed dose at night. I was on eggs

my 5th day, but then the S#$@ hit the fan with MMS, as I was pushing 6

drops every 4 hours by then and I started pushing water into the ceramic

quite a big way.

I left off MMS for two days and was on veggies, chicken and potatoes the

6th day without trouble. Ever since a fairly normal diet except for the

mentioned sugar, any plastic foods, very limited grain products and if

so then dark bread without the chaff (I mean husks), fair bit of melon,

pineapple some almonds no milk except yogurt with linseed oil (flax

seed), but I am contemplating replacing the milk with raw eggs, as they

are very rich in protein and sulfur as well and I can get home grown

eggs as opposed to the outlawed raw milk. I have to look at their

estrogen content yet, if any.

I started MMS again at 5 drops every 6 hours like it was antibiotics I

believe the 8th day after my fast no problem till I hit 11 drops at 6

hours 5 days ago. I got consistently nauseated and I dropped the MMS

till today all together, which felt actually quite good. I could hardly

look at the stuff, never mind smell it, and I found out that the

characteristic chlorine like stink was coming out of me still some 16

hours after my last dose.

I have started MMS again today at 10 drops at 2 pm, intending to go to

15 drops every 8 hours. The six hour periods appear to me unnecessary

and they do interfere with the sleeping pattern.

Anyway, if you should read my diary, you will find out more accurately.

This is of the top of my head.

No, I do not have cancer as far as I know. I was going lame and I have

reasoned that if anything can get cancer, it will probably have

something to say to anything including my legs. I started googling and I

came across Candida and all the " weird " info like on this site and I can

say that a can opener would have difficulty to open my eyes any better.

First things I did after the first 2 days of my research was complete

discontinuation of feeding myself sugar in any form with the exception

of water melon, pineapple and a few other fruits. Next was supplementing

with Iodine, then magnesium, a month on chromolyn, no meat for two

months and definitely very limited grain products. ND I have hired told

me that I may have issues with milk, so I dropped that one as a hot

potato 3 weeks into my inquiries as well. I had been a rabbit for the

first two and a half months before my water fast, which probably saved

me from even more trouble during the fast, but I am on a relatively

normal diet now with the above exceptions. I eat fish much more than

before, though.

That is the gist of it for now.

With kind regards, Slavek.

P.S. The first long water fast (21 days) is quite an ordeal and if it

should do with you as it did with me, you better stay home. (It gets

much easier with consecutive ones according to any source I checked

referring to it, if taken within half a year of the first one, but I

can't attest to it personally. Yet.)

I had days when I could barely move around. Yet, the long fasts are

those, which actually do the severe detox of tissues and allow the GI to

heal itself, providing you do not cheat yourself with a peanut or

something. The stomach has to stop producing acids, which takes about 3

days. Then comes cleaning, then comes healing.

robyn howell wrote:




> Slavek,


> How did the water fast go? What kind of results are people having with

> it? Do you have cancer?

> Thanks, Robyn

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Hi Robyn,

I have shot the diary and result summary to your address.

I am not sure what is Mr. Slar's cure rate. He has no site and

information comes in bits and pieces. I will try to find out, but no

guaranties. He also complains that many people follow only part of his

recommendations and are surprised that their ordeal shows little

improvement. He also does not advertise, so it is all a way of mouth

references, so I would not expect that he has had all that many

patients, but I do not really know.

I got hold of only a few stories written by him as consecutive letters

of individualized recommendations to some patients sent to another

fellow who is collecting them.

I will try to find out more.

With kind regards, Slavek.

robyn howell wrote:

> I would like the diary. What percentage of cancer cures are they

> having with this? Email it directly to me.


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