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New Year's Resolution

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I pray that you beat this monster. You are working as hard as you can and I

admire you for that.

Bless you,


From: jrrjim

Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 9:53 AM

Subject: [ ] New Year's Resolution

Beat this damned cancer. Get healthy one way or the other.

Let's hang in there together and get this thing figured out.

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Thanks! In all due respect, I mistrust alternative doctors as much

as I do allopathic doctors, mainly because I've talked with several

alternative doctors who know less about alternative cancer treatment

than I do! And they usually want a big chunk of change to give you

the privilege of finding this out!

I have several examples: A licensed naturopath who was treating me

in Calgary, Canada, had never heard of the Budwig or Gerson

Protocols. Can you imagine??? Her answer to all cancer was IV C and

IV Ginseng extract, which were very expensive. When I started

educating myself more, I became aware of her ignorance and left in a


Another alternative healer who has advised many many cancer patients

put me on a thyroid supplement and an adrenal supplement, which, when

combined, had extremely high levels of copper for a cancer patient.

I had to figure out this myself and make up my own supplemement mix

minus the copper. This same alternative healer is advising cancer

patients to take GABA for pain, and I just dug up the fact that GABA

can be absolutely deadly for colon and ovarian cancer patients.

The local chiropractor who also claims to help cancer patients has

also never heard of Budwig, and said I should immediately cut out all

dairy, and was aghast that I was eating cottage cheese.

The health food store cancer guru in town advised me to take ACHH

instead of Beta Glucan, even though the studies I've dug up show that

ACHH is sort of way down the totem pole in terms of cost / benefit

ratio of the immune boosters.

I can go on and on, but I should end on a postitive note and say

THANK GOD FOR THIS GROUP, which has allowed me to find the errors in

the ways of the " experts " I have run into out there.

We have some really good ones on this board:

, from the Budwig forum

Mike Golden, the genius chiropractor / chemist

Gammill, another genius alternative healer

Dr. Loretta L.

and several other " crossovers " from the LDN and Oleander groups!

Thanks to you all!


> Jrrjim,

> I just received news of my last pet scan and I am now cancer free. I

> had follicular lymphoma and only had 3 chemo treatments. I got


> into an alkaline state and I think that it helped me recover sooner.

> You need to see an alternative doctor and get off of all sugar..

> Cancer loves sugar. Let your alternative doctor decide what you need

> to take in the way of supplements, minerals, & vitamins. And let him

> tell you how to get your body into an alkaline state. Good luck and

> Happy New Year.

> Dewfrogg




> From: jrrjim

> Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 9:53 AM

> Subject: [ ] New Year's Resolution


> Beat this damned cancer. Get healthy one way or the other.

> Let's hang in there together and get this thing figured out.


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Which beta glucan product do you recommend?

From: jrrjim

Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 12:59 PM

....The health food store cancer guru in town advised me to take ACHH

instead of Beta Glucan, even though the studies I've dug up show that

ACHH is sort of way down the totem pole in terms of cost / benefit

ratio of the immune boosters....

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To be honest, I don't know which is best. There are some older threads

regarding this lying around.

I've been taking the product produced by A.J. Lanigan, which is

available from several vendors on the web, all at exactly the same

price. It comes in a blue bottle with a gold sort of streak through it.

I get mine from www.aboutbetaglucan.com, which does give you a bit of a

discount for mentioning Bill 's name, and if you buy in bulk.

But it is still expensive!! -- costing about $4 a day for me. And I

honestly have no idea if it has been helping or not.

This product has studies that seem to show that it is the best for

boosting the immune system. Number two seems to be the NOW beta

glucan / Mitake mixture, but you have to take 5 pills for each one of

the Lanigan type. (It is still 2x cheaper, even when 5 pills are


Some around here claim that the ABM mushrooms are the best, and/or

perhaps mushrooms mixtures, which give a broader range of the

polysaccharides than a single source product, such as straight beta

glucan or the straight ABM mushrooms. True? I don't know.

One thing I would stay away from are the beta glucan products that

claim that their " micro " processes deliver more power at 10 mg than a

500 mg dose of the other beta glucans. I just don't believe this.

But again I have no proof.


> Which beta glucan product do you recommend?




> From: jrrjim

> Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 12:59 PM


> ...The health food store cancer guru in town advised me to take ACHH

> instead of Beta Glucan, even though the studies I've dug up show that

> ACHH is sort of way down the totem pole in terms of cost / benefit

> ratio of the immune boosters....


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In a message dated 1/1/09, jim.mcelroy writes:

> I just dug up the fact that GABA

> can be absolutely deadly for colon and ovarian cancer patients.


I would like to see that information if you still have it.

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If you do a search on cancer and GABA you will find several articles

that discuss how colon cancer and ovarian cancer have large amounts of

GABA receptors. I am assuming that these receptors indicate that the

cells are hungry for GABA. Several of the articles discuss how

Nembutol, a GABA agonist, slows the spread of these cancers, presumably

by interfering with their uptake of GABA


> In a message dated 1/1/09, jim.mcelroy writes:

> > I just dug up the fact that GABA

> > can be absolutely deadly for colon and ovarian cancer patients.

> >



> I would like to see that information if you still have it.


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I can attest that Jim already knows more about alternative treatments

for cancer than the vast majority of alternative practitioners.

I've been in the field of alternative practice for over 20 years, so I'm

speaking from experience.


jrrjim wrote:

> Thanks! In all due respect, I mistrust alternative doctors as much

> as I do allopathic doctors, mainly because I've talked with several

> alternative doctors who know less about alternative cancer treatment

> than I do! And they usually want a big chunk of change to give you

> the privilege of finding this out!


> I have several examples: A licensed naturopath who was treating me

> in Calgary, Canada, had never heard of the Budwig or Gerson

> Protocols. Can you imagine??? Her answer to all cancer was IV C and

> IV Ginseng extract, which were very expensive. When I started

> educating myself more, I became aware of her ignorance and left in a

> hurry.


> Another alternative healer who has advised many many cancer patients

> put me on a thyroid supplement and an adrenal supplement, which, when

> combined, had extremely high levels of copper for a cancer patient.

> I had to figure out this myself and make up my own supplemement mix

> minus the copper. This same alternative healer is advising cancer

> patients to take GABA for pain, and I just dug up the fact that GABA

> can be absolutely deadly for colon and ovarian cancer patients.


> The local chiropractor who also claims to help cancer patients has

> also never heard of Budwig, and said I should immediately cut out all

> dairy, and was aghast that I was eating cottage cheese.


> The health food store cancer guru in town advised me to take ACHH

> instead of Beta Glucan, even though the studies I've dug up show that

> ACHH is sort of way down the totem pole in terms of cost / benefit

> ratio of the immune boosters.


> I can go on and on, but I should end on a postitive note and say

> THANK GOD FOR THIS GROUP, which has allowed me to find the errors in

> the ways of the " experts " I have run into out there.


> We have some really good ones on this board:

> , from the Budwig forum

> Mike Golden, the genius chiropractor / chemist

> Gammill, another genius alternative healer

> Dr. Loretta L.

> and several other " crossovers " from the LDN and Oleander groups!

> Thanks to you all!

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" The China Study " is a much publicised book about nutrition. Is it really the

dairy products, including cow milk and yoghurt, that are absolutely poisons when

one is treating cancer the nutrition way ???

I also hear that this study is " over rated " and flawed.

Tks & rgds........AKP

" Golden, D.C. " <goldenmike@...> wrote:


> I can attest that Jim already knows more about alternative

treatments for cancer than the vast majority of alternative practitioners. I've

been in the field of alternative practice

for over 20 years, so I'm speaking from experience.

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But I don't know nearly enough, and am still learning daily, mostly

from this group. In my case, failure = death. It is scary as hell.

There are still several topics I hope to continue to explore in the

upcoming months. We've already covered most of these to a greater or

lesser extent, but further exploration is still valuable:

1. What are the best immune boosters, and how does one determine this?

2. Budwig was obviously on to something with her FO/CC mix, but the

question still remains as to whether supplementation, especially

antioxidants, hurts/helps/doesn't matter with the FO/CC. In terms of

antioxidants, are some okay with Budwig, and others not?

3. I'm still fascinated with whey isolate, primarily because it seems

to have generated some amazing benefits for me in terms of muscle

strength and tone, at relatively low doses. This ties into the broader

subject of glutathione and its role in alternative cancer cures.

Glutathione ties into whey, immunocal, alpha lipoic acid, coffee

enemas, NAC, etc.

4. And how much validity is there to a lot of common alternative

cancer theories, including a). kineseology, b.) alkalinity, c.) raw

foods / veganism (versus metabolic typing which may suggest meat), etc.

5. How important is mental attitude, and how does one affect this?

I've met two people recently who were healed of terminal cancer,

largely through the power of faith, and little else. One had

pancreatic cancer a few days left, and visited some fellow in Brazil

named " of God " and was healed. Conversely, our next door

neighbor's pastor had literally tens of thousands of very religious

people praying for him and he died.

I'm a bit scared because my symptoms seem to be getting a bit worse.

But this may be just due to the holidays and lack of sun, slipping on

the diet, etc.


> I can attest that Jim already knows more about alternative treatments

> for cancer than the vast majority of alternative practitioners.

> I've been in the field of alternative practice for over 20 years, so


> speaking from experience.


> Mike


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I just wanted to let you know how much I respect you and your opinions.

I have learned a lot from you and will continue to learn from you as you


I'm about to venture into the metobolic diets. I've been a vegetarian

raw foodist for 7 years. And I am noticeably not doing as well on it

the last three years as I was the first three years. The first three

years were amazing. Am I doing worse because I added wheat and dairy

back into my diet, thus dropping my percentage of raw foods down? Or,

am I doing worse because it isn't the right diet long-term for me?

According to the Metobolic tests I've done on paper - I'm a mixed type.

Equal portions of protein and carbs needed. But I'm not about to go

back to eating meat. And if protein was all that was needed, then why

didn't I feel better while doing Budwig?

So many questions.

All my best to you.



Arlyn Grant


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This book is very famous. However, I've read what seem like very valid

rebuttals online. And Budwig apparently has a very good success rate

and allows some organic dairy. I don't know WHAT to think! It is very


> >

> > I can attest that Jim already knows more about alternative

> treatments for cancer than the vast majority of alternative

practitioners. I've been in the field of alternative practice

> for over 20 years, so I'm speaking from experience.


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Someone with blood type A would do well being a vegetarian, however someone with

blood type O does need protein, although it does not have to come from animal.

Dried beans among others do have a lot a protein and fiber.


From: Arlyn Grant

Sent: Saturday, January 3, 2009

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: New Year's Resolution

On Sat, 03 Jan 2009, " cheryl " said:

> I have found with long term vegetarians and even vegans that

> eventually they need meat protein esp red meat. I don't think that

> would apply to all but the ones I know have had symptoms such as

> circulation and edema finally start to get better when they added a

> bit of red meat to their diet.

> Cheri

Hi Cheri,

I know long-term vegans who do fine without animal products at all. And I know

vegetarians that had to give up the diet because they needed more protein. I'm

very interested in the metabolic type diets which might explain this.

I can't see myself ever eating meat again. I hope it doesn't come down to that.


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Hi Loune,

I'm type A and allergic to legumes. :) I always feel like I'm damned

if I do and damned if I don't. I can now eat a few beans or so. But I

don't enjoy them. I'm planning new testing this month to help determine

if I can eat beans again.


On Sun, 4 Jan 2009 09:31:51 -0800 (PST), " Loune " <loune0929@...>


> Hi,

> Someone with blood type A would do well being a vegetarian, however

> someone with blood type O does need protein, although it does not have to

> come from animal. Dried beans among others do have a lot a protein and

> fiber.

> Loune



> From: Arlyn Grant

> Sent: Saturday, January 3, 2009

> Subject: Re: [ ] Re: New Year's Resolution


> On Sat, 03 Jan 2009, " cheryl " said:

> > I have found with long term vegetarians and even vegans that

> > eventually they need meat protein esp red meat. I don't think that

> > would apply to all but the ones I know have had symptoms such as

> > circulation and edema finally start to get better when they added a

> > bit of red meat to their diet.

> > Cheri


> Hi Cheri,

> I know long-term vegans who do fine without animal products at all. And

> I know vegetarians that had to give up the diet because they needed more

> protein. I'm very interested in the metabolic type diets which might

> explain this.

> I can't see myself ever eating meat again. I hope it doesn't come down

> to that.

> ar


> ------------------------------------



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