Guest guest Posted October 15, 2009 Report Share Posted October 15, 2009 You wrote: " Miracle Mineral Solution, which has an unfortunately snake oil sounding name appears to be the most effective and cost effective solution to this problem. It's real name is Chlorine Dioxide and has been a known virus killer for more than 50 years. " > Oh really? I think it is not unfortunate but very fortunate Humble named it MMS so we are instantly tuned into the hype, marketing and potential for false claims. Anyone who wants to hinge their and their loved one's lives on snakeoil type remedies are free to do so and who needs to practice and apply real medicine anyway? Long live snakeoil! I bet this stuff is really the fountain of youth in disquise and we should all rush out to get some and make it apart of our regular diet. Chlorine sounds yummie................but pehaps I am wrong........... Mark Sircus Ac., OMD Director International Medical Veritas Association Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 15, 2009 Report Share Posted October 15, 2009 You would be better with Iodine. It is in the Bromine/Chlorine family, and your body has receptors. I use Biotics Research Iodizyme-HP. You need to test yourself, but it is possible to take up to 50 mg. Tablets are 6 mg. Add 6,000 IU of D3 and its way better.. Chlorine is a poison Dennis You wrote: " Miracle Mineral Solution, which has an unfortunately snake oil sounding name appears to be the most effective and cost effective solution to this problem. It's real name is Chlorine Dioxide and has been a known virus killer for more than 50 years. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 15, 2009 Report Share Posted October 15, 2009 this snakeoil worked great for me... I went form bed ridden to riding horses in 6 mos. It worked great for me. I was dx with many tick pathogens and was sick for years...... I had done IV abx for over 1.5 yrs with a picc line every day. Didnt touch it...depite " science " to say it would.... for a six figure sum.... I did HBOT, IV H202, IV C, detoxed , suplemmnts galore, raw diets, high protein diets, juice green veggies, herbal remdies, Marshall protocol...then MMS. and for $5 I had my life back again. Viva snake oil! You wrote: > " Miracle Mineral Solution, which has an unfortunately snake oil sounding > name appears to be the most effective and cost effective solution to this > problem. It's real name is Chlorine Dioxide and has been a known virus > killer for more than 50 years. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 15, 2009 Report Share Posted October 15, 2009 Hi Dennis, Chlorine is as much a poison as anything else in excess and acting where it should not. Iodine is a poison as much as chlorine. Chlorine is what keeps your body from starving. If it were not fro the HCl in your stomach, you'd be dead a few days after you were born. Iodine, as important as it is, will do nothing for you regards the flu, unless you have been keeping its level proper for a long time. If you are deficient, as most of us are, a few jolts of iodine when the flu hits will not do. This is a first hand experience with my daughter just now. BTW, you have missed Fluorine among the four Hall elements. Some researchers and some Drs go as high as 200 mg of Iodine a day for fast replenishing of iodine for a period of time. But it still is not a short term flu solution. I do not know if MMS is, but considering that my 2 women have been sneezing and coughing all over me for the past 2 weeks and I have not been touched by whatever kind of flu it is, either I have the Iodine OK after 3 months of average 30 mg lugol, which I would find improbable, or the MMS is doing its job as advertised. D3 is a good point too, but high C in this case is probably somewhat better. Both would be the choice. With kind regards, Slavek P.S. Drahoslav. dennis dragomir wrote: > > > > You would be better with Iodine. It is in the Bromine/Chlorine family, > and your body has receptors. I use Biotics Research Iodizyme-HP. > You need to test yourself, but it is possible to take up to 50 mg. > Tablets are 6 mg. Add 6,000 IU of D3 and its way better.. > > Chlorine is a poison > > Dennis Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 16, 2009 Report Share Posted October 16, 2009 Hi Slavek, Thanks for the info. Chlorine competes with Iodine, and bromine, also a Halogen. I believe you can get the same effect from Iodine. Since 1960, my sinuses have been blocked w/o drops. First morning, today they were partially open. My thyroid has not worked right in years. I have had flu symptoms 3 or 4 times this month. The symptoms now lasted less than 24 hours.Usually it goes 10 days or more. I attribute it to the iodine. 12 mg, 6 morning, 6 at night. D3, 5,000 IU My understanding is the body has Iodine receptors, and they can be blocked by bromine, and chlorine. Bromine is now in our bread, eliminating one last source of Iodine for us. Salt, but they tell you to avoid it too. Please review the attached pdf. There is a shortage of this now. I think pg 41 will be of some interest. Dennis [Moderator note - the system does not allow attachments] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 16, 2009 Report Share Posted October 16, 2009 I use iodine very sucessfully with my children every time they have any kind of infection...never give antibiotics....unless desperate and that has happened only once with one of my three youngest and for myself anytime I feel something coming on I reach for the iodine and it rarely lets me down. I am going to be forced to rewrite my position on MMS but even after listening to my medical friends and you, Slavek, it still will never be something I would reach for that fast nor use for very long or use to replace things essential for life or health. Also neither of the two doctors that I know and trust use it orally and for sure I have heard plenty of complaints from its oral use. Jim Humble, founder of the MMS, Miracle Mineral Supplement protocol, advises taking his remedy apart from antioxidants, by at least three hours. Because MMS is an oxider, antioxidants will tend to neutralize its activity so if you use it orally and dose regularly it precludes the use of some very valuable and important things. To build the foundation of treatment on top of MMS by abandoning other essential medical basics (which my doctor friend in Africa who injects the stuff does not do) seems to tread on thin ice. For me MMS is more like a pharmaceutical with toxic properties one has to be careful of and since I dont use or recommend pharmaceuticals and certainly don't prescribe them not being an allopath I will not throw this out with abandon like Humble and his faithful do. A lot of my work is with late stage cancer and palliative care, meaning with the desperate cases, and since I find many people turning on a dime even at deaths door using concentrated nutritional substances/medicines I would hold MMS in reserve. And sorry Slavek, after its use as a universal medicine for about 150 years, for you to dismiss iodine so easily saying it does not work puts you out on a ledge that I would not be comfortable sharing with you. Also in your case study I hear nothing about magnesium deficiency as a basic cause of your situation nor heavy metal exposure or even radiation contamination. Have you been exposing your body to large dosages transdermally of magneisum chloride? I really doubt your condition is from lack of chlorine. One of the very real problems of Humble and his followers is that they talk only about their miracle and tend to forget everything else and that is not a public service as far as I can see. Turning people away from iodine......from something most people desperately need....frightens me. Same with vitamin C, sometimes its a desperate need the body has for it..... Also I know many fine healthcare practitioners who have plenty of miracles going on without MMS. Mark Sircus Ac., OMD Director International Medical Veritas Association From: slavek krepelka Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 11:58 PM Hi Denis, Please do not get me wrong. I wholly agree to what you state below about iodine. I have been through it including the bromine based bread yeast stabilizer. It is just that it does not appear to me, from what I have seen, that iodine " binge " on the heals of an infection will have much effect, if any. It is a little longer lasting issue, replenishing the iodine. Only then can one expect good results. With kind regards, SLavek. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 16, 2009 Report Share Posted October 16, 2009 Hi Denis, Please do not get me wrong. I wholly agree to what you state below about iodine. I have been through it including the bromine based bread yeast stabilizer. It is just that it does not appear to me, from what I have seen, that iodine " binge " on the heals of an infection will have much effect, if any. It is a little longer lasting issue, replenishing the iodine. Only then can one expect good results. With kind regards, SLavek. dennis dragomir wrote: > > > > Hi Slavek, > > Thanks for the info. Chlorine competes with Iodine, and bromine, also > a Halogen. I believe you can get the same effect from Iodine. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 16, 2009 Report Share Posted October 16, 2009 Slavek wrote: " It is just that it does not appear to me, from what I have seen " > I am just curious Slavek, when you say what you have seen, what you have actually seen? Are you talking about your own experience? Clinical experience? Converstations with doctors who use iodine or what? Have you tried all the different iodines and different dosages? Iodine by the way is extremely fast acting and takes out most bacteria, virus and fungi on contact....yes sure it takes at least a minute on contact though when taken orally for systemic effect its different. Mark From: slavek krepelka Hi Denis, Please do not get me wrong. I wholly agree to what you state below about iodine. I have been through it including the bromine based bread yeast stabilizer. It is just that it does not appear to me, from what I have seen, that iodine " binge " on the heals of an infection will have much effect, if any. It is a little longer lasting issue, replenishing the iodine. Only then can one expect good results. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 A testimonial on iodine : My wife had for most her life two small patch of psoriaris right at on the elbows. She tried everything to get rid of it with not results... Finally she started to follow the advices of Dr Simoncini ( the man who use baking soda for cancer ) :to apply iodine on Psoriasis. ..After two month of daily application the two patch disappear as he had told her. Dr Simoncini use also iodine for skin cancer( Basal cell carcinoma) with the same success. Here his protocol : Basalioma The treatment to choose for basaliomas is iodine solution at 7%, as it is capable of precipitating the proteins of the body of the fungus and destroying them completely in a short time. If the lesions are fairly small, they must be painted with the solution 10-20-30 times twice a day for five days and then once for another ten days so that they become very dark. When the eschar is formed and it is higher than the epidermic plane, it is necessary to continue to paint under and above it, even if at first this causes a sharp pain. ============================= For Epithelioma : an abnormal growth of the epithelium, which is the layer of tissue that covers the surfaces of organs and other structures of the body. Here his protocol : as it is capable of precipitating the proteins of the body of the fungus and destroying them completely in a short time. If the lesions are fairly small, they must be painted with the solution 10-20-30 times twice a day for five days and then once for another ten days so that they become very dark. When the eschar is formed and it is higher than the epidermic plane, it is necessary to continue to paint under and above it, even if at first this causes a sharp pain. In case of tiredness and thirst take many drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals Dietary supplements ie. Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin complex etc. (K, Mg, etc.) ================= This works also for moles : " Every tumour of the skin can be completely removed with Iodine Tincture 7%, brushed many times (10-20) per day. When the crust is formed, don't take it away, but treat the area continuously and wait till it falls without any other intervention except the Iodine tincture. When the crust falls down the third time, the patient is healed. " - Dr. Tullio Simoncini Longevity,balance and health ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Hi Mark, Mark Sircus Ac., OMD wrote: > I use iodine very sucessfully with my children every time they have > any kind of infection...never give antibiotics....unless desperate and > that has happened only once with one of my three youngest and for > myself anytime I feel something coming on I reach for the iodine and > it rarely lets me down. Fair enough. I can hardly contest your experience, which is definitely longer and larger than mine. In this case, it would mean that we did something wrong. > I am going to be forced to rewrite my position on MMS but even after > listening to my medical friends and you, Slavek, it still will never > be something I would reach for that fast nor use for very long or use > to replace things essential for life or health. Also neither of the > two doctors that I know and trust use it orally and for sure I have > heard plenty of complaints from its oral use. By now, I can attest 100% only to the topical applications. I do seem to have problem with the internal in that sense, that I am unable to go to Jim's recommended 45 drops a day. I have had 4th run at it just now and anything over 30 gets to me, no matter how I spread it over the 24 hours. There must be a reason why our individual tolerance is different. I have also noticed, that I can smell it coming out of me some 16 hours after stopping MMS all together when the nausea appears. > Jim Humble, founder of the MMS, Miracle Mineral Supplement protocol, > advises taking his remedy apart from antioxidants, by at least three > hours. Because MMS is an oxider, antioxidants will tend to neutralize > its activity so if you use it orally and dose regularly it precludes > the use of some very valuable and important things. To build the > foundation of treatment on top of MMS by abandoning other essential > medical basics (which my doctor friend in Africa who injects the stuff > does not do) seems to tread on thin ice. The way I see it at this time, MMS internal use will have its applicability as a fast, short term rescue detoxification remedy, may be a month duration or so, for removal of living as well as non living pathogens. Its conflict with antioxidants may also be the reason why W.F.Koch released it as a much milder solution [stabilized oxygen], without mixing it with some organic acid, spreading its action over time as to not interfere with antioxidants. He was well aware of the importance of the vit C etc. > For me MMS is more like a pharmaceutical with toxic properties one has > to be careful of and since I dont use or recommend pharmaceuticals and > certainly don't prescribe them not being an allopath I will not throw > this out with abandon like Humble and his faithful do. A lot of my > work is with late stage cancer and palliative care, meaning with the > desperate cases, and since I find many people turning on a dime even > at deaths door using concentrated nutritional substances/medicines I > would hold MMS in reserve. I agree. > And sorry Slavek, after its use as a universal medicine for about 150 > years, for you to dismiss iodine so easily saying it does not work > puts you out on a ledge that I would not be comfortable sharing with > you. Mark, I am not dismissing iodine, just the contrary. I insist that the level of iodine in the body should be built up by everyone, whether the person is apparently healthy or obviously ill, particularly by those having hormonal problems of any kind. I am also very much aware that topical iodine is one of the most efficient methods of disinfecting, especially when facilitated by DMSO with deeper reaching abscesses etc. I have tested this on me. It actually appears to work on bacteria better than MMS with much less irritation of the tissues, when applied in this manner. I only claimed, and still claim, that iodine will do little for the removal of man made chemical toxins, as opposed to MMS, plus that it did not do much for my daughter just this past week against her flu. Yet, her dosage may have not been sufficient [3 drops 2% lugol/D] or the form may have been wrong. I am all ears. > Also in your case study I hear nothing about magnesium deficiency as a > basic cause of your situation nor heavy metal exposure or even > radiation contamination. Have you been exposing your body to large > dosages transdermally of magneisum chloride? I really doubt your > condition is from lack of chlorine. I hear nothing in my case study period. According to Dr. there is nothing seriously wrong with me according to the testing so far done. He throws pharma at me as if I ware a test rat and I do not like it. I have started with transdermal magnesium oil [once a day, 30% of the body] only 1 month ago, so I would not expect that I might have too much in me. Mercury may and probably is an issue and I am in the process of having it all removed, and I have plenty. Radiation is extremely unlikely, but chemical exposure is a certain, from welding fumes and dust to paints. I do not expect that I lack chlorine. I salt like most do, which is IMHO more than enough to get the chlorine. No problem with the stomach acid either. But this is guesswork. I would have to send you my life time medical history along with exposures history to give you a somewhat fair chance to recognize where my problems may be. It still would not be sufficient without testing for mineral deficiencies and may be excesses. I am not asking that either. I'd rather make a few mistakes, but gain the knowledge and understanding of the problems related to my particular case, as well as the general overview. So far things are going my way and that is good enough for me. > One of the very real problems of > Humble and his followers is that they talk only about their miracle > and tend to forget everything else and that is not a public service as > far as I can see. Turning people away from iodine......from something > most people desperately need....frightens me. Same with vitamin C, > sometimes its a desperate need the body has for it..... I think that you are misinterpreting both, me as well as Jim Humble. People should research and supplement everything missing in today's diet, iodine including. Iodine is actually at the top of my list along with selenium, magnesium and vit D. Jim humble also states that people on MMS should continue all their supplementation, even at elevated doses, stating that MMS will drain them faster. His problem is that he obviously has not found the time to organize his site so, that it would be explicit on all points. One has to really go carefully through all of his published material to catch these things. > Also I know many fine healthcare practitioners who have plenty of > miracles going on without MMS. I think that MMS should be properly researched by whoever has the capacity to do so, especially in the view of its activity within people with long term exposure to chemicals. This appears to me to be the most important aspect of MMS, with the living pathogens taking the second place. When we look at cancer and other chronic illnesses, no " cure " works the same with everyone and there are good reasons for it. It is not only the inherited predisposition, it is the family diet, the work and hobbies chemical exposures, indoor and outdoor pollution, medical history and even the earthen ware. This is enormously complex per case and nay impossible to pin down. What can be pinned down though is what works the best on particular families of pathogens and what boosts the immune system itself, which is the generally natural approach, but where brutal chemistry is likely to have some application as well. > Mark Sircus Ac., OMD > Director International Medical Veritas Association With kind regards, Slavek. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Hi Mark, I have actually replied to this one in the other post under the same heading. With kind regards, Slavek. Mark Sircus Ac., OMD wrote: > > > > Slavek wrote: " It is just that it does not appear to me, from what I > have seen " > > > > I am just curious Slavek, when you say what you have seen, what you > have actually seen? Are you talking about your own experience? > Clinical experience? Converstations with doctors who use iodine or > what? Have you tried all the different iodines and different dosages? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Hello Shaman, Thank you for this one. What I see here are these points: 1) First of all it may be difficult for many to get hold of 7% iodine tincture. Tincture means usually 55% alcohol, water, iodine and iodide mix. I do not know about a readily obtainable 7% or stronger iodine tincture nowadays, even though 11.835% lugol [potassium iodide, iodine, de-ionized water] solution can be gotten as Kent [marine supplies] lugol. The common iodine tincture sold today at least in Canada is first of all only 5% split between 2.5% potassium iodide and 2.5% iodine and second, the alcohol is isopryl [+ undisclosed % of propylene glycol]. Isopryl alcohol is quite poisonous not only to micro life, but also to the healthy body tissues [attesting by my personal experience and literature], which itself is likely to have a killing effect on the cancerous tissues as well. If you put a patch of 99% isopryl on your skin, it will burn it the deeper, the longer you applied the patch. 2 hours and your skin will peel off in strips. Then the question is: " What iodine tincture is used by Dr. Simoncini? " , because the old fashioned tincture was 55% ethyl alcohol plus water and that may still be the case with what Dr. Simoncini refers to. Can you please post what kind of tincture did your wife use on her psoriaris, and if a special, where did she obtain it? 2) I have an excellent long term experience with getting rid of minor injury infections as well as more serious secondary infections from initial viral ones with ethyl alcohol [and now iodine/dmso] patches. The trick is to allow the alcohol [or whatever] to penetrate the area. For this, I used paper towel pad soaked with alcohol [whiskey, vodka, after shave lotion] taped or held over covered with a square of plastic to avoid fast evaporation. The duration of the application has to be at least an hour and may have to be refreshed, or repeated. This one does not burn the skin. Iodine tincture, or lugol, reacts with something in paper towels and I so far learned to use the plastic medical gauze for the purpose, but I think that cotton wool would be preferable [have to try]. From what you have posted on Dr. Simoncini's repeated application of the iodine, it would make sense to me to use such patches, either held or taped, rather than keep applying the iodine 10-20-30 times, twice a day. I wonder though, what these methods testify for in respect to iodine toxicity and an overdose in general? It sound like a lot of iodine :-) 3) The intensely repeated application obviously attempts to deliver as much iodine as possible as deep as possible. I would say that using DMSO as a delivery vehicle would further enhance the effectiveness of the method. I have done that with a 4 year standing abscess next to my front tooth, and I got better [even though not complete, I may have to stab the thing] results than with a similar MMS application. 4) The pain from painting the tincture on a tumor is likely to come from the isopryl [if applicable] or alcohol [if applicable], than from the iodine. I may only wonder if straight water lugol such as Kent would show the same efficiency, as it probably would. With kind regards, Slavek. shaman_urban wrote: > A testimonial on iodine : > > My wife had for most her life two small patch of psoriaris right at on > the elbows. She tried everything to get rid of it with not results... > > Finally she started to follow the advices of Dr Simoncini ( the man > who use baking soda for cancer ) :to apply iodine on Psoriasis. > ..After two month of daily application the two patch disappear as he > had told her. > > Dr Simoncini use also iodine for skin cancer( Basal cell carcinoma) > with the same success. Here his protocol : > > Basalioma > The treatment to choose for basaliomas is iodine solution at 7%, > as it is capable of precipitating the proteins of the body of the > fungus and destroying them completely in a short time. > > If the lesions are fairly small, they must be painted with the > solution 10-20-30 times twice a day for five days and then once for > another ten days so that they become very dark. > > When the eschar is formed and it is higher than the epidermic plane, > it is necessary to continue to paint under and above it, even if at > first this causes a sharp pain. > ============================= > For Epithelioma : an abnormal growth of the epithelium, which is the > layer of tissue that covers the surfaces of organs and other > structures of the body. > Here his protocol : > > as it is capable of precipitating the proteins of the body of the > fungus and destroying them completely in a short time. If the lesions > are fairly small, they must be painted with the solution 10-20-30 > times twice a day for five days and then once for another ten days so > that they become very dark. > > When the eschar is formed and it is higher than the epidermic plane, > it is necessary to continue to paint under and above it, even if at > first this causes a sharp pain. > > In case of tiredness and thirst take many drinks, lot of sugar and lot > of salt in the meals > Dietary supplements ie. Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin complex etc. (K, > Mg, etc.) > > ================= > This works also for moles : > > " Every tumour of the skin can be completely removed with Iodine > Tincture 7%, brushed many times (10-20) per day. When the crust is > formed, don't take it away, but treat the area continuously and wait > till it falls without any other intervention except the Iodine > tincture. When the crust falls down the third time, the patient is > healed. " - Dr. Tullio Simoncini > > Longevity,balance and health ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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